The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1308: Legend of Spring Thirty

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The spring thirty-nature is only the cultivation of the peak of the late Xianxian. This repair is still a weak in the fairy world. Can a monk who can't fly be counted as a fairy? Therefore, only a monk who has reached the fairy stage can be counted as a true immortal.

The cloud baby floated in the air, and the spring thirty-naughter smiled femininely toward the cloud baby in midair:

"Cloud baby, are you becoming a little donkey?"

Yunbao shook his cute head: "No, I want to become a phoenix!"

"It's still a small donkey, my sister likes a little donkey."

"No, I want to change the phoenix!" Yun baby firmly shook his head.

Spring 30-year-old smiled and said: "Cloud baby, we have to go home through the transmission array, if you don't become a small donkey, I will not take you to the transmission array!"

Yunbao bitterly tangled a small face, but nodded and said: "Okay!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cloud baby fell to the ground and turned into a white little donkey. Chun Thirty was happily holding Xu Ziyan up and down, then secretly touched the storage ring with her hand and swept the money in the storage ring with the gods. He thought happily:

"I can finally show my demeanor!"

In the spring, she was holding Xu Ziyan in her arms, riding a small white scorpion, and heading for the small town. Spring 30 is very fascinating, and it is a red dress. Look at the next little white. The cloud baby also has a heart that loves beauty, that is, it becomes a small donkey, and it is also very cute and beautiful.

It is impossible for them to be unobtrusive in this combination. Just entered the small town. It has been noticed by many people. That spring thirty-naughter is still looking around. With her pair of eyes, this look around, so that everyone feels that she is flirting with herself.

This violent turmoil, the shy male monk will bow his head. The face is red. The daring monk is looking straight at the spring thirty mothers, letting the mouth flow out.

The beautiful female monks will feel self-defeating, and those narcissistic female repairs are arrogant and arrogant.

Chun 30 is very happy to enjoy this kind of eye-catching feeling. She was originally a publicity character, and she was looking forward to the wind. She did not know that she was so flamboyant and glamorous in the late stage of her immortality that she had revealed. It was a disaster.

really. A young man in the early days of the immortal saw her, and unabashedly released the radiant light in his eyes. He is the son of the little city lord, called Wu Feng. His father was an early fairy, but in such a small town it was enough to be a city owner.

Wu Feng is a fighter in this small town, but it is not a stupid person. He will not provoke those monks who are better than his father, or who are ordinary. But with a strong guardian, such a person is not something he can make, and it will hurt his father.

Therefore, he first looked at the cultivation of Chun Sanniang. When he asked the guards of the two peaks behind him, he knew that this enchanting woman was just a late stage, and he was relieved. Looking at her around there was no guard, and my heart was relieved again. When the two breaths were loose, a heat rose from the lower abdomen.

Looking into the arms of the 30-year-old mother, the fire in the lower abdomen suddenly skyrocketed. Let him dry his mouth for a moment.

What kind of beauty is that? Not only is it beautiful, but it is also noble. He stared at Xu Ziyan, thinking in his heart, if you put such a noble beauty under your body. What kind of beauty is this?

Looked again and again, and asked the guard behind him. It was finally determined that there was no guard around Chun 30. Her cultivation was only the peak of the late Xianxian, and Xu Ziyan was only a mortal who did not have the slightest repair. Wu Feng could no longer hold it out and walked out of the crowd. In the small white scorpion, the defenders of his two celestial peaks were also behind.

Spring Thirty-nine naturally saw Wu Feng stop himself, his face was not shocked, but his heart was dark:

"At last, someone came to the trouble. The reputation of my spring thirty mothers will be from this place, becoming a legend in the fairy world."

Wu Feng stood in the middle of the road, looking at the spring 30-year-old mother whispered: "Oh, don't wink at all around, let me go! I will make you excited to die."

The surrounding monks looked at the eyes of Chun Sanniang and revealed their pity. Even some of the people who had just been in the spring of 30, revealed the gloating glory.

Spring 30-year-old has long been looking forward to this moment. At this time, she can still bear it. When she waved her hand, she threw three money and shouted:

"Peach blossoms are not in the grass, and the money is not guaranteed!"

The three people on the opposite side first looked at a joke in general. At this time, Wu Feng felt that Chun 30 was really cute. It was so much fun. Let such a person stay with him and do some games. The days after that are wonderful.

Therefore, he stood there very cooperatively, and the copper coins fell on his head. The two guards behind him originally flew to the copper coins that they waved to themselves, but when they saw that Wu Feng did not move, they naturally did not dare to move again, and the copper coins fell on their heads.

When Chun Shuang Niang saw the three people on the opposite side, they did not hide. Instead, the copper coins thrown by themselves fell on their heads, and their faces were extremely satisfying. The smile on his face was also a bit more, "哏哏" said with a smile:

"Tell me where this is? Where are the galaxies sold?"

"Fairy, in the next Wu Feng, is the son of the town of this small town, ask the fairy name?"

"Spring 30 mother!"

"Good name!" Wu Feng caressed and praised: "Fairy, it is said that one life, two mature. Now we are friends, it is better for me to call you 30, so it seems that we are intimate."

In the eyes of the spring 30-year-old mother, the singularity of the silk was placed outside, and he snorted: "I think the 30-year-old mother is not enough intimate!"

Wu Feng immediately felt that his bones were lighter than two or two. He had always been in the flowers, and there was a shyness at this time:

"That... thirty mother wants me to call the fairy?"

"You!" Chun Tie Niang stretched out a white finger pointing at Wu Feng and said, "Since all the words have been saved, you have saved thirty."

The glamorous look of Chun 30, coupled with the fascinating voice, made Wu Feng completely intoxicated. He swears that he has never encountered such a great fairy, and he has never heard such a beautiful voice. At this time, his eyes are all like the spring thirty mothers, and they are all in the ears. The numb sound, like a nightmare, whispers:

"Take the thirty, but it seems to be intimate between us. Good! Good! Then I will call the fairy called the mother!"

"Hey! Hey, call again!"



Surrounded by a burst of laughter, Wu Feng suddenly awake from the intoxication, recalling what happened before, a face rose red. Bite his teeth and waited for the Spring Thirty, and waved his hand at the two guards behind him.

The two guards often did this kind of thing at first glance, and they smashed their heads to the money on their heads and wrapped them in the spring.

"Stand up!" Chun 30iang screamed.

The two guards did not put the spring 30-year-old girl in the late stage of the immortal, and did not worry that she fled, slowed down and slowly forced the past toward the spring thirty.

The spring 30-year-old mother’s face sank and said coldly: “Don’t dare to throw away my money!”

The two guards turned their heads and glanced at the copper coins on the ground, frowning slightly, and some confused said:

"Is that thing called money?"

The spring thirty mothers thought of a move, the eyebrows were red, and the fire spirits burst out instantly, turning into a fire net, covering the two guards. Just for a moment, it turned into a red dot, hidden in the eyebrows of Chun Sanniang.

Everyone only felt that there was a sudden flash of fire in front of them, and the two guards had no residue left. One by one, they changed color, and then looked at Chun 30, and they revealed fear in their eyes.

Wu Feng was even scared and shuddered. He said, "You... you... don't come over, I... father... is... the city owner..."

"Don't be embarrassed, then hey, take down the money on his head, and you will die." Chun 30, suddenly said with a smile.

She said that Wu Feng was even worse, and he was afraid that the copper money on his head would fall. He hurriedly raised his hands and held down the money on his head, looking at the spring thirty mothers with fear.

All these purple smokes are in my eyes, and my heart is helplessly smiling. However, at the thought of this, it was because when I was in the realm of the world, when I first met the spring 30, I instilled those words into her. At that time, it was just a joke. I didn’t think that Chun 30’s memory was so profound.

Chun Sanniang smiled and looked at Wu Feng’s hand holding the money on his head, and his face showed a satisfactory color.

"Where is this?"

"This is the appearance of Xianxian." Wu Feng hurriedly replied.

“Where are there galaxies sold?”

"Then you have to go to the prosperous city, the small town like us is not sold." Wu Feng answered the fluency, although the body is still awkward, but he was afraid that his answer was slow, and was killed by Chun Sanniang. .

"How is the appearance of the city?"

"I have a map!"

Wu Feng held the money on his head with one hand, and took a jade slip from the storage ring with the other hand. He carefully walked to the front of Chun Sanniang and handed it to Chun Sanniang.

Chun Tie Niang took over Yu Yu, and also used a finger to gently scratch the back of Wu Feng's hand. That Wu Feng is a glimpse, his face becomes pale, but it is to let the spring 30-year-old see "哏哏" laugh, keep twitching, crisp and flustered, so that Wu Feng mouth is dry and close But afraid. I hurriedly squinted and didn't dare to look at the Spring 30.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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