The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1325: committed to

I am very grateful to the one-yuan ZZ classmates, who have passed the azure _007 classmates, and the pink ticket of the students!


Within the hall, there was no sound at the moment.

When you were on the mainland of the sky, everyone helped the purple smoke. However, Xu Ziyan did not help everyone. Nowadays, in the fairyland, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation and status have gone far beyond everyone, but they are still so old. They all ask themselves, if they are away from Xu Ziyan, will they be like Zi Ziyan?

They asked themselves if they couldn't do it, but they would help everyone, but they would never be able to do so. For a time, everyone was very impressed, and Xu Ziyan was respected from the bottom of his heart.

Just when everyone was feeling deeply, the fire dance suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked:

"The patriarch, don't know how long your injury will take to recover completely?"

Xu Ziyan’s tone is somewhat uncertain:

"I don't know, maybe half a year, or a year, or two years, it won't be too long!"

The monks listened, and the excitement on his face was a stiff, a star slowly sinking.

Everyone here understands that today's Xu family is almost picked up by Xu Ziyan alone, just like the Xu family on the mainland. Because the cultivation of other people in Xu family is too low, if Xu Ziyan left the next week, he went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. The strength of the Xu family will come down at once. At that time, can Xu family still retain his territory?

Everyone’s eyes showed a sense of anxiety. Xu Ziyan naturally saw the worries of the monks, and smiled and said:

"You don't have to worry. Now Ximen's predecessors are already in the early days of Luo Tianshangxian, and now we have four Luo Tianxian in the middle of the territory, and there are more than a dozen Luo Tianshangxian, that is, I left the lower galaxies. Some people dare to invade our territory easily, that is, the Jade Emperor will not. Moreover, I am very clear about your qualifications, if it is not because the mainland of the sky has been sealed. With your qualifications, you have already ascended to the fairyland, how can you wait until now. Sufficient resources, I believe that everyone will have a qualitative improvement in a short period of time."

Xu Ziyan saw the Yan Xingyun, the look of the fire dance and other people are still worried, and the heart immediately understood the worries of their hearts. Knowing that they are worried about the degree of loyalty to the Xu family by Luo Tianshang, the control of the soul and Xu Ziyan have successfully brainwashed the monks with the sound of the soul, Xu Ziyan naturally does not worry about their central problems. However, such a thing is not a glorious thing after all. Xu Ziyan could not tell them. Then he opened his words and said:

"I have already discussed with the seniors of Ximen the plans for the future..."

In the following time, Xu Ziyan told the future plan to everyone. After listening to Xu Ziyan, the people had to narrow the territory to a hundred planets. This has the ability to protect themselves and not threaten the rights of the Jade Emperor. They all nod and secretly admire Xu Ziyan.

"The patriarch, since you are back, let's set the family thing down. In the past two years, we all do what we can do, and we don't have a designated duty, just wait for the patriarch to come back and set the rules." Sirius knows that those who can’t be loyal to the family, and see Xu Ziyan’s words, know that Xu Ziyan doesn’t want to reveal these things, and he also talks about another thing along Xu Ziyan, and this thing It is really important.

As the saying goes, no rules are not square. In the past two years, everyone has been very motivated. But because the responsibility is unknown. There have been some things. Xu Tianlang is not high because of his own cultivation, and there are Xu Ziyan, and he is not good at making rules. Now that Xu Ziyan is back, this matter should also be formulated. Otherwise as time goes by. The development of Xu family may become a big trouble that restricts the development of Xu.

Xu Ziyan swept his eyes through the crowd. Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao are now the peaks of the late immortals, and Yan Xingyun has reached the peak of the mid-human fairy. And other people have reached the peak of the peak of the early immortals.

Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "Sirius brother, from now on, you are the patriarch of Xu family."

"This..." Xu Tianwo suddenly fell there.

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Sight brother, I will retreat from tomorrow, and resume repair as soon as possible. Therefore, the family affairs will only be entrusted to you. Waiting for the stars to fly up, you will pass on the position of the patriarch to him. ”

Xu Tianlang listened and knew that Xu Ziyan said the truth, he would not deny it. Standing up, respectfully said:


When he stood up, other people stood up and bowed to Xu Tianwo:

"See the patriarch!"

Xu Tianwo is also not polite, he knows that a big family wants to live for a long time, as a patriarch must have a majesty. I can’t be stunned with everyone as before, so I’m intimate in the majesty:

"You are welcome, we will be united in the future, and we will develop and grow. The Sirius is here to help you!"

"The patriarch!" Yan Xingyun stood up and said: "Xu is also our Xu family. We must do our utmost to help Xu family become the largest family in the Yuan Dynasty."

"Yes! We must do our best!" The rest of the people have also opened their mouths, and their faces are sincere.

Xu Ziyan saw the look of the monks, and he was very happy. She knows that although the main structure of the Xu family must be the Xu family, but people like the Yan Xingyun can not be left out. Otherwise, it will dampen their enthusiasm and make them feel guilty. Yan Xingyun, fire dance, and Lingqi are different from Qinqi calligraphy and painting. The chess and calligraphy paintings can already be said to be completely Xujia people, but Yan Xingyun, Fire Dance and Ling Yu are not. That is, the core rights must be in the hands of the Xu family. Xu Ziyan thought about it and said softly:

"Qin Qing, from this moment on, you are the master of the Xu family."

"Yes!" Qin Qing stood up and respectfully, and his eyes flashed a hint of joy.

"Chess wonderful, from now on, you are the home of the Xu family."

"Yes!" Chess is standing up in a respectful manner, and there is also a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Books, from this moment on, you are the owner of the Xu Family Library."

"Yes!" The book is standing up and respectful. She knows the importance of a family-owned bookstore in her family, and her eyes are full of perseverance.

"Drawing Xuan Er, from now on you are the owner of the Xu Family Treasure House!"

"Yes!" Painting Xuan Er stood up and respectfully responded. Compared to the Book Collection, the Treasure House is even more important.

"Xu Lin, Yan Xingyun, Fire Dance, Ling Xiao."

"In!" The four people stood up together.

"I have 40,000 pro-military forces. Today, the solitary smoke of Ximen is the president. From this moment, I will divide these 40,000 pro-militaries into four brigades. Xu Lin is the captain of the first brigade, Yan Xingyun is the captain of the second brigade, Ling He is the captain of the third brigade, and the fire dance is the captain of the fourth brigade."

"Yes!" The eyes of the four people are all bright, and they also feel the burden on their shoulders is heavy.

"At the same time, I promised here!" Xu Ziyan said by saying: "When Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao and Fire Dance are three people who have broken through to Luo Tianshang, Xu will give you a planet and let you become a star. ""

Yan Xingyun, the fire dance is good, and I understand it. This is Xu Ziyan allowing them to go out independently within a certain range. Whether it is Yan Xingyun, or Wuhuo and Lingxiao, the three people are the ones in the mainland of the Cangwu. In the days to come, there will be disciples within their own ancestral halls flying up. If you can become a star lord, you will establish a foothold for your sect. Just like Xu Ziyan did for Xu, this meaning is extraordinary.

Of course, their hearts are also very clear. This independence of oneself is scoped and must be within the scope of loyalty to Xu. Even if it is not loyal, it must be to maintain the Xu family. Xu Ziyan dared to do this. One is her broad mind and the other is her self-confidence.

Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao and Fire Dance felt great confidence from Xu Ziyan's body. If the three of them dare to have any dissent in the future, then Xu Ziyan will leave a lot of cards to the Xu family before leaving the lower galaxies, so that they can't eat and walk.

Taking a deep breath, all three people know that their fate has actually been closely linked with Xu. A glory and a total glory, a loss of total loss. So, go ahead and pray again:

"The patriarch..."

Xu Ziyan said softly: "If today's wolf brother is already a patriarch, you call me purple smoke!"

The three people hesitated a little, and eventually they were too familiar with Xu Ziyan, and they were no longer polite. They solemnly said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, even if we become a star in the future, it is only a star in the territory of Xu."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are filled with satisfactory eyes. Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao and Huo Wu have made a promise. In the future, they will only obey the Xu family, and even the Jade Emperor will not be able to command them.

"I know, three people please sit down!"

Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao and Fire Dance once again gave Xu Ziyan a deep ritual, and then he turned back and sat down. Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Lin and said:

"Lin brother, waiting for you to break through the heavens, the position of the big commander of the solitary smoke in Ximen is yours. At that time, the solitary smoke of Ximen should also break through the Da Luo Jinxian, just let him back down and retreat."

"Yes!" Xu Lin gave a courtesy and returned to sit down.

"Shen Qianji, Han Dan, Yunhe Fairy!" Xu Ziyan's eyes looked at the three, and the three immediately stood up from the chair and looked at Xu Ziyan.

From the moment, Xujia opened the alchemy hall, the refining hall and the system. The Shen Qianji is the master of the refining equipment, the Handan is the owner of the alchemy, and the Yunhe fairy is the master of the system. I also made here. A promise, waiting for your cultivation to break through to Luo Tianxian, also to give you a respective planet, let you become a star."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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