The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1291: Reaction of all parties

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, forever after the rainy season classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, memeqweroo classmates, IREN classmates susantsh0905, classmates Dan Feng classmates bookmates, 090808154340312 classmates pink ticket!


"Tell you, my Master is called Miles."

"Oh, it turned out to be a senior... What?"

The solitary smoke in Ximen, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao looked at the thousands of miles, and Xu Ziyan at this time looked at three people with a smile.

Take thousands of miles!

Does the name still have a monk on the mainland of the sky? Every monk grew up listening to his story. This name was deeply planted in every young mind and regarded as an idol.

The three people are not calm, and the face is extremely excited. Excited muscles on the face are somewhat distorted. "噗通" slammed down in front of thousands of miles, experienced a rich smoke of Simon, the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life and the arrogant and arrogant Xu Tianwo actually exposed the overwhelmed state. .

Half-sounding, the three people suddenly woke up, and the eyes were all releasing the hot worship. The solitary smoke of Ximen said:

"Take the my idol!"

Ling Xiao was so excited that he was trembling, and even a little flattering: "Take the predecessors... I didn't expect... I will see you... This is the greatest glory of the younger generation!"

Xu Tianwo was equally excited, and stuttered: "Take the predecessor... I can see you... It’s worth killing immediately."

He smiled and waved his sleeves and lifted the three people up. In the eyes, he revealed a surprise: "Are you also flying up from the mainland?"

"Yes, the predecessors, the younger generation called Ximen solitary smoke."

"Predecessors, the younger generation is called Ling Xiao."

"Predecessors. The younger generation is called Xu Tianlang."

"Good! Good! Good!" He laughed in the distance and his face was full of joy.

Several people talked a few words, and they all saw that they had the words of Wan Li and Xu Ziyan, and they retired one by one. After they quit. I took a look at the smile of the seniors in a thousand miles and smiled at Xu Ziyan’s “hehe”:

"Smoke, can you realize that tea can give Master a little more?"

Xu Ziyan looked at Master’s smile, and his face was a glimpse. He said weakly:

"Master, this is not how long? You have all been drunk? You are not eating it as a meal?"

"Cough and cough..." The old face of Wanli is slightly red: "Master sent some of those enlightenment teas and some people's feelings. These people don't return, they return to the upper meta-galaxies. The heart is uneasy."


Xu Ziyan looked at his storage ring and saw that he had less than two pounds left. He took another pound and handed it to Master:

"Master, don't give away this time. There aren't many disciples!"

With a hand of a thousand miles, the tea was enlightened, and a face became serious: "Smoke, you must practice well. Master is waiting for you in the upper meta-galaxies. Well, Master is gone."

"Master..." Xu Zi stood up from the chair. However, there is still a shadow of thousands of miles in the house.

Out of the city, the 10,000-meter figure emerged from the air. Looking towards the city of Feisheng, the old face was a little red, whispering:

"The apprentice wants something, really throwing away this old face!"

Looking at the Ascension City again, the figure disappeared in the air, and the air echoed with a sigh:

"It's time to go back!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape rushed out of the room, where there was a trace of Master. I can't help but mutter in my mouth:

"What Master! No matter the disciple. One person ran."

When the figure flickered in space, it left the Ascendant City and continuously teleported, and it appeared in an empty plain. there. Texan Mang is being robbed.

Xu Ziyan’s figure appeared in the air and looked down. I saw that Xing Xing Mang stood on the ground, with a fairy on his body, and a fairy on his head, staring at the Luo Luo Jin Xian who fell in the sky. The two captains of Luo Tianshang, who were surrounded by the Ascension City, took a group of Xianjun to protect the law, and in the distance there were countless monks on the sidelines.

The thunder of the blue arm is constantly bombarded downwards, not one after the other, but several times and several times. The figure of Texan Mang is almost completely shrouded by lightning. The fairy charm of one body was constantly smashed. At the beginning, numerous immortals were obtained in the battlefield of the fairy, and they were smashed.

Xu Ziyan's slightly wrinkled eyebrows are loosened. Although the appearance looks dangerous, Xu Ziyan can feel that the body of the Texan Mang has not been hurt in the slightest. There is no problem in crossing the Da Luo Jin Xian.

The relaxed eyebrows suddenly rose, and she saw a person standing in the air not far from herself. This person's look is different from the surrounding monks. The surrounding monks were staring nervously at the Texan Mang in the robbery, because no matter who people recognize the Tak Xing Mang, they hope that the Teng Xing Mang will succeed. So they can also get some experience from the catastrophe of Texan Mang. But that person is different. The look is very light, a look that is used to it.

When I saw Xu Ziyan’s gaze, the person immediately felt it. Looking towards Xu Ziyan, he turned his head faintly, and looked at the starburst in the robbery.

Xu Ziyan's look changed slightly. She could see that the other's cultivation seemed to be higher than herself, but she did not know how much it was, and she secretly opened it. The heart is a shock, the other party turned out to be the repair of the peak of the late Luo Jinxian.

Who is he?

Xu Ziyan is only a beggar in his heart, he knows the identity of the other party. In the lower Yuan galaxies, who are still able to go around in the name of Da Luo Jin Xian, there is only a guardian.

What is he doing?

Although Xu Ziyan did not dare to lock the other party, he did not look at the other party, but he sometimes looked at the other party.

Three days have passed.

The thunderclouds in the sky dissipated, and the figure of Texan Mang appeared. In the eyes of everyone. A colorful ray of light was hanged in the air, and the shape of the singer was covered with a fairy voice.

At this time, Texan Mang’s knees sit on the ground and try to absorb this colorful glow. After three hours, the colorful rays of light were retracted toward the sky. Then it dissipated in the sky. And Texan Mang is refreshingly standing up from the ground.

"Congratulations to seniors!"

There was a congratulatory voice around, and Texan Mang returned to the surrounding monks one by one. The surrounding monks scattered one by one, and even the city guards of the Ascendant City quickly retreated. Only the purple smoke and the guardian were left in the air.

The guardian glanced at Xu Ziyan and ignored her. Instead, I said to Tuo Xing Mang:

“Congratulations to your friends!”

Texan Mang carefully looked at the guardian and said, "Thank you for your predecessors."

"Yeah!" The Guardian nodded and said: "I am the guardian of the next galaxies. Please leave the lower galaxies in a month and go to the Chinese galaxies. This is the location of the passage."

When the words fell, the guardian extended a finger toward the star-studded star, and Texan Mang immediately felt that he had a message in his knowledge of the sea. Reaching the guardian again:

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

The guardian nodded faintly and his body shape suddenly disappeared in the air.

"the host!"

Texan Mang has a vertical shape. Then I came to the front of Xu Ziyan, full of excitement. Xu Ziyan patted her shoulders happily:

"Let's go, let's go back and celebrate for you!"

At night, the Lingbo Wangfu banquet was held for the celebration of Xingxingmang. The news that Tuo Xingman broke through Da Luo Jinxian quickly spread. But everyone has different moods.

The monks who belonged to Xu Ziyan’s forces were naturally very happy and celebrated for three days. The pubs of the various planets are full of people.

The Mozu and Luofu Jade Emperor are also very happy. Because such a master will leave the lower galaxies after a month, the strength of the Yuanyuan Xianguo will fall. Especially the devil who was defeated by Xu Ziyan. I am also happy to have a big feast in the Temple of the Devil.

The demon king’s heart is raised. It is necessary to know that Tuan Xing’s distance to the Zhongyuan Galaxy is still one month away. During this time, she can kill any monk who has entered the country. If Tuo Xingman comes to the demon battlefield, is he not waiting to die?

Therefore, although very reluctant, the demon king led the demon army to begin to retreat from the various planets in the Yuanyuan fairy country. And he also realized that this demon war should also end. Because the Mozu and Luofu Jade Emperors have already withdrawn, and let their own family fight against the end of the world, he also has some lack of confidence.

As a result, the spirit of Typhoon King has been loosened. In these few days, he has an impulse to take risks. Thought that his forces have been consumed by 60%. When he is hesitating. The news that Texan Mang broke through Da Luo Jinxian came, and then the Yaozu began to retreat.

The heart of Fuqin Tianwang settled down and began to regain the lost planet. At the same time, he also sighed, and now he has lost the ability to compete for the position of the Jade Emperor.

On the one hand, his strength is consumed. On the other hand, Duan Tianya has already broken through to the early days of Luo Tianshangxian, and he has the help of Duobao Tianwang. And the strength of Xu Ziyan's control also made him wary. but. After all, he has saved 40% of his power, and he is also a late Luotian. He firmly believes that as long as he does not openly rebel, Duan Tianya does not dare to start himself and force himself to rebel. Things have returned to the original point, and they see who and the segment of the world are developing fast, who will regain the advantage.

For the story of Tuo Xing Mang’s breakthrough to Da Luo Jin Xian, Duan Tianya is mixed. The good news is that Texan Mang is about to leave the lower galaxies, so the strength of the purple smoke side will drop, which has absolute benefits for himself. The worry is that the Yaozu retreats, and there is no chance to drag the King of Fuqin.

At this time, in the room of Xu Ziyan, there were four people sitting, Xu Ziyan, Tu Xingmang, Ximen Lonely Smoke and Xutian Wolf.

Texan Mang is about to leave, and the soul-controlling symbols she controls will need to be handed over. After some consideration, Xu Ziyan was finally prepared to hand over the soul of these souls to the solitary smoke of Ximen. She had a long talk with the solitary smoke of Ximen, and she was given a gift to Ximen’s solitary smoke, so that she would not delay his state of mind.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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