The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1301: Time and long rivers open

I am very grateful to the book friends 080910205917581 classmates, Zheng Huifen classmates, Ding Xiaowen classmates, time sound elf classmates, Ningshui Shuiyue classmates, rice think classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, 121125180033556 classmates, Long Ying classmates, illusion の green grass classmates, ethereal cold moon Classmate's pink ticket!


At this time, Xu Ziyan was fine. She did not know that the heart of the purple dress had been shocked at this time. If it wasn’t for the high level, she just screamed in surprise.

Because the spiritual root of the purple coat is the root of the wind, the cultivation is the wind attribute, and the wind attribute has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng. She was shocked by the fact that the artist in front of him had inadvertently painted the meaning of the wind when he gave himself a portrait, or did he see that he was practicing the wind.

For a moment or so, the artist painted the portrait of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Ziyi could not wait, and the eyes fell on the painting. A woman with a tall figure and a gentle and beautiful atmosphere is on the paper, which is exactly the same as Xu Ziyan.

However, the two people at this time are not concerned about this. These two people are all people with superior comprehension, just just looking at the picture, Xu Ziyan's knowledge is a bang.

This painting is Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is a multi-attribute. She only saw at a glance that this portrait contains three attributes: gold, water and fire. At this time, the purple clothes also saw the three attributes contained in the painting of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan will carefully draw the picture.

Not bad! There are only three attributes of gold and water, and there are no other attributes that they comprehend.

Is Xu Ziyan’s heart moving, is it because his two gold and water properties have been cultivated to the great perfection? Fire attribute cultivation to the realm of Dacheng? Can this be painted by the artist? None of his other attributes have been cultivated to Dacheng. So I was not drawn? In this way, the purple dress is the wind attribute, and the wind attribute is cultivated above the realm of Dacheng?

At this time, the purple clothes also thought of this, and the two people's body trembled gently. The eyes of the microscopic curtains can't conceal the extreme shock.

The artist in front of me can draw the attributes of her cultivation through the artistic conception. What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that the artist can see what attributes he is practicing at a glance, and he can also paint this already by brush.

Such paintings are the works of the gods in the eyes of ordinary monks who are comprehensible, but the masters who have strong comprehension can understand the artistic conception of the attributes from such a painting. This is not a simple picture. It is a treasure painting.

Then...what is this artist? How can there be such a strong strength?

Two people couldn't help but look at the painter. The purple eyelids were a jump, and she couldn't see through the other's cultivation. what does this mean? This means that the artist in front of her is better than her purple dress. The purple coat is already the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage. Doesn't that mean that the old man in front of him is the worst and is also Luo Luojinxian? But isn't Da Luo Jinxian not allowed to stay in the lower yuan?

At this time, Xu Ziyan was even more shocked than the purple clothes, because she secretly opened the eyes of Kun Peng. However, in the eyes of Kuang Peng, the repair of the artist opposite the same is not as clear as the fog of the same group.

Gently took a breath. Xu Ziyan stabilized his emotions, and his heart was dark. Perhaps this artist is running like the Master from the Shangyuan Galaxy for any reason?

However, such a person is too dangerous to give Xu Ziyan. Don't look at the portrait of the painter in front of him. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that if he and his conflict, he is definitely not his opponent.

Slowly roll up your portrait. Turned and handed it to the purple coat. The purple clothes took over the picture, and the emotion that was shocked was gradually stabilized. However, the two people did not dare to stay here more. Under the appearance of the painter’s smile, it was like imprisoning a fierce beast, which made the two of them feel a lot of pressure.

Two people took the picture and walked slowly, and continued along the street. Two people did not speak. It seems as if they have deliberately forgotten that Xu Ziyan had killed Ziyang, but they did not know what to say.

Two people have already walked out of the street and have already arrived in front of a tall stone monument. On the tall stone tablet is engraved with four characters:

"Time and space!"

Two people looked up at the sky above the stone monument. There is a place where time and space open. The look of the purple coat gradually condensed. Closed his eyes slightly. When I opened my eyes again, my eyes became very calm, and I turned to look at Xu Ziyan, but the sound was light. But it is extremely firm:

"After this time, we are no longer friends. Since you killed Ziyang, you are the enemy of the Purple House, the enemy that I will kill in the purple clothes. I will not stay with me until next time. I will kill you personally. better not let me see you!"

"I..." Xu Ziyan looked at the firm look of Ziyi, and only sighed in his heart: "I...will not keep it."

The purple clothes turned away, and Xu Ziyan turned slowly, standing with his hands on his back, sighing in his heart, looking up into the air.

"Purple clothes!"


There was a voice of a man and a woman behind him. Xu Ziyan knew that the hyacinth and the purple ring came. She did not know how to face them at this time, simply no longer turned around, still looking up to the sky that is about to open the time and space.

"Sister, she... really killed Ziyang?" The voice of the purple ring was heard in the ear.

"Go back!" Purple said softly, the tone was full of depression.

The hyacinth and the purple ring looked at the Xu Ziyan, who was facing them with amazement, and the look was very complicated. Silently followed behind the purple coat.

"The purple coat, we are so purple smoke..." Hyacinth asked softly.

The purple clothes frowned slightly: "From the moment she killed Ziyang, it was our enemy. It is the enemy of the entire purple family."

"Sister... Are you worried about the purple house..." The face of the purple ring is very unsightly.

"唉~~" Purple clothes sighed softly: "Ziyang is the genius of the family, and is the child of the family's key cultivation. If it is killed by Xu Ziyan, and it is killed in front of me, I have not blocked it. I am afraid this time from time to time. Business, I will be very difficult for you to change back.

When I heard the purple clothes, the purple ring and the hyacinth looked at each other and shook their heads.

“ 82, we still go back to the original place to live?”

Ziyi thought about it and finally nodded. "Go back, if the purple sword they invited us to kill Xu Ziyan, we must go. If we hide at this time, it is even more unclear!"


A aerial sigh echoed in the sky, Xu Ziyan slowly turned around, his expression was a bit sloppy. Looking down at the picture in my arms, it was a sigh, taking the picture into the storage ring and heading in the other direction.

Before she entered the time and space, she did not want to face the purple coat again. In that case, it would be very difficult for both people. Xu Ziyan knows that as long as he does not go to the purple clothes himself, the purple clothes will certainly avoid himself. In fact, the two people have a mind. Even though they lived in the town of time and space at this time, it is better not to see each other.

Xu Ziyan ordered a place to live, locked himself in the house, and never went out. She is adjusting her state, she is basically certain that after she enters the time and space, she will be in an extremely dangerous state. The purple sword is likely to smother himself in the long river of time and space. I have already shown my strength that day, I am afraid that it will not be just the purple sword and the purple thunder in the long river of time and space.

I don't know if the purple clothes will join the team that smashes me.

The same idea as Xu Ziyan, after the purple clothes went back, they shut themselves in the house and never went out. She is avoiding seeing again with Xu Ziyan. They are also waiting for the purple sword to come to find themselves, whether it is to blame themselves, or let them go to kill Xu Ziyan, she can only endure silently.


These two words have a heavy pressure on her heart. She has a deep resentment towards the family, but she also has a deep love.

Without the support of the family's resources, no two elders care for her, it is impossible to have her purple clothes today.

But it is precisely because of the family that she has been bullied by the people of the family since she was young, but she does not dare to resist, only to endure, because those who insult her are the children of the family, and she is only next to system.

The heart of the purple coat floated bitterly, and the female emperor like her, in the lower meta-galaxies, looks boundless, and in fact there is not much status in the family. A disciple is a disciple, unless you are able to suppress all the monks in the family.

However, what made her strange was that in the next few days, neither the purple sword nor the purple thunder had come to see her, as if Xu Ziyan had not happened to kill Ziyang. This makes the purple clothes worry, it seems that Zijian and Zilei have not treated themselves as people in the Purple House. When they solved Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that the family will open up their own time.

Seven days later.

Tens of thousands of monks in the entire time and space town were concentrated around the stone monument engraved with "the long river of time and space", looking up into the air, waiting for the opening of time and space.

"Booming ~~"

There is a thunderous sound in the sky. This sound is like coming from ancient times. Through the layers of space, people feel its power and feel its distantness.

The thunderous voice rumbling, with the rhythm of the sky, as if the ancient Thor was playing a song of thunder.

In the town of time and space, tens of thousands of monks are looking up into the air with excitement, waiting for the opening of time and space, a pair of eyes full of hope, it is a hope for the future.

As long as you can find a treasure in the long space of time and space, even if it is not a fairy king, just a glimpse of the big Luo Jin Xianqi, you can leave the lower galaxies and enter the Zhongyuan galaxies.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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