The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1323: Big Rover

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, Yu Xiaokai, eryanu classmates, pine forest pony classmates, and the pink ticket of Ningyue Shuiyue!


At this time, in his eyes, Xu Ziyan's sedan chair is getting closer and closer.

A white long sword was silently held in the hands of the innocent, and the figure fluttered toward the purple sedan chair. The white long sword in the hand drawn an arc in the air, bringing out a sword. Xu Ziyan's sedan chair.

The Jianmang was rapidly enlarged in the air, releasing the cold mang of the Lingxiao, as if the entire space was frozen, like a thousand feet of ice dragons smashed to the chair of Xu Ziyan.

All this happened too suddenly, and even Xu Ziyan did not think that Fuqin Tianwang would do something to her in Qianyuan City, and she would start her on such an occasion. That Di Yi and Chun San Niang would not even think that Huo Linger did not react.

Only in an instant, the five hundred centuries were frozen into ice sculptures. Di Yi and Chun Zi Niang also became ice sculptures. Xu Ziyan's sedan chair is no exception.

A little cold man like a meteor swept through the air, rushing toward the chair of Xu Ziyan. Wherever he went, the space that was brought up was shocked, and the ice sculptures in front of the Xu Ziyan sedan chair were shattered. The body of the monk in the late Tianxian, which was frozen in the inside, was also broken into pieces, and the body died.


Xu Ziyan’s sedan chair was broken and the ice was splashed.

The ice on Di Yi and Chun San Niang was also broken, but the bodies of the two were safe. Di Yi eagle took the Wupin Dan medicine that Xu Ziyan gave him. Now it has broken through to the middle of Luo Tianshang, although it is not as good as white robes. A body was blasted out. But it has not been hurt too much. The spring thirty-nature had a palm of water defense, stronger than Di Yi, without a trace of damage, but one body was also shot and flew out.


Inside the broken sedan. The ice sculpture on Xu Ziyan was broken.


The white long sword with no white robes stabbed the heart of Xu Ziyan. The face of the white robe was full of smiles, and it was about to leave, and the smile suddenly stiffened on the face. He suddenly found that his long sword actually stopped on the skin of Xu Ziyan, even the skin of the purple smoke was not pierced. at this time. Xu Ziyan was looking at him with surprise.

Time is too late!

The surrounding Xianguanxian will be coming to him. He didn't know what kind of treasure Xu Zhan was wearing, but he saw that Xu Ziyan still remained motionless, and his mood was a loose. This means that Xu Ziyan did not recover at all, and it is still full of paralysis. Seeing that I couldn't kill Xu Ziyan in an instant, the white robe was stretched out and grabbed Xu Ziyan. The figure was flashing in the air and disappeared from the air.

The whole street was a mess, and Di Yi and Chun San Niang were panicked. At the end of the five hundred days, the monks of the peaks died under the sword. There are only two of them left today. I don't know where Xu Ziyan was caught. The two men frantically rushed around in the city of Qianyuan, looking for traces of Xu Ziyan.

Lingbo Tianwang was assassinated in the street, and the section of the Lingxiao Hall was furious. The whole city of Qianyuan was in chaos, and the search for the Xianjun was everywhere. Duobao Tianwang and Fuqin Tianwang also led the Xianjun to search in the city of Qianyuan, but Duobao Tianwang looked anxious, while Fuqin Tianwang was a slight concern between Meiyu. Now he knows that the white robe does not seem to kill Xu Ziyan. Instead, Xu Ziyan was taken away. What happened?

Has Xu Ziyan been restored?

Impossible, Fuqin Tianwang looked at the heart of the Xianjun, who was searching four times, shaking his head. If Xu Ziyan resumes his cultivation, he will not be taken away without any problems.

Is it true that I have betrayed me?

Absolutely impossible! Fu Qin Tian Wang has this confidence. With his kindness and innocence, no one will ever betray him.

There is only one explanation, what high-grade defense equipment should be worn on Xu Ziyan's body. This makes it impossible to kill her in an instant, only to take her away, and then take off her equipment to kill her.

Feeling that I wanted to understand everything, Fu Qin Tian Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and the slight wrinkles between the eyebrows also relaxed. Screaming at the immortal costumes under his command:

"Give me a good search. Be sure to find out the murderer who killed the singer of Lingbo!"

They didn't know that there would be no trace of Xu Ziyan going there. Xu Ziyan is very clear. Just for a moment, the white robe was full and grabbed Xu Ziyan and left the city. The people in Qianyuan City did not find it at all, which made Xu Ziyan’s heart a surprise. She was surprised that the person who caught herself had a very high understanding of the spatial attributes.

but. Xu Ziyan was only a little bit sighed with emotion, and he was anxious to use his knowledge to mobilize the body of the fairy power. Just give her twenty-five time. She will be able to make a fierce blow.

There is no shortage of white robes, thinking about staying away from the city of Yuanyuan, looking for a ridiculous place to find out **** Xu Ziyan. Therefore, at his speed, he passed the 20-year-old time and fell to a mountain range five thousand miles away from Qianyuan City.

Throwing away, Xu Ziyan was thrown to the ground, and the gods quickly extended toward all directions.

After the two interest rates, the gods will be recovered, and the face will have a relaxed color. There are no traces of people around, and the spirit is concentrated on Xu Ziyan's body. The gods swept over the body of Xu Ziyan, and his eyes were a glimpse. He found that there was no defensive equipment in Xu Ziyan’s body.

How can this be?

At the time of his embarrassment, it was a time of dying. It’s only a short time from Xu Ziyan’s sharp blow.

Between the hands, the long sword was taken out without a defect, and the head of Xu Ziyan was smashed.


The sound of a metal collision rang, Xu Ziyan's head was still intact, but the gods were shocked. If the consciousness of Xu Ziyan is now strong enough to the late Luo Jinxian, his sword will make Xu Ziyan's efforts to retire. It is this way that Xu Ziyan is also struggling to keep abreast of the gods and do the final effort.

There is no shortage of white robes.

He has not encountered such a situation in his life, but his hand is a four-character fairy, and he is the peak of the middle of Luo Tianshang. Can't you even have the head of a monk in the early days of Luo Tianshang?

Is this the reason why her embarrassment?

He was worried about it there, but he did not know that Xu Ziyan had completely mobilized Xian Yuanli. It is necessary to know that the current attack of Xu Ziyan is not the power of Luo Tianshang's early stage. It is the power of Da Luo Jinxian's late stage. No one in the lower Yuan galaxies can resist it. It is only a time interval of two hundred and five interest intervals.

Xu Ziyan’s right hand was turned, and Zhang Kaiwu pointed to the lack of grasping the past.

Xu Ziyan just moved, and the lack of hair is a surprise. Intuition is not good, the body shape wants to escape instantly. However, that is the power of the late Luo Jinxian! He instantly noticed that he was imprisoned, and he was able to move at all, and his eyes were released with a look of panic.

Xu Ziyan’s palm slammed on him, and the violent energy struck into his body, instantly cutting off his vitality and destroying his god. After that, Xu Ziyan also used up his knowledge, and his body fell and fell. On the ground.

After the twenty-fifth interest, Xu Ziyan entered the purple smoke space. I called the peach blossoms and changed my clothes. Then I took the peach blossoms, hoping to come out from the purple smoke space with a double-winged horse. Peach blossoms holding Xu Ziyan sitting on the wings of the sky, I hope that the footsteps Xiangyun will be with me and fly toward the city of Yuanyuan.

At this time, the city of Qianyuan continued to continue to search for it, but there was still no trace of the purple smoke. Duobao Tianwang and Fuqin Tianwang let their men continue to search, and the two of them returned to Lingxiao Temple. The two people have different minds, but their faces are also worried. Duobao Tianwang is worried about the safety of Xu Ziyan, and Fuqin Tianwang is worried about what happened.

Two people entered the Lingxiao Temple. When they saw the eyes of Duan Tianya, they looked at them like two arrows. They shook their heads gently, and they couldn’t speak for a moment.

Duan Tianya’s gaze glanced back and forth on the two people’s bodies, and his heart could not help but be discouraged. If you lose Xu Ziyan at this time, the blow to him is very big. As long as there is a purple smoke, her territory will be a piece of iron. If Xu Ziyan really has an accident, let the Futian King easily occupy the territory of Xu Ziyan, the consequences are unimaginable. Suddenly, he felt very tired and waved:

"Sit down first!"

Fuqin Tianwang and Duobao Tianwang have nothing to say, sit down in their own position. At this time, there were many monks in the entire Lingxiao Hall. They all lighted their breath and sat there, like a sculpture.

The Lingxiao Temple is very quiet, and the needle can be heard. The atmosphere of heavy stagnation is generally in the hearts of everyone if a mountain is in general. In particular, I know that Xu Ziyan has recovered, and Xu Zitian, Duobao Tianwang, Duan Xiangxiang and Ye Chu and other monks who have already made plans with Xu Ziyan, as time goes by, the anxiety on the face can no longer be hidden, gradually revealing Come out.

And the monk with a camp of Fu Qin Tian Wang is gradually coming out of joy in his heart. Each of them knows what it means to be a death of Xu Ziyan, which means that her territory will become a mess. The stalemate with the solitary smoke of Ximen will be broken immediately. And those neutral forces are a bit stunned, not knowing what the future will be.

Xu Ziyan flew in the city of Qianyuan in a fast-paced manner. Her heart is also very anxious, she is afraid that Duan Tianya lost her sense of confusion and made irreparable things. This moment is definitely not the time to completely tear the face with Fu Qin, the two sides need a balance point, everything must wait for their recovery, or after the breakthrough of the end of the world, can be removed by the means of 抚 天.

When I left Qianyuan City, it was the white robe that was holding the Xu Ziyan only a few moments even if I went thousands of miles. When I returned, the Tianma flew for about an hour. Xu Ziyan made the peach blossoms direct Tianma to the city gate. She knew that at this time, no monks would dare to assassinate her. Didn't see it? At this time, the entire Qianyuan City is already in a state of martial law.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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