The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1290: Break through Luo Tianshang

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The look of Duan Tianya is a change, and the heart suddenly surges and is uneasy. At this time, he realized that he had taken it for granted.

Yes! When Fuqin Tianwang realized that he was a defeated game on the battlefield of the fairy, he realized that after his defeat, the Jade Emperor would never let him go. Waiting for his own power to be cleaned up a bit, to become a polished rod, to be killed by Duan Tianya, it is better to reverse.

At this time, the voice of Duobao Tianwang once again sounded: "Jade Emperor, this is only the side of Fuqin Tianwang, and there is Lingbo King."

Duan Tianya’s heart is a shock, and he can’t help but change his mind: “Hey, you don’t know the relationship between me and Lingbo, she won’t be against me.”

Duobao Tian Wang shook his head seriously and said: "Jade Emperor, Lingbo Tianwang has no objection. However, you have built the foundation for rebellion and forced her to the situation that has to be countered."

"I... force her? How come?" Duan Tianya looked at Duobao Tianwang in confusion.

Duobao Tianwang seriously pointed out: "It is the Jade Emperor who forced you. You will give more than 400 planets on the battlefield of the fairy to Lingbo Tianwang as his private territory, and she will give her a sharp expansion. The foundation is that Lingbo Tianwang does not want to reverse, but her men are not willing.

They followed Lingbo Tianwang to seek the West. What is the risk of losing the Mozu at the risk of life? In order to have a higher status, to control more cultivation resources, there is a family to expand the family, no family to build a family. And Xu Ziyan only if he is a king. It is impossible to satisfy their wishes. Only Xu Ziyan made the Jade Emperor, they were able to get more resources. Therefore, they are forced to force the Emperor Lingbo to rebel. Boarded the position of Jade Emperor. ”

The look of Duan Tianya has changed, this time it has really changed. Duobao Tianwang looked at the stage of the dramatic change:

"Jade Emperor, I think we should not continue to conquer the Luofu Xianguo. We should withdraw our troops and go back to prepare for the mutation of Fuqin Tianwang and Lingbo Tianwang."

Duan Tianya’s look is constantly changing, slowly calming down and slowly saying:

“The class teacher returned to Yuancheng.”

Flying star, Lingbo Tianwang government secret room, purple smoke space.

The shape of Xu Ziyan gradually became illusory. Until the end completely disappeared, the avatar purple space space heaven, in the extremely deep space of the purple smoke space, the origin of the purple smoke space, originally only seven beads, respectively, gold, wood. The source of the seven attributes of water, fire, earth, thunder and space, there is another source of light beside it. The entire purple smoke space rang for a while, and the space was stabilized several times. Xu Ziyan realized the attributes of light into the realm of Xiaocheng.


The speed of the entire space was further increased, and the outside of the fairy power frantically poured into the purple smoke space. The quality of the space is further improved.

Inside the secret room.

Xu Ziyan's body shape appeared leisurely, the body's breath soared, and the surrounding fairy power became extremely rich. It seems as if an eggshell will wrap the purple smoke.


A crisp. Xu Ziyan broke through the early days of Luo Tianshangxian. The eggshell around it also shattered and turned into a silky scented force into the body of Xu Ziyan. The entire space is further expanded, and Xianyuan is further rich. Stability is further improved...

Over the sky above the city, Xianyuan force flowed rapidly. Gathered over the sky above the Lingbo Palace, it formed an oversized vortex. The monks in the entire Ascendant City are eager to look at them, because they have not felt that there is a fairy power around them. No matter how hard they work, they can't absorb the slightest power.

They came out of the house and looked at the air, and the huge whirlpool made them stunned. Suddenly remembered that this situation happened before, and that time was the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan. Did the Lingbo King break through? Breaking through to Luo Tianshang?

Everyone's heart is excited. Nowadays they are the people of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan is their guardian, the stronger the Xu Ziyan, the safer they will be. Everyone took to the streets, admiring the momentum of the breakthrough of Lingbo Tianwang, while praying for Lingbo Tianwang.

Three days later.

The oversized vortex in the sky gradually dissipated and the sky returned to calm.

Two days later.

Xu Ziyan completely stabilized the realm of Luo Tianshang's early days and walked out of the secret room. Xu Ziyan broke through the news of Luo Tianshangxian and spread it out at an extremely fast speed. The whole four hundred planets belonging to the Xu Ziyan territory were celebrated.

After a few days, everything returned to calm. Xu Ziyan has once again closed the door and attacked Wu Pin Xian Dan.

This time, the retreat completely consumed Xu Ziyan for three months. At this time, it has reached a critical moment. Xu Ziyan was sitting in the alchemy room, and the five chaos in the Dan furnace had reached the gate of Chengdan.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan felt the change of the alchemy outdoor space, a slight touch, the look is a change. Because she feels that this is a spatial change that only occurs when it is robbed. And in the flying star, there is only one person who can break through the big Luo Jinxian, that is, the extension star.

Take a deep breath, remove the distracting thoughts, and concentrate all the spiritual power in the alchemy. When the last fairy smashed into the alchemy furnace, Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief. The ground fire was extinguished, the alchemy furnace cover was opened, and the probe looked away. There were eighteen five chaotic dans lying quietly inside. This was his understanding for three months, and he experimented countless times and finally refining it one hundred percent. Furnace five products Chao Dan.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan has no time to appreciate his achievements. Quickly put the eighteen five products chaotic Dan, and the body shape rushed out of the alchemy division.

Just rushed out of the alchemy room, the look is a change.

At this time, Texan Mang has already left the Ascendant City far away, and the two early monks who stayed in the Ascendant City also took a team of city guards to follow the extension star, and went to the star. Mang protection law. There are a lot of monks in the city of Ascendant going with the extension of the star, going to the close-up of the star-strand, and many monks are now floating in the air, and some monks who climbed to the top of the house Looking far away.

Xu Tianlang, Ling Xiao, Ximen Lonely Smoke and Di Yidiao and others did not leave. Now the two captains of the City Guard have gone to protect the law for the extension of the star, they naturally can not go, to protect the law here. Don't forget, here Xu Ziyan is still in the secret room.

In the sky, a figure appeared suddenly and fell to the Lingbo Palace.

"Who? Dare to Lingbo Wangfu?"

The solitary smoke and Di Yi carving of Ximen first felt that someone had broken into the Lingbo Palace. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao also looked around and saw a middle-aged monk standing in the air, seemingly looking for something. Then the face was happy, and the secret room that was closed to Xu Ziyan flew past.


The solitary smoke of Ximen and Di Yi's face changed dramatically, and the figure flew toward the middle-aged monk. At the same time, the fairy in his hand also exploded with the greatest power. At this time, Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao, who were in the fairy period, were able to run on the ground, but both of them also took out their own fairy weapons and bombarded the past toward the back of the middle-aged monk.

The four forces were bombarded accurately on the middle-aged monk, and when the faces of the four people, such as the solitary smoke, were loose, they suddenly turned into shocked and eclipsed. Because the four fairy wares were not bombarded on the other side, but were isolated by a faint hood, and even a sizzling sound did not come out. The middle-aged monk was looking at the opposite side of the solitary smoke and Di Yi carving at the same time.

The solitary smoke in Ximen is just shocked, and there are still some fears in the heart. I don’t know who the other party is, whether it is an enemy or a friend, and how high it is. However, Di Di's carving was a shock. Just suddenly, in order to make the safety of the purple smoke, he did not look at it, but now he can understand it. The middle-aged monk opposite is actually his old master. .

At this time, Xu Ziyan just walked out of the alchemy room, his face was first surprised, and then a happy. With a flashing figure, I have already come to the front of the miles, and my mouth is pleasantly called:


The robes on Wanli’s body were slightly undulating, and the four fairy pieces fell back into the hands of the four people who attacked him. Xu Ziyan looked at the four people around, and his eyes fell on Di Yi's body. He couldn't help but smile. Di Yi's face was red with a sigh, and he said:

"Just... I didn't see it clearly..."

Xu Ziyan resisted the laughter, and called the four people to the front, and asked the neighboring smoke, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao:

"This is my master. Do you know who his old man is?"

The three people said: "Know, his old man is your master!"

The look of Xu Ziyan is a stagnation, and it is in the chest. Reluctantly saw three people at a glance:

"I mean, who can guess the name of my master?"

The three people didn't even think about it, and immediately shook their heads neatly: "Can't guess."

"You..." Xu Zi was so angry that he slammed his feet in the air and took the sleeves of thousands of miles: "Master, we ignore them. Go, disciples invite you to drink tea!"

"Good! Good! Good!" He nodded with a smile and walked into her room with Xu Ziyan.

The solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao also came in with a sullen face. On the one hand, these four people are very envious of the purple tea, and since Xu Ziyan has given them a drink, they have been thinking about it. On the other hand, it is also really interested in taking thousands of miles. In particular, Xu Ziyan asked them to guess her master's name, which proves that they must know this powerful monk.

Looking at the solitary smoke in Ximen, and so on, Xu Ziyan looked at the three of them and then smugly said:

"Tell you, my Master is called Miles."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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