The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1269: Give it to me.

I am very grateful to the big-ear cat classmates, ~~檒~~ classmates, the wind man classmates, the ruthless demon classmates, the pink ticket of Eason to classmates!


The knowledge of Duan Tianya seems to be in the clouds.

No matter, whether it is a piece of fragrance, or Xu Ziyan, as long as they help themselves, they are their own sisters. Suddenly, the person in front of him changed again. His father appeared in front of him with anger and shouted:

"End of the world, have you forgotten your father's entrustment? Everything depends on yourself, others can't believe it, and the purple smoke can't believe it."

"No! Father! I can't stand it, I need someone to help, my sister will help me, she will help me..."

"She will help you? If she will help you, why in the past year, you sent countless messengers to levy her, she has avoided? Tianya, you can guarantee that she will not be willing to speculate, save strength, After she broke the country, she became a country alone?"

"No! No! Father is not going to the Zhongyuan Galaxy? How come again here? Where am I?"

The father’s body was gone, and Duan Tianhe’s pale paper was like a paper. The seven-blooded face appeared in front of Duan Tianya’s eyes and shouted at him:

"Tianya, Xu Ziyan is no better for you, repairing is stronger, she can only be a minister, and you are a jade emperor. She is not your sister, she is just a minister you need to control, how can you be so respectful, You really disappointed your older brother..."

"No! Big Brother..."

Duan Tianya suddenly felt that he had fallen from the cliff, and screamed for a scream, and spurted a blood. The body in the chamber fell backwards.

I don't know how long it took, and Duan Tianya woke up from a coma. The **** of the gods had a trace of pain, and the coldness of the body was soaked in the clothes. Looked around with both eyes. I found myself lying in the secret room. Suddenly remembered the embarrassing things in my heart before the coma, the ups and downs of the tide.

Slowly climbed up from the ground, once again sitting cross-legged, Duan Tianya began to explore his own cultivation. This exploration. His face is full of bitterness. His foundation is really troublesome this time, giving him the feeling that there is a possibility of collapse at any time. If the foundation collapses, he will have no hope in his life. I explored my own cultivation again. The repairs that had already been close to Luo Tianshang’s mid-term had fallen to the point where they had just broken through the early days of Luo Tianshang.

He did not dare to extract the essence of the monks in the dragon and the dragon, and took out a medicinal herb that he just wanted to swallow, but his hand was a meal, and his eyes looked at the elixir in his hand. This elixir is a four-pronged immortal, which was originally refining him in the dragon circle. Looking at the elixir in his hand. Duan Tianya’s face showed a complex color, and finally sighed, and took the medicinal medicine down, lowered his eyes and began to adjust his interest.

After two hours, Duan Tianya opened his eyes, and the pale face recovered a trace of blood. The mouth whispers out the voice:

"Sister. It seems that you are quite right. I should not forcefully extract the essence of the monks in the dragons and dragons. I should first thoroughly refine the dragons and dragons. Oh, but what about the Qianyuan Xianguo? How do I say, I will stick to it, my sister, will you come to help me?"

Duan Tianya’s gaze gradually became firmer. He reached out and carefully wiped the blood from his mouth. Then he changed his clean clothes, opened the door of the secret room, and went out. The outside sun casts his shadow in the secret room behind it...


Xu Ziyan still embodies the sword in one handle. The sword that condensed in the hand was put into the Fengling array of the purple smoke planet. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was swept in the Fengling array, and the corner of the eye was a hi. At this time, the Fengling array had already saved more than two thousand handles. sword.

Xu Ziyan collected the fairy charms of Fu Yi refining. There are tens of thousands of pieces. These fairy charms are all three-character charms, which have been counted as high-quality charms in the lower meta-galaxies.

Xu Ziyan has arranged everything. Coming out of the secret room, I came to the Luxor Palace, and sent people to summon Xingmeng and all the Luotian Shangxian monks.

Xu Ziyan sat in the main position. In a short while, he saw Tuo Xingmang and fourteen Luotian Shangxian monks sneak out. After seeing Xu Ziyan, they sat down on the chairs one by one, and their eyes focused on Xu Ziyan.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan swept through the bodies of the monks, and finally stayed on the body of Texan Mang, and asked:

"Stars, how are the demons on the Mars?"

Tuo Xingman hurriedly stood up and said with a compliment: "Heaven, we sent the fairy boat as an outpost in the interstellar. According to the news, the Mozu has begun to approach the Lux, at their speed, for another seven days. Time will reach Rex."

Xu Ziyan looked at Wang Meiruo and whispered: "America, you have been fighting the Mozu, can you have a detailed understanding of the Mozu above the Luo Tianshang?"

Wang Meiruo also hurriedly stood up from the chair. She is a female repairer with a very nice voice:

"The Mozu had many Luoshang Xianxiu monks, and we also had a lot of Terrans. There are more than a hundred Mozus, and we have more than 70 Terrans. But over the past year, we have left the Terran Wars. There are three of us. The Mozu has thirty-one. One of them is the peak of the middle of Luo Tianshang, the middle of two Luo Tianshang. The beginning of twenty-eight Luotian."

Xu Ziyan looked at Wang Meiruo and said, "What is their fighting power?"

Wang Meiruo said without thinking: "There is no known in the middle of Luo Tianshang. But the power of the Mozu in the early days of Luo Tianshang is similar to us."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "So, can you only intercept a Mozu in the early days of Luo Tianshang?"


Wang Meiruo whispered. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the star of the star was flashing, and the mans flashed. The three major stars face each other, and finally Tianxi Xingjun weakly asked:

"Heaven, we have only fourteen Luo Tianshen early in the beginning, but the other side has twenty-eight. Even if the extension of the predecessors can resist three Luo Tianshang mid-term, we each deal with a Luo Tianshang Xian, but the Mozu still has The next fourteen days of Luo Tianshangxian. And the number of the magic army is more than our celestial army. If you let the fourteen Luo Tianshang devils wilfully kill, we can't resist the magic army, this... how is it good? ”

In addition to the relationship between the stars and the slaves, the monks in the room are still full of confidence in Xu Ziyan. Everything is right, but silently looking at the Xu Ziyan sitting on the main seat.

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "It is not that we can block all the Luotian Shangxian monks of the Mozu. We are facing the main force of the Mozu. Do you think that the three million monks will be overhauled? How many five million magic army?"

Yue Dexingjun smiled a bit: "Tianwang. Now, whether we are at the level of Luo Tianshen, or at the level below Luo Tianshang, they are all inferior. How to see it is a must." Uranus, what do you think after all? Or, let's give up the Luxor and continue to use the previous strategy to attack other planets?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Since we have reached the Luxor. We have taken over the army of the Yuanyuan Xianguo, we must stop the momentum of the magic army. If we give up the Luxor and turn to other planets, even if we are on the road, But the Yuanyuan City was attacked by the Mozu, what is the meaning of everything we do? Therefore, Luxstar must be the battleground with the Mozu."


"There is nothing. The purpose of our decisive battle is to kill as many as possible the demons above Luo Tianshang."

All the monks in the hall are facing each other, killing the demons above Luo Tianshang? Isn't that a dream? It’s not bad to be killed by the Mozu. Even if the extension of Xingmang can be handled by one person in the middle of the three days of the celestial celestial being, the early monks of the Luotian ancestors of the Mozu are twice as large as the human race. The other two are playing oneself, and they are sure to die!

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to them, but looked at the extension star, and asked:

"Stars, can you cope with three Luo Tianshang mid-term?"

Texan Mang’s eyes flashed and said coldly: “If it’s just three demons in the middle of the heavens, the stars can kill them.”

"Good!" Xu Ziyan gently patted the chair armrest: "So it is simple."

I am looking forward to the other monks in the main hall: "Do you have the confidence to deal with a Mozu in the early days of Luo Tianshang?"

"Everyone of us deals with a demon of Luo Tianshangxian? The remaining fourteen Luo Tianshang who are the demons?" The fourteen monks looked suspicious, but saw Xu Ziyan who had already sunk his face. Immediately, the voice said:

"Returning to Heavenly King. Although we can't guarantee to kill a Mozu in the early days of Luo Tianshang, but there is no problem in intercepting one. But the remaining fourteen Luo Tianshang Devils..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "The fourteen demons were handed over to me."


The look of the fourteen monks was a glimpse, and the eyes kept scanning on the body of Xu Ziyan. I can't help but groan:

"Yes. She is the cultivation of a peak in the late Tianxian? How could it be with the early monks of Luo Tianshang? And also to deal with the fourteen early monks of Luo Tianshang?"

However, seeing Xu Ziyan's appearance as a cloud, the fourteen monks have wondered what the purple smoke is. They are all a confused look.

Xu Ziyan sat up straight and looked serious. "You will go on and prepare, and tell the Xianjun. After the 7th, the battle for the honor of the Terran, for our freedom, is the time for us to fight."

The atmosphere on the star was tense and the air was filled with the smell of war. Each monk has checked his equipment many times, medicinal herbs, immortals, constantly wiping his own fairy, and looking at the deep sky from time to time.


I recommend a friend a book, which is very exciting. I hope my comrades can support him like a bell.

Title: "Legend of the possession of God" Author: Huangshan Mountain. Book number: 2649139

Introduction: A well-qualified but self-defeating embarrassment, got the Daomen Shenzang, an infinite mysterious page book page, let him embark on a peak trip.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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