The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1314: Fuqin VS End of the World

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (200), An ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100) Tianlong Wang 2263 classmates (100), seaphay classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100) , Bookmate 121125180033556 classmates (100 rewards!


All this makes the end of the world very helpless, he knows that the roots are not strong in the strength of Fuqin, but in their own strength weakened. If the state of mind collapses and the monk falls again, the king of Fuqin will not hesitate to take his position as a jade emperor.

However, if he thoroughly refines the dragon's world, it will increase the cultivation. Even at that time, the power of Fuqin King occupied more than half of the planet of the Yuan Dynasty, he was not afraid. As long as you kill the king of Fuqin, it will return everything to order.

Duan Tianya’s worries, Duan Xiangxiang looked in his eyes and hurt in his heart. When she heard the report saying that Xu Ziyan had left the small courtyard yesterday and turned around in Tianwangfu for a long time, she remembered Xu Ziyan. In any case, Xu Ziyan has done a great job for them, and has never revealed rebellion. If at this time, who can help the end of the world, only Xu Ziyan.

To know the strength of Xu Ziyan, she is very clear, and don't forget that Xu Ziyan still controls more than 400 planets. In fact, in addition to the Jade Emperor in the Yuan Dynasty, Xu Ziyan is the first to be the first.

If Xu Ziyan is awake, even if she is only awake, she can speak. Even if you can't move. With her existence, she can control the more than 400 planets standing on the side of the horizon. So, the king of Fuqin did not dare to move.


Duan Xiangxiang sighed and stood up from the chair. Going to the window, pushing open the window, looking up at the crescent moon in the air outside the window.

Xu Ziyan still lived a calm and regular life, and realized tea three times a day. Then I will continue to understand the heavens and enhance my own state of mind.

Time is like this seemingly calm, but in the dark, it has been raging for a year.

Xu Ziyan has been strongly promoted by Wudao Tea, and his mood has been broken through the middle of Da Luo Jinxian. The most important thing is that today's Xu Ziyan can shorten the time when the gods control the body and mobilize the body to a quarter of an hour. Xu Ziyan spent a whole year, letting himself see the hope of complete recovery. Enlighten tea has already been drunk almost, but in the purple smoke space, the enlightenment tea tree has a new batch of tea.

During this year's time, with a large supply of resources, Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao rely on their special physique. The cultivation was upgraded to the late stage of the immortal, and the Yan Xingyun was also raised to the middle of the immortal. In particular, among the 40,000 pro-weapons of Xu Ziyan, there were seven monks in the late Tianxian period who broke through to the early days of Luo Tianshang. The captains of the original ten Luo Tian Shangxian had four breakthroughs in the middle of Luo Tianshang.

These people used to be fairy thieves and lived in hardship. In fact, with the lack of cultivation resources, they can cultivate Luo Tianshangxian. Everyone is a talented generation. It is only because of the lack of cultivation resources. It has accumulated a long time. Now that there are enough resources, it is natural to break through.

Thus, the power of Xu Ziyan has grown from the original ten Luo Tianxian to seventeen. This has not counted the solitary smoke of Ximen and Di Yi. If you count these two people, you will reach the nineteen of the monks. Among these people, there are still four Luo Tianxian immortals in the middle. Instead, the solitary smoke and Di Yi carvings of Ximen are in front of Xu Ziyan. They have been working for a year and have not made much progress.

this day.

In the Lingxiao Temple, a group of immortals gather, and Duan Tianya will gather the group of immortals here, ready to arrange the things of Xianguo, and then re-close. This time he decided that if he could not completely stabilize his mood, he would never leave the country.

Duan Tianya just sat down in the first place. Haven't had time to open yet. I saw that the king of Fuqin came out. Shouting loudly:

"Qi Yu Jade Emperor, the old minister has to play!"

Duan Tianya flashed a complex color, and instantly restored nature, said faintly:


"Qi Yu Jade Emperor. If Lingbo Tianwang was seriously injured, his mind is already unclear. It is impossible to manage more than 400 planets in her territory. Now more than 400 planets are headed by the dragons. A group. The veteran minister requested that all the planets in the Lingbo Tianwang territory be taken back and confiscated."

There was a commotion in the hall of Ling Xiao, and the heart of Duan Tianya was also tight. There was a trace of warm anger in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan was seriously injured and indeed unclear. However, the more than 400 planets in her territory are really in power and become a mess?

As the Jade Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, how can you not understand these situations?

The more than 400 planets in the territory of Xu Ziyan not only did not have their own politics, but they were in a mess, but they were united like a piece of iron. Everything was well managed by the Heavenly King on the flying star. For this, even the end of the world is a bit embarrassing in private. He didn't understand why those people were so loyal to the purple smoke, even when Xu Ziyan was now unconscious, they were still so loyal.

After Duan Tianya’s serious injury in Xu Ziyan, he did not think that he would withdraw the planet in the Xu Ziyan territory. However, he saw this kind of loyalty. If it is forcibly recovered, I am afraid it will be a war. This is not a good thing for the Yuanyuan Xianguo, which has just come out of the fairy war. Therefore, Duan Tianya has not been hands-on.

However, he did not think that today, the king of Fuqin was raised in the Lingxiao Hall. What does he want to do?

For the mind of Fuqin Tianwang, Duan Tianya is only slightly thinking, and fully understands. I am afraid that during this year, how much of my own situation has been known to Fuqin Tianwang. He proposed to take back the planet in the territory of Xu Ziyan and said that it was confiscated. But is it really congested?

He just wanted to gain practical benefits and expand his power during the process of recovering the planet in the territory of Xu Ziyan. But can you refuse?

If he refuses, after he retreats, he will act strongly. Who can stop him in Yuanyuanxian? Do you have more treasures?

Duan Tianya glanced at Duobao Tianwang, and saw him standing there with his eyelids as if he had not heard the words of Fuqin. Perhaps it was felt that Duan Tianya looked over at him and raised his eyelids to reveal a helpless look.

Duan Tianya’s heart is a sinking, and the helpless eyes of Duobao Tianwang clearly tell the paragraph Tianya, that is, in today’s Qianyuan Xianguo, Fuqin Tianwang’s wings are already abundant, and this side of his own has now fallen.

If you refuse at this time, will the Fuqin King give up? If he arbitrarily robs Xu Ziyan’s territorial planet, is he completely turning his face? But even if you turn your face with him, is there a chance of winning?

Duan Tianya’s eyes swept over the Lingxiao Temple, and the following has become a piece. The Tianwang Tianwang is a face that looks directly at the top of the head. The power of Luo Tian’s late stage gives the current state of mind an unstable period. pressure.

Duan Tianya’s hands hidden in his sleeves became a group, and he looked at Fu Qin’s king and clenched his gang. A shy anger rushed into my heart, and my heart turned:

"If I now have the strength of Luo Tianshang's mid-term, plus the right to print in the hands, I am not afraid of him. As for the Luo Tianshang who he recruited, he can completely deal with Duobao Tianwang. It is still his own repair town. I can't live with Fuqin Tianwang. Waiting for my retreat, a completely stable state of mind, refining the dragon's world, I will be able to break through to the middle of Luo Tianshang."

With this in mind, Duan Tianya’s clenched hands slowly loosened and his look returned to calm. What happened in front of him strengthened his determination to retreat immediately. If he can't completely stabilize his mood before the triumphant king of the heavens breaks through the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, he will reach the realm of Luo Tianshang's mid-term. When Futian Tianwang breaks through the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, he really can't go back to heaven.

In order to break through, everything can be put down temporarily.

Suddenly in the heart of the movement, the more than 400 planets were originally promised to Xu Ziyan. If you personally give it back, then you become a villain who is capricious and ungrateful. Will be ridiculed by the entire fairy world. However, that is the resource of more than 400 planets! How many planets are there in the entire Yuan Dynasty? As long as I think that Xu Ziyan occupies more than 400 planet resources, Duan Tianya can not help but feel sad. At the same time, I feel deeply sorry for my father, and the foundation of my father’s stay has become so. He didn't know how to face his father when he went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy.

However, if you say something ambiguous, let Fuqin Tianwang grab over the more than 400 planets in the purple tobacco territory, and then wait for yourself to thoroughly refine the dragon's world, and upgrade it to the middle of Luo Tianshang. When you control your own destiny, you can completely blame the King of Fuqin to provoke a civil war, sin and sin, kill him. In this way, it is not only the killing of the biggest threat of Fu Qin Tianwang, but also the stability of the Xianguo. At the same time, it can also justly recover the more than 400 planets of Xu Ziyan. Because this is not from the hands of Xu Ziyan, it was taken from the hands of Fu Qin Tianwang.

Thinking of this, the mood of Duan Tianya felt good, and even a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. This made a glimpse of his temperament, and he frowned slightly. He was originally prepared to have a heated debate with Duan Tianya today, and he is also preparing to show some of his own strength, forcing Duan Tianya to bow.

But what is the end of the world now?

He is laughing!

There was a smug and sarcasm in the smile!

what on earth is it?

At this time, Duan Tianya also made a decision in his heart. Anyway, when he retreats, safety is also very important. It will be good to leave Duobao Tianwang in Lingxiao Temple and send Fuqin out. This makes it easier for you to practice in a safe situation. Then, he coughed a little, and the entire Lingxiao Temple was silent for a moment, and all of them looked up at Duan Tianya.


Chapter 1314! I don't know if this book will become a memory of my comrades' life!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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