The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1258: Pit avatar

I am very grateful to Zi Yan students (1888), Tang Tang 8719 students (100), Sancang students (100), forever after the rainy season students (100), Dan Yu Sihan students (100), book friends 121125180033556 students (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100) reward!


Determined, Xu Ziyan with one hand up, the coffin placed on the ground will be volleyed. Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng and began to scan on the chain. About a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan put the coffin back on the ground and sat on the ground. In her knowledge of the sea, a complete chain appeared, and a chain of letters appeared on the chain. Xu Ziyan copied it completely into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Sitting on the ground, Xu Ziyan began to comprehend the six-character fairy.

The six-character fairy charm is several times more than the five-character fairy, and Xu Ziyan pushes it bit by bit. Time flies in a fast, three months later, Xu Ziyan’s face reveals his joy and opens his eyes. In her eyes, each has its own pattern, and it is hidden in the depths of her eyes.

Xu Zi stood up from the ground and explored the empty space. He grabbed the pen from the purple smoke space and began to move quickly on the chain. The lines of the pattern quickly formed.

Every trace of the pattern falls on the chain, and the chain shines. After the light flashes, the fairy symbol drawn by Xu Ziyan disappears with a fairy on the chain. The light shimmered and continued to move forward along the chain. Xu Ziyan left the coffin in the air. The right hand constantly draws the fairy charm.

It took a full time, and the last fairy flashed. Xu Ziyan hurriedly put the coffin back on the ground, and the figure exploded to the entrance of the passage and retracted the pen. Take out the sword, hold your hands tightly, and look at the coffin nervously.


A chain of sounds landed.


The coffin cover flew obliquely out.

Xu Ziyan looked nervously at everything that happened in front of him, but then came silent.

A quarter of an hour... two quarters of an hour... Three quarters of an hour passed. The cave is still silent and silent, and the coffin does not vibrate.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and held the sword and walked toward the coffin. When I walked to the side of the coffin, I breathed a sigh of relief, and the probe looked into the coffin.


Xu Ziyan just glanced at the coffin and turned his head and vomited toward the ground. Vomiting continuously, the body trembled. A face becomes pale.

Until the vomiting was left with sour water, Xu Ziyan did it on the ground. After a long time, the look on his face had a faint blush. Looking at the coffin with fear, he finally bit his teeth and stood up from the ground, and the probe looked into the coffin.

In the sight of Xu Ziyan, it is a coffin of mud. The blood flows in the flesh and blood, and the meat mud rushes in the blood. Xu Ziyan strongly endured the feeling of vomiting in his heart and opened the eyes of Yan Peng.

In the eyes of Kuang Peng, Xu Ziyan saw not only the meat mud but also the powder of bone powder and organs in the blood. And there are people of the race, the demon, and the demons. All of them don’t transmit a strong breath.

Xu Ziyan instantly understood that this coffin should be filled with Roland, wolf and black body. It was only crushed by Kui Tian.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows jumped slightly, in the eyes of Yan Peng. She saw that the soul after the fusion was in the mud. The expression is very pure and very confused.

suddenly. Its expression changed a bit, as if you saw Xu Ziyan through the meat.


There was a sounding sound in the meat, and the soul of the fusion came out of the flesh and looked at Xu Ziyan. Then I saw a glimmer of joy in the eyes of the fusion soul. The body of the soul swayed, the original devil. The appearance of the human body and the demon tail has become exactly the same as the appearance of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan looked shocked at the soul in front of the fusion, but even more shocked her behind. I saw that the soul that became exactly the same as Xu Ziyan sank into the mud. In the eyes of Xu Ziyan’s Yan Peng, those meats belonging to the three tribes were rapidly blending, only in an hour, in the eyes of Kun Peng. Under the gaze, the fusion has been completed.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes clearly saw that the various components that rushed into the blood were peeling off each other, and how to form various organs. Organs, bones, blood vessels, meridians, muscles, a body quickly formed, and finally formed the epidermis.

Turned over and sat up from the coffin, climbed out of the coffin, and a naked human body stood in front of Xu Ziyan. Looking up and down Xu Ziyan, his face slowly fine-tuned, and finally became exactly the same as Xu Ziyan. I can't help but see the purple smoke.

Looking at the opposite side of a naked person who is exactly the same as himself, Xu Ziyan’s heart is unnatural. I took out a dress and handed it to it. However, the human body that imitated Xu Ziyan still stood there motionless, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly, then he personally took it and dressed it from inside to outside, then took two steps back to look at each other. Don't say, if it's not its eyes, it's just a living purple smoke.

When the heart suddenly jumps, can this human body imitate its own appearance, is it that after it has merged with the soul, it has produced new intelligence?

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the Yuanshen jumped out of the body and rushed into the other's knowledge of the sea. A shock in my heart, and sure enough in the sea, Xu Ziyan saw an extremely weak spot. This light spot is the new agility generated after the fusion.

This mentality is weak to the extreme, giving Xu Ziyan the feeling that it is like a sneeze to destroy it. Xu Ziyan only made a decision in an instant, and definitely could not let this spiritual growth grow up. Who knows what it will look like, will it inherit the memories of Roland, Wolf or Black? Or the memory of the integration of three horrible monks, which is absolutely a deadly threat to yourself.

The purple **** of Xu Ziyan turned out a big hand and grabbed the spotlight. With a force, the light will be completely wiped out. However, Xu Ziyan did not dare to leave like this. This avatar is different from the one in the humanity. The memory of the gun and the sea is completely erased. Moreover, the knowledge of the sea with the gunman is his original knowledge of the sea, and it is very difficult to want to be independent again.

This is a different body, it is a combination of the body and soul of Roland, Wolf and Black. It is a test piece of Quebec. Who knows what will happen in the end?

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and decided to refine the sea of ​​identification. Then he left his own knowledge and made it his true avatar.

Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen was sitting in the sea of ​​knowledge, and the power of the gods spread to the whole sea of ​​knowledge, shrouded and began to refine the whole sea.

Xu Ziyan did not think that this is an extremely difficult process. This sea of ​​fusion by three souls is too big, and Xu Ziyan took half a year to completely refine this sea of ​​knowledge. After leaving his own glimpse of the gods, the Yuanshen retired from the sea of ​​knowledge and returned to the body.

After returning to the body, Xu Ziyan’s face did not have a bit of joy after the split, but the bitter face. Because she refining this avatar, she clearly knows the current situation of this avatar.

The situation of this avatar made her speechless. Even if Xu Ziyan did not think that this avatar could reach the level of the lord, at the very least, it should reach the realm of the nine-day sacred fairy that was born when Kui Tian was born. but. This was given hope by Quebec, and it took millions of years to separate the body, but there was no realm of the immortal, but it was only the realm of the foundation period. How could this disappoint Xu Ziyan? Want to know how much effort Xu Ziyan spent in order to get it?

However, now that it has become its own avatar, can it still be thrown? Today's Xu Ziyan can only hope that this avatar can grow as fast as Kui Tian. To know that Quebec reached the realm of the lord in less than a hundred years.

Xu Ziyan just wanted to put this avatar into the purple smoke space, suddenly moving in the heart. This avatar is made up of human, demon, and magic three strong people from the flesh to the soul. Does that mean that it can absorb three kinds of forces at the same time? Does that mean? If you want to grow up quickly. Do you need an environment where three forces coexist?

For its cultivation practice, Xu Ziyan is not awkward. The knowledge of the two of them is interoperable, and the cultivation method that Xu Ziyan has mastered, this genius naturally knows. The most important thing today is to find a place for it to cultivate.

Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space with his body. God quickly covered the entire space. Quickly locked a planet, on top of that planet is the three forces coexist. Where the Yuanli is very violent, it is a hundred times more powerful than the chaotic forest, and it is also violent.

"I don't know if this avatar can stand it?"

Xu Ziyan has a slight concern for his gaze. However, she eventually decisively put the avatar on the planet of violent riots.

Quietly gazing at the avatar sitting on the knees of the violent riots, seeing that it can absorb the three forces here, and its cultivation is constantly growing.

Xu Ziyan spit a long breath and smiled on his face. This avatar is different from He Boxian. He is a different instrument from the gunman. Neither He Boxian, nor a gunman can count as a true avatar. Because the two of them do not have the slightest vitality.

However, this avatar is different. It is full of vitality in its body, which means that it is a living creature. Although it is not sure whether it is a person, a demon, or a demon.

Xu Ziyan decided not to call it "it" in the future, but to "her", after all, she and her own.

Ok! Always give her a name!


Seeing the pink ticket list, I think of a sentence that Zhou Runfa said in the movie "The True Color of Heroes": I am not trying to prove how strong I am, but just to get back what belongs to me.

Comrades! Vote now! Let us get back the things that belong to us!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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