The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1318: Fengfu

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In such a good situation, he was completely squandered by the solitary smoke of Ximen. When he was fighting with the solitary smoke of Ximen, the solitary smokers of Ximen suddenly threw out the six-character fairy, not only on the spot, but also the four monks in the early days of the Luotian, and even the late monks of Luo Tianshang were affected by Wounded.

In this way, the Xianjun of Fuqin Tianwang was defeated for the second time. And this time the defeat is more than the first loss. The solitary smoke of Ximen took the opportunity to recapture the nine planets, and the two sides smashed again in the barren star.

It has been half a year since then, and then it has been deadlocked for half a year in the ridiculous star. One year has passed quickly in this war.

Fuqin Tianwang is very anxious, not only can not hit the territory of Xu Ziyan, but his strength loss is so powerful, before and after has died in the middle of a Luo Tianshangxian, six Luo Tianshang early. This is definitely a huge loss. Moreover, while he lost, other forces did not lose the slightest, and the balance between the two sides was slowly changing.

He did not think that the territory of Xu Ziyan would be so difficult. However, now he is already riding a tiger. He also thought that the reason why Xu Ziyan's territory is still like a piece of iron, is because Xu Ziyan is still not dead. If Xu Ziyan is dead, perhaps the forces in the Xu Ziyan territory will become a loose sand.

However, he did not have the opportunity to assassinate Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has been staying in the courtyard of the Tianwang House, and he will not give him any chance to play the piano.

Outside the Tianwang House of Xu Ziyan. Fuqin Tianwang sent out a lot of monks in the dark and watched, looking forward to getting an opportunity.

At this time, Xu Ziyan still drank Wudao tea every day, and then lying on the lounge chair to understand the heavens. Now another year has passed, her mood has broken through the late Luo Jinxian. It is not far from the peak of the late Luojinxian. And now he has been able to shorten the time of the sensation of the celestial force to a quarter of a quarter of an hour.

Moreover, in this year, in addition to the solitary smoke of Ximen, the Xianjun in the territory dragged the footsteps of Fuqin, and weakened the strength of Fuqin. The most important thing was that the monk of Luo Tianshang on the Xu Ziyan side did not have a death. . The solitary smoke of Ximen is equipped with a six-character fairy charm and a five-character fairy charm for each monk above the Luotian Shangxian period. Used to save lives in times of crisis. It is precisely because of these two fairy charms that there is no death in the Luo Tianshen monk in the Xu Ziyan territory. As for the monks who were in the fairy season, the solitary smoke of Ximen could not be managed. At this level of monks, Xu Ziyan and Fuqin Tianwang both died a lot.

In this year, there was a good news that made Xu Ziyan excited. The four female masters of the chess and calligraphy paintings of the Xu family on the mainland of the mainland rose up. After that, Xu Lin continued to dance, and the fire danced and sank. Han Dan and Yun He Xianzi also rose up. In fact, these people are all in a heavenly position, only because the mainland of the sky is sealed, and the spiritual power is so weak that it cannot rise. But this is the case, they are also able to achieve remarkable achievements under such a thin concentration of aura, showing how high their qualifications and understanding. Now that the seal has been lifted, the concentration of reiki has been restored on the mainland. They naturally have made breakthroughs. Flying up one by one.

The most exciting thing about Zi Ziyan is that Xiao Bai has also risen up.

The flying star was originally a place with three kinds of flying pools of fairy, demon and demon. Now that the entire flying star has been occupied by the Terran, the white has naturally risen to the Flying Star.

The Terran guarding these flying pools has already received the order of Xu Ziyan, if there is a Peng Peng flying up. Must ask her if she is white, if it is, she must be entertained, she is the demon pet of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, Xiaobai flew up. I was greeted by the Heavenly King. Practice with Xu Lin and others.

Xiaobai’s identity is known to the monks of the entire Ascendant, so in addition to her cultivation, she flies around the Ascendant every day, and no monk dares to catch her.

Xu Wei and Qin chess paintings immediately shared the responsibility of many Sirius. Let the entire Tianwang government run more smoothly. Xu Jia began a real sense of establishment.

As the brother of Xu Ziyan, the fire dance was quickly integrated into the Xu family. He learned about the situation of the fairyland through the mouth of Yan Xingyun. Before leaving the lower galaxies to the Zhongyuan galaxies, they also stayed in the Xu family.

Not to mention the Shen Qianji, Xu Ziyan can be said to be his savior. Handan and Yunhe Fairy were deeply impressed by Xu Ziyan’s alchemy and the technique of making the fuss on the mainland of the Cangwu, and the three city owners on the mainland had no background in the fairy world, and three people discussed it. Simply joined the Xu family and became the three elders of the Xu family. A closure, a tube alchemy, a controller. In this way, the foundation of the Xu family was quickly accumulated.

The prototype of a big Xu family was established.

Great changes have also taken place in the purple smoke space.

The extremely rich aura in the purple smoke space has allowed the peach blossom to break through the early days of the fairy, and there is hope for the same breakthrough, and there are a large number of tree demon and monsters that have broken through the period from the fairy to the immortal. The tea tree of the enlightenment has finally turned out the human form, which has raised the quality of the tea.

The human figure he made was a white, fat boy with black and white hair. All day on the purple smoke planet, the east and the west, every tree demon and monsters know that he is the owner's baby, no one dares to provoke him. Instead, he was teased by him one by one.

The first and second of the device, Dan Yi and Dan Er, Fu Yi and Zhen Yi’s repairs did not have much improvement. The repair of six people was only the late stage of the immortal. But they are all cultivating their own avenues, so they have made great progress in their own avenues.

Today, Yihe and Erji have become the five-pronged masters. Dan Yi and Dan Er have become the five-pronged masters, the same as Xu Ziyan. Fuyi has become a five-character charm teacher, and Xu Ziyan is only one grade. One became the five-pronged singer.

Xu Ziyan has such a card, not to mention the best fairy crystal that was given to her by Wanli, that is, no, waiting for her to go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, but also mixed away.

Xu Ziyan is very happy here, but there is an undercurrent in the city of Qianyuan.

Duan Xiangxiang saw that Fuqin Tianwang was completely trapped in the fairy war with Xu Ziyan’s territory, and could not take up their power. One by one, I smiled and looked at the jokes of Fuqin. Neutral forces are still neutral and will not easily vote on either side.

Fu Qin Tian Wang’s heart is annoyed with abnormality, Duan Xiangxiang, Duobao Tianwang and Ye Chu, they naturally need not say. It was the original signs that his neutral forces had been completely neutral and no longer had any sympathy with him.

What worries him most is that he has produced different voices in his camp and has doubts about his ability. He even felt that if he waited until the end of the world, he would not have the slightest advantage and would be completely defeated. It will even be killed by Duan Tianya.

He realized that this battle with Xu Ziyan himself must win. The key to winning this victory is Xu Ziyan. As long as Xu Ziyan is dead, her territory will become a mess and become a loose sand. He can break through one by one and possess all the territory of Xu Ziyan.

In the case of Duan Tianya, he knows a little about it. It is not a short time to get through. As long as he defeated the territory of Xu Ziyan before he left the customs, and then the victorious king of the victorious victors, the whole dynasty of the Yuan dynasty, and all the other forces will be swayed by the smoldering of the sin. At that time, even if the passage of the world is gone, there will be no The slightest resistance.

After Xu Ziyan realized the heavens every day, he listened to Di Yijiao and reported to him the information sent back from all aspects. The information was passed through the jade of Ximen in her territory. There was also a passage from the fragrance. Although Xu Ziyan did not leave the courtyard, he had a full understanding of the situation.

The more I understand the situation of the parties, the more Xu Ziyan realizes the dangers of his present. She felt that the King of Fuqin might be able to do it herself. In this courtyard, she did not care about the solitary smokers from Ximen. but……

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped. If Fuqin Tianwang dog jumped to the wall and sent a large number of Xianjun to kill the two thousand Xianjun in the Tianwang Palace, what should I do? Do you just watch your own people being killed? If it is dangerous to appear by the king of Fuqin, isn’t it a self-investment?

Or he found the singer in the entire lower galaxies and broke his own array...

Xu Ziyan felt the crisis, and now her consciousness is already fast, and it takes only one-third of a quarter of an hour to spread. She entered the purple smoke space and counted the flag of a refining. There are a lot of four-character flags, and there are very few five-character flags. Xu Ziyan took these four-character flags and five-character flags.

After thinking about it, the four-pronged and five-pronged approach is very complicated, and I can't teach it immediately if I hand it over to Chun 30. Suddenly she will call out the purple smoke space. In fact, there are no other people in this courtyard except Chun 30. Let Chun Tsiang Niang take the first step to collect the array in the small courtyard, and then set up a five-character array in the small courtyard with a five-character banner. After that, let the spring 30-year-old take a walk out of the small courtyard, and set up a four-package array surrounded by the four-character flag around the Tianwangfu, covering the entire Tianwangfu.

The array suddenly appeared in the king's palace. Although the monks such as Di Yi and the monks were very strange, how could a stranger appear in the king's palace. However, there was no one dare to ask if there was accompanied by Chun Sanniang. It was Di Yi who did not ask. After the layout of the formation was completed, the method of controlling the four products and the five-character array was passed to Di Yi and Chun San Niang. After that, he and the spring 30-year-old returned to the courtyard, and Xu Ziyan took back the purple smoke space.

At this point, Lingbo Tianwang House was completely closed, and it really became a downtown village!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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