The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1260: Tenkiboshi

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After a quarter of an hour, footsteps sounded outside the door. The door was pushed open, and a figure came in from outside the gate. The sunlight outside the door projected her shadow on the ground. Xu Ziyan’s sister-in-law suddenly opened her mouth. She did not think that the messenger who came here this time turned out to be the sister of Duan Tianya, Duan Xiangxiang.

Tengdi stood up from the chair and greeted him with a piece of fragrance. He smiled and said:

"Sister, how come you!"

The expression of Xu Ziyan is harmonious, and the expression of the fragrance is warm, and I hurried forward a few steps, grasping the hands of Xu Ziyan with both hands:

"This is not my sister thinking of you!"

Some people are embarrassed in Xu Ziyan’s heart. I know that this is because the people sent by Duan Tianya have repeatedly seen themselves. This time they sent their own sisters and sisters. Hurriedly pulling the fragrant hand toward the inside, after the guest host was seated, Xu Ziyan showed a sad expression on his face:

"Sister, is it the situation..."

The smile on the face of Duan Xiangxiang slowly converges, gradually becoming dignified, and gently sighs a voice:

"Ziyan, where did you go this year? Do you know that the end of the world is dying!"

Xu Ziyan also sighed: "I was trapped in the chaotic forest, just returned today."

"What? You went to the chaotic forest?" Duan Xiangxiang surprisedly opened his mouth slightly.

Xu Ziyan’s face smiled and said: “Fortunately, I am out, and the Flying Star is now in full control. The Yaozu and the Mozu are no longer threatened. Sister, what do you need me to do?”

Looking at Xu Ziyan's clear eyes and listening to the sincere tone, Duan Piaoxiang immediately believed Xu Ziyan's words. The fear of going from the Yuanyuan City to the Flying Stars has also vanished. However, I think of the bad situation of the Yuanyuan Xianguo. The surprise on the face changed to a dignified expression:

"Ziyan, the situation in today's Qianyuan Xianguo is very bad. The three fronts are all retreating. Now the whole Yuanyuan fairy country is worried, and if this continues, if you wait until Luofu Jade Emperor. The Yaozu and the Mozu are connected together. At that time, the Yuanyuan Xianguo had only one way to perish.

And the most powerful defeat is the Mozu battlefield, Luofu Xianguo and the Yaozu can still support it slightly. Therefore, the most worrying thing about Tianya is the Mozu battlefield. If the Mozu battlefield retreats across the board and attacks the Yuanyuan City, the other two fronts will collapse across the board. ”

"The meaning of the horizon..." Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"The meaning of the end of the world is to hand over all the battlefields of the Mozu. Now in the battlefield of the Mozu, the Yuanyuan Xianguo has lost 485 planets. At this time, the Xianjun of the Yuanyuan Xianguo is in the same Mars and The Devils War. Tianya hopes that you can immediately go to the unique Mars, starting from the unique Mars, no matter how many stars you will conquer in the future, from then on, this star will become the territory of your home."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. Duan Tianya’s contribution this time is huge. It seems that he has been trapped in a chaotic forest for more than a year. The pressure on Duan Tianya is getting bigger and bigger. Looking at his appearance today, the Yuanyuan Fairy is probably on the verge of collapse.

To know that a war is not only related to strength, but also has a great relationship with psychology, sometimes it is a decisive relationship. Now, the Yuan Dynasty is enemies on three sides. If the battlefield of the demon is completely collapsed, let the Mozu chief drive straight in, which will definitely have a devastating impact on the other two fronts. Once the confidence is lost, the hearts of the people are stunned, and the Yuanyuan fairy country has gone, and it is unable to return to heaven.

I want to understand this. Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated. Immediately condensed and said: "Sister, you can rest assured. You go back and tell the horizon, I will immediately go to the single Mars."

Duan Xiangxiang spit out a sigh of relief, and the look on his face finally relaxed slightly. but. Her heart still has a little bit of peace of mind, whispered:

"That... when did you leave?"

Xu Ziyan said a little and thought: "Sister. This is a fairy war. I can't play any role alone, so I need to bring some people to go. Tomorrow! I will leave tomorrow."

"Good!" Duan Xiangxiang stood up excitedly, took a jade card from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, this is the jade card given to you by the end of the world. You are holding this jade card. It is the presidential leader of the Mozu battlefield, and Tianya seals you as the Lingbo King. The entire Mozu battlefield is under your command."

"Ziyan must do its best!"

Xu Ziyan took the jade card solemnly and took it into the storage ring. Looking at the paragraph of fragrance, whispered:

"Sister, are you returning to Qianyuan City now, or staying here for a while?"

"After you go out tomorrow, I will return to Qianyuan City."

Xu Ziyan’s heart plucked a bitter bitterness, and the attitude of Duan Xiangxiang represented the attitude of Duan Tianya. It seems that more than one year of his own disappearance has caused a fissure between the relationship between Duan Tianya and himself, and he has become unaware of himself. I hope that as time goes by, this crease can make up for it. Smiling and said to Duan Xiangxiang:

"So I will arrange my sister to stay first!"

Duan Piaoxiang nodded, Xu Ziyan personally accompanied the paragraph of Fragrance out of the hall, arranged for her to stay, then returned to the Star Jun Temple. At this time, Texan Mang is still sitting in the Xingjun Hall waiting for Xu Ziyan. After seeing Xu Ziyan coming in, he immediately stood up from the chair:

"the host!"

Xu Ziyan put his hand on it, letting the top of the star sit down, and he sat down on the main seat, looking at Tu Xingmang:

"Can the 20,000-year-old army now be able to extract the monks of the late 8,000-day fairy?"

Texan Mang only thought a little bit about the road: "When the owner chose these monks, there were already more than 7,000 people who were trained in the late Tianxian period. They were scattered and distributed among the various teams. Now they get With the support of the master medicinal herbs, hundreds of people have broken through to the late Tianxian in the past year. It should be able to form a 1800-year-old celestial army.

"Good!" Xu Ziyan took a handrail on the chair, and his face showed a happy color: "Gather the monks who were trained in the late eight thousand heavens to form a fairy army. Then select eight monks from Luo Tianshang as captain. As long as the Flying Stars left two monks of Luo Tian Shang Xian, then I will lead the team to the single Mars."

In the eyes of Texan Mang, there was a slight worry, and whispered: "Master, we took away the strongest monks on the flying star. If there is a invasion of the Mozu, then it is not..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Flying star is very close to the Mozu battlefield, but it is far from the center of the Mozu battlefield, just at the border. And now before we fly the stars, there are three stars across the battlefield of the Mozu. Between the Flying Star and the Flying Star. If the Mozu really wants to move against the Flying Star, we will return first and come back. And I don't think the Mozu will do this."

Seeing that Xing Xingmang is still hesitant, Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I have a basis. From the situation you introduced, the direction of the Mozu attack is Qi Yuanxing, and the Flying Stars run counter to each other, so we don't have to worry."

Texan Mang thought for a moment, suddenly realized, but instantly frowned: "Master, if the Mozu found that we are flying stars, will they revenge against the flying star?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, this situation is very likely. Slightly thinking about it, Xu Ziyan said:

"So, we will not go to the single Mars. We will start to recover the lost ground from the side of the flying star. So we can build a barrier before the ascending star."

"That... what about the Yuanyuan City? If the Mozu chief drives straight in, he will break through the city..."

"Stars, our flying star is on the left side of the Mozu battlefield. So I said that we have to attack the Mozu slantingly. When we build a barrier before the ascending star, we will insert it into the 乾元星. Take back the lost land on the left and then gradually eat away.

Stars, do not look at the Mozu is now very strong, it is because the Yuanyuan Xianguo has no top master, so it will be beaten by the Mozu, and lost all the way. Now that you have a star, we are afraid of anything. ”

The face of Texan Mang is shy: "The owner has a reputation!"

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in his hand: "Xingmang, the demon battlefield looks dangerous and the defeat is like a mountain. In fact, it is not so serious. Now the demon army of the Mozu battlefield is defeated by the Mozu without confidence. The strength is still there. As long as we show strength and attack the Mozu several times, our monks will restore confidence. Moreover, we also have our advantages.

We have your late monk in the late Tianxian, I am afraid that now you are doing the repair, that is, the Luofu Jade Emperor and the demon king are not your opponents, and there are eight monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian, plus the late eight thousand Tianxian Monk, this is a very powerful force. The key is that we still have a cloud baby, and her speed must be the first in the next metastar. Therefore, we still use the previous method to conduct raids against the Mozu. Then leave quickly. I think that if a planet is attacked several times by us, it will almost recover. ”

The second day.

Xu Ziyan took the extension of Xingmang, and the eight monks in the early days of Luo Tianshen and the late eight thousand Tianxians left the flying star through the transmission array. Duan Xiangxiang looked at Xu Ziyan's last leave, finally let go of his heart, and then took the transfer array to leave the flying star. Returned to Qianyuan City.

Texan Mang with the monk first appeared in the Tianxi City in the Tianxi Star. The monks who managed the transmission array saw so many monks appearing in Tianxi City, and their faces changed dramatically. But I saw people all over the world, and my face looks good. Despite this, in the chaos of the world, he carefully came forward and found the highest-rated Texan Mang, and he said:

"Predecessors, you are..."


Every comrade-in-arms, rushing up! Let the pink ticket start this best chariot!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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