The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1320: Send you a thousand years of life

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Xu Ziyan indulged for a while: "Die seniors, I am afraid I will not stay in the lower galaxies for a long time."

Di Yi carved a stiff face, and then unbelievably asked: "Heaven ... you ... means ... you have to break through ... Da Luo Jin Xian?"

"Yes!" After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan said softly.

Di Yidiao stammered and said: "That... still... how much...time?"

"One year, or two years, it won't be long!"

Di Yishang sat there, and her heart was bitter. I just sent away the old master and took thousands of miles. I didn't think that my little master would leave in a short time.

Xu Ziyan looked at the tangled look of Di Yi's face, and sighed in the heart: "Die seniors, have you been stuck in the early days of Luo Tianshangxian?"

"Yes!" Di Yi carved and nodded.

Xu Ziyan took out a jade bottle road: "There is a hundred pieces of Wu Pin Dan medicine, you take it!"

Di Yi carved excitedly removed the jade bottle from Xu Ziyan's hand, and the look became firm: "Hey, after you left the lower galaxies, I still stayed at the Tianwangfu. While guarding the Xu family, I practiced. Waiting for me. After breaking through the Da Luo Jin Xian, go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy to find you."

Xu Ziyan has no words, and there are many people like Di Yiying who have such a dead heart. Xu Ziyan has no intention of changing.

In the back garden of Duobao Tianwang, Duobao Tianwang sat on a wicker chair, and his son Zong Liang served with tea.

Duobao Tianwang looked at his son and took a drink from his son. Smile nodded, revealing the color of love.

Zong Liang saw his father put down the tea pot and hurriedly filled his father. Then he whispered: "Father, the purple smoke has now resumed talking. But it is still intermittent, and still can not move. No one knows when she can recover, I am afraid she does not even know.

And even if she can resume her actions, she has become a mortal, and she has to re-cultivate, but she does not know when it will be. Even if the father and her teamed up to defeat the triumphant king, she controlled a lot of planet power with her mortal strength, which is like a child holding a lot of fairy crystals hanging on the street. In order to become the target of public criticism.

Liang thought that although his father should not offend Xu Ziyan, he could not walk too close to her. Close to the current cooperation, after the eradication of Fu Qin Tianwang, she quickly alienated her. You just rejected the gift of Ye Chu, but you are going to give Xu Ziyan, the Evergreen, which you can't easily get. Doesn't it understand that you want to form an alliance with Xu Ziyan? So come. Waiting for the Jade Emperor to go out, we are likely to be affected by Xu Ziyan. ”

Duobao Tianwang "hehe" said with a smile: "Bright, you are still too young. All day, patronizing cultivation, the brain is stupid. Lingbo Tianwang is a shocking talent for thousands of years. A reliable person. Bright, now Lingbo Tianwang is in the phoenix, and we are more powerful than the future."

His gaze fell on the hot tea scent, whispered: "Bright, the achievements of the monks in the cultivation of the immortals are like this tea. The quality of the tea is very important, but it also needs the monks to do their best to cultivate. The innate of the monk Qualification is very important. But if there is no rich cultivation resources, there will be no achievements. How many days in the Xiu Xianjie have finally fallen?

and so. A monk wants to achieve success, break through the Da Luo Jin Xian, and go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Not only is it necessary to be qualified, but it also requires generous resources and security. No resources. In the end, the repair will be stagnant or behind others. No security. Fallen, and everything is over.

Therefore, Xiu Xian is definitely not a simple cultivation. In order to have a rich resource and a safe environment, it is necessary to form an alliance. Form an alliance with powerful people. ”

Zong Liang’s face was red, and he said, “Let’s understand. It’s just bright... Xu Ziyan... If she becomes a mortal... What strength does she have?”

Duobao Tianwang smiled and said: "Do you really think that Lingbo Tianwang has become a mortal?"

"Is it not?" Zong Liang asked in shock.

Duobao Tianwang shook his head and said: "What happened to Lingbo Tianwang, I don't know. But I know that a mortal can't be seen in a two-year period by a woman who can't talk. You can speak. You have to know that the immortal is not a mortal. If a fairy falls from the realm of Luo Tianshang to the realm of mortals, and he still loses the ability to move and speak, it is very heavy injury, even if it is saved. Life is also a long-lasting stagnation, and she can never recover. However, Xu Ziyan has been able to speak in less than two years, which proves that her strength is not as obvious as her appearance."

"Don't you... Lingbo Tianwang, she...has been able to move? Or has it recovered? Just pretending?" Zong Liang’s heart was jumping sharply.

Duobao Tianwang sighed for a while and whispered: "This is still not seen. However, the father firmly believes that Lingbo Tianwang will definitely recover. It is only the length of time. Bright, you think about it, Lingbo Tianwang only rises up. How many years? It will be able to reach the realm of Luo Tianshang's early stage, and manage such a large force. If she recovers, it will soon become the first force in the Yuan Dynasty. I am afraid that at that time, the Jade Emperor will be very taboo.

Ye Chuchu is just a villain, killing his brother and sister-in-law himself. How can such a person be willing to communicate with him? If you associate with him, I am afraid I will not know how to die. If it wasn’t for the Jade Emperor to protect him, and the situation now needs him, the Father really wants to kill him. It is impossible to form an alliance with him. ”

"That... can Lingbo King really recover?"

Duobao Tianxiao smiled slightly: "It is not important to recover without recovery, as long as she is conscious and awake. That Futian Tianwang sent a Luotian Shangxian late monk but took Xu Ziyan's hand to Ximen solitary smoke, there is no way, but instead is the West Gate. I took a bite and lost a monk in the middle of the Luo Tianshen and six early days in the early days of the immortal. What is the solitary smoke of Ximen?"

The eyes of Duobao Tianwang are bright: "It is a kind of six-character fairy charm! Six-piece fairy charm! It is the fairy charm that even the monks in the late days of Luo Tianshen can't resist! Where did the solitary smoke from Ximen get? There is only one answer, which is obtained from Lingbo Tianwang. As for where Lingbo Tianwang got it, it is not important. As long as she has this six-character fairy, it is enough to deter others, even Jade is no exception. .

Tonight, Lingbo Tianwang invited several people, such as the father, to go to the Lingbo Tianwang government to discuss matters. As soon as the father went, he gave this Evergreen herb to Lingbo. ”

Lingbo Tianwang House.

In the small courtyard of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan sits opposite to Duobao Tianwang.

The two people first chatted a few politely, and Duobao Tianwang took out the Wannianqing and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"Lingbo Tianwang, this Wannianqing has a 10,000-year-old medicine age, which I got by chance. I think she may be helpful for your recovery, and the old man will give it to the king. I hope that the king can recover soon."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright.

Wannian of the age of 10,000 years! This is the second main medicine for refining the nine-day Xuandan. With it, the last main drug, Luohongcao, is left, and the other auxiliary drugs, Xu Ziyan, are not missing. As long as you have recovered your cultivation, and then find Luo Hongcao, you can refine the nine-day Xuan Dan. In one fell swoop, it broke through to nine days of Xuan Xian. But why did Duobao Tianwang give such important herbs to himself? Even if he does not know that this is the main medicine for refining the nine-day Xuandan, you should also know that this is a very precious herbal medicine. and……

Xu Ziyan's gaze swept to the opposite Duobao Tianwang. At a glance, it was seen that there is not much more today's Duobao Tianwang Shouyuan, probably about a thousand years left. The vitality of the body is gradually fading, and the body's function is aging. With his current physical condition, he can no longer break through. In other words, the life of the multi-poor king of life is only about a thousand years.

However, this evergreen can be refining and growing life!

Today, Xu Ziyan is already a five-pronged master, naturally different from the past. Among the Wupin Xiandan, there is a kind of Zengshoudan, which is mainly made of undead grass and evergreen. Its efficacy is not that she used the undead grass refining Yanshou Dan on the mainland of the Cangwu. This Zengshou Dan can increase the life expectancy of the monks.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. Where will there be five products in this lower galaxies? I am afraid that they will not know that there is an elixir such as Zengshoudan.

This kind of herbal medicine that can not be met, Xu Ziyan naturally will not let go. The only pity is that this herb is dead. If it is still alive, it can be given to peach blossoms. Let Chun Tsiang Niang collect the Wannianqing, this long-term young man, in addition to refining the nine-day Xuan Dan, there is still the rest. The next chapter decided to use it and the undead grass to refine some of the life-threatening Dan. Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite Tianbao Tianwang, and sighed in his heart:

"He still doesn't know what kind of precious herbs he gave him. If so, I will give him a chance!"

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan pays attention: "Duobao Tianwang, after I completely recover, I will send you a thousand years of life."

Duobao Tianwang was shocked and almost picked up from the chair and excitedly looked at Xu Ziyan and asked:

"Lingbo Tianwang... What are you talking about? Want to... send me... Millennium Shouyuan?"

Xu Ziyan did not speak, and Duobao Tianwang knew that Xu Ziyan would wait for a quarter of an hour before he could speak. However, the news of Xu Ziyan was too great for him, so significant that he could not calm down. The body writhed back and forth on the chair, the muscles on his face were a little twisted, and the desire was released. Looking at Xu Ziyan in a blink of an instant.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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