The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1297: chase

I am very grateful to the summer aroma RR students, wqiy2003 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, He Silao classmates, Zi Mo fluttering classmates, mountain fog classmates, book friends 08842224527034 classmates, book friends 121125180033556, laughing students, An ^_^ Jing classmates Pink ticket!


The fairy thief naturally saw the meaning of the other party, where he dared to stay in the slightest, and he did not care with the companion. A teleport wanted to escape.


A red-purple sword of gas, releasing the power of the late peaks of the four-character genius from the body of Xu Ziyan. Just caught up with the fairy thief in an instant.

The sound of the air behind it hit, the fairy thief was shocked, the body just wanted to teleport again, but heard a whistle:



A burst of sound, a red-violet vortex appeared in the explosion, and the figure of the fairy thief had disappeared, and was smashed by the detonation of the gas sword.

The remaining twelve thieves were shaking, and a chill rose from the bottom of my heart. One by one in the heart:

"Whose is the disciple of this family, the ruined family! Four products, the peak of the fairy, said to detonate, it will detonate!"

With this idea, the heart naturally gave birth to retreat, and the twelve fairy thieves suddenly made their strongest blow, and the body shape immediately burst out, and the head did not return to the distant teleport. Not even back, I was afraid that Xu Ziyan would throw out a few fairy pieces to detonate. At this time, they still manage what they are, and they can escape their lives and be lucky. And in the future, I have to hide my name and hide. Who knows the background of a woman who casually detonates the four-pin peaks? If she is stared at by her family, then it is not a dead end.

Xu Ziyan stopped her figure in the void, and she neither chased the fairy thieves nor released the gas sword. I quickly swept my eyes through the battlefield. Ten pairs of monks in the late days of the heavens were still strangled fiercely. Each other's body is more or less injured, but there is no death. Luo Tianshang was in the late peak of the Xian Dynasty and died one more. Now there are only eleven left. At this time, every Luo Tian Shang Xian’s late monk is wounded. The equipment on the body has been damaged. The entire battle array is lined with layers of four-character charms, which are turned into a defensive shield to cover eleven monks.

This is the home of eleven monks, and all four of them are released. However, the fairy thief seems to have also squandered out, and also released the layers of the fairy, and the number is obviously more than the number of purple smoke, forming an attacking sentiment. Fighting fiercely toward the defensive battlefield.

In the sight of Xu Ziyan, the attacking battlefield blasted a large hole in the defensive battlefield and smashed a monk inside into a powder.

The ten monks in the room each slammed on the shield and repaired the mask with their own fairy power. Only the big hole disappeared in an instant, and a complete defensive mask was formed. However, the ten monks inside were pale. The corner of the mouth has begun to seep out blood.

In the middle of the nine Luo Tianshen immortals and the thirteen early days of the Luo Tian Shang Xian, standing behind Xu Ziyan, looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan is not only grateful, but respect. Just now they saw Xu Ziyan’s combat power with his own eyes. A Luo Tian Shang Xian’s early cultivation, but the Luo Tian Shang Xian mid-term monk was like a chopped melon, and they could not help but doubt that she was really Luo Tianxian. Initially?

Xu Ziyan’s mind was thinking rapidly, and if she immediately went to save the monks of Luo Tian’s late peaks, she needed her to make a big card. To know that there are eighteen peaks in the late stage of Luo Tianshen, and now it is time for two big battles. It is impossible for me to save the purple clothes alone. Deal with the eighteen Luo Tianshang late peaks. Only use Heidilian, Ruyibao. However, the Xianyuan power consumed by these two fairy devices is too great. On such an occasion, if you consume too much. Even if the ability to escape is lost, it is too dangerous.

Holding a gun?

That is his biggest card. How could it be exposed here?

The only people here are purple clothes, one person is trying to save himself. What other people are doing with her?

Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move, Xian Fu!


You can use the fairy charm!

Xu Ziyan certainly does not use a fairy to form a charity to deal with those fairy thieves, after all, it is also a big killer. It is the card that she keeps, and a five-character fairy can make a big Luo Jinxian hurt. I must know that the fairy beast of the nine-day Xuanxian was killed by the six-character fairy of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, if Xu Ziyan uses the five-character fairy charm, he will definitely be able to make a lore to the fairy thief in the late stage of Luo Tianshang.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at the monk behind him: "You go to help those who are in the late days of Luo Tianshang."


Nine Luo Tianshang mid-term monks and thirteen Luo Tianshang early monks pounced on the battlefield of Luo Tianshang's late stage. For that battlefield, Xu Ziyan was very relieved. The original ten monks were equal to the ten thieves. Now they have joined the nine Luo Tianshen mid-term and the thirteen Luo Tianshang early monks, who can absolutely suppress each other. If the other party does not escape, there is a possibility of killing each other.

The eighteen Luo Tianshen’s late monks also saw what happened to Xu Ziyan’s side. They watched a group of Luo Tianshang’s monks rushing to the battlefield of Luo Tian’s late monks, and those who were in the late days of Luo Tian’s immortals After a glance, I wanted the past two diners to intercept the monks of the Xu Ziyan side.

However, at this time, their figure was a meal, and they all showed a look of laughter and laughter, because they saw Xu Ziyan flying toward them.

A monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang was rushing toward a group of Luo Tianshang’s late peaks.

What does she want to do?


The fairy thief shook his head and said to the three fairy thieves around him: "You help those fellow people and kill the hoe."

The three fairy thieves nodded, and they were swept away. The two flew toward the battlefield of Luo Tianshang, and one flew past the purple smoke.

The fairy thief who flew in the past with Xu Ziyan did not show the fairy, the big sleeves fluttering, the sacred wind bones, and the face still with a look of laughter and laughter.

The figure of the two people approached quickly, and the fairy thief condensed a big hand out of thin air and grabbed it toward Xu Ziyan. He really wants to grab Xu Ziyan and ask:

"What do you want to do?"

Xu Ziyan’s body in the air suddenly blurred, and this was the way she carried out the cloud, and there were eleven purple smoke figures in the air.


The figure of ten Xu Ziyan was crushed by the fairy thief and disappeared into the space. However, there was a figure that quickly reached the front of the fairy thief. The fairy thief was slightly shocked, but still did not take it seriously, the palm of his hand turned over and printed to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape has once again become blurred, and he has not played against the fairy thief, but has passed by him. At the moment of passing, five five-character charms were left. At the same time, a change of direction, the two sneak peeks into the battlefield of Luo Tianshang's late stage.

The fairy thief saw Xu Ziyan escaped from his own palm print. The original heart was a glimpse. Then she saw her teleporting toward her own two fellows, and her heart was puzzled.

All of this was done between the fingers, and Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the space made her teleport far more than the late monk of Luo Tianshang. The thief who had not waited for five five-character charms after his body reacted, and Xu Ziyan had already caught up with the two pirates who flew to the battlefield of Luo Tianshang. Thousands of five-character charms were sprinkled, and the shape of Xu Ziyan swiftly moved away.


An infinite roar, the first five quintessences of the thief who wanted to catch Xu Ziyan burst into a burst, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the air. The fairy thief didn't even have a chance to mourn, but he died.

The huge roar made the whole battlefield calm down, and the eyes all looked forward to the roar, and they looked at each other and looked at the huge mushroom cloud. What kind of power is this!

The two pirates who flew to the battlefield of Luo Tianshang's late stage naturally looked back, but they only saw the huge mushroom cloud, and there were ten five-character charms floating in front of them.


Another burst of infinite roar, but also a huge mushroom cloud, two fairy thieves also turned into powder.

Xu Ziyan quietly stood in the air, looking at the fifteen Luo Tianshang on the opposite side of the fairy thief. At that time, the fifteen fairy thieves gaze at the same time. This power is definitely not released by the four-character fairy. There is only one explanation. The opposite gimmick releases the five-character charm.

Five Pinsunes!

This made them immediately red-eyed, and fifteen fairy thieves even gave up ten monks in the defensive array, and at the same time they rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

"Peace ~~"

Xu Ziyan extended two perfect wings behind him, and between the fans, he was far away from the fifteen fairy thieves. The fifteen fairy thieves looked at each other and did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such a fairy. However, they did not give up, and fifteen fairy thieves surrounded by Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan threw out five five-character charms and hovered and threw them out toward the fairy.

With the defense of Luo Tianshang, the late peaks of how to be re-willing to be bombarded by the five-character fairy, one by one sharply teleported, drawn a large arc, still chasing away toward Xu Ziyan. The roar of the five five-character imperial explosions was far behind. Instead, a bunch of fairy princes were blown into gray.

The fifteen fairy thieves were chasing Xu Ziyan. The ten monks of Luo Tian’s late peaks quickly dissipated the array, and the attacking array that was laid by the genius lost control, but stood still in the air. However, the ten monks did not have the energy to pay attention to these, and the fifteen thieves chased Xu Ziyan everywhere, and they rushed to the battlefield of Luo Tianshang.

The ten pirates in the late days of Luo Tian’s immortality had already been suppressed. Now they have thrown ten singers like Luo Tianshang’s late peak monks, just less than ten times, they will take the ten Luo Tianxian The monk killed.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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