The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1270: it has started

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Seven days later.

The white clouds in the sky suddenly shattered, and the whole sky was dark. On the Luxor star, Xu Ziyan stood in the city, and more than three million monks looked up into the air.

The dense flying boat covered the sky, Xu Ziyan jade hand waved, countless fairy boats rising from the ground into the air, densely in the air and the Mozu flying boat opposite. The Mozu's flying boat is loaded with a large number of Mozu, while the Terran is only one in each fairy boat. This is a gesture of the same as the Mozu.

In fact, this is also a gesture, Xu Ziyan's heart does not want to go with the Mozu. After all, if the flying boat of the Terran and the Mozu attack each other, the Xianzhou of both sides will lose a lot. So, where is Xu Ziyan still carrying a monk to carry other monks to other planets, but to recover lost ground?

The Mozu also did not want to do this. After a large number of calculations, after the flying boat, what did they use to carry the Mozu monks through the slow starry sky near the Yuanyuan City?

A Mozu flying boat opened the hatch, and a Mozu monk flew out of the hatch, imagining in the air, looking at the monks in Lux City below:

"Can the Terran dare to fight with my devil?"

Standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, Texan Mang’s eyes flashed and whispered to Xu Ziyan: “Heaven, the demon is the late stage of Luo Tianshang’s cultivation.”

Xu Ziyan's look is a glimpse, looking at Wang Meiruo around him. Wang Meiruo’s face is also a change, whispered:

"Extension of the seniors. You are not mistaken? I know him, he is Luo Tianshang mid-term!"

Texan Mang shook his head slightly and whispered: "Look at the fluctuations in his body, it should be just a breakthrough."

The extension of the star mans this sentence is an export. The faces of the fourteen monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian became unsightly. Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly and asked in a low voice:

"Xingmang, can you deal with a Luo Tian Shang Xian late and two Luo Tian Shang Xian mid-term?"

Texan Mang nodded and said: "It may be difficult to kill them, but they should be able to intercept them."

Xu Ziyan has a loose heart. At this time, the demon in the air saw the following human monks no words, and a trace of tension appeared on his face. He is really afraid that the Terran will use the fairy boat and their demon to die.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, standing on the top of the city, screamed toward the devil:

"Good! Today our Terran is a fair battle with your Devil!"

The devil's eyes were bright, and his eyes locked the Xu Ziyan above the city. Slightly frowning, and offset the line of sight, looking at the extension of Xu Ziyan half of the body of the extension of the star, the gaze is a contraction.

He just broke through the late days of Luo Tianshang. Naturally, it can be seen that Xu Ziyan is only the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianxian. This is also the reason for his slight frowning. His gaze is because he saw that the repair of Tuo Xingman exceeded him. Therefore, he intuitively believes that what is truly capable is the extension of Xing Xing.

Texan Mang naturally also sees his meaning from the demon king's gaze, and he screams: "You didn't hear the words of Lingbo Tianwang?"

"Lingbo Tianwang?"

The devil whispered, although there is still a hesitant color in his eyes, but respect for the strong. He began to gently nod and raised his right hand.

The dense fly in the sky receded toward the rear, away from the attack range of the opposite Terran, and then fell to the ground. Only the demon king stood proudly in the air.

Although standing above the city below, there is a Texan Mang that goes beyond his cultivation. However, he did not have much fear. In any case, his cultivation is also the late stage of Luo Tianshang. Although Tuo Xing's cultivation is more than him, he thinks that it will not exceed too much, and at most it is only the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage.

In the late stage of the sacred celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial glory, although it will fall in the wind. But it will never be killed by the other side. Only give him a moment of time. The two monks in the Middle Ages of the Mozu will come over. He firmly believes that with the strength of their three Mozus, they can defeat the extension of the stars in the late days of Luo Tianshang.

Seeing that the Mozu has completely retired, the flying boat has landed on the ground. Beginning to get out of countless demons from within the boat. Xu Ziyan raised his hand and swayed gently. The fairy boat door above the Lux star opens, and a monk flies out of each fly. Waved the fairy boat and set it toward the inside of the Lux.

In the distance, the entire Mozu's flying boat has been collected. The Mozu above the Tianxian period flew into the air, and the Mozu below the Tianxian period became a battlefield on the ground.

On the ground, it seems as if a black cloud is covered from the horizon, and it is spreading rapidly toward the Lux. It was the Mozu below the Tianxian period that was flying towards the Lux.

In the sky, the sun is quickly covered, like a dark cloud rolling over, that is, the Mozu above the Tianxian period is flying toward the Lux.

Covering the sky, the sky is underground, the clouds are rolling, and the black air is lingering. Five million demons are like the tides coming from all directions to Lux City. The city of Lux is like an island, letting people see the heart of despair.


The figure of Texan Mang suddenly rushed into the air, rushing toward the demon who stood proudly above the city of Lux. The devil's gaze is a contraction, and the figure retreats toward the rear. At the same time, in the sky in the demon group, two figures were rushed out, but it was the two demons in the middle of the two days of Luo Tianxian, who flew like lightning.

The rapidly rising Texan Mang hands in front of him, a golden handle, a sword full of great gold and power can appear in his hands. With both hands turned over, the golden long sword roared out. At the moment of leaving the hand, it turned into a giant sword, releasing a substantial light, and the power was on the scene.

"go with!"

Texan Mang single-handedly shot, a fairy shot. The great sword with a huge power to bombard the demon king.

The devil's hands were in front of him, and a giant long knife was held in his hands, and he slammed into the giant sword that covered the sky.


One knife and one sword in the air, the air currents are raging, and the cracks are rampant. The shape of the demon king retreats. Behind the demon king, the two devils in the middle of the heavens are like two streams of light.


Tuo Xingman slammed, and the giant sword that covered the sky shone brightly. In an instant, it turned into a thousand-foot-long sword, which formed a long river like a golden, and slammed it toward the devil.

The demon king danced the giant long knife in his hand, forming a spherical mask composed of knives around his body, flying the three-footed sword close to his body, and screaming in the air. .

The devil's feet glimpsed in the dark clouds in the air, dancing a long knife and rushing toward the opposite star. At this time, the two Mozus in the middle of the Luo Tianxian also flew to the back of the devil.

The sword is composed of a golden long sword, and like the Tianhe hanging over, it slams on the light ball of the devil. The wide golden river slid across the sides of the demon king, and the raging spread to the two demons in the middle of the two days.


The space fluctuated, and two Luo Tianxian mid-term Mozu, one holding a double axe, one holding a knife, one holding a shield. He danced in front of him, but he was still struck by the golden river.

The three Mozus struggled to gather in the air, and the power of the three people finally resisted the golden sword flow of Tuo Xing Mang. For a time, Tuo Xing Mang and the three Mozus were entangled in one place.

A black line spread from the ground and could not reach the margin. The sky is like a black cloud, and it has already surpassed the Mozu on the ground and stalked the city of Lux.

At the forefront are the devils in the early days of the twenty-eight days of Luo Tianshang. They have already left the Mozu in the air far behind and flew toward Luxor City. Every Mozu is laughing in a slap in the face, releasing naked madness in his eyes.

The pressure came from overwhelming, and the faces of the fourteen Luo Tianshen monks standing behind Xu Ziyan were slightly discolored, and their eyes gathered on the back of Xu Ziyan in front of them.

"How to do?"

This is not just the thoughts of the fourteen monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian, the more than three million monks in the entire city of Lux, the thoughts of this time are emerging.

"How to do?"

"There are twenty-eight Luo Tian Shang Xian monks, and we only have fourteen, two big ones. Isn't this dead?"

"How to do?"

"There are five million demons on the other side, and we only have more than three million. How can we fight this? Is it the moment when I finally lived in this world?"

"She... Xu Ziyan... just a late monk, what can she do?"

The hearts of every monk are suspended and the nerves are highly nervous. The string is tightened tightly, as if it is going to break, and the nerves are getting more and more tense, as if it is going to collapse. A face turned pale.

Among the more than three million monks, most of the monks have repeatedly lost to the Mozu army in this year, and their hearts have left a shadow. And this shadow is being infinitely magnified under the pressure of the overwhelming five million Mozu army. Even some monks have begun to tremble, revealing the color of despair.

The transmission array has been ruined by Xu Ziyan, and there is no chance of escape. More than three million desperate eyes gathered on the back of Xu Ziyan, everyone's heart was falling, and even resentment against Xu Ziyan. It is this person who cut off their retreat, that is, this person ruined their hope of living.

With the hands of Xu Ziyan standing on the head of the city, looking at the flying demon family, the hands behind him quietly clenched.

At this time, the devils in the early days of the twenty-eight Luotian Shangxian had been only a kilometer away from Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also clearly felt that the back was condensed by more than three million eyes, smelling more than three million monks will collapse.


Xu Zi smoked...


Start exciting, eager for pink tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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