The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1313: undercurrent

I am very grateful to Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin, classmates, parasitic world classmates, illusion の green grass classmates, students who want to eat cats, heartbreaking 33 classmates, An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates, blossoming & classmates, Yi Najunzi classmates, Lin Chun classmates Pink ticket!


The growth of Xu Ziyan is almost always the growth of the solitary smoke of Ximen. Her amazing growth speed, broad mind and hot means have made Ximen solitary cigarettes firmly believe that Xu Ziyan will have a brilliant future. Therefore, in his heart, he has already linked his destiny to Xu Ziyan. Now Xu Ziyan suddenly became like this, so that he was once a lonely smoke on the west side of the mainland.

Time passed by in silence, and the atmosphere in the house became extremely heavy. The air polymerizes like water, giving a feeling of depression.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan finally has a few words to say. The voice is a little hoarse, some hard:

"Predecessors... Tell me about the things on the mainland of the sky!"

The body of the solitary smoke in Ximen was a tremor, and the state of gaze and scatter was condensed toward the middle. Suddenly, he slammed from the chair, his eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan, and his body trembled:

"Purple smoke... is... you... talking...?"

"Yes..." Xu Ziyan just tried hard to say a "Yes" word and couldn't hold it anymore, just looking at the solitary smoke in Ximen.

The muscles on the face of Simon’s solitary smoke were all stunned, and his hands slammed in front of him:

"Ziyan, what did you say? You are saying a few words! Oh, I remember. You told me to talk about things on the mainland, right?"

Looking at Xu Ziyan and not talking, the solitary smoke in Ximen was anxious again, and could not help but grab the hand of Xu Ziyan and gently shook and said:

"Ziyan. You talk!"

The "predecessor..." on the side of the spring thirty mother whispered: "Maybe the master can not talk more at a time, the last time only said a word, I ask again, the master will not say."

The solitary smoke of Ximen looks awkward. Slowly calmed down. Just now, when he was extremely lost, he suddenly heard Xu Ziyan talking, and his heart was too excited, and he was confused. Now I heard the words of Chun Sanniang, and my heart reacted. I think that Xu Ziyan has just had a little recovery, and can't talk more. However, even this is the case, let Simon's solitary smoke ecstasy. Since there are signs of recovery. Is that full recovery still far behind?

The solitary smoke of Ximen is very familiar with Xu Ziyan. He knows that Xu Ziyan itself is a very brilliant Xiandan division. As long as Xu Ziyan can speak, there is a need in the future, and if he can speak it, he will recover soon.

After calming down the emotions, the solitary smoke of Ximen sat back in the chair and sorted out what Yan Xingyun had said to him in the jade. Speaking softly to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, according to Yan Xingyun, today's Cangwu mainland environment is very good, the aura is also very rich. The most important thing is that after our great cleaning before, now there are very few battles, everyone is working hard to cultivate. Can be said now The vast continent has entered a great era of cultivation.

Xu Jia’s situation is also very good. According to Yan Xingyun, Xu’s chess and calligraphy paintings have also been cultivated to the peak of the Mahayana period. I am afraid that it will not take long to rise. Xu Xing's patriarch Xu Xingfan's cultivation is also constantly improving. but. You also know that he is the root of the five attributes, and he will be slower to upgrade. However, there are Xu family's medicinal herbs and cultivation holy places, plus he opened the Xu family's secret land with the twelve guardian beasts, and got the real cultivation practice from it. His cultivation has grown rapidly now and has reached the peak of distraction.

That Xu Lin. There is also Xiaobai, the fire dance from the fire sect, the refining city master Shen Qianji, the alchemy city master Han Dan, the Lingbao city master Yunhe fairy is also about to fly up. Well, then Ye Fei and your righteous father are unknown. Although they are slightly worse than those people, they are not too far away. In addition to these people, it is necessary to count the sadness of the swordsman and the one of Ling Yijian. ”

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his heart was full of joy. Ximen’s solitary smoke has been successful, and Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiaofei have risen up. Now the Yan Xingyun has also risen up. It will take a long time for more monks on the mainland to fly up, especially Xu Lin’s Xu Lin. There are also chess and calligraphy paintings, so Xu family can finally establish family power in Xianjie.

Xu Ziyan fell into joy. The solitary smoke of the west gate and the spring 30-year-old looked directly at Xu Ziyan. When he saw Xu Ziyan’s half-sounding, he did not respond, and he did not speak. The two men looked at each other and their eyes were disappointing. Shaking his head blankly, the solitary smoke from Ximen got up and left.

The second day.

Xu Ziyan had just been dressed in the Spring Thirty-nine costumes and finished drinking the tea. He was half lying on the lounge chair in the courtyard and realized the heavens. Then he saw the lonely smoke of Ximen coming in and coming in behind him.

As soon as Duan Xiangxiang came in, his eyes looked up and down Xu Ziyan carefully and sat softly on the side of Xu Ziyan. He saw that Xu Ziyan did not respond to her arrival because of her arrival. There was a disappointment in her eyes. Turned to look at the spring thirty mothers whispered:

"I heard that Ziyan left the small courtyard yesterday and turned around in Tianwangfu, but the purple smoke woke up?"

Chun Tie Niang shook her head and said: "No, but Thirty-nine thought that she should take her master around, maybe it is good for her master."

Duan Piaoxiang seriously examined the spring 30-year-old mother, and saw the indifference of the spring 30-year-old mother, there was no sign of lying. Not sinking from the heart, the face is stunned.

At this time, the solitary smoke of Ximen was angry on his face, but he also knew that it was in Qianyuan City. Try to calm your tone:

"Furong fairy, are you monitoring the king's palace?"

Duan Fangxiang's look is slightly changed, but she is not arrogant. Originally thought that Xu Ziyan was awake, I thought about coming over and talking about Xu Ziyan. However, it is unexpected that the purple smoke is still the appearance of a pair of puppets, and there is no longer the thought of staying. When I get up and come to Ximen, I can’t see the smoke, and said faintly:

"Give me out!"

The eyes in the solitary eyes of Simon are a stagnation, but in the end they endure it. I walked to the front without a word and took the fragrance out.

Xu Ziyan knows that Duan Xiangxiang is coming, but at this time, she just finished drinking the tea and began to understand the key moments of Heaven. He naturally would not take care of the fragrance. Even if she wants to take care of the fragrance, it is impossible to use a time to say a word, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan has spent a half-day effort, and has not waited for an hour, Duan Xiangxiang thinks she has not left awake.

After two hours of time, Xu Ziyan was awake from the comprehension, and she felt that her mood had improved. At this time, Chun Sanniang made a pot of enlightenment tea and began to feed Xu Ziyan.

Flying star.

Heavenly King House.

In the entire Xu Ziyan territory, the resources of more than 400 planets rolled toward the Tianwang Palace, but the Tianwang Palace was very quiet, and everyone was working hard to cultivate.

These people know that everything is changed by the efforts of Xu Ziyan, and now when Xu Ziyan can recover, or whether he can recover, no one can be sure. The foundation left by this purple smoke is all supported by them. In particular, Xu Tianlang has regarded this place as the family of their Xu family in the fairy world, and now Xu is only one person flying up. He feels the pressure on his shoulders is great, and he is in a crazy cultivation every day.

Ling Xiao and the Yan Xingyun, who just flew up, used this as a flying base for the mainland. They are all wise people. After a short time in the fairy world, they know that a monk without background is in the fairy world. Very bitter, and will lose your life at any time. If there is no purple smoke, where do they have such a good cultivation environment?

Ling Xiao originally had no background in the fairy world, and he was also the same as Xu Ziyan from the Fan to the Xiuxian world, so that he was ready to play for Xu.

Ronaldinho was originally supposed to be inherited in the fairy world, but the vast continent was sealed for millions of years, and now it is still there to find Ronaldinho. Yan Xingyun knew that Xiao Luotian and Da Luotian were originally a sect, called Luo Tianzong. It was Da Luotian and Xiao Luotian who were separated after Luo Tianzong on the mainland. Today, Luo Luotian has disappeared in the mainland of China, and Luo Luotian has officially changed its name to Luo Tianzong.

Originally, when he was on the mainland of the sky, he also dreamed of flying up the fairyland and went to Luo Tianzong. However, I did not expect that after flying up, I found out that the fairy world was divided into three galaxies. In the lower galaxies, let alone Luo Tianzong, there was no sect in the lower galaxies. Perhaps there will be a fairy country established by Zongmen in the lower galaxies. However, the mainland of Cangwu has long lost contact with the fairyland for too long. How easy is it to talk about the next week? Therefore, Yan Xingyun only stayed in the Xu family, and everything went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

Duan Xiangxiang sat in his room in a dull manner, revealing anxiety in his eyes. The situation in Lingxiao Temple today is not stable. Originally, I heard that Luofu Jade Emperor died in the long river of time and space, and the whole Yuanyuan Kingdom was in a great joy. A huge threat to the Yuanyuan fairy country has finally disappeared. Moreover, there was even a voice in the Lingxiao Temple to send troops to conquer Luofu Xianguo.

However, these voices have been suppressed by Duan Tianya. Others can't see anything. The fragrance that has always been close to Duan Tianya naturally knows what happened. Duan Tianya’s current cultivation has had a big problem, and the realm has a tendency to collapse. It took him a year to refine the dragon, but it had little effect. He knows that he must thoroughly refine the dragon's world before his own state of mind collapses, otherwise the ending will be out of control.

The recent character of Duan Tianya became very violent, and at this time, Fuqin Tianwang did not know where to recruit a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang. In the face of Duan Tianya, the waist is quite straight, and it is constantly expanding its sphere of influence.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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