The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1283: Counterattack

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Xu Ziyan finally looked at his master with helplessness, and he had no choice but to nod. So, from then on, Xu Ziyan's side was followed by a loyal guard.

After leaving for thousands of miles, Tang Linger’s injury has healed. Duan Tianya was in a good mood, and Xu Ziyan and Duobao Tianwang went out to patrol several times. When the Xianjun knew that Xu Ziyan had arrived, the mental state was immediately changed, and they were revived one by one.

Duan Tianya seems to want to open at this time, can not help but no longer deliberately avoid the merits of Xu Ziyan. Instead, everyone preached, and in public, the purple smoke was the commander of the Xianjun, commanding the fairy war with Luofu Xianguo, and the morale of the Xianjun on the railing star was greatly enhanced.

However, Xu Ziyan has been standing still, only to start the defense of the railing star, let the Xianjun rest. There is no trace of attacking the Luofu Xianguo at all, and recovering the lost ground.

Duan Tianya is very anxious, because the assembly of the Xianjun, the daily consumption is very amazing. If you go on like this, you don't need to say that you are playing, that is, consumption also drags down the Yuanyuan fairy country. It is the monthly amount of the drug, which is an amazing number.

Every time Duan Tianya asked Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan’s situation was smiling. Duan Tianya suddenly remembered the departure of thousands of miles, and he tentatively asked:

"Sister, is there any plan for your master?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded. After that, no matter how he asked questions, he would not say more than one word. There is no way to make a paragraph. Had to be bored.

A month later, Luofu Jade Emperor led a huge Xianjun, and landed on the railing star in a dense boat. Constantly called the squad of the Yuan Dynasty. but. Xu Ziyan is just barely able to keep it.

After seven days, Luofu Xianguo began to attack. Xu Ziyan is still only a defense, not willing to attack. This allowed the immortal army to be in high spirits because of the arrival of Xu Ziyan. The momentum has fallen back.

Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang are very anxious, repeatedly looking for Xu Ziyan many times. However, every time Xu Ziyan told them to wait patiently. Although, every day, the purple smoke is a smile. A pair of chest-like appearances, but the heart is secretly anxious, do not know how Master's plan is going on?

Another month later, Xu Ziyan, standing in front of the defensive formation, showed a smile in his eyes. The whole body seems to be a lot easier. Today, Luofu Xianguo is still attacking, but the input force is much less. These days, Xu Ziyan was under tremendous pressure. In the past month, from time to time, in the part of the big battle, he was attacked by the army of Luofu Xianguo, although he finally repelled the fairy army of Luofu Xianguo. Also re-patched the big array, but also died a lot of people.

Xu Ziyan easily returned to the Star Junfu from the front. During this time, Tianya and Duobao Tianwang also felt that the attack of Luofu Xianguo seemed to have some errands. They all looked at the incomprehensible eyes of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled and said to Duobao Tianwang:

"Commanded, we have to counterattack!"

The body of Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang was a colleague, and Duan Tianya eagerly asked:

"Sister, what happened?"

Xu Ziyan’s face smirked and spread from the corner of his mouth. The voice was full of joy:

"It should be that the Mozu and the Yaozu around Luofu Xianguo have entered the Luofu Xianguo."

Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang look a glimpse, followed by ecstasy. The two men looked at each other and Duan Tianya hurriedly asked:

"Sister. But what did your Master do? He... How did the old man do it?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know. His old man is doing mystery and asked him if he wouldn't say it."

Within the camp of Luofu Xianguo, Luofu Jade Emperor threw a teacup on the ground and sat in a chair with a sullen face. He never expected it. Just as he was about to win the victory against the Yuan Dynasty, his backyard was on fire. And it is not a small fire. It is a raging fire. The Yaozu and the Mozu invaded the Luofu Xianguo at the same time. Within seven days, he lost nine planets. The Yaozu and the Mozu rushed into the Luofu Xianguo from all directions. And looking at them, they don't want to occupy the Luofu Xianguo for a long time, but they plunder like grasshoppers.

Every time you occupy a planet, there will be a large number of demons and demons that will still collect resources on the planet and then be completely removed. Continue to the next planet. However, Luofu Jade Emperor did not dare to guarantee that the Mozu and the Yaozu were only plundered, and when they were enough to plunder, they would withdraw. If you can't attack the Mozu and the Yaozu, these Mozu and Yaozu will occupy it for a long time. If this is the case, then Luofu Xianguo will be gradually eroded and embarked on the road to destroy the country.

Today's Luofu Jade Emperor is very embarrassed. If you do not withdraw troops from the Yuan Dynasty, your own Luofu Xianguo will be destroyed by the Mozu and the Yaozu. If you just withdraw a small part of the Xianjun, it is useless. However, to withdraw all the troops, Luofu Jade Emperor is not reconciled. More than a year of hard work is so scrapped, he will be depressed and vomiting blood.

Luofu Jade Emperor sat in a chair and thought over and over again. Today, the Yuanyuan Xianguo has been beaten by itself and can only be able to shrink or retreat, rather than dare to fight. As long as they continue to give them a little pressure, they will collapse over time. Because they are already afraid from the bottom of their hearts, they dare not fight with themselves. In this way, it is no longer necessary to invest so many troops in the Yuanyuan Xianguo. I am afraid that as long as half of the Xianjun is left, no, one-third of the Xianjun will be able to destroy the Yuanyuan Xianguo.

Even if one third of the Xianjun is left here and is deadlocked with the Yuanyuan fairy country, I will go back and hurt the Mozu and the Yaozu, so that they will not dare to invade Luofu Xianguo in a short time. At that time, I will return to destroy the Yuanyuan fairy country.

Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya, Duobao Tianwang three people stood in the railings of the city, looking at the dense and beautiful Luofu Xianguo's fairy boat into the sky, Xu Ziyan could not help but reveal a hint of laughter in the corner of his mouth:

"It seems that this Luofu Jade Emperor has not put us in the eyes at all. He feels that we have decided to eat us."

"Sister, do we want to go to war immediately?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "The time is not moving, waiting for our hidden spies in the interstellar to confirm that Luofu Jade Emperor really left, we are fighting. In the future battle, we will leave the three left of Luofu Xianguo All the troops are eaten."

Sure enough, the news from the interstellar, the Luofu Jade Emperor took the flying army to hide in the interstellar space not far from the railing star. They are waiting for the troops to send troops to the Yuan, and they will immediately return to the railing star. Encircle the Qianyuan Xianguo.

Not only is Xu Ziyan, but at this time, Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang are not in a hurry. Knowing the current situation of Luofu Xianguo, both of them are very calm. The original arrogance also disappeared, and now they are waiting for an opportunity to wait for the Luofu Jade Emperor to take away the fairy army of Luofu Xianguo. The moment is the moment when the Yuanyuan Xianguo counterattacks.

They can afford it, but Luofu Jade can't wait. Just three days later, Luofu Jade Emperor saw the Yuanyuan Xianguo. After he left, there was still no desire to counterattack. The corner of his mouth sneered and left.

The news came back, Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang stood at the railing head and looked towards the opposite side. Duobao Tianwang said:

"Jade Emperor, the opposite Luofu Xianguo only has a late monk in Luo Tianshang, and the old minister can deal with it. Others in the early days of Luo Tianxian, in the early days of Yudi and Xu Tongling are not opponents, let alone we still There are more than a dozen Luo Tianxian immortals. This battle will surely kill the two million Luofu monks on the opposite side."

Duan Tianya shook his head and said: "The Luofu Jade Emperor is not stupid, do you see the opposite? They also set up a formation. If they find that they are not good when we start the counterattack, they will retreat into the big battle. We may not be able to break open that big array. If it cannot be broken, it will remain deadlocked on the railing star. If this stalemate continues until the Luofu Jade Emperor returns, we will suffer.

Xu Ziyan also nodded frequently, looking at the opposite side of the array.

"Sister, what do we do next?"

Xu Ziyan took back the look of the opposite side and said faintly: "If I am not mistaken, the proud Luofu Xianjun will continue to attack and attack us. Let all the monks prepare and wait for them next. When attacking, all the Xianjun troops were dispatched, and the Luofu Xianjun, who came to attack, was killed first. Then, we were surrounded by the big array and slowly studied."

"Not bad!" Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang slammed.


From the opposite side of the array of squadrons, about 500,000 Luofu Xianjun, carrying a variety of fairy devices to the railings. They have been doing this before, and they came outside the railing city. They used a variety of fairy tools to continually bombard the array of railings. When they waited for a gap in the battlefield, they rushed in to fight with the monks of the Yuanyuan Xianguo. kill.

Although each time they were defeated by the monks of the Yuanyuan Xianguo, they gave the Yuanyuan Xianguo a heavy price. Each attack killed many monks of the Yuanyuan Xianguo. The morale of Yuanxianguo was shot down to the bottom of the valley. Didn't you see that today's Qianyuan Xianguo can only be huddled in a large array, and even dare not come out?

About 500,000 or so of the Xianjun slammed into the railing city, and the railing city was less than 100 meters away. At this time, the entire array of guarding the railings suddenly dissipated the shield.


Millions of monks rushed toward the Luofu Xianjun, which was only about 500,000. Luofu Xianguo took the lead in not the late Luo Tianshang, but a monk who fell into the middle and the middle. I haven't gotten his reaction, and I saw a stream of light flowing through the sky, but it was the multi-petition king in the late days of Luo Tianshang.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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