The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1266: Runaway person

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (300), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), ◆___ Xiaozuo classmates (200), light rain thinks classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (100) reward!


The original monks of Luo Tianshang on both sides of the fairy and the demon were not only these, but in the battle of the demon in more than a year, not only did they consume a lot of monks in the Tianxian period, but Luo Tianshang was also countless. This has caused only three of the Mozus to remain in the middle of the Tianshen and the twenty-seventh days of the early days of the immortals, while the Terran has only four Luo Tianxian immortals, and the detainees are also Xu Ziyan. Kill.

Nowadays, the Terran is very clear about the situation of the Mozu, but the Mozu is very ignorant of the Terran. Their concept still lingers on the fact that the Terran now has only four monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian. Xu Ziyan began to regain lost ground, and the devil also received news. However, he thinks that Xu Ziyan is just a small person, and he can shoot her at any time.

After waiting for the occupation of Qianyuan City, it is not too late to pick up Xu Ziyan. Because he is also very clear, the high-ranking monks in the Mozu are among the five million demons he led, and the left-behind demons are low-ranking monks led by one or two high-ranking monks. Therefore, it was not the accident of the devil who was killed by Xu Ziyan.

The devil now does not have the energy to manage the purple smoke, and there is no thought to control the purple smoke. In his heart, as long as he captured the city of Yuanyuan, it means a lot of resources. At this time, Luofu Xianguo and the Yaozu were both kings. Fuqin Tianwang and Qi Yuan Yudi dragged their footsteps, and only their own Mozu was in a state of weakness. In front of his eyes, it seems as if the city of Yuanyuan collapsed at the foot of the Mozu, and the resources of the city were piled up in front of him.

Whether it is in quantity. Still in terms of strength, the Devil at this time has full confidence. However, he did not know that Xu Ziyan led the Xianjun secretly through the 茫茫 茫茫 降 降 降 降 力 力 力 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,. There is also a Luo Xing Mang of Luo Tian Shang Xian's late peak.

The most important thing is that not only the Mozu, but also the Terran does not have a monk who knows the true fighting power of Xu Ziyan, comparable to Luo Tianshang's late peak. And this is still the ordinary fighting power of Xu Ziyan, and does not count the Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius.

The devil is not in a hurry to immediately attack the Luxor, the Mozu also needs to rest, and it takes more than a month to fly from the single Mars to the Lux. What's more, he has not scraped the resources of the single Mars.

The Mozu is busy collecting resources in the single Mars. The Terran on the Lux is busy practicing and preparing for the decisive battle with the Mozu. So, what is Xu Ziyan doing?

Xu Ziyan did not continue to practice in the house at this time, but also began to prepare for the upcoming fairy war. Essence, fairy, flag and fairy, she is not lacking. Not only because of the resources she has seized on the road. There is also a device in the purple smoke space, the second, the Dan one, the Dan two, Fu Yi and the array one is constantly making.

Therefore, she finally remembered the sword she had forgotten for a long time. Now the sword of Xu Ziyan has been cultivated to the realm of the four peaks of the fairy. Every condensed sword is the power of the four peaks, and the red and purple swords release endless power. Xu Ziyan condensed with one handle and one handle, and they were all collected in the Feng Ling array of Xu Ziyan set in the purple smoke planet.

Unique Mars.

A team of demons are collecting resources on the planet and arresting Terran monks. The Terran monks were rebelliously killed and ruthlessly killed.



A river of more than 800 meters wide flows from a continuous mountain range. Follow the river into the mountains. Drink, the river gradually narrowed. He went to the depths of the mountains. The mountains are densely covered and there are no traces.

It is already late autumn, and there is a thick layer of dead leaves in the forest. Occasionally, a few small beasts have stepped on it. Make a "squeaky" sound.

The sky is crooked by the crescent moon, and the silvery white moonlight splatters through the sparse leaves. Under the moonlight. A figure fluttered in the forest with some panic, and there was no sound. It was only from her cautious look, and she did not see the panic in her heart as she looked around.

This figure is a young woman who, from time to time, stops in the fly, hides behind the big tree, looks back in the direction of the coming, in the early days of her immortality, even in the forest at night. Being able to see the surrounding situation clearly. Only she did not dare to explore with God, afraid to alarm the Mozu.

She had to be careful, because in the past few days, no one came back to the monks who went out to investigate. Today, she was sent as the last group of monks to be sent out to explore the surroundings. The monks who came out with her had a total of twelve people. When the squad leader of the twelve monks sent her Tang Linger to explore alone, her heart was still very angry. She knew that the captain wanted to form a fairy with himself, and because he did not agree, he always retaliated.

This is still the case today. If you don’t go alone to explore, you will only agree to form a fairy with the captain. Tang Linger is also a proud person, and naturally will not agree. So she left alone with dismay.

To say that this Tang Linger is indeed a genius, and Xu Ziyan flying at the same time, and Xu Ziyan separately, they went all the way to the Yutu Star Tang family. Tang Linger's qualifications have been valued by the family. Under the abundant resources, Tang Linger finally broke through to the early days of Tianxian. However, at this time, the demon battle began, the jade rabbit star was occupied by the demon, and the Tang family was almost extinct. Tang Linger and the surviving family monks went to the beginning of the original Mozu battlefield, and became a member of the Xianjun.

At the beginning of Yechu, he was consciously cooperated with the seizure, and escaped from the Martian. Later, when the Terran was defeated, Ye Chu and Ye Xia had gathered a lot of Xianjun. At the beginning of the leaves, he did not dare to go and take the coercion and take the transfer array to leave. Even if he wants to go, it is impossible. Because the four are all Mozu, the custody destroyed the transmission array after withdrawing the Lux.

In the same way, he did not dare to leave in the fairy boat immediately. In the case of five million demons stationed, taking the Xianzhou to leave, it is better to say that it has become the target of the Mozu attack.

Therefore, at the beginning of the leaf, the ethnic monks who had gathered with her retired into the Sword Mountain and promised these followers. After the Mozu army left, he took the monks and quietly took the fairy boat into the interstellar space.

However, after they entered the mountain range, it was only three days. At the beginning of the Ye, they began to send monks out of their retreats to explore, but the result was that the monks who went out to explore never returned. This makes the monks who follow Yechu more fearful. Ye Chuan had reason to continually send a monk to explore, only seven days, these monks who followed him almost disappeared.

Tang Linger was the last remaining monk, waiting for her to go out carefully and scrutinize the day. When she came back in the evening, she found that the monks who came out to explore with her were dead.

Tang Linger is a very careful person. When she returned, she was afraid that the captain who had been entangled with herself would attack herself and force herself to submit. Therefore, when she returned, she also tried to hide her own line. When she hid the Tibetan area and approached the hidden point of the squad, she could not hear the slightest sound. Looking through the gaps in the bushes, she saw eleven bodies lying on the ground.

When Tang Linger felt the time, she felt a coldness from the bottom of her heart and the whole body became stiff. Do not dare to move in the bushes. It was not until the time of one hour that there were still eleven corpses in front of me, and there was no trace of it. This was a sigh of relief in my heart.

However, Tang Linger still did not dare to show up, but quietly retreated and left here. At this point, she had only one mind, and quickly returned to Ye Chuu, and said the things here to Ye Chu.

In a very secret valley, a thick vine suddenly separated from the middle, revealing a cave. A person’s face was pale, some weakly came out from the inside, and some walked to the middle of the valley and looked toward the valley. go with. Under the mottled moonlight, Taniguchi is quiet and silent.

The vines were shaking again. Ye first came out from the inside and said to Ye Xia, "The second brother, your body is empty, or go in and adjust the interest!"

Ye Xia did not pay attention to his eldest brother Ye Chu, but a cold snoring, not even his head, still looking towards Gukou. Ye Chu’s face could not help but sink, whispering:

"Second brother, what temper are you making?"

Ye Xia Moran for a moment, eventually turned over, facing the beginning of the leaf, muffled and said: "Big brother, when I was sent to assist you by the Jade Emperor, I told you, don't deduct the resources of the Xianjun. But You don't listen, you are willing to go your own way. Finally, you are forced to rebel."

"I still don't want to save more resources, leave it to our brothers and two people to practice? You know, if you want to break through the heavens, you need a lot of resources, don't deduct, when can we break through?"

Ye Chu also had a gloomy face, and his eyes were a little uncertain.

"Breakthrough? Did you break through? Anyway, I didn't break through! What resources do you deduct? Not only the resources that have been deducted are gone, but even your own resources that have been stored for many years are being slain and robbed.

Nowadays, we have gathered some monks. With some strength, you don’t let them cultivate here, but send them out to investigate the situation every day. What is good to explore, the five million Mozu outside, as long as they leave in the fairy boat, will be a fairy boat, we will not see? ”

Ye Xiayi sat down on the ground and suddenly cried and cried. She cried and said, "We escaped, but when we fled, we met the Mozu, I and Red.工具了了了. I haven’t got some yaw from them, so they sent us out to probe. The few singers have come back, There are three of us left.

Big Brother, what do you want to do? ”


I want a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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