The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1326: convince

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Han Dan, Shen Qianji and Yunhe Fairy have a hint of joy on their faces. In unison:


"Well, I am a little tired. You left a discussion about the family that was just settled. I will go to rest first."

Everyone knows that Xu Ziyan is in the recovery period, and they all stand respectfully. Spring Thirty and Peach Blossoms once again lifted the chair, and Di Yi and Hope stayed behind. Xiao Baiteng jumped up from the chair and silently followed Xu Ziyan.

Out of the main hall, at this time outside the main hall, the 1,500 centuries of the Xianjun have also come out of the fairy boat. The cloud baby is hanging out in the air. When Xu Ziyan comes out, he swoops down and floats in the white. On the head, he turned a small ankle and stepped on the white. Xiaobai's figure flashed, and the baby was a punch in the cloud. Two of them were behind the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan returned to his courtyard in the Flying Stars Tianwang House. Xiaobai and Yunbao were playing in the yard. Di Yi and Hope stood guard at the door of the house. Chun 30 and Peach Blossoms carried Xu Ziyan into the house. First, they took a bath for Xu Ziyan, went to the fatigue of returning to the rising star from Qianyuan City, and then put Xu Ziyan into dry clothes.

Then Xu Ziyan was carried to the courtyard. Later, Xu Ziyan made a pot of enlightenment tea. Xu Ziyan, while drinking tea, looked at the white white that was still there and the cloud baby, and the corner of his mouth passed a smile. Nowadays, Xiaobai has grown up. From the appearance, it is already twelve or three years old. It is very cute in the yard and the baby in the cloud.

After drinking the tea. Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and was immersed in comprehending the heavens. Waiting until she was awake from comprehension, she discovered that Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin were sitting in front of her and looked at him with concern. I saw Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. They said in unison:

"Ziyan, how are you?"

Xu Ziyan chuckled: "I am fine, but how did the two brothers come to me?"

Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin looked at each other and finally asked Xu Tianwo some unnaturally to ask: "Ziyan, I want to ask, why do you promise to give Yan Xingyun, Ling Xiao and Fire Dance a planet? They will stop, but why should they give Shen Qianji. Han Dan and Yunhe Fairy each have a planet? You must know that the three of them are experts in the alchemy system, and staying in the family will help the family."

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Tianwo and looked at Xu Lin. He whispered, "Lin brother, do you think so?"

"Yes!" Xu Lin nodded gently.

"Sirius brother, Lin brother, you are the earliest monk who Xu Jiafei rose up. It is the support of the two stars in the future. Therefore, the eyes should be put in the long run."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan stagnated for a while, then went on to say: "The two brothers know why I gave up many better planets and left a hundred planets near Tianying Xianguo?"

The look of Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin is a glimpse, and both of them bow their heads and think about it. Suddenly, the two of them looked up and looked at each other. The eyes were full of shock and excitement. Turning his head and looking at Xu Ziyan, excitedly said:

"Ziyan. Is it... you want to... build the Xu family into a fairy country in the future?"

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed his appreciation: “The goal of our Xu family is not the one hundred planets in front of us. It is the thousands of planets in the future.” So, the eyes of the two brothers should not be limited to that. One hundred planets, not to mention the Flying Star King.

Yan Xingyun, fire dance. Ling Yi is the master of one, if we keep them in the family. Do not give them a way out. In the future, it will not turn into enmity. Even if they don't, can you guarantee that their Zongmen disciples will have no idea after flying up? If we give them the planet as a territory, not only will the three of them be grateful to us, but the disciples who will fly up in the future will also be grateful to us. This is the permanent way.

As for the Shen Qianji, the three people of Handan and Yunhe Fairy are not the masters of one, but they are also the masters of a city. And their stay in Xu is not only inconvenient for them, but also very inconvenient for us. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan indulged for a while: "Shen Qianji, Handan and Yunhe Fairy, their alchemy and refining levels are actually not high. At their current level, in the fairy world can be said to be very low. And I The two levels of the alchemy and refining equipment are also very clear."

Xu Tianwo and Xu Linwen are listening to the heart. The two of them are the closest to Xu Ziyan. On the mainland of the Cangwu, they know the roots of Xu Ziyan. Naturally, they know the ability of Xu Ziyan to refine the characters. As for the level of Xu Ziyan, they don’t know. But know the level of the refiner of the Yanshan soul. I thought that the soul of Yanshan was refining on the lotus peak. The people of Xu family almost knew the realm of Yanshan soul refiner. So, who knows whether Yanshan soul passed the inheritance of the refiner to Xu Ziyan?

As a result, Xu Jia really did not need to keep Han Dan, Shen Qianji and Yunhe Fairy. If they are left behind, in the future, the three of them will see the Yan Xingyun. Ling Xiao and Wu Wu have their own planets and established their own power. Will their hearts be as calm as they are now? Will there be no fluctuations? The more important thing is that they stayed at the Xu family, sitting in the alchemy hall, the refining hall and the main position of the sacred hall. Then, should the purple alchemy and the refining inheritance pass on to them? Pass on to them, if they go out independently in the future, then Xu family is not lost the foothold? If they don't pass on to them, then they will naturally have ideas in their hearts, and they will be separated from Xu.

However, if they are given a planet to each of them, then they are only affiliated with Xu. In the future, they will establish their power and become the affiliated forces of Xu. It is different from the Xu Jiaxuan, so they will not blame the Xu family for passing on them.

At the root of it, Xu’s things must be left to Xu’s family, and only then can Xu Jiacai continue to be strong. Only the Xu family has been strong, and those affiliated forces will be willing to become affiliated. If Han Dan, Shen Qianji and Yunhe Fairy master the level of alchemy and refining equipment and Xu family is a level, how can they be willing to become a subsidiary of Xu family?

Want to understand everything, Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin two people can not help but deeply admire Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan saw two people figured it out, he thought about taking this opportunity to give the family affairs to Xu Tianlang completely, and then he himself would do it wholeheartedly. I gave some of the resources that I couldn't use to Xu Tianlang. After thinking about it, I took a million of the best spiritual stones and handed them to Xu Tianwo. In the end, I remembered that I had got six celestial heavens in the long river of time and space.

Entering the gods into the Ruyi Aquarius, quickly locked the six-roar heavenly scent that hovered over a snowfield. The six jade bottles were transported into the Ruyi Aquarium space, and the six-roasted heavenly fairy was put into the jade bottle. Slightly think about it and decide to leave a bottle, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Five jade bottles were taken out and their eyes swept over the people in front of them. Di Yi carving is already in the middle of Luo Tianshang, naturally it is not used in the sky. Peach Blossom and Spring Thirty-nine are practicing in their own space. It is not slow to enter the country and it is not needed. Xiaobai Xiu is still low. Besides, Xu Ziyan now has a full understanding of the fairy world. Xiaobai does not need to be separated from himself. He stays in the lower yuan galaxies. Xu Ziyan is going to take Xiaobai to the Zhongyuan Galaxy in the future. In this way, Xiaobai also cultivates in his own body space, and naturally does not need Luo Tianshen Xianqi.

Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin are sure to give them, Xu Ziyan is wondering if he wants to give Gu Teng hope. If you go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy with hope, let the hope to cultivate in your own space, you do not need to give him a heavenly fairy. If you leave him in the family, you need to leave him with a sigh of heaven.

In the end, Xu Ziyan is still ready to ask for hope. After all, Luo Tianshang is very precious. If you can leave it to Xu, it will have a great effect on the future of Xu. So, I turned to look at hope:

"I hope that you are going to stay in the lower galaxies in the future, or will you go to the Chinese galaxies with me?"

Gu Teng hopes to understand the meaning of Xu Ziyan as soon as he hears it. He is naturally willing to practice in the purple smoke space. Immediately said:

"I am willing to go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy with my master!"

Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin heard a word, Xu Lin asked inexplicably: "Ziyan, you take the hope to the Chinese Yuan Galaxy? How to go?"

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Lin brother, you forgot that I have a river."

Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin’s eyes are stunned. I know that Xu Ziyan is thinking of placing hope in the Heilongjiang Galaxy in the Heilongjiang Galaxy. In order to make Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin feel prepared, Xu Ziyan continued:

"Little white, peach blossom and spring thirty mothers will follow me in the future!"

Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin heard that they had not spoken yet. Di Yi, who was on the side, was anxious: "Hey, I will go with you."

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and shook his head: "Di seniors, you can't walk with me. Now Xu family is still weak in the lower yuan, you need this monk in the middle of the heavens, I need you to stay in the lower galaxies to help me. Take care of Xu."

Xu Ziyan said that he was sincere and sincere, although Di Yidiao did not want to, but he had to agree. In this way, Xu Ziyan will push the jade bottle to the front of Xu Tianwo and Xu Lin:

"Sirius brother, Lin brother, these five jade bottles each have a sacred heavenly scent. Waiting for your cultivation to cultivate to the peak of the late Tianxian, take a sacred heavenly fairy, will Directly break through to Luo Tian Shang Xian. You two each received a bottle, one of the remaining three bottles is reserved for the star, leaving two bottles left to the future of the Xu family."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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