The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1277: Take Wanli

I am very grateful to the charm 0512 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


According to the repair of the peak of the mid-day of the early days of the leaves, it is not the opponent of any one in the house. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said faintly:

"do not worry!"

The four people relaxed slightly, but did not dare to relax completely. Who knows what will happen in a while. There is only a paragraph of fragrance here, not only did not listen to Xu Ziyan, but the face became gloomy. She naturally knew Ye Chu, and she also met him at Lingxiao Temple. For his performance on the battlefield of the fairy, her younger brother Duan Tianya was disappointed. There was a time when he had to slap him in the house several times a day.

At this point, Ye Chucai woke up from the shock of seeing Xu Ziyan, his eyes slightly changed and saw the fragrance of the paragraph, the body is a shock. It’s bitter to look at.

Looking at the fragrant fragrance for a while, I looked at Xu Ziyan for a while, and finally my heart suddenly moved, looking at the lonely star. In the heart:

"Is it true that Lonely Star is pleading for himself? If it can be the best, it can be forgiven by the Jade Emperor, and he can be placed in the Xianban, even if he wants to be a city owner again!"

Lonely Star Jun pointed to the beginning of the leaf: "Maybe the king has recognized him, he is what I am seeking today."

Xu Ziyan’s face smiled and hesitated: “How much did the seniors want to be a junior?”

Everyone did not understand why Xu Ziyan was so polite to Lonely Star.

Do not!

It is simply respect.

However, they all used to be accustomed to Xu Ziyan’s words, and they were silent.

Lonely Star Jun smiled and said: "Heaven, please rest assured. I will not embarrass you. As long as you can save his life, let him continue to rank in the Yuanxian Xianguo Xianban."

Xu Ziyan did not immediately agree, she now feels that her relationship with Duan Tianya is very subtle. I don't know what it will be like in the future. Will Duan Tianya give this face to himself. I looked at the fragrant fragrance beside me.

Duan Xiangxiang face sinking like water, staring coldly at the beginning of the leaf standing in front of himself. At the beginning of the leaf, under the intimidation of the fragrant eyes of the section, this suddenly remembered that he had been shocked by the appearance of Xu Ziyan and Duan Xiangxiang since he entered the house. I haven't seen Xu Ziyan and Duan Xiangxiang yet.

To know that he is wearing a sin at this time, and Xu Ziyan is now Lingbo Tianwang, Duan Xiangxiang is the jade emperor's sister. In a hurry, "噗通" screamed in front of two people:

"The sinner went to see the Emperor Lingbo and met the Furong fairy."

Duan Xiangxiang gloomy face does not speak, Xu Ziyan is not good at this time. Lonely Chen Xingjun is even more difficult to speak at this time, only looking at the help of the eyes to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan can't, only coughed twice:

"Cough... that... sister..."

Duan Xiangxiang turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan. The face gradually slowed down and whispered:

"Ziyan, do you want to protect him?"

Xu Ziyan said helplessly: "If possible, I hope that my sister can plead with the Jade Emperor and open the side to Ye Chu."

Duan Piaoxiang nodded and sighed: "Okay, I try my best!"

I got the promise of a piece of fragrance. Xu Ziyan also let go of his heart. In fact, to save the next leaf, Xu Ziyan did not care. A monk in the middle of the fairy, at this time in the eyes of Xu Ziyan is nothing. It was only able to let the fragrance of the section come out, and it was relieved to ask for help from Duan Tianya, but let Xu Ziyan feel a loose.

When Lonely Star Star Jun saw that this matter had been resolved, he again made a thousand miles of sound. At that time, the early monk of Luo Tianshang, who was guarding outside, pushed the door and walked in, and prayed to the lonely star:

"Xingjun, what is the order?"

Lonely Star Jun picked up the jade slip on the table and handed it to his jade, and handed it to the monk:

"Go and get the things listed here!"

"Yes!" The monk took the jade in his hands and gently retreated.

Lonely star star looked at Xu Ziyan and said with a smile: "Heavenly king. Do you want to let Ye Chu with Furong Fairy and your people to take a break?"

Xu Ziyan nodded. Turning to the paragraph said: "Sister, you should go on a break first, I have something to do with the lonely star."


Duan Piaoxiang has not made a sound, and the four monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang are facing the opening of Xu Ziyan. The eyes are full of worry. Xu Ziyan puts his hand in hand:

"You don't have to worry. I may be a fellow with Lonely Star. You go on!"

The four people hesitated and finally nodded. Standing up from the chair, Duan Xiangxiang was hesitant, but did not say anything. After all, she was asking for Xu Ziyan at this time, and did not dare to hinder the freedom of Xu Ziyan. Then with the leaves first retired.

The room was empty and quiet, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle...

Half-sounding, the Lonely Star Stars robe sleeves waved, the eight-faced flag flew out, and was inserted on the ground in eight directions centered on two people. Xu Ziyan is a glimpse of her heart. She can feel that this octagonal flag will separate herself and the lonely star from another space. Don't say what they said, that is, the two of them are playing here, and no one will hear it outside.

Xu Ziyan secretly swallowed a sip and asked softly: "What is the intention of the seniors?"

Lonely Star Star looked at Xu Ziyan, and released a hot glow in his gaze. The trembling said:

"Where did you fly up?"

Xu Ziyan is silent, and in her heart she is very skeptical that this lonely star is in the sky on the vast mainland. Because from the speculation of Xu Ziyan at the beginning, the founder of Tai Xuanzong was the disciple who fled from the oriental cultivation of Wanxian. And that Qiankun 诀 诀 should be the one that stayed strong in the beginning. But what if the other party is not? Doesn't that reveal its biggest secret? At this time, Lonely Star Xingjun also asked a question that made Xu Ziyan shake and almost planted from the chair:

"Do you have your own space?"

Xu Ziyan resolutely stabilized his state of mind and looked at each other nervously. Regardless of whether the other party is taking thousands of miles, the other person has now pointed out his biggest secret, which makes her feel terrified. Will be repaired to the peak, said weakly:

"I don't know what the seniors are saying?"

Lonely Star Jun gently looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "You don't have to worry, I am not malicious. I must have already felt it. I am practicing Qiang Kun, and I also feel that you are practicing Qiang Kun. This fairy, not Anyone who can cultivate is a person who can cultivate himself in a self-contained space. I said that you understand it? Because this is what I created, I thought that only one of me can cultivate in this world, I didn’t expect to encounter it today. When you arrive, it’s really not my way, huh, huh..."

Lonely Star Junjun’s laughter was full of excitement. Xu Ziyan heard what he said, and his mood was slightly relaxed. He looked at the lonely star and asked softly:

“Are you riding a senior?”

Lonely Star Jun smiled and nodded, looking at Xu Ziyan: "You have not answered my question yet."

Xu Ziyan has completely let go at this time. It seems that there is no secret before he can take it. In addition to being a soul crossing thing, it seems that the other party already knows. Then whispered:

"The predecessors said that the purple smoke came from the mainland of the sky, and the cultivation was indeed the creation of the predecessors, and the body did have space."

Listening to the miles, the face finally can't hide the excitement, the vibrato said: "Now the vast mainland can make the monks fly up?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan gradually calmed down, whispering how to break the three ancient seals, and let the vast mainland restore the concentration of the aura, so that the monks on the mainland of the sky can fly through the ramp.

I was amazed by the ten thousand miles, and I couldn’t help but blurt out: "I didn't think that there was such a group of heroes on the mainland."

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes and looked at Wanli Road: "Predecessors, we count as Junjie. You don't know, you are the idol of everyone on the mainland, and every monk in the vast mainland has heard of you. The name, every monk grew up listening to your story."

After a thousand smiles, I shook my head and shook my head: "A person who is flying up and what is worthwhile can make the monks on the entire vast continent have the opportunity to soar. That is the real great merit."

Having said that, looking at Xu Ziyan asked: "How long have you been flying up?"

"There have been more than two years." Xu Ziyan replied softly.

Looking at Xu Ziyan in a thousand miles, he sighed half a sigh and said complexly:

"More than two years has passed through the peak of the late Tianxian! Purple smoke, you should now know the monks with space in our body, how difficult is it to improve a little?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan quickly nodded: "It is very difficult! If I don't encounter too many opportunities on the mainland, I am afraid that I am still practicing **** the mainland."

Take a thousand miles and nod: "Our combat power is five times or even ten times that of ordinary monks. But it is precisely because they have space in their bodies that the required accumulation of energy is very large. And a single attribute monk can only comprehend an attribute. And we have to understand more attributes, because a space is supported by multiple attributes.

This has caused us to upgrade the first-order strength, even a small step, to pay five times, or even ten times more effort and time than ordinary monks. However, you are an exception. Your speed of improvement is not only slow, but also beyond ordinary monks. This may be because you have given all the monks on the mainland a chance to fly, creating a day. The great merits, this has got more chances than others. ”

Speaking of it, I sighed in a thousand miles: "And I am soaring alone, it seems to be radiant, but there is no merit. This life is also frustrated and frustrated. Hehe..."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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