The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1306: Imprisonment

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The bloodbee that was swallowed by Xu Ziyan began to release a strong blood force, constantly repairing the broken body of Xu Ziyan.

At that time, the empty stream continued to destroy the body of Xu Ziyan, and the blood beads were constantly repairing the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan went back and forth in this painful and refreshing, and her nerves almost collapsed.

In this way, she drifted in the turbulent flow of time and space, and slowly began to crack a little bit of the body of the gun, and the speed of the body of Xu Ziyan was slowed down a little.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan did not know this. Her consciousness was in a semi-conscious state, but she knew that she was not dead, but she could not feel the surrounding environmental changes. Just instinctively holding his arms around his neck with his arms.

She didn't know that although her body was still broken and then repaired by the energy of the blood, it was actually through this side of the process of repairing the damage, her body strength is improving a little, now she The body has reached the strength of the five-character. And it is still improving a little bit with the process of damage and repair.

Time passed by in silence, I don't know how long it took, the blood bead in Xu Ziyan's body exploded. The violent energy leaked out.


Xu Ziyan's mouth squirted a few mouthfuls of blood, and the severe pain made her completely unconscious. A pair of arms still hold the neck of the gun.

The energy of the blood beads spread from the body of Xu Ziyan, and the speed of repairing Xu Ziyan suddenly increased, and her body strength increased sharply.

but. At that time, the speed of the turbulence was more than the speed of repairing the blood. Time did not know how long it took, Xu Ziyan woke up from the coma, and the eyes turned and saw that he was not dead. I wanted to move a little, but I found myself unable to move.

This made Xu Ziyan feel shocked and struggled to move, but still could not move. Xu Ziyan’s heart is cold, and she does not know what happened to her body. However, she is certain that she has a bad thing in her body and that the situation is even more dangerous. Because she was able to see the two arms that she had gone, she was still continually damaged. Then it was spread by a layer of blood and slowly repaired.

But the speed of the repair is not as good as destruction, which shows that Xu Ziyan is still close to death, but the speed has dropped. When the energy of the blood is consumed, it is no longer possible to continue to repair her broken body. Then there is only destruction, no repair, and the final result can only be eliminated.

Strive to stabilize my emotions. Start exploring your body with the gods. This investigation, Xu Ziyan's heart is even more alarmed. Because she found that her knowledge spreads extremely slowly, she has been slow to almost feel that her own knowledge is expanding.

However, it is slower, and Xu Ziyan has to extend his knowledge. Because only in this way can you know what happened to your body.

It took a full five hours to fully scan her body. In this way, she finally understood what happened to her body.

Relaxed the knowledge of God, and let the slow retreat of the gods, Xu Ziyan fell into thinking. The reason why she can't control her body now is simple. Because the interaction of blood beads and time and space turbulence acts on the body of Xu Ziyan, her body has now reached the strength of the seven-piece fairy.

And her cultivation has also been promoted to a terrible realm. What she doesn't know is. Today, her cultivation has reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian's late peak. However, in fact, it is not the peak of the late Luo Jinxian in the true sense, because her spiritual intensity and state of mind have not reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian.

Although Xu Ziyan did not know that her cultivation had reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian's later peaks, she knew that no matter what state her cultivation has reached, it is not the real state. Because her gods and moods have not kept up with the pace of cultivation.

It is more than a **** and a state of mind. That is not a breakthrough in the true sense. Only the knowledge and the state of mind keep up with the cultivation, and that is the breakthrough in the true sense. At this time, although she knew that her body was full of strength, she could not mobilize her. Not to mention the ecstasy of mobilizing her body, even normal action is impossible.

Because her knowledge at this time is too weak for Xiu, although her gods have been very strong before, with the realm of the early Luo Jinxian. However, this god's knowledge is not enough for her cultivation. When the body wants to act, it must be mobilized through the gods. Now her gods are repaired as the suppression of the spread is too slow, so that she wants God to know the instructions for a long time before they move. Not to mention the mobilization of the fairy power in the body.

In fact, this truth is understood by every cultivator. There is a balance between the state of mind and the cultivation of mind. Neither side can raise the other side too much.

If the gods are too much to be repaired, the body of the monk will become weak. The cultivation before Xu Ziyan is the beginning of Luo Tianshen, and the knowledge of God is the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian. In fact, when Xu Ziyan first came to the mainland of the Cangwu, because of the superposition of the souls of the two worlds, it began to damage her body.

Only she quickly went to Zhongdu City, and then kept taking the medicinal herbs. It is because she has the ability to make alchemy and treat the medicinal herbs as sugar beans, so she can constantly replenish the physical damage and let She did not notice this problem. After she saw the namelessness in Tai Xuanzong and began to cultivate her sword, she made up for this short board of her body, so she never found this problem.

However, the situation is different today.

Her knowledge of the gods is still in the early days of Da Luo Jinxian, but the cultivation has reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, and the strength of the body has broken through to the seven-character fairy, which has caused great oppression and imprisonment to the consciousness of Xu Ziyan. This is like a child waving a huge heavy blade and simply can't wave.

Now her gods are imprisoned in the body. The loss of Xianyuan force in her body is the mobilization of the gods. Like the same pool of stagnant water, there is no trace of fluctuations, so she now feels that she has lost her body as a mortal. Even the fluctuations in the refining period are not.

Unless her strength of consciousness reaches the peak of the late Luo Jinxian's later peaks, it will be able to break this imprisonment, and it will be repaired to break into the realm of the late Luo Jinxian's late peak and become a true Da Luojinxian strong.

Before that, she was only able to become a deaf person who could not move.

After understanding all this, Xu Ziyan only had a helpless smile. However, she did not worry about this point. She believes that as long as she can leave the time and space, with her enlightenment tea, she will quickly raise her knowledge and mood to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. What she has been jealous of is not the state of mind, but the accumulation of Xian Yuanli. I did not think that a dragon's blood beads allowed her cultivation to accumulate to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian.

However, in order to achieve this smoothly, the most important thing now is how to leave the turbulence of time and space. If you can't do without it, you will die after all.

The eyeballs looked at the guns in front of them, and the guns at this time had been damaged by one tenth. Xu Ziyan thought that now that his own body strength has reached the realm of Qi Pin Xian, should he be able to withstand a shot?

The heart stunned, and now she must try if her body can't stand a shot. And it's going to be faster. Because she had used her five hours to explore her body, she found that there was not much energy left by her blood. When the blood energy consumption is exhausted, she has no chance.

Xu Ziyan once again tried to extend his knowledge and communicate with the gun. Although the gun has been refining it by Xu Ziyan, her gods are now locked in the body. Although she can communicate with her guns a little bit, the speed is extremely slow.

After spending four hours, Xu Ziyan finally communicated with the gun, and then gave orders with guns. Afterwards, Xu Ziyan looked forward to watching the gun. She did not know that one tenth of the guns had been damaged, and that it was impossible to get through the time and space barriers.

I saw that the gun suddenly slammed straight into the body, holding the nine-pronged squirt gun, and the body released a fascinating momentum, and suddenly shot at the front.


The turbulence of time and space is more violent, and a space-time crack appears in the front of Xu Ziyan. With a gun, he released a hand holding a gun, grabbed Xu Ziyan and threw it out at the crack. Then there was a punch that hit the back of Xu Ziyan.


The shape of Xu Ziyan was like a meteor, and it was blasted out of the crack. In the turbulent flow of time and space behind her, the gun was struggling to break out of the crack. At first, Ziyan gave it three orders, one was to open the crack in time and space, the other was to blow himself out, and the last one was to let the guns rush out.

However, the gun can be attacked in situ, but when he wants to move, he is involuntarily rushed by time and space.

The time and space cracks were re-closed, and the guns did not rush out. Xu Ziyan, who is constantly falling in the air, realizes that he is likely to lose his gun forever. He can't help but lament:

"This time and time is a big loss!"

However, when she thought that as long as she raised her knowledge, she would be able to break through the realm of the late Luo Jinxian's peak and solve her own problem of accumulating the slowness of Xianyuan, and she could not help but feel better. Compared with this, the gun is not a thing, it is self-cultivation, and the others are foreign objects.

The body can't stop falling, piercing the white clouds, falling like a meteor.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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