The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1295: Quick kill

I am very grateful to Rainjin classmates, book friends 081131091013313 classmates, An ^_^ Jing classmates, jg1959 classmates, lazy cats 11 classmates, wind man classmates, washing book fan classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, injured Yue classmates, ruthless demon classmates, Wei Feng seems to float the classmate's pink ticket!


At this time, the two sides came out from the fairy boat in unison, and put away the fairy boat. In the middle is the monk who traveled to the time and space. There were originally more than 1,500 monks. If there were only more than 800 people left, almost half of them died, they were all sacred by the Rune. Period monk. The fairy thief surrounded by it is densely packed with more than 3,000 monks. It seems that the fairy thief is very prepared.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan swept through these fairy thieves and found that the most of them were also monks in the Tianxian period. Luo Tianshang’s monks were relatively few. However, relatively speaking, it is higher than the one on his own side. On his own side, there are fifty-six people in Luo Tianshang, and there are only fourteen monks in Luo Tianshang. On the other side of the fairy thief, there are seventy-eight people in the monk of Luo Tianshang, and there are also eighteen people in Luo Tian’s late stage.

At this time, if Xu Ziyan wants to escape, she can still escape. As long as she casts a small move, she can quickly escape.

But she can't.

Just because of the words that Ziyi said at the beginning: "This is the rule!"

Yes, since the purple clothes can follow the rules, they have not abandoned themselves. She Xu Ziyan did not make sense to abandon her companions in this case and escape on her own. Otherwise, her thoughts will not be accessible, and it is likely that her cultivation will stop there.

And among these people. Xu Ziyan also has a good impression on the purple clothes. Because at the beginning, only the purple clothes adhered to the rules, and other people could not wait to drive themselves out. Therefore, Xu Ziyan’s mind is that it can’t stop it. I fled with a purple coat.

At this point, she will not do this. Because a person who adheres to the rules like Ziyi will never give up when he just started fighting. Even if she forced her to escape, it would make the idea of ​​purple clothes unreachable, which would harm her. Therefore, Xu Ziyan's mind can only wait for the development of the situation, only to the last moment. When the situation is impossible to turn over, with the purple coat running away, the thoughts of the two people will not be suppressed.

Xu Ziyan’s hands on his side of his body were slightly bent and did not remove the fairy. Xu Ziyan’s most popular fairy is the sword, but Xu Ziyan’s helplessness is that she has no swordsman. Imagine that her body is already equivalent to the peak of the four-character fairy. But her best sword is just four products, how can she pick up her hand.

The eyes swept over the seventy-eight Luo Tianshen monks in the fairy tales, including twenty-eight Luo Tianshen early, twenty-two Luo Tianshen mid-term, ten Luo Tian Shang Xian late, eighteen Luo Tian Shang Xian late peaks .

The eyes of Xu Ziyan locked in the beginning of the twenty-eight days of Luo Tianshangxian, and they began to kill themselves from the beginning of these twenty-eight days. I am the same as them, and it is normal to play against them. Xu Ziyan does not want to expose his strength, because these monks are going to enter the time and space. She said that she listened to Tuo Xingmang. In the long river of time and space, we must not only be wary of the danger brought by the long rivers, but also be wary of the monks entering the time and space. Letting these people know in advance that their cards are definitely not a good thing. What's more, there is also a Luofu jade purple sword that has always been killing yourself? The more you keep the cards, the better you will be.

Around 3,000 thieves began to slowly encircle the middle, and the atmosphere of Xiao Yu was condensed. The clouds in the air were forced to be broken by the momentum of the thousands of monks on both sides. Spread away from far away. The whole air was silent, and only the sound of the clothes slammed into the air.

"kill ~~"

A leader of the fairy thief made a cry.

"kill ~~"

Thousands of fairy screams shouted in unison. The momentum is straight into the sky.

"kill ~~"

Xu Ziyan’s one of Luo Tianshang’s late peaks screamed.

"kill ~~"

More than eight hundred monks shouted in unison.

Both sides suddenly speeded up and slammed the past toward each other. Luo Tian Shang Xian on the Luo Tian Shang Xian, Tian Xian period on the Tianxian period. Although the fairy tales of the fairy tales are more than Xu Ziyan, they have not dealt with the Tianxian period. On the one hand, it is not necessary, and the fairy tales of the fairy thief were originally more than Xu Ziyan. On the other hand, Luo Tianshang Xianxiu has the pride of Luo Tianshangxian. They can work together to kill a Luo Tianshang monk, but they will not go to Gansu to kill a monk.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape also rushed out, and as the body shape rushed, he also summoned the four-piece fairy. In the end, she still did not rely on her own body to kill. The strength of her body is also considered a card.

A stream of light came out of the body, Xu Ziyan grabbed it, and the golden sword was sent to the Great Consummation. At this time, a fairy thief in the early days of Luo Tianxian also swept toward Xu Ziyan. No other fairy thief and the thief teamed up, Xu Ziyan is too young, so young, even in the early days of Luo Tianshang Xian, will not break through for too long, the fighting power will not be strong.

The opposite of the fairy thief is also a woman, but the hand is a short sword, a distance of 100 meters from Xu Ziyan, the sword in the hand will come out, turned into a streamer volley to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan continued to rush to the opposite thief, and the fairy sword in his hand was just a little above the tip of the sword.


A whispered sound, the short sword gave Xu Ziyan a collapse, and in the moment of the collapse of the short sword, Xu Ziyan's body shape swept into more than 50 meters.

The other woman's gaze is a contraction, swaying, and another short sword is lifted out, screaming toward the flaming of Xu Ziyan. Instead, the short sword that was thrown by Xu Ziyan also made an arc in the air, and once again rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s swordsmanship spread out, and the trajectory of the two short swords was clearly presented in her knowledge of the sea. The figure is still non-stop, and the four-pronged sword in the hand produces two phantoms, and two clear sounds of "squeaky" sound in the air. The two short swords collapsed.

The face of the female fairy thief changed again, both hands and **** into a sword, surrounded by the chest, suddenly toward Xu Ziyan.


Five short swords are pulled out. A cicada, screaming toward Xu Ziyan. At the same time, there were two short swords that were smashed by Xu Ziyan in the air, and they were killed. The seven swords in the air were mixed and murderous.


Xu Ziyan’s figure suddenly stunned in the void. The sword of the golden sword accurately captures the trajectory of the seven-sword dagger in the air. The fairy sword in the hand sings and sings, and the seven-sword daggers are all broken.

The swords of the opposite side of the female thief danced faster. The seven short swords were already fast enough to see the Jianguang. Only when the space was rippling, the sword had already stabbed in front of him.

But all of this can't escape the golden sword of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan will stop the seven-sword dagger like a torrent of pears, and will gaze through the sword to lock the woman who is not far from her. Fairy thief. Gradually immersed all the minds in the sword of gold.

At this time, Xu Ziyan seems to have merged with the sword in his hand. She is a sword, and the sword is her.

Suddenly in the siege of the seven-handed daggers, a group of golden awns broke out, and Jinmang broke through the sword net woven out of the seven-sword daggers, rushing to a few tens of meters like a meteor. Female fairy.

The female thief wants to flash, but the pressure that the group of Jin Mang brought to her has caused her mind to have a short pause, which is the moment of pause. The group of Jin Mang has already burst into her body.


The body of the female fairy smashed instantly, and Jin Mang dissipated. The body shape of Xu Ziyan appeared. He reached out and stroked. The seven short-swords and the storage ring of the female thief in the air lost in the air were collected by Xu Ziyan. A turn, locked the next fairy in the early days of Luo Tianxian.

At this time, the fairy thief was teaming up with another fairy thief to kill a monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang. The monk was already injured at this time. He was very embarrassed, but it was the monk who stood with Xu Ziyan outside the city of Xueguang.

Xu Ziyan has a teleport. Instantly appeared behind one of the two fairy thieves. The sword in the hand is distracted. The thief’s heart was a policeman, and his figure suddenly became illusory. Xu Ziyan’s sword was smashed, but it was the afterimage of the fairy thief.

Xu Ziyan is constantly moving. Going away to the fairy thief. The fairy thief saw that the other party was only a Luo Tianshangxian, and the only scared heart was put down a little. Sacrifice the Qiankun circle in his hand to the Xu Zi hood.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes suddenly became blue.

"Reward the soul!"

The opposite of the fairy thief is a slap in the face, and the sacred circle of the sacred sacs also pauses in the air. Just after this brief pause, the sword of Xu Ziyan has stabbed his body, and the celestial force suddenly blasts, destroying it. . Reaching out, he took his ring and storage ring.

Xu Ziyan turned instantly and his eyes locked another fairy thief. The fairy thief saw Xu Ziyan killing his companion in an instant, and his heart was panic. See also Xu Ziyan locked himself, and his heart was even more confused. In this panic, the monk who fought with him seized the opportunity, and a sword flew his head and annihilated his god.

"Thank you!" The monk prayed to Xu Ziyan in the air.

Xu Ziyan nodded and his body teleported out and flew toward the next monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang. The early monk of Luo Tianshang, who was rescued by Xu Ziyan, looked at the shape of Xu Ziyan, tightened the sword in his hand, and rushed to the other Luo Tianxian Xianxian.

Xu Ziyan dealt with these fairy thieves in the early days of Luo Tianxian, and did not use much of their own cards. The original strength was far more than them. Now they have used the magical power to "receive the soul", and almost one face will kill a Luo Tianshen early. . It was only a quarter of an hour, and twenty-eight Luo Tian’s early fairy thieves were killed by Xu Ziyan.

The other 18 monks who were promised by the purple smoked one killed eight. At this time, the remaining ten thieves of the early days of Luo Tianxian were being surrounded by the monks of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's body shape once again rushed to the past, with Xu Ziyan joining, the thief who had been suppressed has completely collapsed, and less than half a quarter of an hour, was killed by the monks of Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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