The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1307: Return

I am very grateful to the heartbreaking 33 classmates, Lucy Hua, and the pink ticket of Pansi Qingqing!



The earth is dusty, that is, Xu Ziyan has the body strength of the seven-piece fairy. If it is replaced by another monk, it will fall to death. Even so, Xu Ziyan’s mouth spurted blood and suffered a lot of injuries. To know that she was shot by a gun.

Xu Ziyan did not know that he was there now. After the turbulence of time and space, it is now definitely not in time and space. Because she was falling, she saw a mountain below.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, who was lying in the deep pit, took a long breath and finally came out from the turbulence of time and space, and fell into a mountain range. To know that Xu Ziyan was in the turbulence of time and space, his clothes were smashed and shattered, and now he is naked.

In fact, even if Xu Ziyan is now naked and encounters some monks, it will not happen. At this time, her body flesh and blood is broken, part of it is caused by the turbulence of time and space, and partly because it is caused by a gunshot. Almost no one can see a person, no one will take care of her.

However, Xu Ziyan could not lie here, and she began to vigorously launch the gods to communicate the purple smoke space. It turned out to be a matter of thought, but now it has become difficult.

Fortunately, the purple smoke space is still in her body, and the speed is much faster. That's it, she also took two hours to start approaching Dantian, and there is still a distance from the purple smoke space in Dantian.

At this time, the **** smell of her body drifted out in the deep forest, attracting some fairy beasts. They ran to the deep pit where Xu Ziyan fell.

Among these beasts, there is a Luo Tianshang period, which is the highest of these fairy beasts. It was a flame lion, at which point it had stopped at the edge of the pit and the probe looked down. Other fairy animals saw the flame lion. One by one left with fear.

The flame lion saw the Xu Ziyan in the deep pit, and the vigorous blood that came out after the blood dragon's blood was broken, so that the lion's saliva flowed out. The power of this blood is too attractive for it.

Jumping. Then he jumped into the deep pit and opened his mouth and bite it toward Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan, the body of the seven-character fairy, actually broke the flame lion's teeth.


The flame lion couldn't help but screamed and looked at Xu Ziyan's body, revealing a trace of confusion. It doesn't understand why it can't bite this thing. I tried it again. This time it didn't use all the strength, but it also hurt the teeth. Looking at his head, he seemed to be thinking about it. Then he opened his mouth and bite Xu Ziyan in his mouth. His body ran in the depths of the deep forest.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is very resentful at this time. The flame lion bite two cigarettes to Xu Ziyan, and stalked her, and she was relatively weak. The gods immediately interrupted the extension, and finally the gods near Dantian shrank back.

Xu Ziyan simply no longer spreads the knowledge of the gods, waiting for the flame lion to put her down and say it. Anyway, with the repair of the flame lion, she could not bite her.

Soon, the flame lion broke into a cave, which is the cave of the flame lion.


There was another scream in the cave. A flame lion appeared in the sight of Xu Ziyan. This is a lioness, and there are two little lions lying beside it. The lion will throw Xu Ziyan and ran to the side of the lion. Xu Ziyan’s gaze at this time was a shock. Within a distance of less than a foot from her head, there was a red-red nine-leaf herb.

This herb Xu Ziyan naturally knows that it is nine days of black grass. This kind of herbal medicine is the main medicine for refining the nine-day Xuan Dan. It is necessary to know that when a monk cultivates to the peak of the Da Luo Jin Xian, and then reaches the critical point of breaking the nine-day Xuan Xian, he will have a breakthrough opportunity of taking a 90-day Xuan Dan. . This kind of medicinal medicine is precious and precious.

Xu Ziyan is shocked. But I saw that the pair of flame lions ran to their own front, opened their mouths and began to bite her. Although with the body strength of Xu Ziyan, there will be no harm. But the two beasts kept biting, and the heart was also wrong.

but. Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest way, only closed his eyes, letting the two fairy beasts bite. The two fairy beasts bite for about two quarters of an hour, and found that there was no way for the purple smoke, they gave up the purple smoke, and ran to the side, as if completely forgotten Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan once again began to work hard to extend his knowledge, while praying that the two flame lions would not bother her again. After spending three hours, Xu Ziyan finally communicated the purple smoke space and issued instructions.

The shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared silently in the cave, and even the two fairy beasts were not alarmed. Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space and sent a call to the water of a palm.

This space is a purple smoke, Xu Ziyan has a perfect fit with this space, just like the heaven of this space. Therefore, she only spent two hours of time, she revealed her own knowledge of the outside world, and God's knowledge fluctuated in space.

Soon, the water of a palm appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, and a small face was a surprise. I couldn’t help but say that Xu Ziyan went to the purple smoke planet and then slammed Xu Ziyan into the Xianhe. Then I ran to Dan Yi and took some medicinal herbs and ran back. I opened the mouth of Xu Ziyan and stuffed the medicinal herbs into her air. Then I floated on the water and looked at Xu Ziyan.

With the nourishment of medicinal herbs, Xianhe and blood beads, Xu Ziyan's body recovered quickly. Just half a month, Xu Ziyan's broken body was completely repaired.

Xu Ziyan spent two more hours, communicating with the water of a palm, and told her the things she needed. The shape of a palm of water quickly disappeared. In less than a quarter of an hour, a palm of water and a spring thirty-nature appeared in front of Xu Ziyan.

What Xu Ziyan needs, a palm of water has already told Chun Sanniang. At this time, she saw that Xu Ziyan’s appearance was shocked, but she quickly took a shower for Xu Ziyan, then took out her clothes and put them on her from the inside out. After that, I picked up Xu Ziyan and flew to the bamboo house that left Xu Ziyan on the purple smoke planet.

Putting Xu Ziyan on the bed, Chun Tie Niang stood in front of Xu Ziyan’s bed and was somewhat helpless. The water of one palm fell on the chest of Xu Ziyan, and the milk asked with a milky voice:

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to her, just want to pay attention to it. It takes another two hours to communicate with the water of the palm of your hand.

She is thinking about this time, what is her future?

There are two ways in front of her. One is to drink tea in this purple smoke space, and wait until he raises his mood and consciousness to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, and restores his control over the body. One is to go out now.

In the end, Xu Ziyan decided to go out immediately.

Because the purple smoke space is still a prototype, it is very slow to understand the heavens. Because there is not so many heavens in the heavens, and there is no perfection in the fairy world. The heavens learned here will be broken and will affect her future.

Another one is really not worried about the solitary smoke of the West Gate, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao, they do not know if there are any monks on the mainland of the sky flying up.

Xu Ziyan spent a full two hours and communicated with the water of one palm.

The water of the palm of the hand nodded, and then told the meaning of Xu Ziyan to the spring 30-year-old mother. The spring 30-year-old girl’s eyes are a bright one. At this time, not only the spring thirty-nature and the palm of the hand are here, peach blossom, fire Linger is also here. The water of the palm of the hand was confessed, and he went away. Peach blossoms also ran out.

In a short while, Peach Blossoms ran back and handed a storage ring to Chun Sanniang. There is a collection of just-obtained Wudao tea, and a large number of Dan Yi refining the medicinal herbs, Fu Yi refining the immortality, a refinery of the flag, a refinery of the fairy.

Xu Ziyan used two hours of time to take out some of the fairy crystals from his storage ring, and the five-character fairy, the six-character fairy to the spring thirty-naughter.

At this time, the water of the palm of the hand has already come back, followed by the cloud baby behind her.

Xu Ziyan looked at the men in front of her eyes, and her eyes showed a firm color. Close your eyes and start to expand your knowledge and communicate with the purple smoke space.

After two hours, in the cave of the Flame Lion, the space fluctuated. Xu Ziyan, a palm of water, Huo Linger, Yun Bao and Chun Sanniang appeared in the cave.

I haven't waited until the flame lion reacts, and the fire spirit's seal is like a closed big envelope, and the flame lion is covered inside. With the power of today's fire, the flame lion is burned to ashes in an instant.

The flame instantly retracted, condensed, and turned into the appearance of Huo Linger. At this time, Chun Sanniang had already walked to the front of the nine-day Xuancao, and pulled out the nine-day Xuancao and took it into the storage ring.

Then Chun Sanniang picked up Xu Ziyan and walked out of the cave. Yun baby turned into a fairy boat, carrying Xu Ziyan and so on to fly outside the mountains.

After flying for about two days and two nights, I saw a small town far away. The cloud baby landed in a forest, and the spring 30-year-old girl jumped out with Xu Ziyan.

The water of one palm fell on the body of Chun Sanniang, and she got into her clothes and spread quickly on her body, forming a bodyguard. I think that the skills of the first battle can withstand the blow of a gun, Imagine that the spring 30-year-old has a palm of water protection, how strong its defense will become. At the same time, the water of the palm of the hand will cover up the demon of the spring 30-year-old, and no one can see that the spring 30-year-old is a demon.

Huo Linger also turned into a light spot, and got into the eyebrows of Chun Sanniang. With the help of Huo Linger, the attack power of Chun Sanniang will reach a terrible realm.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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