The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1299: Purple genius

I am very grateful to the stray dog ​​classmates at the water, cool snake classmates, Milanoz classmates, forty-four classmates, classmates, tears stunned classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, wolf squatting 110 classmates, I love sleeping classmates, blue sky ~ Bai Xue classmates, Nana8214 classmates, students flying between the fingers, forever after the rain season classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, cheeze classmates, elva3 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, parasitic heaven and earth classmates, espflykite classmates, condensed classmates, silina0628 classmates, pine forest pony classmates, rain868 classmates Pink ticket!


The character of the purple coat is gentle, the body is petite, the skin is white and tender, and the eyes are very large. The ear is equipped with two small ear beads. It is a pair of defensive fairy, and the purple dress is pretty cute.

With her tall shoulders, Xu Ziyan is tall, with long legs and thin waist, sapphire blue clothes, graceful and graceful, with a black shawl and a sapphire blue hair band on her head. Both the hero and the pretty are both. OK, whispering.

Away from behind them, a pair of eyes stared at the back of Xu Ziyan and Ziyi from time to time, but it was the Luofu Jade Emperor Purple Sword. Beside him is the purple thunder.

Zi Lei also looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and turned his head and said to the purple sword: "Do you really have to deal with Xu Ziyan in the long time?"

Purple sword looked at the haze, nodded and said: "Zi Lei, this woman has a great threat to the family. I have almost occupied the Yuanyuan Xianguo in the past few days. For the family to expand the field in the lower galaxies, let the family Get more resources. But it is because she is defeated.

I have already heard her detailed information. Xu Ziyan was only just two years after the ascent of the fairyland, and it was upgraded from the fairy period to the early days of Luo Tianshang. If she let her grow up like this. In the future, the Luofuxian country will inevitably be annexed by the Yuanyuan Xianguo, and our family will suffer irreparable losses. Therefore, Xu Ziyan must die, after she died. I can take the Yuanyuan Xianguo and expand the territory for the family. ”

Purple Ray nodded and his face was serious. Looking up and looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, he lowered his voice and said:

"Is there really no background for that Xu Ziyan? Why is there a five-character charm in her hand?"

The purple sword is also a puzzled face: "I am a monk who has just ascended up. There is no background in the fairy world. Besides, there is no famous Xu family in the lower galaxies! Maybe... she Is it a fairy charmer?"

Zi Lei’s face changed and he said: “So, it’s even more impossible to leave her. If she let her grow like this. No! Don’t grow any longer. Now she’s said she’s five products. Immortal teacher, will immediately have a large number of friends, by that time, if she wants to deal with the purple family, our family is in danger."

The face of the purple sword was dignified a bit, and the voice was depressed. "How have you been in contact with these days?"

"I saw a lot of old friends in the town of time and space, but only invited seven monks in the late stage of Luo Tianshang." Purple Lei said softly.

The purple sword face is somewhat ugly: "Zi Lei. You have to add a lot of strength, and put the conditions up again. These expenses are all out of me."

"That... how much have you pulled?"

The purple sword's mouth flicked a smile and said: "I have already pulled thirty-six Luo Tianshang's late peak monks."

"This... How much valuable resources do you have to pay?" The purple sword was shocked.

Purple sword smiled and shook his head: "Zi Lei, you are also a jade emperor, how do you understand this truth? I have paid a lot for it, but all this is compensated, and the compensation will greatly exceed my contribution."

Speaking of this, his face showed a sullen smile: "As long as Xu Ziyan died, after I went back, I immediately launched a fairy war against the Yuanyuan Fairy. I waited until I occupied the entire Yuanyuan fairy country. The resources are mine, compared to the current pay, but I am making a big profit, huh, huh..."

Purple Lei erected a big thumb to the purple sword. Whispered: "High! No wonder when you were in the real world, you were most valued by the family. It really!"

"Oh..." Zijian smiled smugly, looking up at the back of Xu Ziyan, thinking in his heart: "Xu Ziyan, you are a monk, destroying my good deeds, let me lose face, I will give you a one-time return, You are dead!"

"Zi Jian!" Zi Lei suddenly said: "You have already pulled 36 people, and I have also pulled seven people, plus two of us, there are forty-five Luo Tianshen late peak monks, to deal with That Xu Ziyan is enough. How can she be so powerful, but it is just an early stage of Luo Tianxian, no need to pull people again?"

The purple sword shook his head and said: "You can't care. You must make a purple smoke die this time. Don't forget, the fifteen thieves didn't catch up with her. We must beware of her escape, so the more people, the better, they have to The monk of the peak of the heavenly fairy."

Zi Lei thought about it and thought that the purple sword made sense. He said with a light smile: "Reliably, in other places, it is very difficult to find a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang. It is very easy in this time and town. In the lower galaxies, Luo Tianshang’s late monk monks are now almost here. As long as they are paid enough for them, it is not a problem to pull people. What's more, the people who help them kill are just the beginning of Luo Tianshen? If not, she has a pair. We don’t need so many people to escape the wings."

"There are still seven days when the long river is about to open. We must hurry and pay attention to confidentiality. Don't let those who are saved by Xu Ziyan know."

"I know!" Purple Ray nodded. Suddenly said: "Zi Jian, if the purple clothes and the purple smoke together go into the time and space, what should I do?"

The face of the purple sword became gloomy, and looked at the back of the purple dress and said: "If that is the case, even she will kill it."

"This..." Zi Lei's face changed and changed: "She is the person of our purple family! And she is very appreciated by the two elders. Now the two elders have already traveled to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, if the two elders will be known in the future. How are we going to be good?"

The purple sword sighed coldly: "The two elders are powerful, not as good as my grandfather. And when I go to the middle galaxies, if the two elders ask. I can say that she and Xu Ziyan teamed up to seize the treasures of time and space. I want to kill me, I am just self-defense."

Zilei thought for a moment and nodded: "It can only be like this!"

Purple Lei’s heart is very clear, after all, the purple sword is the grandson of the family. The favor is that the purple clothes can not be compared. Purple Sword only needs an excuse to kill the purple clothes and kill them. At most, they are punished a little.

At this time, there was a voice behind them: "Sword Uncle, Lei Shu!"

The two turned their heads and smiled on their faces. The coming people are their younger generation, the next generation of the purple family, called Ziyang. It just flew up for eight hundred years. In one repair, it reached the late stage of Luo Tianshang. He is from another force in the Zixia Galaxy, Jiuyang Xianguo. And as long as the Jiuyang Xianguo Jade Emperor breaks through the Da Luo Jinxian and goes to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, he will become the Jade Emperor of the Jiuyang Xianguo. He is farther away from the town of time and space, and is three days late than the purple sword and purple thunder.

He has already learned about Xu Ziyan from the mouth of Zijian. He is very young and arrogant. He is very disdainful of the purple sword. Does he think that a monk in the early days of Luo Tianxian used so much fanfare? Moreover, the more the purple sword is, the more he does not want to provoke Xu Ziyan, the more he is not satisfied.

Today he went to find two uncles. Did not see, then a person ran out to hang out, saw two uncles, they rushed over.

"Oh... it’s Ziyang!"

"Uncle!" Ziyang smiled and walked over: "When did you let the nephew see the purple smoke is what kind of person?"

The face of Zijian was solemn, and he said with a sigh: "Ziyang, don't try to provoke Xu Ziyan."

Ziyang immediately nodded: "Know, uncle. I will not provoke her, I just want to see what kind of person she is, curious!"

Purple sword nodded. He also understands the curiosity of Ziyang. Young people, who is not yet curious? What's more, Ziyang is less than 1,500 years old. This curiosity is naturally more and more, and I use my eyes to indicate:

"Have you seen it? The woman in front of the sapphire blue dress is Xu Ziyan!"

Ziyang’s eyes are bright: “She’s really this is the beginning of Luo Tianshang’s early days, even the initial peak is not. It’s just breaking through to the early days of Luo Tianshang.”

The purple sword and the purple thunder's face are somewhat ugly, but for this purple family genius. They are all very pampered and there is no words. Ziyang Xiao smiled twice and his eyes flashed. Turning his face and revealing a naughty look toward the purple kendo:

"Uncle, let me go shopping and see if I can miss it!"

"Go, go!" Purple sword and Zilei laughed and waved.

Ziyang went to the street and pretended to look at the things on the street stalls. When the purple sword and the purple thunder did not pay attention to him, he quickly walked forward and chased toward Xu Ziyan.

He was very disdainful about the purple sword and the purple thunder, and he was very dissatisfied with Xu Ziyan. The heart is a woman in the early days of Luo Tianshang, why do you make such a big battle? Uncle Purple Sword is also true, flying so many years, the courage has become smaller? With so many resources to ask people, it is better to give it to me. When I killed Xu Ziyan, I gave my uncle a surprise.

Ziyang quickly caught up with Xu Ziyan, and his body shape flashed, and he stopped in front of Xu Ziyan. His eyes looked at Xu Ziyan with disdain. There was a sound in his mouth.

The purple clothes on the side naturally know Ziyang. In the lower Yuan galaxies, the forces of these purple families still have to meet once every five hundred years. At this time, I saw the little genius in the family of Ziyang, and the look of the purple clothes was not a joy:

"Ziyang, are you here too?"

Ziyang faintly glanced at the purple road: "Aunt, you are going to open, I am going to kill her today!"

"Kill her? Why?" Purple asked in surprise.

For the purple aunt, this aunt, Ziyang did not have the slightest respect, wrinkled his brow and said:

"This is not something you can manage, it will go away!"

When the words fell, a fist was punched up, and a fist of several feet in size appeared in the air and bombarded with Xu Ziyan. Even the purple clothes on the side were shrouded in fists. The face of the purple dress changed, and the eyes were shy and angry. I was thinking about whether to block the fist of Ziyang. At this time, Xu Zi smoked.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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