The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1319: balance

I am very grateful to the snow marks 1225 classmates, hknt16104 classmates, and Wang Beiyi's pink ticket!


One month after Xu Ziyan set up the formation, it was true that the Futian King could no longer hold the stalemate in the front line. I personally took the strong man, came to the Tianwang Palace, and wanted to threaten Xu Ziyan with the life of Di Yi and others. He didn't know if Xu Ziyan was awake, could he hear his threat, but at this time he couldn't care so much, and everything had to be tried.

A great thing for him is that he found that he could not enter the king's house. I don't know when the entire Tianwang government was covered by a formation. Ren, a monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang, could not sensationalize this big battle.

So, he let a three-character mage under his hand go to crack.

The three-strand mage cracks the four-factor array?

Isn't this a joke?

After a busy day, the three-character mage was sweating and doing the best, but still did not incite the law.

Fuqin Tianwang rushed back like a thunder, sitting in his study, silent for a long time, began to send a large number of monks, began to look for the Master in the entire lower galaxies.

In the small courtyard of Xu Ziyan, Ye was sitting in front of her. Everyone worked for a year, until recently Xu Ziyan no longer concealed his collaborators. Therefore, in addition to Duan Xiangxiang, Duobao Tianwang and Ye Chuan also know that Xu Ziyan has restored his ability to speak, but he still can't move.

The real situation is that Xu Ziyan really can't move continuously, but every third quarter of an hour, he can still move. Or send a fairy. Just after issuing a senile, you have to pause for a quarter of an hour. This matter, Xu Ziyan naturally will not tell anyone, this is her last card.

Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite of the beginning of the leaves, his eyes were calm. She felt that she was sitting very close to Ye Chu. They are also cooperative with each other. However, they feel that they are far apart from each other. It stands to reason that she met Ye Yu early in the early days, when Duan Tianhe was still there. Duan Tianya is only the thirteenth.

At the beginning of Ye, he was also good to himself. Later, Duan Tianya became a jade emperor. Although Ye Chu’s younger brother and his relationship were very nervous, Ye Chu was much better than his younger brother. However, after he was detained and seized the military power, and later Xu Ziyan will be detained and killed, after the final victory of the battle of the fairy, the relationship between the two seems to have changed.

After helping him to ask the Jade Emperor. He did not come to thank him at that moment, Xu Ziyan felt that when two people were facing each other, although they were very polite, they had a hostility, but they could be hidden by both sides.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and felt that he was rejecting Ye Chu from the bottom of his heart. Since I knew that Ye Chu personally killed his brother and sister, Xu Ziyan rejected Ye Chu in his heart. And why Ye Qi was hostile to her. She can't understand. I have not done anything to hurt Ye Chu, and I have also said for him. However, why can I feel hostile from the beginning of Ye Chu?

However, at the timing of this cooperation, Xu Ziyan deliberately converges on her hostility, watching Ye Chu said:

"My territory can now maintain a stalemate with Fuqin Tianwang. Thanks to Ye Daoyou, you can keep your own power and don't give Futian Tianwang a trace of help. Now the situation of Qianyuan Xianguo is the result of cooperation. Thank you here!"

"Don't dare!" Yechu hurriedly squatted, and then thought about it: "Heavenly king. Now that the king of Fuqin has a tendency to go crazy. I can't help but besieged your Tianwang House a few days ago. Now I am looking for the entire lower galaxies. The mage, the purpose is not known. I am afraid that he will continue to go mad, with serious consequences. You see... when are we getting together?"

Xu Ziyan said: "Okay, this matter will be arranged by you. Tonight, I will wait again."

"Good. I will arrange it!"

The solitary smoke of Ximen still reported the current war to Xu Ziyan through the communication jade, and when he learned that Xu Ziyan had been able to shorten the interval of speech to one-third of a quarter of an hour, he was delighted. Congratulations to Xu Ziyan.

The conversation between Xu Ziyan and the solitary smoke in Ximen was very long. She thought about the situation and said her thoughts to the solitary smoke in Ximen.

Today, Xu Ziyan’s territory has fully demonstrated her strength through a battle with the old power of Fuqin Tianwang. It can be said that Xu Ziyan passed the power of a few years and has already managed to run out of others for a lifetime. This power has been no different from Fuqin.

From now on, Xu Ziyan will receive the respect of the entire Yuanyuan fairy country. As long as Xu Ziyan completely recovered, her territory was the country of China in the Yuan Dynasty. However, this is also accompanied by great danger. If you wait until the end of the world to go out, in cooperation with your own, after the killing of the king of Fuqin,

Your own strength will emerge. I have such strength, and I will not want to be the second Futian King in my heart. Xu Ziyan asked himself, if he sat in the position of the end of the world, and Duan Tianya sat in his position, what would happen to himself? Will you have doubts about Duan Tianya?


After Xu Ziyan got this answer, she couldn't help but bitter. Even if they have doubts, what reason is there to prevent Duan Tianya from doubting himself?

Even if Duan Tianya does not target the future Xu family for his own reasons, but if he waits for himself to leave the lower galaxies? Xu Ziyan knows the true strength of his family, and he is still very young. As soon as you leave the lower galaxies, your strength will fall.

Because Xu Ziyan knows that he will not be able to break through Da Luo Jinxian for a long time, and it will directly break through the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. Because her cultivation has actually reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, the only difference is the state of mind. As long as your own state of mind reaches the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, the breakthrough will be a matter of course. At that time, I had to leave the lower galaxies. She has no time to wait for the Xu family to grow up.

Xu Ziyan didn't want to let his family die because of his departure. Now there is a degree between him and Duan Tianya. This degree is that Xu family has the strength of self-protection, but there is no rebellious strength. In this way, Tianya will no longer doubt Xujia, but will borrow a lot of home in the future.

So, what is the degree of this degree?

Today's Xu Ziyan is no longer the same as before, just need a flying star. Even if she doesn't care, what about those who have been following her? Xu Ziyan needs to seek a resource for them, otherwise why do people follow themselves?

Xu Ziyan has been indulging for a long time, and he feels that the planet he can control is best kept within one hundred planets. This saves his own strength, so that no one, even the Jade Emperor, can not despise the world, and can safely arrange to follow himself. The monks gave them a resource. More importantly, Xu Ziyan shrank all the power within one hundred planets. It seems that the site is less, but the power is more concentrated.

Moreover, if Xu Ziyan gradually shrinks his strength and gradually retreats, there will be a good result, that is, the Xianjun battle line of Fuqin Tianwang will be drawn longer and longer, and it will really start to launch actions against Futian. Fuqin Tianwang was too late to send troops back.

Xu Ziyan told Ximen solitary cigarettes by telling them about these ideas. The solitary smoke of Ximen indulged and felt that this was the best way. Moreover, the solitary smoke of Ximen was even more perfect. After he put down the jade, he started to launch all the monks. Except for some of the monks who continued to stalemate with the celestial army of Fuqin, the remaining millions of monks began to scrape this. All the resources on the planet were then handed over to the solitary smoke of Simon. He clearly told these monks that the king of heaven would give up the planet, and these resources would enter the king's palace, and then they would be rewarded.

In this way, after the solitary smoke of Ximen has finished scraping a planet, it will quickly retreat to the next planet. Then continue to stalemate with the celestial army of Fuqin, continue to collect the resources of the entire planet, and then back.

However, those who are the kings of the Fuqin kings do not care about this. They only saw that the solitary smoke led by the West Gate led the army to constantly retreat. They occupied one planet. Together, the newspaper reported to the Fuqin Tianwang in the city of Qianyuan, so that the heart of Fuqin Tianwang was smooth, and the heart that wanted to deal with Xu Ziyan was much lighter.

After Xu Ziyan and Ximen’s solitary smoke finished talking, he looked at Di Yi, who was sitting in front of himself:

"Di's predecessor, I am doing this. What do you think is wrong?"

Di Yidiao smiled and said: "This is so good! It is because of this matter that Fuqin Tianwang will put his mind in the fairy war, relax the attention attached to our Tianwang government. And there are a hundred planets that are actually quite enough. It is not a lot of people who are kings. In the future, each person will give them a planet, and they will follow the Xu family with sorrow. Besides, even if the solitary smokers of Ximen are very loyal to the king, but their descendants? Can't always let them stay in the king's palace? It will make them feel resentful. Giving them a planet is the best result."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "What about you? Need that planet? If you say it, I will satisfy you."

Di Yideng immediately shook his head and said: "I am alone, no family. I don't need a planet, just let me stay with the king."

"What about the future? You have a Taoist in the future, have children?"

"The future will be said in the future!" Di Yi carved said indifferently.

Xu Ziyan indulged for a while: "Die seniors, I am afraid I will not stay in the lower galaxies for a long time."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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