The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1296: Quick kill (2)

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), forever after the rainy season 2 students, book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), Rangers GB classmates (100), (99) Zi Yan classmates (99), cheeze classmates (99 ) reward!


In less than two quarters of an hour, the fairy thief died in the early days of the twenty-eight-day sacred thief in the early days of the immortal, while the Xu Ziyan side only died in the early days of the five Luo Tian Shangxian monks.

Twelve Luo Tianshen early monks stood behind Xu Ziyan, morale was great, and the eyes that looked back to Xu Ziyan were full of gratitude. If there is no purple smoke, their ending is unimaginable.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept away from the surroundings. There was no war in the Tianxian period. Thousands of people fought in one place and had already made a mess. Spells, Fu Yan, fairy, all kinds of radiances shine together, straight into the sky.

Looking at the battlefield of Luo Tianshangxian, the number of the two sides in the late days of Luo Tianshang was exactly the same. They were all ten people. They caught up and killed each other. They played a similar match. There were no casualties on both sides.

Looking at the peak of Luo Tianshang in the late stage, Xu Ziyan was completely in the wind. Fourteen monks against eighteen thieves. Moreover, the fairy thief was very prepared, and the thirteen thieves of each of them were on the thirteenth of the three purple smog ones, and the remaining five sacred priests in the late stage of the celestial celestial being A Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak monk.

In this way, even if the monk made all his cards, he was killed by five fairy thieves in a quarter of an hour. After that, five of them rushed to another monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang. This is six to one, and when the eyes of Xu Ziyan looked over, they killed the monk. Afterwards, the six fairy thieves rushed toward the other monk of the late Tianyi of Luo Tianshang.

There are only 12 people left in the late stage of Luo Tianshang’s literary monk, and no one who can be cultivated to the peak of Luo Tian’s late stage is a fool. They are all savvy people. Seeing such a situation, they all consciously moved closer together and formed a battle. However, he was besieged by 18 centuries of the same strength. The situation is in jeopardy.

Xu Ziyan’s heart turned, and the monk who felt the peak of Luo Tian’s late stage was able to persist for a while, and the strength of the purple coat was obviously not low. I looked at the battlefield in the middle of Luo Tianshang.

Luo Tianshang’s mid-term battlefield is exactly the same as that of Luo Tian’s late stage. Xu Ziyan’s Luo Tianshang’s mid-term monks had only fourteen, while the fairy thief was twenty-two. At the beginning of the moment, they used the same method as Luo Tianshang’s late peaks, except for the thirteen or three days of the fairy thief in the middle of the celestial celestial sect. A mid-term monk in the middle of the heavens went to kill one person. Just a dozen breaths of time, kill it. Wait until Xu Ziyan’s Luo Tianshang’s mid-term monk reacted. There are only nine of the fourteen monks in the middle of the heavens. At this time, the nine monks were forming a battlefield, struggling to withstand the insane bombardment of the fairy thief, and the battlefield would see a collapse.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and asked the 13 monks in the early days of Luo Tianshen to ask: "You have to go together to kill a Luo Tianxian immortal thief. Are you sure?"

"And grasp!" Thirteen monks immediately nodded, although Luo Tianshang mid-term monks were a little higher than them, but thirteen people went to kill a Luo Tianshang mid-term, there is still no problem.

"Good. Remember, kill one person at the fastest speed. The time is a little dragged, letting the fairy thief react, it will be a lot of trouble."

"Yes!" The eyes of the 13 monks in the early days of the early days of the immortals passed through the eyes.

At this time, because the battle on the side of Xu Ziyan ended too fast, it took less than two quarters of time, and the entire battlefield was chaotic, and no one found that the war here was over.

"kill ~~"

Xu Ziyan sighed lightly, and the body shape rushed out with a teleport, and the thirteen monks also moved away toward the fairy tales in the middle of Luo Tianxian.

at this time. These fairy thieves played very happy. Twenty-two people pressed nine people to fight, that is a must. While laughing and screaming, they humiliated each other and kept attacking. The eyes of the nine monks who were surrounded by the middle revealed the color of despair. They understand their situation. It is impossible for someone to come back to save them because the number of monks at any level is less than the fairy thief. At this point, it is good for others to be able to protect themselves. How can someone pour out their hands to help them.

Twenty-two fairy thieves were too relaxed. Their psychology was the same as the nine monks who were killed in the middle. They decided that no one would help the opponent and forgot to be wary. Even after Xu Ziyan and the thirteen monks came behind them, they still didn't know.

Such an opportunity, how can Xu Ziyan party miss it.


A loud noise burst into a dazzling light. Xu Ziyan and the thirteen monks shot at the same time, and the two fairy tales in the middle of the heavens were instantly smashed into powder.

The remaining twenty thieves were stunned and Huoran turned back. However, just in the moment of their slight ignorance, there was another roar.

They are worried, Xu Ziyan will not! After killing the other two thieves, they immediately launched a second wave of attacks. With the roar, two fairy thieves were smashed into powder.

"Rush in, stop!"

Xu Ziyan drank, and struggling to find a sword full of the sword of the golden sword. At the same time, the thirteen early monks of Luotian also joined forces to launch a tyrannical attack. At this time, both sides have reacted, and the same is unexpected, but in a desperate situation, the nerves have always been tight to react. It was the time of this interest that the nine monks in the middle joined forces to attack a fairy thief.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Infinite roar, the encirclement of the fairy thief was blasted a gap, in which three thieves died. In the early days of the 13th Luotian, the monks rushed in from the gap and quickly formed a battlefield. One was composed of nine Luo Tianxian immortals, and the thirteen Luo Tianshangxian early formations formed a battlefield.

And the gap between them is shrinking, the number of monks on the side of Xu Ziyan is increasing, and the number of ones on the thief is decreasing. Twenty-two in the middle of the celestial celestial thief, only seven people died in an instant, leaving fifteen.

Xu Ziyan did not rush into the encirclement with the thirteen monks, but stayed outside. The fifteen fairy thieves who responded immediately rushed out and attacked the two. The remaining 13 fairy thieves continue to attack the monks in the encirclement. However, today they have only thirteen people, and they have no advantage. They can only suppress the monks who have formed them, so that they can't get out. As long as the two thieves will kill Xu Ziyan, and come back together, they can still slowly kill the monks in the encirclement.

The monk in the encirclement struggled to resist the attack of the fairy thief, while anxiously looking at the Xu Ziyan surrounded by the circle. They didn't understand why Xu Ziyan just didn't rush in with it, but stayed alone. Where did they know that Xu Ziyan stayed outside to attract one or two fairy thieves to chase her.

The shape of the two fairy thieves quickly flew toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan quietly stood in the air and looked at two bodies that were as fast as a meteor. The right hand of the sword is the perfection of the golden meaning of the sword. At the same time, the left hand and the left hand clenched the fist, and the golden fist was transported to the great consummation. The fist has turned into a golden color, releasing a substantial light.

Two fairy thieves, a man and a woman, the male repaired a long gun, and the female repaired a flower basket. The space pulled up the afterimage, as if blurring the eyes of the person, and instantly with an endless power to the face of Xu Ziyan.

The rifle had already stabbed the chest of Xu Ziyan, and the flower basket was also taken under the head. Xu Ziyan did not go to see the long gun, but fixed his eyes to the woman's eyes.

"When ~~"

The fairy sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan blocked the tip of the gun, and the singularity of the smoldering turned into a circle and swayed around. Although the rifle was blocked, the male thief revealed a hint of joy in his eyes. Because the flower basket of the female fairy has been less than a foot from the head of Xu Ziyan. Suddenly, the flowers in the flower baskets bloomed, and countless colorful leaves hang from the basket, hovering, blurring the eyes of the people. But the petal was like a sharp stalk of the same handle to the Xu Ziyan.

The female thief also released joy in her eyes, but at this time, she saw a golden fist coming to her chest. The corner of the mouth passed a trace of sarcasm, the heart said:

"When your fist hit me, my flower basket has already twisted your head into a meat!"

Suddenly, her vision turned into a blue, and her ears rang with a crisp sound:

"Reward the soul!"

After that, the **** of the gods was a coma.


The strong Jinzhiquan rushed into the body of the female thief, and was slammed into a powder. Xu Ziyan turned around and looked at the male thief who was still shocked by the gun.

Seeing Xu Ziyan looked over, the male thief’s gaze was a contraction, and his heart retired. I just wanted to take the long gun back, and my eyes were blue and the gods became blurred. Even the pain did not feel, it was turned into two halves by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape kept rushing toward the remaining 13 fairy thieves.


Thirteen fairy thieves were scared, and then two people were separated to deal with Xu Ziyan? Then you can't suppress the monks inside. Besides, will the two fairy thieves be the opponents of Xu Ziyan? If you send out three, it is not to suppress the other party's problems, but to be surrounded by the other side.

At this time, the monks in the encirclement saw the opportunity and decisively dispersed the battlefield. The nine monks in the middle of the heavens were entangled in nine fairy thieves, and the thirteen monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian were divided into three. A small team, two of which have four monks each, and a small team of five monks, each entangled a fairy. So there is a fairy thief left, which is reserved for Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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