The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1324: Return to the flying star

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Xu Ziyan’s Tianma had just fallen to the gate, and it had already been discovered by the Xianjun in the city. One by one quickly locked up Tianma and was ready to launch a fierce attack.

When they found out that the person sitting in the sky was awesome, it made a cheer. One of the monks hurried away in the direction of Lingxiao Temple.

The news of Xu Ziyan’s safe return quickly spread in the city of Qianyuan. In less than ten minutes, he saw Di Yi and Chun San Niang with 1,500 people in the Lingbo Heavenly King’s House. The clouds generally flew over the air. Di Yi and Chun 30 were dumped in the clouds, and they didn’t know what to say.

Xu Ziyan knows that this thing is no wonder that they are two people, just think that the 500-year-old army that they have worked hard is so dead, or a heartache. Towards Di Yi and Chun Zi Niang:

"Get up, let's go to the Temple of the Rock!"

Xu Ziyan’s opening, the surrounding monks were shocked and trembled. It was not until Xu Ziyan left Tianma to go far, they only reacted.

Uranus... recovered!

The news immediately spread throughout the city of Qianyuan. However, at this time, Xu Ziyan had already arrived at Lingxiao Temple on Tianma.

Di Yirui unceremoniously led 1,500 centuries to station outside the Lingxiao Temple. The celestial soldiers of the Lingxiao Temple looked at their command. That commanding the eyelids is like not seeing them. The immortals look at each other and see that they are not seen. In this way, the Xianjun of Duan Tianya and the Xianjun of Xu Ziyan were divided into two layers to guard the Lingxiao Temple.

I hope that the figure will change dramatically. Turned into a wicker chair, the peach blossoms placed Xu Ziyan on the wicker chair, and the spring 30-year-old girl lifted the cane chair and walked toward the Lingxiao Temple. Tianma and Yunhua’s little white baboons stand together. It was actually strolling back and forth in the square in the Lingxiao Hall, and the immortals in the Lingxiao Hall were as if they were not seen.

Xu Ziyan has not yet reached the gate of Lingxiao Temple, and he will see that Duan Tianya will come out with the insiders. I’m excited to speak out:


Looking at the end of the world, I was rushing in, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a smile, whispered:

"I'm fine!"


The opening of Xu Ziyan, the Xianguan and the Xianjun behind Duan Tianya made a scream. That Fu Tian Wang is even more complex.

Xu Ziyan... she... recovered?

Duan Tianya naturally noticed the change of the face of Fuqin Tianwang, and could not help but laugh. After the laughter was over, Duan Tianya would wait for the wicker chair of Xu Ziyan to enter the Lingxiao Temple. However, Xu Ziyan stopped to stop:

"Jade Emperor, my body is a little uncomfortable. I said a few words and I will retire."

Duan Tianya looked a glimpse, but did not stop blocking it. I thought that Xu Ziyan had been assassinated, and maybe it was really hurt. I want to give Xu Ziyan Dan medicine, and I think Xu Ziyan is an alchemy teacher. The heart could not help but smile, and had to patiently stand opposite Xu Ziyan waiting for her to speak.

"Jade Emperor, now I am not feeling well, there are too many planets in the territory, I can't manage it. So, I decided to leave only one hundred planets, and the rest of the planet will be returned to Jade Emperor."

Chun San Niang took out a jade slip and handed it to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor took up the jade Jane and used his knowledge to sweep it. He smiled and nodded. Waiting for Xu Ziyan to continue to speak.

On the other side, the king of Fuqin has changed his face. Xu Ziyan now handed over the request to the Jade Emperor. How do you continue to encroach? Stop here? This is too far from my goal. What's more, I have also suffered great losses. Even now, I don't know how to do it now.

"Jade Emperor!" After the twenty-five interest rate, Xu Ziyan continued to say: "I have been away from the territory for too long, and now there is change in the territory. I need to go back and deal with it! Chen has resigned!"

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's departure, Duan Tianya and Fuqin Tianwang both opened their mouths. Both of them actually want to ask how Xu Ziyan returned safely, and what the assassin is now. However, in the end, the two people still did not speak. If Xu Ziyan did not want to say it, they would not use it.

Duan Tianya still thought that after the end of the banquet, let his sister Duan Xiangxiang go to Lingbo Tianwangfu to ask. Fuqin Tianwang is thinking about sending a hand to find a white robe for a while. In his heart, he still does not believe that the white robe will die without a defect. He has great confidence in the white robe.

However, no one thought that Xu Ziyan did not return to Lingbo Tianwang Mansion in Yuancheng City, but directly out of Qianyuan City. Now the monks of the Lingbo Tianwang House are all around the purple smoke, so Xu Ziyan decided to leave the Yuanyuan City immediately and return to the flying star.

After walking out of Qianyuan City, Yunbao immediately turned into a fairy boat. Everyone entered the fairy boat, and the cloud baby immediately went to the flying star with his fastest speed. By the end of the banquet, Xu Ziyan had already gone without a trace, which made the heart of Fu Qin, who still thought of assassinating Xu Ziyan, be depressed.

At the speed of the cloud baby, after half a month, he returned to the Tianwang House on the flying star.

At this time, the Tianwang Palace has been expanded again. In the hall of the Tianwang Palace, Xu Tianwo is sitting on the top, sitting on both sides of the main hall in order, Xu Lin, Xiao Bai, Qin chess and calligraphy, Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao, Fire dance, Shen Qianji, Han Dan, Yunhe Fairy. They gather here every day to discuss things in the territory, and then they will disperse their cultivation. During the period when there was no purple smoke, everyone was dedicated to the things in the territory, providing various conveniences for the front door of the solitary smoke of the West Gate, and also receiving various resources from the front door of the solitary smoke.

Suddenly, the door of the main hall was pushed open. Everyone hurriedly looked up and stood up from the chair with a bang, and the faces on each one showed excitement. At the gate, Peach Blossom and Spring Thirty-nine are holding a bamboo chair on the left and right, and the top of the bamboo chair sits in a purple smoke. Di Yi and hope are behind.


All the people were excited to see Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan was very excited to see these familiar faces. These people, either their own relatives, or their own brothers, or their own friends, are now gathered together.

The excitement of the atmosphere made everyone aphasia, and the silence in the hall became only a heavy breathing. Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin looked at each other and walked toward Xu Ziyan. They personally replaced the peach blossoms and the spring 30-year-old mother. They lifted the bamboo chair and walked toward the top. When I arrived at the top, the two men held Xu Ziyan in the chair on the top, and then pushed it down. Going to Xu Ziyan’s lower body and calling out:

"See the patriarch!"

Yes! The two of them call the patriarch, not the king. Only in this way can they express their respect for Xu Ziyan. I thought that at the beginning, the Xu family on the mainland of the Cangwu was founded by Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, in the fairyland, Xu Ziyan is still established from scratch.

"See the patriarch!"

Not only Xiaobai, Qinqi calligraphy and painting, but also Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao, fire dance, Shen Qianji, Han Dan and Yunhe Fairy are also all called. At this time, they have all joined the Xu family, and they are deeply grateful to Xu Ziyan for establishing a foothold for them in the fairyland. This voice calls for sincerity.

Xu Ziyan looked at the people in front of him, and the joy in his heart could not be added. From the quagmire of the complex of Qianyuan City, he got out of his home and made Xu Ziyan’s mood a lot easier. In the eyes, the release of the earth is delighted and said:

"Let's sit down!"

Everyone heard the words, and everyone’s face showed a surprise. In the past two years, although everything in the territory has been running smoothly, and Xu Ziyan is also remotely controlled in Qianyuan City. However, Xu Ziyan was not seen in two years, and the hearts of the monks still had no confidence. It always feels like the lack of the backbone of the heart, everyone's heart feels heavy.

Now Xu Ziyan is back, and although it has not fully recovered, everyone has seen signs of her complete recovery. Everyone feels refreshed, and the atmosphere that condensed together on the mainland of the sky seems to appear in everyone's heart. The heart is full of fighting spirit, fearless and fearless. Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan, who was sitting at the top of the scene.

Xu Ziyan was very excited at this time, and his eyes swept through the crowd. The voice whispered slightly:

"Everyone, we are getting together again!"

"Yes!" Everyone's face can't hold back joy.

"The patriarch! How is your injury?" Xu Tianwo asked with concern.

This is also a concern of everyone, so when the words of Xu Tianlang came out, everyone’s eyes showed a concerned eye.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the eyes of the monks were relieved, and they said softly:

"My injury doesn't matter, and I will be blessed in disguise. When my wounds are healed, that is, when I break through Da Luo Jinxian."

The monks heard the words first, then ecstasy. One by one stood up from the chair and congratulated Xu Ziyan:

"Congratulations to the patriarch!"

“Great!” Xu Tianlang said happily: “The patriarch, waiting for you to go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, and then create a Xu family for us. When we go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, we will have a place to stay. Hahaha..."

"Yes! If there is no foundation laid by the patriarch in the lower galaxies, we may still be mining! It is not mining, but also wandering everywhere, where there are current cultivation conditions!" Yan Xingyun also said with emotion .

Other people have nodded, looking to the eyes of Xu Ziyan to express gratitude.

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Don't say this, we are all from the mainland of the sky. We can say that we are fellows in the fairyland. Help each other, this is all right. Moreover, when it was on the mainland, everyone did not help the purple." smoke."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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