The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1288: Simon's solitary smoke

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), seaphay classmates (100) reward!


Entering the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan chose a planet and fell down with a gun. Passing his own meaning to the gun, I saw that the gun was shot and shot, and the sky crashed like a loud sound, and the planet was collapsed by half. Xu Ziyan was shocked and even raised his eyebrows.

This...power can be too strong!

Standing on the side of the gun, Xu Ziyan calmed his mind and pondered the power of this gun. At the beginning of the first encounter with the gun, Xu Ziyan did not feel that the guns were so powerful. Now Xu Ziyan understands that on the one hand, in the humanity, there was a large array of constraints, and the guns could not damage the surrounding passages, so Xu Ziyan could not see such a spectacular scene at that time. On the other hand, at that time, her body had the protection of a palm of water, which made her feel that she was so powerful.

But today she felt it.

Xu Ziyan compared her own space with the lower galaxies outside. She felt that her space was much worse than the lower galaxies of the outside world. Still immature, which means that this gun can smash half a planet here, but it is definitely not effective outside. However, this has already made Xu Ziyan very satisfied. With the existence of a gun, she does not need to be scrupulous in the next metastar.

Putting the gun on a planet, Xu Ziyan went to the chaotic planet to see his own confusion. These days, she has felt that her avatar is constantly breaking through, and she can't help but see it with her own eyes. Sure enough, the momentum of the confusing body has reached the realm of the Yuan Ying period.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but sigh, it seems that Kui Tian spent millions of years to make this avatar. It is not easy!

He left the purple smoke space with satisfaction, and Xu Ziyan swallowed the drug again to restore the loss of the refining and refining. Three days later, Xu Ziyan came out of the secret room.

Just as I walked out of the Chamber of Secrets, my look was a glimpse. Because he saw Texan Mang stand at the door of the secret room. Then he asked:

"Stars, how are you standing here?"

"Master, you are out!" Tuo Xingman said excitedly.

"Yeah." Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "What are you doing here?"

“Hey...” Tuo Xingman said with a smile: “I will come here every day for a while.”

“Well?” Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, the dark road, what happened? But seeing the look of Texan Mang’s face is not a bad thing, so the mood is also a loose:

"What happened?"

"Master, your family's disciples are flying up!"

"What?" Xu Ziyan was shocked. Then ecstatically said: "Where are they? Who is flying up?"

"One is called Xu Tianlang, and the other is called Ling Xiao."

Xu Ziyan heard a word, and the heart said: "Isn't it a Yan Xingyun or a chess and calligraphy? Is it..."

Xu Ziyan’s heart move: “Is it because Xu Tianlang has merged with Louzhuzhu, and Ling Xiao has merged with Baihu’s fine? So, Xu Lin, who has combined the unicorn blood, will soon fly up! And...”

Xu Ziyan sighed a little, and there was a trace of sorrow on his face. I don’t know if Yang Linglong, who has combined the deadly killing of the beads, has arrived safely in the mainland!

Shake his head slightly. Putting Yang Linglong aside, his heart is filled with the joy of seeing Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao. As Texan Mang flies to where two people live.

Soon, two people fell in front of a courtyard.

"Is it here?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"Yeah!" Tuo Xingman nodded.

Xu Ziyan eagerly pushed forward and pushed in the door, then stood there, his eyes moist, and the tears fell silently.


The cups in the hands of Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao fell to the ground, and the two still sat there holding the cups. The eyes are already red.

"Silang brother, Ling Xiao brother, you are coming!" Xu Ziyan broke free from the excitement and wiped the tears from his face. Smiling and walking to two people. . The extension star outside the door gently closes the door.

"Ziyan sister..."

Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao excitedly stood up from the chair...

The three people talked long nights, and Xu Ziyan told them about things after flying up, and Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao told her about the things on the mainland. It is known from the two people that Yan Xingyun is now the peak of the late Mahayana period. Xu Lin also reached the peak of the Mahayana period, and there are also four people who are in the realm of such a game. Fire Dance and Ye Fei also reached the realm of the middle of the Mahayana. Only Xu Xing is only getting the late part of the distraction.

Xu Ziyan’s look is somewhat self-blaming. It would be nice to pass Qiankun to Xu Xingfan at the beginning. However, I thought that the Xujiaduogen family also had its own way of practice. At that time, Xu Xingfan was also seen by him. With his own medicinal herbs, and Linghu, coupled with the rich concentration of aura on the lotus peak, he should also be able to break through the peak of the Mahayana.

Then wait until he is flying up and say it!

When the three people were talking about each other, Xu Ziyan’s look suddenly changed. She felt the call of the solitary smoke from Ximen’s house. Immediately separated a sacred knowledge and entered the Heberland. At this time, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao also saw the change of Xu Ziyan's look. They also lived in silence and looked at Xu Ziyan with concern.

Xu Ziyan’s glimpse of the gods in the Heberfest House turned into a human form and looked at the Simon’s Lone Flue:

"Western predecessor?"

"Ziyan!" The face of the solitary smoke of Ximen is full of joy: "I have already practiced the screaming, and I don't have to worry about the madness again from now on!"

“Really?” Xu Ziyan’s face was a joy, and then he was shocked: “Senior Ximen... You... broke through to Luo Tianxian?”

The solitary smoke of Ximen said with excitement: "Yes, I am already in the early days of Luo Tianshang, hahaha..."

Not waiting for Xu Ziyan to ask, Ximen solitary smoke excitedly said: "Ziyan, thanks to you to provide me with a steady stream of Mozu corpses, especially the recent Luo Tianshang immortal Mozu, let me break through in one fell swoop Luo Tian Shangxian. From this I also understand this fairy.

The initial cultivation of this fairy tales is to rely on the magic power to cultivate. After the breakthrough to the early days of Luotian, it will be wise by the magic. At this time, instead of being able to cultivate with the magic power, if you use the magic power to practice at this time, you will be crazy. Therefore, from now on, I can use Xianyuan to cultivate, and there will be no more magical power on the body. They have been transformed into Xianyuan. This is really a wonderful exercise. I can feel that my future cultivation will be very fast. ”

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and the solitary flue of Ximen: "The predecessors of Ximen, today is really a double happiness. Go, let's go out and give you a surprise."

The solitary smoke in Ximen was awkward. I didn’t know what the surprises Xu Ziyan said, and he was pulled out by He Ziyan.

"You are... Xu Tianlang... Ling Xiao..."

The solitary smoke of Ximen eventually recognized Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao, and his look was very excited. When he was on the mainland of Cangwu, he did not pay attention to these two people, but he had some impressions. However, now I see two people in the fairy world, but the mood is particularly exciting.

As a result, Xu Ziyan, Ling Xiao and Ximen Lonely Smoke are a long talk, and Xu Ziyan is sitting on the side of the three people smiling at the front. Nowadays, in the fairy world, it has finally risen to two fellow villagers, and there is also a person who is Xu Jiazhi. This makes Xu Ziyan feel excited, but also considers the development of the next Xu family.

She has already seen that Tuan Xingman is not far from breaking through Da Luo Jinxian. Once he breaks through Da Luo Jinxian, he will leave the lower meta-galaxies and go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. In this way, the city owners he controlled will be handed over. But who is it handed over to?

The most ideal candidate is of course Xu Tianlang, but the realm of Xu Tianwo's Yuanshen is still too low. Transferring such a huge soul-controlling character to Xu Tianwo’s knowledge of the sea will inevitably lead to rebellion. Want to be able to control so many monks, the worst repairs must also reach the beginning of Luo Tianshangxian.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s gaze could not help but look at the solitary smoke in Ximen.

Can I trust him?

Xu Ziyan is hesitating, knowing that Xu Ziyan will transfer the control of the soul to the solitary smoke of Ximen, and the solitary smoke will immediately grasp a large number of forces. On the flying star, in addition to the private army of Xu Ziyan, other forces will be controlled by the smoke of Shenximen. At that time, will there be any changes?

When he was in the lower galaxies, there was still scruples in the solitary smoke of Ximen. If he quickly breaks through to Da Luo Jin Xian, will he follow the orders of Xu Jia after he leaves? When Xu Tianwo grows up, will he hand over those souls to Xu Tianwo?

Of course, there is a more secure method, that is, Xu Ziyan first controls the solitary smoke of Ximen with the control of the soul, and there will be no problem. Even if Xu Ziyan goes to the Zhongyuan Galaxy in the future, it also has absolute control over the solitary smoke of Ximen. Just as Texan Mang went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, Xu Ziyan would not unravel the control of the soul of the Xing Xing Mang, she will still control the extension of Xing Xing, let him go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy to fight for himself.

However, how could Xu Ziyan give the soul of the West Gate a solitary smoke control?

Ugh! Let's put it first, and wait until Tuo Xingman breaks through Da Luo Jinxian!

After that, the solitary smoke of Ximen, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao stayed in the Tianwang House to practice. Of course, Xu Ziyan provided them with enough medicinal herbs and equipped them with excellent equipment. At the same time, Xu Tianwo also began to take over some things in the field of Xu. Ximen solitary smoke and Ling Xiao also took the initiative to help.

The two of them now have no place to go. The solitary smoke in Ximen is a sprawl, and there is no background in the fairy world. Ling Xiao’s martial art on the mainland of China was only a third-rate, and the history of its establishment was only a thousand years. Naturally, there was no background in the fairy world. Therefore, they all expressed their desire to become the elders of the Xu family.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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