The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1286: Break

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The eight-door gold lock array turned back. Xu Ziyan completely grasped the control of the big array, and a flash of light attracted the fairy beast that was rushing around. The fairy beast looked down the light and saw a light door appearing not far from it. Dizzy, the fairy with an angry anger screamed and rushed in toward the light door.

Xu Ziyan turned over a fairy and hit the flag in front of him. The light door disappeared instantly.

At the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian fairy tales became fierce, because there were more than one million Luofu Xianjun in front of him. Xu Ziyan introduced it to the center of the big array, where the Luofu Xianjun hides.


The fairy was angry, and his red eyes rushed toward the Luofu Xianjun. A large blockbuster of the Luofu Xianjun was smashed.


The monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang sacrificed his own fairy, and bombarded the past with the fairy.


More than one million Luofu Xianjun now know that in this closed space, if they can not kill this fairy, they can only wait to be killed by this fairy. For a time, more than one million attacks attacked the beasts.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at the scene in the middle of the mask, and Duan Tianya said palely:

"Sister, if this fairy beast goes out, we are finished with the monks of the Yuanxian Xianguo."

Xu Ziyan turned a white-eyed road: "How do you put out such a fierce beast? Release a fairy of the Great Luo Jinxian period!"

"I... I was a little panicked at the beginning!" Duan Tianya smiled bitterly.

Xu Ziyan is also very speechless. Looking at the battle of the big battle center, Xu Ziyan said with anxiety: "Now I can only hope that the more than one million soldiers of Luofu Xianguo will be able to consume the fairy of the nine-day Xuanxian."

"Is it possible?" Duan Tianya revealed his hope to look at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said in a tone: "I don't know."

The look of Duan Tianya became tense again. He knows that there are many powerful beasts in his dragon. However, in the case that he was defeated by Luofu Jade Emperor, he still did not dare to release any of the fairy beasts, that is because he could not control these fairy beasts.

Once they are released, it is a situation of both losses. Those fairy beasts will not care who is Luofu Xianguo. Who is the Yuanyuan fairy country. If he is not in the big squad now, he will not dare to release the fairy. The most annoying thing about him today is that the fairy that he released seems to be a bit too powerful.

The excitement of the center of the big squad became a lottery. Today, the Luofu Xianjun realized that only the dead, the escape can not escape the situation, the shackles of each monk and the literacy of the Luofu Xianjun were completely stimulated. come out. Instead of panicking each other, they formed a battlefield and sent a fierce attack to the fairy. although. The result is still continually dying, and there is no harm to the fairy of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but it is consuming the power of the fairy.

More than one million monks experienced a full day and night of intense killing, but the result was all killed. The last dead monk in the days of Luo Tianshang, the dying eyes are full of unwillingness!

The fairy was kneeling on the ground at this time, stretching his tongue and gasping. One body is also consumed half. Xu Ziyan immediately put a sacred scorpion into the flag, a golden spear condensed in the central space, rumbling to the beasts lying on the ground.


The fairy beast screamed and stood up from the ground, releasing a purple awn on his body, forming a shield that enveloped it.

"Booming ~~"

Numerous golden spears were bombarded on the purple awning mask, but there was no bang. Duan Tianya’s face is a change, he said in a hurry:

"Sister, what should I do?"

Xu Ziyan also condensed his face: "I don't know. It only bombards it. It consumes its power. After it has been consumed, it will try to kill it."

"But... sister, have you consumed it?"

Xu Ziyan’s face quickly rose to the darkness of the air. She also thought of it at this time. Can she consume a nine-day Xuanxian with her own cultivation? Even if it has been consumed half?

Xu Ziyan slightly locked his brow. While constantly controlling the eight-door gold lock array to bombard the fairy, while thinking. Mindful thoughts. A piece of Liu Pinxian flew out of the storage ring of Xu Ziyan and entered the middle of the big array. Xu Ziyan only made less than two hundred six-character charms, and only one hundred and twenty-two of the aggressive geniuses, Xu Ziyan put these aggressive geniuses into a large array, hovering over the center of the big array, releasing Awesome power.

These six Pins are absolutely destructive to the nine-day Xuan Xian, and the fairy immediately felt the extreme threat. The eyes were tightly locked in the six-character charms in the air, and the eyes were sparkling.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan pointed to an exhibition, and several six-character fairy symbols bombarded the past with the fairy. The figure of the fairy was suddenly blurred and quickly evaded in the space.


The number of sounds exploded, and even the big array was crumbling, but the speed of the fairy was too fast, and there was not a Xianfu bombardment to it. Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were twisted into a shackle, and his hands pulled out another afterimage. A fairy was printed on the flag in front of him:


The space of the big array suddenly gave off a binding force and began to restrain the action of the fairy. The action of the fairy was obviously slowed down. But the fairy is still difficult to hit it.


The fairy in the air dissipated in all directions.


All the Xianfu formed a space to cover the fairy, and began to quickly gather from all sides, trapping the fairy.

At this time, the fairy also realized that she was trapped inside the fairy. It is impossible to dodge again.


The beast is fierce. It knows that if these fairy charms are completely closed and bombarded on their own body, it will not be able to withstand it. A huge bang, the fairy charm has not completely collapsed. It rushed in one direction.


A six-character fairy burst into a burst.


A scream, the fairy beast rushed out, but the purple mask of the body has disappeared, and blood is flowing out of the body. but. The binding force of the space made it slow, just a moment, and was covered in layers by the fairy.

It kept colliding and was constantly shrouded in the inside. The fairy symbol is drastically reduced, and the fairy beast is also scarred. When the one hundred and twenty-six six-character emperor was consumed, the fairy beast could not stand up, but squatted on the ground and witnessed the fierce light. Ten percent of life has gone to 80%.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other. Both were shocked by the vitality of the fairy.

This is not dead?

"Sister, what should I do?" Duan Tianya looked at the fairy beast lying on the ground.

Xu Ziyan also frowned and looked at the fairy. Even if the fairy beast is already on the verge of death, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya do not dare to enter the central space. The nine-day Xuan Xian is on the verge of death, and it is not that two of these monks can dare to approach.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows suddenly picked up, and both hands flipped and saw a fist-sized hole in the sky above the central space.


A lavender glow appeared from the body of Xu Ziyan. It is the otters that Xu Ziyan raises. At this time, the color of these otters has become extremely light, changing toward a bright state, but the breath of the body reveals the power of Luo Tianshang in the middle of the immortal.

A burst of humming flew in from the fist-sized hole, and the time became a lavender light curtain covering the fairy.


In the space, the sound of the beasts’ miserable screams and the sound of “咔嚓” sounded. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a hint of relaxation. According to the message from the otter, these otters are able to bite even though they have some difficulty in biting.

Looking at the beast that is struggling in the central space, Xu Ziyan wondered: "Is there anything else that can't be bitten?"

The fairy was rolling, flapping, and releasing his own magical powers. A piece of otter died. Let Xu Ziyan see his heartache. but. The fairy beast quickly became weak, and the whole body was no longer visible, and it was completely covered with water. After an hour.


The otter rushes to the sky, and there is a shadow of the fairy on the ground. Even the bone **** is not left. Those otters flew out of the mouth, and Xu Ziyan thought about it. They were put into the purple smoke space.


Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya both spit a long breath, and the two men looked at each other and had a feeling of restoring the rest of their lives. The two no longer speak, sit on the ground, swallow the medicine, and enter the interest rate adjustment.

The inside of the big squad became silent, and the face of the monk of the Yuanyuan Xianguo outside the big squad was full of worries, and anxious eyes looked at the eight-door gold lock array in the middle. Duobao Tianwang has become more anxious, but now he is the commander of the Xianjun. His face does not dare to show the slightest anxiety, only the face is calmly standing in the clouds.

The four Luo Tianshang monks who followed Xu Ziyan had some patience, but they did not find the Luofu Xianjun. This proves that Xu Ziyan has not had an accident. If Xu Ziyan or Duan Tianya is killed, the other party will not be able to come out, and will certainly throw out the head of Xu Ziyan or Duan Tianya and demonstrate to the Yuanyuan Fair.

This time is another day and night, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya opened their eyes in the big array. Two people have already recovered to the peak. Standing up from the ground, Xu Ziyan repeatedly flipped his hands, and the flags flew out from the ground and floated toward Xu Ziyan. Some of these flags are laid by Xu Ziyan, and some are the flag of Luofu Jade Emperor who supported the eight-door gold lock array, and they were all collected by Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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