The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1278: confused

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Xu Ziyan heard what he said, and the look is a glimpse. However, I feel that it makes sense to take thousands of miles. If you don't say yourself, that is to say, the West Gate is solitary. If others practice screaming, I am afraid that there is only a path of madness. However, it allowed Ximen's solitary smoke to encounter himself, but he also made himself mistakenly hit the way to find a way to crack the whistling. Is it really a heavenly cycle, with its own number?

The room became silent for a while, and Xu Ziyan’s heart also had many questions, especially for her own body space, she is still exploring the stage. Nowadays, I have encountered the opportunity to create a thousand miles, and I can still bear it. Looking at the meditation in the thousands of miles, whispered:

"Predecessors, how did you cultivate the space at the beginning?"

Wake up from meditation and listen to Xu Ziyan's question. He smiled and said: "In fact, this body space is different in size. But in terms of body space, it is in the upper galaxies, where there are many monks practicing in the body. Space. However, they are all small spaces, which are incomplete spaces. What kind of attributes are usually cultivated, and what kind of attributes are cultivated. For example, the body space that Jin Lingen’s monks cultivated is full of gold. The space that the monks of Mulingen cultivated is the wooden property space."

"What many attributes?"

Take the glory of the 10,000 inside: "Multi-attribute monks want to cultivate a multi-attribute space, where will you be easy? As far as I know, most multi-attribute monks have abandoned other attributes. Separately cultivate a property space. I want to cultivate a multi-attribute space, and only my Kun Kun is the most perfect. Although countless monks are studying the practice of multi-attribute space, there are also exercises to cultivate double attribute space. But more than three attributes But not yet.

I was originally a five-character root, and no one was willing to take me. Finally, he was taken over by Wan Jianzong. However, because of my five attributes, the speed of improvement is extremely slow. The brothers and sisters who entered Zongmen with me broke through to the base period. I am still struggling on the third floor of the refining period.

Later, I think that the practice of my cultivation is not suitable for the roots of the five attributes. Will there be a practice that is suitable for the cultivation of the five attributes? So, I went through the exercises of various attributes of Wan Jianzong, and later left the mountain gate, and traveled all over the mainland. In the end, I made a fortune.

At first, I just thought that Qiankun was suitable for the cultivation of the five attributes of the roots, but later did not think that I cultivated a body space. Oh, purple smoke, presumably you are also the five attribute roots? ”

Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite side of the journey. Some hesitation in the heart, because she is not the root of the five attributes. As far as she knows, she was originally a water root, and later did not know how to add a space in the body, and the water roots disappeared. She is very eager to figure out what is going on in her body space, and she is afraid to know more about her secrets. In the end, she said with a bite:

"Predecessors, purple smoke is not the root of the five attributes."

"Well?" Take a look at the miles. His eyes reveal the color of doubt: "How can you cultivate Qiankun? How can you cultivate the body space?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I don't know."

Looking at Xu Ziyan with a flash of gaze, he would like to see the space in Xu Ziyan. However, on the one hand, this made it very rude because of the private secrets of Xu Ziyan. On the other hand, this is also very risky. To know that he entered the space of Xu Ziyan, the repair of a body will be greatly restricted by the purple smoke space. If Xu Zixin has a mourning, his results are very dangerous.

In the end, he chose a more appropriate method and curiously said: "You tell me the process of cultivation."

Xu Ziyan said that he had to listen to the things related to the internal space during his cultivation. After listening to it, I sat in a chair and fell into meditation. ,

a long time. Take a look at the miles. The eyebrows are twisted into a shackle, presumably saying: "So, the space in your body is related to the 鲲鹏界. Yes, the 鲲 神 神 神 神 自 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 不错 不错 不错 不错 不错I also said that at that time, you didn’t understand the refining and chemical industry. It’s still a rookie who first entered the celestial world. How can the 鲲鹏界 merge with you so well? Become part of your body? Unless...”

In the eyes of thousands of miles, there was a glimmer of light, and the condensate said: "Unless you are reborn and reborn in the ancient times, the soul has the power of space. This is not right!"

Shaking his head alone, he was confused in his eyes, but he did not find Xu Ziyan's face slightly changed. Quietly thought in my heart:

"I am not a reincarnation of the ancients, but it is also a soul crossing!"

"Or you are a soul who has crossed the space by chance. In the process of crossing, it combines the power of some space, which makes your soul change your qualifications unconsciously, and merges with Peng Peng. The world, and the fact that you have cultivated my sorrows and sorrows, have caused your achievements today?" The sound of thousands of miles was heard.


The heart of Xu Ziyan violently beats as if she would jump out of her chest. And at this time, I confessed to myself in a thousand miles:

"Impossible, how can there be such a fantasy happening!"

After thinking about it, I looked at Xu Ziyan by Wanli and said, "Are you sure that you were just a water root?"

Xu Ziyan thought about it carefully, but I really can't be sure. She only felt that she was the root of water, and when she entered Taixuan, she was also chartered by Taixuan, and she did not test Linggen. So, I said these things to my own.

Take a thigh and take a thigh: "This is right! You have not passed the Linggen test, you must be the root of the five attributes. Just you don't know it."

Xu Ziyan is very confused. She does not know what her body is. However, she feels that the reason for the passage of her own soul has just been reasoned correctly! It seems that regardless of whether or not you are a spiritual root of five attributes, you can cultivate space, and it must be caused by many reasons.

There are reasons for the Peng Peng world, the reason for the passage of his own soul, and the reason for his own soul crossing is probably the main reason. There are reasons for practicing Qiankun, and perhaps there is a reason why I am indeed the root of the five attributes. Many reasons have been added to create a space in my body.

Suddenly in my heart, is the space in my body the same as in a thousand miles? Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Predecessors, what is your space like?"

Take pride in the face of Wanli: "You and my space are different from those of single attribute space. There is only one element in the single attribute space, for example, only metal can be generated in the metallic space, even if it is extremely rare metal, then It is also metal. Only some plants can be planted in the wooden space. Even rare herbs are plants.

However, in our space, our space is a continent, just like the vast mainland, with five attributes, and can put humans, immortals, plants and so on. That is a separate world. It is no different from the outside world. I call it a small world. ”


Xu Ziyan slid down his eyes and concealed his inner shock. Her body is not a continent, it is a star field, and it is still a star field of Xianfan! In the end, Xu Ziyan still did not hold back, and asked for a longing:

"Predecessors, do you say that our space will be in the future to cultivate a planet like the fairy world?"

Take a smile and say: "How is that possible? You are really a human heart and a snake!"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan smiled. In the heart, he said: "It seems that my body space is different from that of a thousand miles! Is it really because the soul of the soul is merging, and the reason for the power of space?"

This thing, she did not have the opportunity to cross again, only give up and no longer think about it.

"Right!" Suddenly asked in a thousand miles: "What do you mean by saying that the Tai Xuanzong of today is the disciple of Wan Jianzong who fled to the north to establish?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan saw that he was no longer mentioning space in Wanli. He was relieved and said with respect: "Today's Tai Xuanzong has moved back to the site of the Oriental Jianxian Jiejian, and rebuilt the mountain gate. However, Still called Tai Xuanzong."

"Great! Finally, my Wan Jianzong has not broken the inheritance."

"Predecessors, do we have a sword in the fairy world?" Xu Ziyan said curiously.

"Of course, there is a galaxy in the upper Yuan."

“Where did the seniors go?”

"of course!"

"That... why are you here now, and your repair is..." Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

I took a sigh of tens of thousands of miles and sighed a long sigh: "I hide the cultivation. As for what I am doing, you don't have to ask. As for why I am here, it is because I was in the upper galaxies. Offended a person, he was hunted by his pursuit, and had to run to the lower meta-galaxies."

"Who is so powerful, can you kill the predecessors and go nowhere?" The fire of the gossip in Xu Ziyan’s heart burned.

There is a bitterness on the face of Wanli: "There are six of the most powerful Zongmen in the Shangyuan Galaxy. I killed the only son of the second largest sect of the sect."

I was bored and waved: "The past things should not be mentioned. Now that the matter has passed more than five million years, I want to go back and see. I am afraid that I will leave the lower galaxies for a long time. You must practice well and try to see you in the Shangyuan Galaxy!"

" is this going to go?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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