The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1287: Flying up

I am very grateful to the sales of future classmates, condensed classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, t366 classmates pink ticket!


After all the flagged flags were taken up by Xu Ziyan, the entire big array disappeared. When Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya's figure appeared from the big squad, the Xianjun of the Yuanyuan Xianguo first looked at it, and then ecstasy, the cheers of the mountains and the sea resounded in the sky.

The counterattack of the Yuanyuan Xianguo began. Under the leadership of Duan Tianya, Duobao Tianwang and Xu Ziyan, they began to recover the planet. Luofu Jade Emperor has already withdrawn the army and went to conquer the demon family. How do the monks of the Luofu Xianguo who stayed behind are the opponents of the Yuanyuan Xianguo?

The Xianjun, left behind by Luofu Xianguo, was quickly defeated, and the Yuanyuan Xianguo was promoted across the board. The stars are quickly recovered. Luofu Jade Emperor is not willing to succumb to his own achievements for more than a year. One person returned and challenged the end of the world, but was defeated by Duan Tianya, Duobao Tianwang and Xu Ziyan.

In this way, Luofu Jade Emperor knew that the general trend had gone. After he fled back to Luofu Xianguo, he gave up the entire line of the plundering of the Yuanyuan Xianguo. Duan Tianya sent various Xianjun troops to quickly conquer these planets. And he did not return to Yuanyuan City, nor did he raise his troops to help Fuqin Tianwang fight against the Yaozu, but the junction of Chen Bingqian Yuanxianguo and Luofu Xianguo, and soon after, he suddenly entered the Luofu Xianguo. The invasion of the Luofu Xianguo began.

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already bowed to Duan Tianya, riding a transmission array and heading for the flying star. Soon, she appeared in the city of Ascension. Seeing the familiar Flying City, Xu Ziyan is in a good mood.

Back to Lingbo Tianwangfu. Xu Ziyan had been preparing for refining and holding a gun after a few days of rest. But thinking about whether Master will come back, he decided to wait for a while.

Waited for a month. When I saw that Master had never sent any thoughts to myself, I thought that Master had left the lower galaxies, and my heart was a little sad.

I waited for another three days and cleaned up my mood. Then he entered the secret room and began to refine and hold the gun.

A month later.

The lower galaxies, the southern star field, the Suzaku Xianguo, the floating stars, and the flying pool, floated a figure and closed their eyes. In the transformation of the body of the fairy power.

A red hair was scattered, but it was Yang Linglong who went to the mainland of the warrior.

At the same moment, on the age-old killing star of Luofu Xianguo, the age is over the main hall in the Junjun. The Jade Emperor's section of the End of the World and the Queen Mother Tang Linger sat on the top, crouching on the ground below, and crying out:

"The villain is greedy, and his heart is hot. But the loyalty to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother is ok..."

Another month later.

Flying star.

There was a buzzing sound in the flying pool, and two people emerged. The closed eyes are transforming Xianyuan.

After three hours, the two men opened their eyes almost at the same time. A young man with a vicissitude of life looked around and turned to look at a cold-faced youth road:

"Sirius, this is the fairy world?"

Xu Tianwo hesitated and nodded: "Ling Xiao Brother, it should be!"

Both of them saw the cockroach next to the flying pool, and the gaze was bright and climbed into the ascending pool. Going to the depths of the court:

"See the seniors!"

"Follow the signs!"

Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao look a glimpse. Looking up and looking forward, I saw a signpost on the side of the road. Two people will pray to that swearing:

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

"Follow the road sign!" The one answered another side.

Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao looked at each other and looked at each other. Ling Xiao once again prayed:

"Predecessors. Is this the fairy world?"

"Follow the road sign!" 傀儡 mechanical sound.

"He won't be a beggar?" Xu Tianlang said weakly.

Ling Xiaowen listened and looked at the blind eyes. Sure enough, when I saw the sly eyes, I couldn’t help but smile:

"It’s really awkward!"

"Ha ha ha..." The two men laughed and laughed at each other.

I know that the other party is a jealousy, and the two people are no longer talking to that jealousy. I know that I have asked questions and I will not answer them. Looking at each other, the eyes of both people revealed the excitement. Finally flew to the fairy world.


When two people sighed softly, they emptied and flew.


Not only did the two people not fly, but they wrestled directly on the ground and solidly turned a big one.

Two people squatted on the ground, and looked around in vain, Ling Xiao said with a low voice:

"Sirius, will anyone be joking with us?"

"No?" Xu Tianwo said hesitantly.

"Isn't that what?"

Ling Xiao whispered, Xu Tianwo was a shock, two people did not get up on the ground, quietly looked back and looked at the beggar standing next to the Huaxian Pool, the back to them, even turned back, not at all I will not pay attention to them. The two men sighed with a sigh of relief and looked at each other and cautiously climbed up from the ground. Looking at the cockroach again, the two whispered:


The figure rises to the sky, but it only rises more than a meter high and falls down. Both of them were psychologically prepared this time, but they stumbled, but they did not fall.

"Is this a limitation of the immortal world? Just like in the real world, if you do not reach the sixth floor of the refining period, you can't fly the sword. If you don't reach the base period, you can't fly in the void?"

Xu Tianwo’s heart was in the air and said softly.

Ling Xiao heard a glimpse of it, immediately condensed all of his cultivation, the white tiger warfare swarmed out, toward the ground is a punch.


A small sound pit appeared on the ground.

The two men face each other for a long time, and their faces are bitter. Xu Tianwo sighed a bit:

"It seems that everything has to start from scratch!"

Ling Xiao also shook his head and sighed: "Go!"

Two people walked along the road sign and there was a run-down hall in the eye.

"The fairy world is so miserable?"

The two men looked at each other and groaned in their hearts. Into the hall, seeing that there are five monks standing in front of a counter at this time, Ling Xiao and Xu Tianwo also made a deputy.

I saw that two of the five monks had taken out a fairy crystal and gave it to a monk behind the counter. The monk took the fairy crystal up and let the two monks go to rest. Then I swept my eyes to the remaining ascenders. The three first arrived at the ascendant and said weakly:

"Predecessors... We don't have Xianjing."

The monk of the Flying Hall faintly looked at the three people and said: "If you don't have a fairy crystal, you will go out from here, and then go to the south to hunt down the fairy beast, a product of the fairy beast, and count you as a fairy crystal."

The three monks looked hesitant, and the monks who flew into the temple looked at each other. The power of the body was oppressed and screamed:

"Not fast!"

The three monks were oppressed by the imposing manner of the monks in the hall, and they trembled, no longer dare to stop, and rushed out.

The monk of the Flying Hall looked disdainfully at the back of the three ascending followers, regained his gaze and looked at Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao. Said faintly:

"Everyone has a piece of fairy crystal!"

Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao naturally know what Xianjing is. They also saw it in He Boxian. But they don't have Xianjing! Ling Xiao said weakly:

"Predecessors, we also have no fairy crystals."

The face of the monk in the Flying Hall was gloomy. The Xu Tianwo on the side did not care whether he was going to fight the fairy, but he was concerned about the situation after Xu Ziyan flew to the fairyland. Therefore, he did not wait until the Feisheng Hall modifier was awkward, and he asked:

"Predecessors, can the juniors ask you about someone?"

The Feisheng Temple monk was already prepared to smother two people out and listen to what Xu Tianwo said, his face slightly slowed down. Because the monks who have risen from the lower bounds also have people with a deep background in the fairy world. He can't afford this kind of ascendant. Therefore, when Xu Tianlang’s words were exported, the Feisheng Temple monk slowed his face and prepared to hear who Xu Tianwo was mentioning. If it is an unnamed junior, or a small family, he will fly them out like him.

Xu Tianwo does not know how Xu Ziyan is now mixed in the fairy world. He said weakly:

"Predecessors, have you heard of Xu Ziyan?"

"Xu Ziyan?"

The monk of the Flying Hall was slammed from the chair. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao shouted neatly in their hearts:

"Awkward is so high! When can I be so high?"

At this time, the Feisheng Temple monk had already smashed out from the counter and stood in front of Xu Tianwo, with a smile on his face:

"Excuse me, who is the king?"

"Heavenly king? What king?" Xu Tianwo asked in confusion.

The flying-up temple monk suddenly remembered that the other party had just ascended up, and he smiled and said:

"I asked you what is the relationship between Xu Ziyan and Xu Tianwang?"

"I am his brother!" Xu Tianwo said.

The smiling face on the face of the Feisheng Temple monk immediately increased a little more, and even the waist suddenly came down:


"We are together." Xu Tianwo saw the other side looking at Ling Xiao, hurriedly said.

"Good! Good! You two, please, under the name of Liu Yao, tomorrow I will personally send you two to Tianwang."


Xu Ziyan was sitting in the secret room at the knee end, and the Yuanshen entered the gun and refining it. It took a full three months, and Xu Ziyan completely refining the guns, much less time than refining and chaos. Will leave a glimpse of the gods, return the gods to their bodies, and open their eyes. Seeing the gun standing opposite him, Xu Ziyan’s face showed joy. Looking at the gun:

"You will call the gun in the future!"

The eyes of the gun smashed, and Xu Ziyan really wanted to try the power of the gun immediately, but the secret room could not bear the bombardment of the gun. Then he took the gun and entered the purple smoke space.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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