The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1284: Eight-door gold lock array

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (400), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), the Rangers GB classmates (100) reward!


There were a few treasures in front of his eyes. The king of Duobao was worthy of the name of Duobao. He only gave five fairy instruments in an instant. There were swords, knives, guns, axes, and a mouthful. Ju Ding detained the head of the mid-term monk of Luo Tianshang.

One did not prepare for it, and one did for a long time. In the midst of the rush of the monk in the middle of the heavens, only the sword, the knife, the gun, the axe were blocked, but they were detained by the head.

Duobao Tianwang’s heart was overjoyed, his hands quickly moved his handcuffs, and he sipped in his mouth:


The sword, the knife, the gun, and the axe turned into streamers and were collected by Duobao Tianwang. At the same time, the giant tripod also flew into the air, and the hands of Duobao Tianwang suddenly rushed into the air, and the giant dings from the hands of Duobao Tianwang released a ray of light.

"Give me a refining!"

When Duobao Tianwang screamed, he began to refine the Luofu monks in Juding.

At this time, the monks of the Yuanyuan Xianguo had spread like the tide to the opposite Luofu Xianjun. Xu Ziyan’s four early days of the monk’s early monk and Di Yi carving led the private army of two thousand purple smokes.

These Luofu Xianjun also, like their commanders, did not think that there would be a counter-offensive of the Yuanyuan Xianguo, so the situation is as general as their command. One party is completely unprepared, while the other party is screaming.

Under such a state of mind, the situation is simply one-sided. Not to mention millions to 500,000. In terms of strength, it also exceeds the other side too much. Only in an instant, the other 500,000 centuries were drowned.

Among the large arrays opposite, the left-handed monk of Luo Tianshang, who stayed behind, naturally saw what happened in front of him. Furious in my heart, I will do the rest of the 1.5 million centuries. I rushed out of the big battle and flew toward the battlefield.

"Ha ha ha ..." Duan Tianya burst into laughter, his body jumped from the railing city, and swiftly crossed in the air. The right to be printed on the head was instantly enlarged, and the monk of the late Luo Tianshang was opposite.

On the opposite side, Luo Tianshang’s late monk’s figure in the air suddenly rushed up, and a sword in his hand instantly magnified, hitting the right to land in the air.


Unlimited loud noise, hurricane overflowing, the power of the paragraph of the end of the world did not fall, the same long sword of the late monk Luo Tianshang also stopped in the air, the sword tip withstood the right to print. Deadlocked together. If this continues, with the repair of Duan Tianya, it will be lost sooner or later. On the one hand, his cultivation is not as good as the other side. On the other hand, the right is also very expensive for the monks.

The two sides are not without the monks who want to help their respective commanders and Jade Emperors, but the power of the paragraphs of the Tianya and the power of the other side's swords are not the usual monks can approach. If it wasn’t for the late monks of Luo Tianshang, it would be impossible to get close.

And it is at this time. A gem-blue figure flew out of the railing city head, and as a meteor pulled out a ray of light toward the Luofu Xianguo, the late monk of the heavenly rushed to the past.

The late monk of Luo Tianshang glanced at Xu Ziyan, and his mouth could not help but pass a sneer. In the heart:

"Just you want to join forces with Duan Tianya at the peak of the late Tianxian? Can you rush into the energy circle between me and Duan Tianya?"

His eyebrows suddenly picked, because his afterglow saw Xu Ziyan rushing into the energy circle that he and the end of the world stalemate without any hindrance, and its speed did not drop.

"She is not a fairy, she is fooled!"

The idea quickly passed over his mind, and his body instantly fled in the direction of the big battle. Now he knows that he is definitely not the enemy of this woman and Duan Tianya.

However, Xu Ziyan is faster than him. The four-character sword in the right hand burst into a sharp sword, and the left hand was flashing. The meaning of the Golden Boxing has been shipped to the Great Consummation.


Xu Ziyan's fairy sword collided with the other's fairy sword. Both swords are up, and just in the moment when the swords are rising, the shape of Xu Ziyan has been bullied to the past, and the left fist Jinmang is instantly enlarged. Bombing the past toward the other side.


The other side blew a punch at the same time, Xu Ziyan's body shape. The other person's body shape is rapidly falling. However, at this time, the power of Duan Tianya was torn from the air and the space was suppressed.

The other side has no choice but to smash.


The mouth of the mouth spit out three feet of blood, and the figure quickly flew into the big array. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stood side by side in the air, and their eyes were full of regrets.

At this time, the Luofu Xianjun saw the commander's defeat, and the hula went all out to the big battle. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and looked a little flickering. They stood on the top of the entrance of the big array. One sacrificed the right to seal, and one of the four swords, and the Luofu monk who wanted to enter the big circle below. Bombardment.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya did not dare to block the door, so that the two of them would be affected by the flood of the millions of immortals. Therefore, the two of them are only standing in the air with high emptiness, and they are constantly bombarded with the fairy.

The Luofu Xianjun below also saw Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya two people, and they sacrificed the fairy to gather the power of the people to resist the attack of two people, regardless of whether they fled to the big array. Behind them is a large number of monks and monks who are madly chasing.

The Luofu Xianjun, who had not yet had time to rush out of the big array, had already shrunk back. It was only half an hour of killing, and it killed nearly 700,000 monks in Luofu Xianguo. After that, more than 300 yuan in the Yuanyuan fairy country. The Wan Xianjun tightly surrounded the big squad of Luofu.

Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang stood in front of the front door and looked towards the whole big line. At a glance, I recognized this as an eight-door lock. However, it is recognized that it is recognized, but it is not easy to crack this array.

Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang are frowning, and Xu Ziyan also slightly locks his eyebrows. Because of this, the eight-door gold lock array in front of this is a simplified version, only the power of the four-character array. However, it is already the pinnacle of the four-character array that can be laid out in the lower galaxies.

The most embarrassing thing about the purple smoke is that although this eight-door gold lock array is not high in her opinion, because of the specificity of this array, it is not easy to break outside, but Xu Ziyan, who is a six-character teacher, may not necessarily Can crack. If you want to crack this array, you must enter the array.

However, as soon as you enter the battlefield, you will fall into the wind in the first place. Because after all, it is in the middle of the opponent's control, in the passive. Moreover, there are more than one million Luofu monks in the eight-door gold lock array. Not to mention a number of fierce attacks in the array, that is, this one-million-dollar monk is not something she can resist.

If she comes in with many monks, she can't take care of them at all. Waiting for their results is only one death. In the end, I still fell to my own battle.

"Duobao Tianwang, can you break this battle?" Duan Tianya locked his brow and asked.

Duobao Tianwang looked like a distressed head: "It's too difficult! This eight-door gold lock array can't be cracked outside, and it is too dangerous if you enter the law."

"Sister, what do you think?"

Xu Ziyan also shook his head slightly, just want to say something. Suddenly the eyes illuminate: "The end of the world, let Duobao Tianwang meet outside, and the two of us go in and break."

"Sister has a way?" Duan Tianya's eyes are bright.

"No!" Duobao Tianwang said in a hurry: "You can't go in Jade Emperor, it's too dangerous."

Duan Tianya watched Xu Ziyan and waved to the king of Duobao: "I believe my sister!"


Xu Ziyan sighed softly and took the lead in the eight-door lock-up, followed by Duan Tianya. Only the king of Duobao was stunned in the clouds.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya fell within the gate, and did not continue to go inside, but stopped within a step within the gate, which allowed the Luofu monks who controlled the big array to wait patiently.

"Sister, what should I do?" Duan Tianya said.

"End of the World!" Xu Ziyan also said: "I can break this battle, but I need your cooperation."

"How to cooperate?"

"This is an eight-door gold lock array. When we go into the battle for a while, this big battle will attack. The two of us still enter the Heberdant House as in the dragon body. But this big array It is a large-scale battle with He Boxian, and He Boxian may not be able to withstand it, so you need to use your power to help resist the power of the Eight Golden Locks."

"No problem!" Duan Tianya nodded his voice.

"This is only one aspect." Xu Ziyan shook his head and continued to convey the voice: "If the opponent's main array of people sees the big attack force can't stop us from breaking, they will let the monks enter the big battle. We both face The siege of a million monks is simply unstoppable."

"What should I do?" Duan Tianya's face changed.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a faint smile: “At the end of the day, you will release a fairy beast from the dragon’s golden dragon and the inside of your dragon’s world, and I will control the escape of He Boxian, let those Luofu The monk faces the anger of the fairy!"

Duan Tianya’s look glimpsed, and then smiled from his face:

"Sister, then what are we waiting for?"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly and waved to release He Boxianfu. The two people entered the Heberfest House in a flash. After entering the Heberfest House, Xu Ziyan took out a flag and put it in his hands. These flags are all refining, and the situation is the flag of the top three. What Xu Ziyan has to do now is to find the array of eight gold locks, and then insert these flags into the array to isolate the operation of the eight gold locks.

Duan Tianya took out his own rights and was ready to release it.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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