The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1264: Shackle

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Ye Chu and Ye Xia are constantly planning with other monks. Finally, one day, Luo Tianshang’s secret of seizure combined with the three monks of Luo Tianshang’s sect took the leadership of Ye Chu and Ye Xia. However, they did not kill Ye Chu and Ye Xia.

It is already a crime to seize power, but in the end it can be used as an excuse to win the battle of the Mozu battlefield, but in fact, they do not need to win, as long as they do not retreat, they can withstand the attack of the Mozu, the end of the Jade Emperor Will not blame them. However, if they kill Ye Chu and Ye Xia, it is rebellion. Therefore, they just put Ye Chu and Ye Xia under house arrest. After that, it was very tacit to cause the escape of Ye Chu and Ye Xia.

So is the hook against the attack of the Mozu?

The answer is no, just before an hour, they lost the single Mars and retreated to the Lux. After retreating to the detainment after the Lux, he felt that the anger of the Jade Emperor would roar to him at any time. The character became irritable, and the Luxorjun only slightly expressed the confusion caused by these defeated forces to the Luxor, and was smothered with the Xianjun to kill the Luxor, and the treasure of Luxejun was scraped out, and On the Luxor, you will be able to collect resources, and some rebels will be killed.

Where can the monks on the Lux Stars withstand the defeated sects? To know that these Xianjun have lost, but still have more than three million monks. Although the repairs are uneven, there are too many monks in the overall strength beyond the Lux. The monks on these stars were not only robbed of their property, but also tampered and compiled.

But what can they do? Only bite your teeth. Those who couldn’t stand the mouthful were killed.

At this time, the embarrassment was sitting on the chair with Erlang legs, standing next to two fairies, one holding him a teacup and the other one peeling the fairy fruit. In front of him is some monks who have just been arrested and secretly slandered. Each one was sealed by air.

The monks only secretly coded him a few words, and they were arrested by the sedentary. There are 28 people in total, and now they are standing in front of the jail, revealing extreme fear in their eyes. I was cheated and ate a fairy to feed his fairy fruit. He licked his mouth and glanced at the twenty-eight monks standing in front of him, coldly saying:

"I am not afraid, I dare to marry me!"

Extend a big hand. Grab a monk volley, and stretched out his big hand and inserted it into the body of the monk. He took out the other god’s **** and looked at the terrified **** of the hand. He laughed and laughed. I swallowed that god, and then sat on the chair with my knees. Then began to refine the god. His cultivation has been infinitely approaching the barriers of Luo Tianshang's mid-seventh. It seems that there is no **** of less refining the monks.

The room was quiet, and the remaining twenty-seven monks had become pale and shivering. The two fairies standing beside the hook are even more scared.


After four hours, the smother spit out a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, and flashed a trace of blood in his eyes. The eyes gloomyly swept through the twenty-seven monks who were unable to live, and spit out a word:


The fairy on the side hurriedly handed the tea hands to the jail, took a sip and took a sigh, and the eyes became more cold. Mouted in his mouth:

"Xu Ziyan. You actually let me hook up almost extinct, this hatred I will report!"

This muttered words did not fall, they heard the door was opened by a foot, from the outside into the eleven early days of the early days of the monk. The hook was originally seen when the door was opened. Furious in my heart. I want to kill the monks who came in, knowing that they are now in Rex. He was jealous of the Jade Emperor, and the three early monks of Luo Tianshen, who had been repaired with him, were not willing to refine the monks of the monks, and their cultivation now lags behind the reach of Luo Tianshangxian. The custody of the peak. Without the order of his detention, who dares to enter such a big courage?

Where did he know that the coming person was the one that he hated and screamed. There are the pressures of Luo Tianshang’s late peaks and eleven Luo Tianshang’s early monks. Where are the monks dare to resist? Besides, the outside monks are afraid and resentful about the detention. Moreover, the devil's gradually approached, and suddenly saw so many Luo Tian Shang Xian monks, only the Jade Emperor finally sent a master, but also where to take care of the seizure.

Therefore, one by one quietly did not dare to make a sound. Even the three Luo Tianshen monks who seized the power together with the seizure also flinched to stay in place. The three Luo Tianshen are the same, the remaining monks are even more ruthless, have let the road open, let Xu Ziyan and others enter the Star Junfu.

When Xu Ziyan called the three monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang, and asked them where Ye Chu and Ye Xia were, these three Luo Tianshang monks under the pressure of Tu Xingmang, one thing to say a thing Clearly understandable, even the matter of smuggling and consuming the monks and gods is clear.

At this point, sitting in the chair full of anger and entanglement saw that the eleven monks who came in were all in the sky, and the face was shocked. To be clear, when the eleven monks have Tianxi Xingjun, Yuede Xingjun and Mufu Xingjun, their faces are changed. The three stars are all known to him. Although they don’t know why these three stars came here, they also came in, but they immediately stood up from the chair and laughed and said:

"Ha ha ha... It turned out to be three stars, please come to the seat, these are..."

At this time, I saw two people walking outside the door. A young woman and a middle-aged woman. Behind the two of them, they also timidly followed the three early monks of Luo Tianxian who seized power with themselves. The gaze of the seizure is a contraction. The young woman said that it was only the repair of the peak of the late Tianxian, but the cultivation of the middle-aged woman was invisible. When I was shocked, I heard the young woman shout:

"Stars, after he searched the soul, he killed."

It was a shock to betrayed. Just wanted to resist, but saw the middle-aged woman standing behind the young woman reaching out to him. The big hand just stretched out and his whole body was shackled. This made the swindling panic, even if he and Luo Tianshang’s mid-term monks were on the battle, they could fight for a while, but now they can’t resist the other’s big hand. Is the other side a Luo Tian Shang Xian late monk?

His thoughts just floated up, and his body was like the monk who had dug the gods before him four hours ago. He was caught by the extension star. This is really a modern report, it is still fast.

After two quarters of an hour, Texan Mang’s palm burst into a sigh of relief, transmitted into the body of the seizure, and strangled the **** of the seizure. Xu Ziyan squinted his eyes and arranged the message. Texan Mang is her slave, and the message she got, Xu Ziyan is naturally clear.

It is known from the memory of the seizure that the three monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang, who were seized together with the seizure, are all telling the truth. There is no hidden hide. Looking at the three monks, the three monks' faces were drastic, and the "噗通" screamed in front of Xu Ziyan, worshipping the ground and resembling a sieve.

Xu Ziyan glanced at them indifferently, and the heart did not kill them for the three of them. Because these three monks also clung to their own bottom line, did not go to the innocent monks of the gods to achieve their goal of growth. The captains who turned their eyes to themselves said faintly:

"Let them go!"

The twenty-seven monks were released from the seal and immediately fell to the front of Xu Ziyan, crying one by one:

"Thank you...predecessors!"

These twenty-seven rescued monks did not know how to call Xu Ziyan, and eventually the seniors called it. Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and sent a force to help them up. Wen Sheng said:

"I am the new king of the emperor's new Lingbo, the new commander of the Mozu battlefield. Now I lead the Xianjun has recovered forty-eight planets, rest assured, we will soon regain lost ground and live a peaceful life. You Go on!"

Twenty-seven monks screamed and cried, leaving only three monks who were motionless on the ground.

Xu Ziyan came to the top and sat down with a calm face. Texan Mang stood on the side of Xu Ziyan, and the eight captains also followed the extension star. Texan Mangdu stood, and the three great stars looked at each other and stood aside honestly. The three monks who Xu Ziyan looked at and squatted on the ground said coldly:

"Now the Mozu is invading, and the three of you not only do not do everything in their power to assist in the early battle of Ye, but instead jointly detained and chaos, and seized the power of commanding. Do you know that this is a crime of strangulation?

After the power is seized, it still retreats all the way, causing a large number of casualties of the ethnic monks. This is a sin plus!

Seeing the assassination of the Terran, devouring the Terran gods without stopping, let the hearts of the army of the entire Mozu battlefield shake, are you still a human monk? Are you still a monk of the Yuan Dynasty? ”

The three monks listened to Xu Ziyan’s sin by one count and listened to a white face. At the end of the hearing, it seems that Xu Ziyan was in the process of declaring their death. The heart panicked, opened his mouth, wanted to ask for mercy, and felt that mercy was useless, and his face became awkward.

Xu Ziyan looked at the desperate colors on the faces of the three monks, sighed with a sigh of relief, said faintly:

"However, nowadays it is the time to hire people, and the three of you can still keep the bottom line, without swallowing the monks, the king will give you a chance to sin."

Xu Ziyan’s words used the sound and the soul control. Let the three monks suddenly gain hope when they are completely desperate. This made the three of them feel grateful to Xu Ziyan in an instant.


Urgently ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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