The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1267: Devil sent troops

I am very grateful to the classmates Zhou Zhou, zm2003 classmates, pig head three old classmates, kineika classmates pink ticket!


Ye Chu stood next to Ye Xia's side, his eyelids twitched and said faintly: "Two brothers, don't you believe in your eldest brother?"

"I naturally believe in Big Brother!" Ye Xia raised his face with tears and looked at Ye Chu said: "I know that Big Brother is for us to practice, but Big Brother, you have done this time, you are wrong! You are wrong! It is necessary to admit. Now three of us, my injury has not recovered, your brother and sister's injury is even heavier. That is the case, you also send those monks who have been hard to gather, and now only one is left. Let's three of us. If there is a Mozu, how can we be good?

Big Brother, why did you continue to send monks out to explore after the first batch of monks went out to explore? And don't increase the number of people who explore the monks? Stubbornly only sent 12 monks at a time? And a group of monks do not come back, you are not afraid to expose here, still hidden here. The more I think about it, the more wrong I am. ”

Ye Chu’s gaze began to flash, and he chuckled a few times, but the laughter was full of unnaturalness: “Hehehe... Second brother, what’s wrong with you? Big Brother will never harm you.”

"Big Brother!" Ye Xia’s eyes showed a decisive color: "Big Brother, when we return to Qianyuan City, how do you say to the Jade Emperor? Anyway, I will tell the truth. You are here waiting for the monks to go out and explore. I have to go back to take care of the red child."

Ye Xia climbed up from the ground and went to the cave. At the beginning of the leaf, I looked at the eyes of Ye Xia’s back and flickered, and suddenly I saw my eyes. The figure suddenly fluttered toward the leaves, and a palm buckled on the head of Ye Xia.

Ye Xia was originally injured, suddenly felt a big hand clasped his head, and was shocked. With an unbelievable opening in the tone, ask:

"Big brother, why?"

In the moonlight, in the quiet valley, the sound of Ye Xia is like a ghost. Let Ye Chu feel cold to the bones. He stood behind Ye Xia, and did not dare to turn to the front of Ye Xia, to face Ye Xia, the voice shivered and said:

"Second brother, why do you say? What do you want to say to the Jade Emperor? You want to tell the big brother, push all the sins to the big brother, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Ye Chu’s heart spit. Strong strength rushed into the body of Ye Xia, ruining the vitality of Ye Xia, destroying the **** of Ye Xia, and the seven 窍 of Ye Xia spurted blood.

At the beginning of the leaf, he released his hand and Ye Xia’s body fell to the ground. However, Ye Chu did not stop his own movements, but his face was full of embarrassment. Lifting his feet and constantly stepping on Ye Xia’s body, his voice is low but angry:

"Second brother, my good second brother, do you think I don't know if you and Luo Hong once wanted to tell me to His Royal Highness? You thought that when the two monks colluded with me in the house, I didn't hear it. Now, I still want to tell me to Jade Emperor, this is what you forced me! Don't blame me!"

At the foot of the leaf, the summer body had been stepped on by him. At the beginning of the leaf, the body finally swayed and sat down on the ground, looking at the broken body in front of him. Tears flowed from the eyes:

"Second brother. Why do I send the gathered monks out to explore in batches, and also stipulate the number of people. When they are young, they have passed through the monks in the valley and secretly track them. Kill. So he can get the resources they have. Otherwise, what do we use in the future?

Second brother. I didn't want to kill you, why did you force me? Why do you want to force me? ”

In the mouth of the valley, after a big tree, Tang Linger licked his mouth tightly, and the whole body trembled without stopping...

At this time, Ye Chu said a lot, and seemed to find enough reason to kill his brother. Closed his mouth, his eyes once again fell on the body of Ye Xia. At this point, Ye Xia's body was almost broken, but the head remained intact, and a pair of blood eyes looked at Ye Chu.

Ye Chu’s eyes were on the eyes of Ye Xia’s blood, and his heart was chilly. Although it was only the head of a dead man, the eyes were completely godless, but the empty eyes made his **** that had just been lifted up and sat down on the ground.

At the beginning of the leaves, the breathing gradually became heavy, and the fear in the eyes gradually became crazy. He slammed up to Ye Xia's head, and his fists squatted on Ye Xia's head. He just smashed Ye Xia's head into a patties.

I saw that the head of Ye Xia had been smashed into a patties, and the leaves were sitting on the ground like a force. After a long time, his body seemed to recover his strength, slowly climbed up from the ground, and looked into the cave. There is still Luo Xi, the wife of his younger brother Ye Xia.

I took a deep breath and looked at the hole and became fierce. Stepping toward the valley covered by vines. When I got to the front, I extended my right hand and tried to open the vine, but the hand stopped there. In the early eyes of Ye Chu, there was a slight hesitation, and eventually became firm. The vines were opened and walked into the cave.

There was some darkness in the cave, and the moonlight came in through the vines, making the light in the cave very embarrassing. Ye Chu’s gaze looked at the pile of dead grass in the cave. The gaze is a change. At this time, Luo Hong has been struggling to sit up from the haystack, leaning against the wall of the hole, his teeth "giggle", looking at the beginning of the eye with fear, tears on his face, one The face is pale as paper.

At the beginning of the leaf, the footsteps were lifted again, and he could not help but scream: "Younger brother..."

He just spit out these two words, and he saw the extreme fear from Luo Hong’s eyes. I knew that everything I had just done outside, and what I said, had been heard by Luo Hong, so after I spit out the two words, I couldn’t help but live there. Luo Hong looked at the beginning of the leaf at the mouth of the hole, his lips said:

"How can you... how can you kill your brother with your own hands? He is your younger brother!"

At the beginning of the leaf, Luo Hong whispered like a geological question, and there seemed to be a pair of blood eyes in Ye Xia. The heart can't help but shake, he feels like he has a heart. I thought that I had a heart-wrench because I personally killed my brother and sister-in-law, so that I could not break through in my heart. I was always trapped in the Tianxian period, lost the trust of the Jade Emperor, and lost my rights. Lost my loved ones, lost the possibility of improvement and cultivation, what future life is there?

Without relying on it, there is no possibility of upgrading and cultivation. It was originally a prestige of the imperial battlefield of the Mozu battlefield, but it has since lived a life of escape. For a moment, he was remorseful and said:

"Sister, I didn't mean it, it was the second brother who forced me!"

"He forced you?" Luo Hongyi thought of Ye Xia, can not help but sorrow.

Outside the valley.

Tang Linger tried his best to control his body and not let it tremble. With his hands on his mouth, holding his breath, a little bit of voice can't be revealed. After seeing Yechu enter the cave, the body floated silently and flew away to the distance, such as the funeral dog.

Suddenly, Tang Linger’s figure was in the air, and his mouth opened his mouth and looked into the air.

I saw that there were countless meteors in the air and flew outside the single Mars. That is the devil with the devil to take the flying boat to leave the single Mars, fly into the interstellar, forced to the star.

Tang Linger silently watched the sky's flying boat gradually disappearing into the field of vision. Tang Linger took a flying boat from the storage ring, which was given to her by her grandfather. Released in the air, entered the flying boat, left the single Mars, entered the interstellar, and drove aimlessly.

In the secluded valley, in the cave covered by vines, Luo Hong suddenly giggled and said: "Big brother, you killed the person who followed you, killed the brother of the same wife, now I am left, you still What are you waiting for? Kill me, let me get together with Xia Ge."

Luo Hong closed his eyes and raised his neck, but the tears could not flow from the tight eyes.

She believes that she has no way to live today. Even if Ye did not kill her, she just left her here and left, she was also devoid of physicality. I am seriously injured and cannot move. The husband has been killed by the pro-big brother. Without her being cared for, she is only killed by the fairy beast in the jungle. It is not as good as being killed by the early leaves.

At the beginning of the leaf, Luo Hong was so excited that he could kill his heart. At this time, his heart still cares about the future demons. Killing the heart together, the heart and the chest are all suffocating, and the body shape flutters to the front of Luo Hong, lifting one foot and smashing toward Luo Hong’s head.


Luo Hong’s head was broken and a **** was floating from Luo Hong’s body. At the beginning of the leaves, a punched out of the box, the original weak gods dissipated.

At the beginning of the leaf, he stood in the cave, and after a while, suddenly stunned and awake from the shackles. Suddenly burst into tears, he did not know why he was crying, but he was crying and heartbroken.

The crying gradually stopped, and Ye began to wipe away the tears and his face became gloomy again. Looking at the body of Luo Hong in front of him, the look in his eyes did not change at all. He reached out and smashed Luo Hong’s body and walked out of the cave. The sun outside has already risen, and the valley is half-baked. Yechu gently sighed and went to the place where Ye Xia was killed yesterday. He placed Luo Hong’s body next to the Ye Xia.

Turning his left hand toward the side, he grabbed a piece of dirt on the ground and a large pit appeared on the ground. With a wave of his right hand, Luo Hong’s body and Ye Xia’s corpse were swept into the pit. Put the left hand and put the soil in the air back into the pit.

Ye began to look up at the mouth of the valley, revealing a trace of disappointment. Suddenly thinking that I had lost my mind last night, will Tang Linger come back at that time? If that is the case, isn't it all known to Tang Linger?


She must die!

I have killed so many people, so she missed her alone?

The gaze looked around and the knowledge spread again. His eyes flickered for a while, his body flashed and disappeared into the valley.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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