The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1282: Take the miles

I am very grateful to Tllsherry (588), forever after the rainy season (200), An ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), ◆___ Xiaozuo classmates (100), light rain thinks classmates (100), the book friend 121125180033556 classmates (100) rewards.


"Linger, what's wrong with you?"

The fear in the eyes of Tang Linger gradually disappeared, and the one that stood up was a determined one. Looking at the end of the world, he said with difficulty:

"End of the World, you have to forgive me!"

Duan Tianya looked like a sigh: "Linger, why do you want to say this, you have not done anything wrong."

Tang Linger shook his head gently, and a layer of dense sweat was oozing on his forehead.

"End of the World, you listen to me... I came to see you... I am not... after the family broke... but... a deserter... I am afraid of you... blame I lied... ..."

"Linger, I will not blame you, don't say it!" Duan Tianya squatted tightly on Tang Linger's hand.

Tang Linger still gently shook his head: "End of the World, you let me finish... I may be alive soon... you have to beware of Ye Chu..."

Tang Linger intermittently told the first thing about Ye Chu, the face of the end of the world was gloomy as if it was dark before the rainstorm, and said with a grin:

"Yechu, I want to kill you!"

The look of Xu Ziyan was also gloomy. He did not think that Ye Chu had actually made such a miscellaneous thing. However, he is the master who wants to protect! Spit a long breath. Still feel bored in my heart, but I can't help but say that this makes Xu Ziyan more depressed. Once again, I spit out a long breath, Xu Ziyan said softly:

"End of the World. Linger, the one who wants to protect the beginning of the leaves is my master!"

Duan Tianya turned his head and Tang Linger was also a stunned look. Xu Ziyan is also very depressed, and smiles and explains to Tang Linger:

"My master once owed a favor on Ye Chuzu. And my master is likely to cure your wounds!"

Tang Linger’s eyes were bright, and the look on Duan Tianya’s face was also a change. Finally, he said with a gloomy face:

"Sister, as long as your master can save Linger, I will leave this time."

Xu Ziyan nodded and patted Tang Linger’s hand and turned away.

With a transmission array, Xu Ziyan came to the railing city on the same day. Duan Tianya has a reminder of Xu Ziyan. Although I saw that it was only the repair of Luo Tianshang in the early days of the immortality, I couldn’t believe it in my heart. At the same time, it is guaranteed that if you can cure Tang Linger, it will not be difficult for Ye.

It was also a bit depressed in the miles, and he did not think that Yechu had actually done such a thing. However, this is the end of the matter. Only a face nodded, and came to Tang Linger’s room.

Taking the repairs of thousands of miles, it is only a matter of trying to get rid of the five celestial forces in Tang Linger's body. After that, Xu Ziyan used the gas of life to restore life to Tang Linger, so that she quickly recovered her injury. As long as she adjusted her interest for half a month, she would fully recover.

After that, in the room where I lived for a long time, I took the first call of the mile and yelled at the beginning. Then he waved his sleeves and took him out.

There are only two people in the house who are taking thousands of miles and Xu Zi. Silence silently.

Half-sounding, take a jade card from the storage ring and hand it to Xu Ziyan and say: "Smoke, you return this jade card to Jade Emperor!"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, after a while. Only then reacted and whispered: "Master. Are you leaving the lower galaxies?"

I gently nodded in Wanli: "It is time to go back. I originally thought about staying for a while, but after drinking your tea, I feel that I am going to break through. I have accumulated five million years, but this is worse. A little bit of a state of mind, now that my mood is fulfilled, I have to go back."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were revealed, and he screamed: "Master!"

Looking at Xu Ziyan in a loving manner, he is more satisfied with this disciple. After a while, I whispered:

"Smoke, after I left, look at the guard who can give the Jade Emperor the position of the Lone Star Star Jun. It is the early monk who guarded the door of Luo Tianshang, who is called Di Yi, he followed I have been here for a long time."

"Yes, Master! If the Jade Emperor does not agree, I will also arrange a position for him in my territory."

Take a thousand miles and bow down and say: "When I go back and ask him, see if he is willing to be a lonely star, or willing to be with you."

"Master, now the situation in Qianyuan can't leave a little time to help your disciples..."

Take a smile and interrupt Xu Ziyan: "Smoke, do you have no confidence in defeating Luofu Jade Emperor? I want to rely on the cultivation practice of our mentor and apprentice, even if we can't beat Luofu Jade Emperor, but it will not be defeated. As long as you and Duan Tianya teamed up, but completely defeated and even killed Luofu Jade Emperor. What's more, you still have a multi-poor king?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "Master said it is good, but this is the case, and the battle with Luofu Jade Emperor is inevitable, and we only slightly dominate the high-level monks, and the overall strength is not as good as Luofu Xianguo. After all, Luofu Xianguo attacked the Yuanyuan Xianguo with the power of the whole country, but the Qianyuan Xianguo was forced to divide into three battlefields. Here, only one third of the Qianyuan Xianguo’s combat power, I am afraid that after such a battle After the immortal battle, it was to preserve the fairy country, and its decline was inevitable."

After a thousand miles, I looked up and said: "Smoke, you are worried that once the Yuanyuan fairy country declines, one day it will die. If the Yuanyuan fairy country is not there, I am afraid that you can’t keep your territory, so that is soaring. The stars fall into the hands of the Mozu or the Yaozu. Are you worried about the fate of the monks on the mainland?

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Yes, Master. We have a chance to fly up the fairyland in the mainland. So far, it has risen to four people. If it is occupied by the Yaozu or the Mozu, the monks on the mainland are not Flying on a dead end? If I don't know it, but now that the flying star is my territory, it is my responsibility to protect the repairs on the mainland. After flying, there is a place to live. This is my responsibility. A responsibility from a monk from the mainland."

Taking a look at the thousands of miles, I looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of appreciation. A monk can be ruthless and can kill countless people. However, only when there is a constant responsibility in the heart can you gain merit. Perhaps the reason why the smoker has so many adventures is because she has the responsibility in her heart, and the merits she gets are far more than ordinary people.

Once, the Cangwu continent was cracked and sealed, so that the monks on the entire mainland of the Cangwu had a chance to soar. This is already a great merit. Nowadays, in order to protect the monks on the mainland, it is a merit. It seems that the future achievements of this disciple will surpass themselves!

Well, in this case, Master will also exert a force, and perhaps still be able to get a merit. When I think of it, I smiled and said:

"Well, Master will help. However, Master can't help you kill Luofu Jade Emperor, you know!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. Take a thousand miles and say: "However, if you want to deal with Luofu Xianguo, it is not necessary for the father to go into battle. Now the crisis of the Yuanyuan Xianguo is only because the troops are forced to disperse. But, smoke, you have to know, not only Qianyuan There are demon and demons around the fairy country, and there are also demon and demons around the Luofu fairy country."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright and crisp: “Master said, let us use the scheme to make the Mozu and the Yaozu around Luofu Xianguo attack Luofu Xianguo?”

Take a thousand miles and smile: "Then what do you do? Will it be settled?"

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. What is the solution in her heart? Looking at Master’s smiling look, he screamed:


Take a thousand miles of "hehe" and said with a smile: "This matter will be handed over to the teacher to do it!"

"Master, do you have a way?"

Take a thousand miles and nod: "I have a relationship with the demon king over there, the devil, I will let them send troops."

Xu Ziyan was shocked, staring at the shocked eyes and looking at Master to eat and said: " and the demon...the demon...have friendship...they are the demon and the demon!"

The gaze of Wanli became wise and profound, and he said to Xu Ziyan with great enthusiasm: "Smoke, you remember, whether it is human, demon or demon, they are the creatures between the heavens and the earth, in fact, with the devil, the demon Like the human race, the race should have equal opportunities for survival.

The reason why the Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu have been fighting each other for a long time, is not the Mozu and the Yaozu are evil generations, and our Terran does not necessarily occupy justice. At the root of it, the three races are all for survival and for resources. Among the Mozu and the Yaozu, there is no shortage of broad-minded people. The contradiction between the three tribes is the most intense in the lower galaxies. When you arrive at the Zhongyuan galaxies, this contradiction will be much more rational. When you get to the Shangyuan Galaxy, you will understand more. ”

Xu Ziyan was silent for half a time, his face was not good-looking, and he asked weakly: "Master, you mean, the realm of our lower galaxies is too low to understand these, too... ignorant?"

"Oh, huh..." Looking at the appearance of Xu Ziyan's grievances, I couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Smoke, you don't have to. In fact, the Shangyuan and Zhongyuan galaxies are indeed the monks of the lower galaxies as bandits. Look, hahaha..."

"Master ~~" ​​Xu Ziyan raised his mouth.

"Ha ha ha..." After riding a thousand miles, but after laughing, after a fun, he said: "Okay, don't say it. Master first went back to the lonely star and brought Di Yi carving."

The next day, take a thousand miles to bring Di Yi carved. Na Diyi now knows that Xu Ziyan is a disciple of thousands of miles, and he insists on staying with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan decided to find a planet in his own territory and let him be the master of a star. However, he was immediately rejected by Di Yi, who wanted to stay with Xu Ziyan, like Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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