The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1262: Recover the first planet

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (300), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), large flying pig students (100), Luo Yunyu classmates (100), Tianlongwang 2263 classmates (100), Jasmine 丶 students ( 100), light rain Sihan classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), one yuan ZZ classmates (100), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (100) reward!


The travel between the stars is long. Even if I take a flying boat and jump from time to time, it takes nearly a month to get close to the Fire House.

Xu Ziyan let the three great stars of the Xianjun hide in the void, and led the Eight Thousand Immortals to approach the Fire House. Xu Ziyan’s move made the three stars very touched. Originally they thought that Xu Ziyan would treat them as cannon fodder, and they also prepared themselves as cannon fodder. However, they did not expect that Xu Ziyan did not do so. Instead, he led the monks on the flying star to the first line and took the danger alone.

At this time, the three star monarchs were silently moved in their hearts. Xu Ziyan used the cultivation of the Tianxian period, but he used the Jade Emperor, the extension of Xingmeng and the current situation to force them to surrender, saying that there is no resistance, it is not possible. However, Xu Ziyan’s move now makes them no longer resistant to surrendering to Xu Ziyan. However, this is just no longer contradictory. If you want them to be convinced, you need to prove the strength of Zi Ziyan.

In other words, if the fire house star wins this fairy war. The three monks also followed Xu Ziyan with sorrow. If Xu Ziyan lost, maybe they would save the same.

Not to mention that the three of them led the 150,000 monks in the void to wait for the news of Xu Ziyan, Yun Baby dropped the fire house star at an extremely fast speed. After falling into the clouds of the Fire House. The cloud baby is turned into a white cloud, hidden in the clouds.

The knowledge of Texan Mang has spread from the body of the cloud baby, and the cloud baby is also flowing rapidly in the clouds. Suddenly, Texan Mang opened his eyes. Summoned:


The cloud baby stopped in the air, and Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward the extension star. Tuo Xingman whispered:

"Master, there is a city below, there are five thousand demons stationed inside and outside the city."

"Is there no more Mozu around?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

Texan Mang shook his head and said: "No! However, these 5,000 people are not all in the city below. There are only a thousand devils in the city, and the remaining four thousand devils are scattered around, watching the Terran monks. Mining for them."

Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkled and his eyes flashed a stern color. Condensed and asked: "What is the realm of their cultivation?"

"Tian Xian late!"

"It’s just the end of the fairy!" Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a trace of Limang: "Select four team of monks. First, around the city, the four teams of monks will be sent to the places where the demons are mining, and then we will go straight to the city."


Texan Mang immediately picked out the four team of monks. The minimum repairs of the four groups of monks were all in the late days of the fairy, and the strongest of the following demons were only the late Tianxian, and they wanted to destroy the four thousand demons. It is easy.

Yunbao also received an order from Xu Ziyan to raise the speed to the extreme. After a little stop above each mining area, it flew out of the cloud baby's body and countless immortals, fling toward the demons below. After that, the cloud baby will no longer pay attention to the immortal army that flew down, but flew to the next mining area.

The speed of the cloud baby is too fast, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the four teams of monks are sent. This is because the four team of monks flying off the boat wasted time, otherwise with the speed of the cloud baby, as long as the time of interest can run these places.

After that, the cloud baby went straight to the middle of the city. The demons in the city did not think that there would be a squadron attacking them. One by one has not realized that danger has come.

up in the air.

Cloud Baby has become a huge cloud platform. Xu Ziyan sat on a chair above the cloud platform. Standing beside her, stood at the star. Behind them stood four monks in the early days of the early days of the immortals, with the monks of the late 4,000 days of immortality or the late peaks of the fairy.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand. In the early days of the four Luo Tianshen immortals, with four thousand celestial soldiers, they fell to the city below like a meteor shower.

The war ended very quickly. In less than two quarters of an hour, the monks in the city and surrounding mines were killed. Promised to the requirements of Ziyan, the bodies of the Mozu were concentrated. The ore mined from the mine was also collected in one place, and the treasure house in the city was also sealed.

Next. Xu Ziyan collected the treasure house, the collected ore, and the body of the Mozu. The body of the Mozu was naturally sent to the Heberfest House to practice the solitary smoke of the West Gate, and the things and the ore in the treasure house were thrown into the purple smoke planet in the body space, so that the peaches and the spring thirty mothers were sorted and sealed. Of course, let the first class of six monks use it. Nowadays, the plates of Xu Ziyan are large, and they urgently need six of them to refine all kinds of Dan, Fu, Ma, and!

At this time, the ethnic monks who were forced to mine near the city pool were also concentrated around the city. Xu Ziyan stood in the air and looked at the human monks who were rescued from the surroundings. Seeing that they were all sealed up, they only kept the cultivation of the immortal, to mine the Mozu. Xu Ziyan immediately ordered the Eight Thousand Immortals to untie their air.

These people have hundreds of thousands of people, and they are driven by the demon like animals. Nowadays, they have been rescued and recovered. In addition to being grateful to Xu Ziyan, they are also full of anger at the Mozu.

The voice of Xu Ziyan rang softly in the air, but the sound was light, but it was clearly introduced into everyone's ears. And Xu Ziyan used the sound of the soul to control the sound. Although it was not possible to immediately let the tens of thousands of monks completely center themselves from the depths of their hearts, it made the hundreds of thousands of monks quiet in an instant.

Xu Ziyan said a few words shortly because she was still anxious before the other demons on the Fire House reacted. Kill them. However, Xu Ziyan’s short sentences gave the hopes of the broken monks in these homes, and they created a fighting spirit in their hearts.

Xu Ziyan clearly told them. The Mozu on the Fire House will be quickly destroyed by her, and the counterattack against the Mozu will come. The time has come to defend the homeland and rebuild the home.

Tens of thousands of monks listened, and the joy was thunderous, and they burst into tears. Xu Ziyan asked about the situation of Huofuxing today. I know that in addition to the 30,000 Mozu army stationed in the center of the Fire House, in the four directions of the east, the west, the north and the south, each of the five thousand demons is stationed, and the Terran monks are watching the mining. Xu Ziyan left a hundred monks, who will select monks above the Tianxian period among the hundreds of thousands of monks to form a fairy army. After that, the remaining Xianjun took the Yunbao to the other Mozu station.

The hundreds of thousands of rescued monks were very much in line with the one hundred monks left by Xu Ziyan. The monks above the Tianxian period stood up consciously. And those monks below the fairy stage stand silently in place.

The speed of the cloud baby is very fast, and the strength of the monks such as Xu Ziyan is also very strong. Everything went smoothly, just two hours, Xu Ziyan solved the 20,000 demons stationed in four directions. This is still because Xu Ziyan collects resources and wasted time of the Mozu corpse, otherwise it will be faster.

At this time, the Mozu, who was stationed in the center of the Fire House, already knew that the Terran had come to attack. At first they only had anger in their hearts, but when they saw Xu Ziyan with nearly eight thousand monks suddenly appearing in the sky above the city. One by one, the face was scared.

However, Xu Ziyan did not launch an attack, but waited quietly. After she killed the last group of demons in the Quartet, she informed the three stars who were hidden in the stars. Therefore, she is waiting for the three stars to lead the 150,000 monks.

In the city, the Mozu looked at the fairy army in the air with fear, and his eyes were full of despair. They have 30,000 demons, but there are only nearly eight thousand immortals in the sky. Their leader is the peak of the late Tianxian, but there are many peaks in the late Tianxian. Moreover, there are also those who are unable to see through the peaks of the late Tianxian, such as Texan Mang and Xiao Wuwei, and so on. But the strength is far from the situation. Let the Mozu do not dare to act rashly.

They have only 30,000 demons, not 300,000, not more than three million. The 30,000 demons cannot be the opponents of the eight thousand centuries in the air.

They don't know why the Xianjun in the sky doesn't attack, just vain the clouds. but. When they saw the dense boat flying from a distance and encircling them. The body becomes cold.

Sitting on the cloud-powered platform of the cloud baby, Xu Ziyan waved his hand gently, and flew a large number of monks from the dense fairy boat, killing the 30,000 demons in the city.

Fifteen thousand monks have an average of five against the 30,000 demons. This is a one-sided situation. This is still the case of Xu Ziyan who did not intervene.

Half an hour of time killed the 30,000 demons, and the Terran monks had little damage. Afterwards, these monks returned to Xianzhou in an orderly manner. With Texan Mang sitting there, no monk dared to follow the rules.

Nearly eight thousand monks fell from the air and began to clean the battlefield. First, the body of the Mozu was collected in one place, and the loot obtained was also concentrated on the square. Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to collect the body of the Mozu. This move has no objection to the three stars. After all, the bodies of the Mozu are of no use to them. Their eyes are on the trophy in the center of the square and the treasure house in the city.

Xu Ziyan called the three major stars and whispered: "The resources in the treasure house, as well as these spoils, should be left half to rebuild the fire house."

The three stars have nodded. They are not fairy thieves. After the fire house, they belong to the territory of Xu Ziyan. Listening to its meaning will leave half of the people, which has made them happy. To be honest, they did not do anything. Xu Ziyan has cleaned the surrounding demons and left them with only three stars and three 30,000 demons. Their hearts are very clear, with the tens of thousands of Xianjun of Xu Ziyan can kill these 30,000 demons, and Xu Ziyan did not do this, is to give them the opportunity, not to eat alone.


Silently hope that the comrades will vote, let the best of great strides!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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