The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1279: Kill God

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I took a thousand miles and shook my head. "After a while, I still have some things left. Right, Ziyan, the ancestors of Yechu once helped me, so you can help him this time as much as possible. I have a wish."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

In a thousand miles, I took out a jade slip and handed it to Xu Ziyan. "This is a record of some of my experiences in cultivation. I will give it to you! Anyway, you are my true descendant. In this world, only us. Two practitioners of Qiankun."

Xu Ziyan was moved in the heart, and knew in his heart what he said. He is the true descendant of him, and he is the only one. Did not pick up the jade in the hands of Wanli. Instead, he stood up and walked in front of the 10,000-mile body. He bowed three respectfully and screamed:


This is the hand that has taken over the jade, and Xu Ziyan’s move will make a big laugh on the miles and even raise the eyebrows. You know, in the fairy world, it is not easy for a person to want to worship a famous teacher. However, it is not easy for a famous teacher to find a disciple who can inherit his own inheritance.

I’m going to take a mile to get out of a table storage ring and say to Xu Ziyan: “Get up, pick, pick what you want, take it away.”

Xu Ziyan felt that his heart was so warm and lonely, drifting alone in the fairy world, it was a good time for a master to hurt.

The jade in his hand was collected, and the gods swept over the pile of storage rings on the table, and they shouted with a small mouth:

"Master, you are so rich!"

I laughed with joy and said: "Master has entered the fairy world for thousands of years. Naturally, there is some accumulation. Especially when I flee, Master, I killed a lot of wealthy people, huh, huh..."

Xu Ziyan looked dazzled and picked up some advanced alchemy materials. I no longer have a good intention to reach out. Looking at the darkness and nodding, the character of this disciple is really good, not a greedy person. Reaching out and picking up a storage ring from the table and handing it to Xu Ziyan said:

"Take this hold, it will be useful to leave the next galaxies in the future."

Xu Ziyan took over the storage ring. The gods swept away, but it was the best of a storage ring, with a total of more than 100 million. Xu Ziyan asked in surprise:

"Master, how are you so rich?"

Take a sneer in a thousand miles: "If you are killed by various monks for millions of years without killing, killing the monks who chase you one by one, and robbing them of their net worth, they will naturally become rich."

Xu Ziyan spit out his tongue and said in his heart: "My master is a god!"

Xu Ziyan really guessed it. In the Shangyuan Galaxy, no one knows the name of killing God in thousands of miles. Today, five million years later, there are people in the upper meta-galaxies who often mention them.

"Master, do you tell the disciples about the things of the upper galaxies?"

After thinking about it for a long time, I slowly shook my head: "Smoke, you are still at a low level, knowing that there are too many things. But it is not good for your mentality. When you go to the upper galaxies, you will naturally know." ""

Speaking of it, I took a moment to think about it, and took out a jade slip. After inputting a message, I handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"Smoke, here is the ancestral address of the Shangyuan Galaxy Wan Jianzong. After you go to the Shangyuan Galaxy, you will go to Wan Jianzong. Anyway, you are also a disciple of Wan Jianzong. After you go, you will Go to Lu Xiangning. She will tell you where Master is."

"Master!" Xu Ziyan took over Yu Jian. Worried and said: "You don't return Wan Jianzong?"

I smiled and said with a smile: "Where is the Master dare to return to Wan Jianzong? If the celestial sect knows that Master is in the upper galaxies, I am afraid it will be a pursuit. However, in my lifetime, I will definitely be in the field." The upper meta-galaxies are uprooted."

The body of a thousand miles suddenly broke out of the domineering momentum. Just for a moment, Xu Ziyan was pale. When I stepped back, I sat down on the ground and yelled:


The momentum of the sky, the hurriedly put up a smile on the mile, condensed a big hand, and helped Xu Ziyan up:

"Smoke, it is Master's fault, Master apologizes to you, huh, huh..."

Xu Ziyan saw his love from Master's eyes. He remembered that Master had been chased for millions of years, and he was alone in this place. Now he suddenly has such a disciple, and he can't help but reveal his true feelings. Looking at Master, Xu Ziyan could not help but feel sad.

"Nothing, Master!" Xu Ziyan said quietly. Suddenly, the eyes are bright again: "Master, your momentum is so scary, what exactly are you doing?"

Continue to shake your head in the miles: "Smoke, don't ask."

Xu Ziyan snorted and said: "Don't tell me, I will see it myself."

There was a blue flash in the eyes, and then there was a burst of sorrow on his face. Because she actually couldn’t see the repairs of thousands of miles with her eyes, then...what is the level of Master’s cultivation?

After waking up from the loss of consciousness, I saw Master’s smiling eyes. Knowing that his little tricks were discovered by Master, his face was red, and he bowed his head and said nothing.

"Hehehe..." said with a smile in Wanli: "Smoke, I didn't think you still have such a secret skill, how? See through the repair of the teacher?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head honestly.

"Ha ha ha..." He laughed loudly in the air. He felt that today is the happiest day of his own million years, and his mood has never been so comfortable.

Xu Ziyan played with the jade in his hand and suddenly asked: "Master, did you mention Lu Xiangning's predecessor as a master?"

"Cough and cough..." The violent cries of Wanli were replaced by a fierce cough, and Xu Ziyan looked at it:

"Don't say, don't ask Master again! Um..."

The tens of thousands of eyes fell to the table, picked up a storage ring, took out an empty storage ring, and took out five **** from the selected storage ring and placed them in the empty storage ring. , handed to Xu Zi flue:

"There are five star nucleus in it, which belong to the five properties of Jinmu Shuihuo. When you find a good refiner in the future, you can refine them into a five-element sword. Master speculates that only such a sword can be used. To make the power of our space, that is the real sword."

Xu Ziyan transmitted the gods into the storage ring and immediately felt the power of five strong attributes. It is the kind of power that I have never seen before, as if it were a star. Today, Xu Ziyan is not a rookie who first entered the fairy world. It is natural to know that this star nucleus is just the beginning of the germination of the star. It is just a star nucleus. When it has not grown into a star, it is sealed by the big monk and used as a refiner. thing. It is said that such a star nucleus can refine the innate fairy if it can ask the master of the refiner.

"This... Master... is too expensive!" Xu Ai said during the period of Xu Ziyan, but the hand held the storage ring tightly.

It’s funny to watch Xu Ziyan’s appearance in Wanli, but it’s hard to have such a disciple who is satisfied with her. She can’t bear to laugh at her, and she will hold back the smile and wave her hand:

"Nothing, Master has a lot!"

"Thank you Master!" Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and collected the storage ring and looked up at Master:

"Master, do you have such a sword?"

Shaking his head in a thousand miles said: "If Master has such a sword, he will not be so hard to be chased. Master has never encountered a refinery master who can refine the star nucleus into a congenital treasure."

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly moved: “Master, how many such stars do you have?”

I took a look at Xu Ziyan by accident, but I didn’t doubt the character of Xu Ziyan, said softly:

"Master has collected a total of three sets of star nucleus, because it is not the refining of the great singer. It is necessary to make more preparations."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a bit hesitant, but in the end it is a bite: “Master, Ziyan knows a refiner, his refining realm, Ziyan is deeply admired. If Master believes, he will give the star to purple. A set of smoke, waiting for the purple smoke to meet him, asked him to refine a sword for the master."

Looking at the eyes of Wanli, I looked at Xu Ziyan: "Where is he? What is the realist of his realm?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Master, now I don't know where he is. I only know that he went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Who is he, and without his consent, please forgive the disciples because they can't tell, because He has a lot of secrets and a strong enemy. So..."

Take a thousand miles and wave it: "Smoke, you don't have to say it, I understand. The day that your friend lived, Master has also had it."

Slightly wrinkled, my heart can not help but feel a little embarrassed. To know the scarcity of the star nucleus, it is already to the extent that a star nucleus will cause a fierce sensation in the fairy world. Only a small part of the three sets of star nucleus on Wanli’s body was sealed in the interstellar space, and almost lost his life. Most of them were obtained by killing those who chased him.

In the same year, thousands of miles in the upper meta-galaxies stirred up countless sects, and finally forced Wan Jianzong to reluctantly drive him out of the sect, otherwise even his sect would be destroyed. He has been killing millions of years in the upper galaxies, making him the name of the gods who killed the gods.

However, even so, he also got three sets of stars. If you give Xu Ziyan a set, you will have a set left, so even if you find a refining instrument in the future, you may not be able to refine a successful sword. However, where is the Daxian division who can refine the star nucleus into the innate celestial treasure? Not to mention his current situation, I am afraid that once he is known to return to the meta-galaxies, he will return to the days of being chased.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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