The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1263: Approaching the unique Mars

I am very grateful to Yu Xiaokai, friends, 090808154340312 classmates, Lin Chun classmates, imon classmates, book friends 120927170647085 classmates, hS classmates, Ya Yue Elf classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, Linye71 classmates pink ticket!


Seeing that the three stars have nodded, Xu Ziyan continued: "The remaining half, we are divided equally."

The remaining half of the purple smoke is naturally not polite, and you must stand for one. The three major stars did not say anything. Xu Ziyan has now proved her strength, and Fufuxing has been easily taken down with almost no casualties. This makes the three stars have surrendered from the bottom of their hearts.

Although Xu Ziyan’s repairs are not as good as they are now, I think that Xu Ziyan has risen from the early days of Tianxian to the peaks of the late Tianxian in just over a year. This speed makes them feel inferior and thinks that Xu Ziyan will soon be repairing. Beyond them. Moreover, Xu Ziyan does not eat alone, and the resources that will be obtained are reasonably distributed, which makes them completely surrender in their hearts.

"Xianzhou has to stay, can not be divided."

The three great stars nodded again, and they all understood that these fairy boats had to be transported to transport the Xianjun. Every time a planet is recovered, it will surely gather a part of the Xianjun. These Xianjun have to be transported by the fairy boat. The requirement of Xu Ziyan is not excessive.

A group of monks were stationed, and after allocating resources, Xu Ziyan got a total of twenty fairy boats. Sending a monk driving the fairy boat to the four sides, and transporting the monks of the Fire House Star back.

After a few hours, the monks who were rescued by the Quartet were picked up by the Zhouzhou. These monks were rescued by Xu Ziyan. Without the arrival of the purple smoke, they will live a life of darkness until they die.

It is most grateful to send charcoal in the snow, not to mention that Xu Ziyan saved their lives. What makes them even more grateful is that. Xu Ziyan gave them the opportunity to rebuild their homes. At this time in the hearts of these monks, Xu Ziyan is their dependence, and the seeds of a surrender have been tied in their hearts.

The rescued monks had more than 600,000 monks, of which only 5,000 were monks above the fairy. Xu Ziyan left more than two thousand monks in the 5,000-day fairy period. The 3,000-day monk monk was taken over by himself, and three battalions were formed, ready to take them together to slay the Yaozu.

However, she left five monks in the late Eight Immortals and one hundred monks in the late Tianxian, and one of the late monks in the late Tianxian was the Fufu Xingjun, the two thousand left. Yu Tianxian monk was compiled into the guardian army of Huofuxing. This city is also originally located in the city of Fire House, and it is extremely vast. More than 600,000 monks left behind can live in the city.

Xu Ziyan is very worried after he and others leave here. In the battle with the Mozu, the Mozu will be invading the Fire House. Slightly thought about it, Xu Ziyan will give a glimpse of the purple smoke star into the body space. Let the flag of his refining be handed over to himself.

In the past year, the array has refining a lot of flags, and the level of refining is almost equal to the peak of the three products. Xu Ziyan took a hundred and eight flags and took a glimpse of the gods out of the body space, and his body shape rushed straight. The emptiness stands above the city of Fire Palace.

The three great stars and all the monks looked up at Xu Ziyan, who was standing in the air, and did not know what she was going to do. I saw Xu Ziyan’s arms stretched out to the sides.


There was a humming in the air, and there were a hundred and eight flags in the side of Xu Ziyan, which slowly swirled around Xu Ziyan. During the period of Xu Ziyan, his hands continually twitched his handcuffs. Every time he completed a set of handcuffs, he hit a flag. The flag would be turned into a streamer and fell from the sky and into the ground outside the city.

The three great stars on the ground and the monks were stunned. They didn't think that they hadn't shot all the time, and Xu Ziyan, who was always sitting in a chair with a look of Enron, would still be in trouble! And it seems that the large array of grades laid out is not low.

A streamer rushed into the flag. The flag is turned into a stream of radiance. Break into the ground. The brilliance of the brilliance reflects the sky.

After an hour, the air brilliance converges, revealing the appearance of Xu Ziyan.

In the eyes of the public, Xu Ziyan made a handprint. The whole city of Huofu was slammed in a blue mask. Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed, and his face showed a hint of satisfaction.

"This big array has reached the peak of the three peaks. In the lower yuan, the galaxies should be counted as a relatively advanced array. I think that the demons do not have the monks of Luo Tianshang's late peaks. Shouldn't they break this array? Well, that's it. It’s not easy for Luo Tianshang’s late peak to break this battle with violence.”

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan looked at the star-shaped mans on the ground. The sound fell from the sky:

"Stars, you go out and try!"

"Yes!" Tsing Xing's eyes were bright and some were eager to try.

Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger and made a stroke in the air. A crack appeared on the blue shield. The figure of the star-shaped mangling flashed and flew out of the shield. Xu Ziyan's fingers were closed, and the crack on the shield disappeared.

All the gaze of the monks looked through the mask to the extension of the star, and there were some expectations in the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Texan Mang did not dare to transport his repairs to the peak, but used 80% of the repairs to slam the front of the mask.

The immortal erupted with unparalleled power, and the monk inside the mask was so scared that the heart would jump out of the chest.


The explosive power of Xianxuan was blocked by the blue light cover, and the entire mask was smashed, but in the end, the power of the extension of the star was disappeared without a trace.

The inside and outside of the mask and the monks and the monks were shocked. The star-studded shock was that the pattern set by Xu Ziyan was so powerful, and all the monks in the mask were shocked that the power of Tuo Xingman was so huge.

In addition to the mask, Texan Mang took a deep breath, and this time she decided to make all her repairs. Send Xianyuan force in the body for a long Sunday and transport it to the peak. In the vision of a group of monks, it is clear that the body of Texan Mang is swollen in a circle. A set of versatile handcuffs formed in her hands, her body shape gradually disappeared, and a golden sword appeared in the open space, with a substantial light.

The golden sword was moved, and the blue shield underneath was smashed down. Looking at the slow, in essence, it is extremely fast. On the way under the giant sword, the space was torn out of a small crack.

"Booming ~~"

The sword smashed over the shield, and the blue color swayed sharply, and the whole had a tendency to collapse. The sound of the rumble rang for a dozen times, and the golden sword gradually faded, and the figure of the star was revealed in the air. He showed his best efforts and his consumption was great, his face was slightly pale. However, the eyes revealed a shocking color. Huo Ran turned to look at the Xu Ziyan inside the shield, the eyes are full of worship.

Xu Ziyan shot the handprint and dissipated the shield. Texan Mang flies into the city of Huofu.

There is silence in the city of Fire Palace. Although the sacred swords issued by Texan Mang have resisted by the shields, they have no real feelings, but the impact on the field of vision still makes them feel terrified. At the same time, they also know the power of this array of Xu Ziyan.

The eyes of the monks who stayed in the city of Huofu looked at Xu Ziyan were filled with gratitude and worship. They know that with this array of methods, even if Xu Ziyan and others leave, even if the Mozu re-invade, they also have a safe place to hold on, not letting the fire house star lose. This is exactly the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan. If you recover a territory, you must take it. Only in this way can we gradually regain lost territory.

The rest of the matter is much simpler. Xu Ziyan passed the fairy singer who controlled this array to the current Fufu Xingjun, which is the late monk of the Tianxian, which has been left by Xu Ziyan. He has been brainwashed by Xu Ziyan, and he is loyal to Xu Ziyan. Doubt.

After that, Xu Ziyan left with the Xianjun and went to the next planet. Today, Xu Ziyan’s Xianjun has another 3,000 monks, and the number has reached nearly 11,000. On the journey to the next planet, what Xu Ziyan had to do was to brainwash the newly added 3,000 monks.

The monks who stayed at the Fire House Stars began to rebuild their homes and began to rebuild the transmission array.

Xu Ziyan's journey was very smooth, and he successively captured ten planets. Not only did he not have any loss, but he also gathered many monks above the Tianxian period and joined her fairy army. Today, her number of immortals has reached 40,000, and all of them are monks above the Tianxian period.

Every time a planet is recovered, Xu Ziyan will set up a three-character array in the Star City. The array in the purple smoke space is very busy, and continuously makes a banner for Xu Ziyan. At the same time, Xu Ziyan also knows that the reason why she is so smooth along the way is that because of the power she is now regaining, the power of the Mozu is not strong. They are only some of the Mozus who are stationed on the edge of the Mozu battlefield, and their strength is not strong.

However, with the deepening of Xu Ziyan, they will gradually approach the main force of the Mozu. The closer you are to the single Mars, the stronger the strength of the Mozu will be. At that time, even if there is a Texan Mang, I am afraid there will be a lot of casualties. Therefore, Xu Ziyan gave a command to the symbol and made a large number of three-character charms. Dan Yi and Dan II kept refining the Sanpin Xiandan, and the one and the second kept refining the fairy.

Fortunately, in the hands of Xu Ziyan, there is also the treasure of the Dragon family and the loss of land to get the resources, so that she has equipped her 40,000 cents to the teeth, and also gave them enough medicine. This made the 40,000 monks who had been brainwashed by Xu Ziyan more loyal to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan gradually approached the unique Mars of the Terran and the Mozu, and achieved one victory after another, conquering one planet after another. However, at this time, the single Mars has a low morale and has become a mess.

The commanding power of the Mozu battlefield has changed. The low-level cultivation of Ye Chu and Ye Xia makes the people of the Terran warriors on the battlefield very dissatisfied. If Ye Chu and Ye Xia can lead these people's monks to continually win, they will cover up these contradictions. However, Ye Chu and Ye Xia are losing successively.


Comrades, you can't relax at this time! This is a war, we are the best to win! To win!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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