The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1300: Painter

I am very grateful to the 4 students (99) who are forever in the rainy season, Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), hknt161042 classmates (99), seaphay classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (99), book friends 121125180033556 classmates ( 99), cheeze classmates (99)'s reward!


From the purple coat called the name of Ziyang, and Ziyang called the purple coat as an aunt, and then said that to kill her moment, Xu Ziyan reacted. This Ziyang must have heard about what happened between Zijian and himself and came to kill himself. For such a thing, Xu Ziyan made a decision in an instant.

You kill me, I will kill you.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward, and the right fist was filled with the golden fist, and he bombarded the past with the other side.

Ziyang saw Xu Ziyan actually slammed a punch at him, revealing disdain in his eyes. His fist suddenly swelled in the air and swelled in a circle, nearly ten feet round, and bombarded the Xu Ziyan giant mountain.

His voice made the monks of the whole street look over, and the purple sword and purple thunder in the distance could not help. The face is a change.

"not good!"

Two people were shocked and moved away toward Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s fist was much smaller than Ziyang’s fist, but Ziyang’s eyes were not seen in Xu’s eyes, but Xu’s fist was too small, but he was much more solid than his fist.


Ziyang’s square-footed fist was broken by Xu Ziyan’s solid fist. The whole body rushed into the fist of Ziyang, which had broken a big hole, and the body shape was close to Ziyang. A solid fist slammed into his body.

A burst of bang, Xu Ziyan's body shape kept going straight out, and behind her was a burst of blood.

Just a punch. Xu Ziyan will smash the purple yang into a powder.


Two figures in the air teleported out, and two huge fists in the air slammed into the back of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan turned suddenly, his hands flashed, and the golden fist was full of power. With the strength of the four elements of the peak of the fairy, the fists are out, the sleeves of the sapphire blue swept sharply, revealing two slender arms.


Xu Ziyan’s body swayed and took a step back. The purple sword and the purple thunder in the air turned over and fell on the ground, looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan revealing the shock.

They think that Xu Ziyan is very strong, and it is much stronger than the ordinary Luo Tianshang. However, they did not think that Xu Ziyan could not use the fairy charm, they could hardly pick them up and attack them both.

This situation caused them to calm down because of the loss of family genius, and did not encircle Xu Ziyan. However, the eyes of two people looking at Xu Ziyan are full of killings. The heart is more determined to find the man's determination to kill Xu Ziyan in the long river of time and space.

They didn't want to kill Xu Ziyan here, but Xu Ziyan's pair of escape wings made them worry. However, it has changed since it entered the time and space. At that time, the length of the river would greatly limit the speed of the monks flying. After the two men calmed down, they also lost interest in speaking. Because at this time. There is no need to talk, and both sides understand what everyone is going to do next.

The eyes of the purple sword were removed from the face of Xu Ziyan, and they fell on the face of the purple coat, full of embarrassment. The face of the purple coat was pale, the family genius was killed in front of himself, and the killing of Ziyang was still his friend Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan killed the family genius, he did not stop, she really did not know how to wait. What will be your own.

Purple sword and purple thunder looked at the purple clothes coldly, then turned and left. Full of suffocation. Let the people around you go off.

Xu Ziyan walked silently to the side of the purple dress. She understood the mood and situation of the purple dress very much at this time. She gave a apology to the purple dress from the bottom of her heart.

Purple clothes saw Xu Ziyan walked to his side, still confused in the look. Step forward with a sigh of relief. Xu Ziyan also silently followed him. Xu Ziyan didn't want to lose this friend. She could feel the affection of her and her friendship. This may be because she has no intimate friends in her life.

But the reality is very helpless.

"You killed Ziyang!" The purple dress is like saying to Xu Ziyan, and it is like saying to himself, even the sound is so empty, as if losing the soul.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps, a bitter bitterness in his heart. She has no friends in the fairy world, and she has made a good end, but now the relationship between her and Duan Tianya has become complicated. It was not easy to make a purple coat, but the situation became more complicated. I can't help but remember the old smoke of Ximen, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao, the old people on the mainland.

Xu Ziyan looked at these days and had a happy smile on his face. Now he is helpless in purple clothes. His heart is also bitter and softly said:

"There are still a few days when the long river is open, we... still explore separately!"

The heart of the purple coat was first loose, and then bitter, and some stunned: "Do you want to separate?"

Then it seemed to wake up, and his face gradually gloomy and whispered: "You... why are you killing Ziyang?"

Xu Ziyan fixedly looked at the purple clothes and suddenly said: "He wants to kill me!"

The face of the purple dress has changed and said: "But he is not your opponent, you can not kill him."

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "He wants to kill me, it is dead, I have no reason not to kill him. Also, presumably the purple sword and purple thunder will not let me go, there is still a dead battle between us... ..."

Purple clothes looked up at her, Xu Ziyan said softly: "Whether your purple family came to me to take revenge, I will not be merciful."

The face of the purple coat changed again, and the footsteps were not up to a meal. Xu Ziyan couldn't bear to look at the tangled look on her face, leaning her head to one side, her eyes falling on the body of a monk. The strange color appeared in the eyes, because the monk put a stall, but it was not a medicinal herb, a fairy, or the like, but a brand was displayed with the painting on it.

At this time, a monk was taking a picture from the hand of the painting. Xu Ziyan looked, but it was the portrait of the monk. It turned out that the monk was making a portrait. The heart is a move, turning around and whispering:

"Zi Yi sister, we give each other a picture to be remembered!"

The purple clothes had no words, but they followed Xu Ziyan to the table of the artist. The more Xu Ziyan approached the painter, the more I felt that the artist had a mysterious atmosphere, very ethereal and deep. Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but be vigilant and become cautious.

The painter opposite also saw Xu Ziyan and Ziyi coming over and warmly greeted both of them:

"The two fairies are going to be portraits?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "We each draw one."

The painter said with a smile: "Every painting needs 10 million yuan."

Xu Ziyan looks like a glimpse, a word to be tens of millions of downsells? He... Why don't you grab it? However, the painter is still a smile, as if his ten thousand yuan in the mouth is a fairy crystal.

Ok, I will see what you can draw. Xu Ziyan’s heart was originally unsatisfactory. At this time, it was even more angry, and he nodded with a sullen face.

"First pay the fairy crystal!" the artist still said with a smile.

Xu Ziyan’s look is a stagnation, and she has never met such a person. Turning his hand on the table, he placed twenty pieces of the best crystals, and his eyes fixed on him.

The painter saw that Xu Ziyan took out the best fairy crystal, but did not have the slightest change of look. When he waved his hand, he collected 20 pieces of the best fairy crystals, as if he was collecting 20 pieces of fairy crystals.

Xu Ziyan is a glimpse of the heart, and the mind is more certain that this artist is not simple.

"Who first draws?" The old man’s gaze was on the back of Xu Ziyan and Ziyi.

"Draw me!" Xu Ziyan has not spoken yet, and the purple dress on the side opens. Xu Ziyan looked down. Seeing the purple clothes at this time seems to have completely come out of the state just now, and the look has become as before.

The painter nodded and began to draw. His movements are very fast, and it is not the average painter who wants to keep watching the people being painted. He just said a lot when he spoke, as if he had completely remembered the appearance of the purple clothes, and never looked up too much. It was only a quarter of an hour, and a full-length portrait of the woman would come to life on the paper.

Purple clothes and Xu Ziyan went forward and looked down. The beauty is beautiful, and it is the same as the purple dress in front of you. The purple clothes reached out to the painting on the table, and the fingertips just touched the paper, but suddenly stayed there.

Xu Ziyan did not notice the change of the purple coat, but also fell on the painting. This look was slightly surprised. She did not think that the artist in front of me would really draw such a similar work in a short quarter of an hour.

The purple dress in the portrait is like a floating willow, and the eyebrows are picturesque. The look is soft and feminine, and it is exactly the same as the purple dress around.

Xu Ziyan was only amazed for a moment, and his eyes looked at the painting for a moment without blinking, and his heart was shocked.

This...the meaning of the wind!

Xu Ziyan actually realized the meaning of the wind from the portraits of the purple clothes! It is necessary to know that Xu Ziyan has a pair of wings, but he does not understand the meaning of the wind. If she understands the meaning of the wind and expands her wings, the speed will double.


Xu Ziyan and Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they looked at each other and saw the shocked color from the other's eyes. The purple coat reached out and slowly rolled up the picture on the table and handed it to Xu Ziyan next to him. Xu Ziyan took his hands. At this time, the painter was not manually stopped, and began to paint Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Ziyi couldn’t help but look at each other and put their eyes on the painter’s body. I wondered who the painter was.

How can you draw such an artistic conception?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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