The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1259: return

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Ok! Always give her a name!

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it in his mind. This is my own avatar. I can't name it like a first-class monk. I have to give a name like "one body, one". I must pay attention to it and attach great importance to it. Xu Ziyan thought for a long time, she finally gave the avatar a name that satisfied me and was very consistent with her identity. Since this avatar is born in a chaotic forest, and its body and soul are composed of three strong people, and the power of cultivation is very chaotic, it is called "chaos".

Yes, it is called chaos. It’s too much! The level of my name is not normal!

Xu Ziyan shook his fist, and he admired himself with his heart. He sent his name to the distraction through the knowledge of God. This is satisfying.

I thought about it, would you like to refuel the gun and leave it here? but. After pondering it, I have been in the chaotic forest since the beginning of the year. I don’t know how the extension star outside is going on? How is the flying star? I don't know how about Qianyuan Xianguo? How is Duan Tianya?

Think of this. Xu Ziyan’s heart was anxious. Don't hesitate now, fly toward the channel above the top of the cave. The Yuanli here is still a three-strength riot zone. Xu Ziyan has not easily flown into the passage and lost the ability to fly. Must be below. Xu Ziyan had to struggle to climb up.

After spending a day's effort, Xu Ziyan finally climbed out of the passage. The place where Xu Ziyan appeared was the place where Xu Ziyan climbed to the foothills to cultivate. The look changed a bit, and my heart was clear. I thought it was here because I had the presence of the plaid in Dongfu. And I am also bent on practicing here, without paying attention.

Putting down the mind, Xu Ziyan began to go down the mountain. Twelve days later, Xu Ziyan appeared outside the chaotic forest. Looking back at the chaotic forest. There is a hint of unspeakable emotion in my heart. At the beginning, there were nearly three million trio monks who came in and out, but now they only come out alone.

He rubbed his face with both hands and shook his spirit. Xu Ziyan called Yun Linger in his heart.

At this time, in the city of Jagged, in the Star Junfu.

Texan Mang is high in the main position, a look of anxiety. Xu Ziyan has not returned for more than a year, although everything on the flying star has been well governed by him. Although the Yaozu and the Mozu have been almost killed by him, the few remaining Yaozu and Mozu are hiding, so that he can't find it.

Although today's flying stars, the city owners have completely surrendered. Although Duan Tianya sent people several times, the Xianjun who wanted to recruit the flying star was given back by him. Although he was a slave to Xu Ziyan, he felt that Xu Ziyan was still alive, but more than a year passed, which made his heart more and more worried.

In the white clouds above the Iron City, a small white cloud floats. Looking up from below, it is a very ordinary cloud. But if you fly in the air at this time. Looking at this white cloud. It will be shocked.

This multi-white cloud actually grows two eyes, a nose and a mouth, and is singing a song at this time:

"I am a little cloud, people love people Xiaoyun..."

Suddenly. She stopped singing and revealed a very excited look in her eyes. Instantly turned into a shuttle-shaped fairy boat, and it fluttered without a trace.

Xu Ziyan stood outside the chaotic forest and looked up at the sky with his hand. She can feel that the baby is approaching her quickly, and there is a little light in the far end of the field of vision. The light is rapidly zooming in the field of Xu Ziyan. Just in an instant, a shuttle-type fairy boat stopped in front of Xu Ziyan. A change in body shape turned into a cloud baby, and rushed into the arms of Xu Ziyan.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Ziyan happily held the cloud baby in his arms, turned the circle on the ground, and his body shape swayed up and swung into the air. Beyond the chaotic forest, between the white clouds and the white clouds, all of them are the laughter of Xu Ziyan, and the laughter of the cloud baby...

Jagged City, Xingjunfu, Xingjun Temple.

A shuttle-type snorkel stopped in the air, and the hatch opened, and Xu Ziyan swept from the inside. Waved the baby into the purple smoke space. Smiling and walking towards the Star Temple.

When the cloud baby suddenly stayed in the air, there was no accident in guarding the Xianjun outside the Xingjun Temple. They all know that it is a cloud baby, and each one has a smile on the cloud baby. However, when Xu Ziyan appeared in front of them, they were stupid and squatted there.

These Xianjun are the thieves who Xu Ziyan used to brainwash. How can they not recognize Xu Ziyan? And when they reacted, the mind produced a kind of surrender. This is the result of Xu Ziyan's brainwashing on them.

Neatly fell to the ground and bowed toward Xu Ziyan: "See the star!"

Xu Ziyan did not stop, faintly waved: "Free, continue to guard."

Then I walked to the main hall, reached out and pushed the door open, and walked in. On the way back, she has already heard Yunbao report to her about what happened this year, and she is very satisfied with Tuo Xingman.

As soon as the gate opened, the star of the star, sitting on the main seat, looked at the gate and looked at it. Who dares not to report to the Star King Hall? Don't you know that you are dead?

When I saw the purple smoke standing at the door, my eyes widened and I slammed from the chair. Excited to say:

"Master, are you back?"

Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile and walked toward the main position, gently seating. Texan Mang stood by the rules. Xu Ziyan said softly:

"sit down!"

"Yes. Master!" Texan Mang sat down with joy and looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan.

Although Xu Ziyan listened to Yun Bao’s speech, it was not detailed after all, and Texan Mang was in the time of his departure. Always controlling the flying star, he whispered:

"Xingmang, you have told me more about this year, and the situation of the Yuanyuan Xianguo."

Texan Mang thought for a while, organized a language, and began to whisper, Xu Ziyan was listening quietly. Sometimes wrinkled my eyebrows. The eyes are flashing.

After more than one hour, Texan Mang’s speech was finished, and Xu Ziyan fell into meditation. Today's flying stars can be said to be stable and prosperous. The Terran has almost wiped out the demon and the demon, and at this time, the other demons and the demon have no spare time to come to the ascendant. It can be said that today's flying star is very safe.

However, the situation in Qianyuan Xianguo is very bad today. Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king finally recovered completely two months ago. Personally appear on the front line.

The great monks with these two Luo Tianshang's late peaks participated in the fairy war, and the situation of the defeat of the Yuan Dynasty was intensified.

Today's Duan Tianya has broken through to the early days of Luo Tianshangxian, and was forced to go to the front. However, the situation has not been pulled back, only to delay the speed of the demon, the Mozu and the Luofu Xianguo. Up to now, the 2,289 stars that the Qianyuan Xianguo has mastered have been divided into 1,145, and lost half of them.

Especially on the battlefield with the Mozu, it is even more defeated. There are no masters like Duobao Tianwang and Fuqin Tianwang. Duan Tianya is not here either. The entire battlefield with the Mozu retreated. Duan Tianya sent people many times to come and wanted Xu Ziyan to send troops. After all, the flying star is closest to the Mozu battlefield.

And every time the monks sent over were pushed back by the extension star, telling the paragraph Tianya, Xu Ziyan has disappeared. And the extension of the star mans repair is high. Although the monk sent by Duan Tianya could not see through the cultivation of the star, he felt his strength. No one dared to squat in front of the extension of Xing Xing, and the result was a glimpse of returning to Yuanyuan City.

Is Xu Ziyan missing?

Believe it or not, I don’t know, but then I sent people to Xu Ziyan several times, and I didn’t mention the disappearance of Ziyan, as if I had never heard of it.

It seems that I should go to help the end of the world, under the nest, I have finished the eggs. If you want to keep the flying star, you will eventually save it.

During the Flying Star Wars, it was a thorough cleaning of the old forces. And their core strength is not without any damage at all.

In particular, the 20,000 monks who brainwashed themselves left the back of the 20,000 monks, and the eight thousand monks did not encounter any strong enemies. It was simply that no one was hurt. Looking up to the top of the star, the heart moved, she saw that the extension of the star mans actually faintly has a tendency to break through the big Luo Jinxian.

“Congratulations!” Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the owner!"

It is natural to see that Xu Xingman’s cultivation is now the peak of the late Tianxian. Under the surprise of the heart, Xu Ziyan is more respectful and grateful. Praying to Xu Ziyan:

"This is the master's breakthrough, giving me the insight of the old slave heaven!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "This is what you deserve."

Looking at Tuo Xing Mang, Xu Ziyan thought in his heart: "It is estimated that it will not take long before Tuo Xing Mang will break through Da Luo Jin Xian and go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. It will allow her to work harder and more effort, it seems this time. Leave the flying star and go to the Mozu battlefield, or bring her."

Just thinking of this, I heard the voice of the guard outside the gate: "Let's report to the Star Jun, the Yuancheng City messenger to see."

Xu Ziyan and Tu Xingmang glanced at each other, and Texan Mang’s face showed anger: "They have finished, how come again?"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and turned to the gate: "Let him come in!"

The sound was very light, but it was clearly passed outside the door.


The guard’s voice came from outside the door, and then he heard a footstep and left.


The comrades are too powerful! Although the ranking of the pink ticket list has not changed, the gap has narrowed. The first difference with the classification is more than one hundred votes! There are thousands of comrades around the top of this flag! As long as everyone puts in a pink ticket, we can surpass it in an instant! The best flag of this flag is broken, or high, it depends on the comrades! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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