The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1335: Wake up

Thank you very much for the illusion of Qing Qingcao classmates, Wen Binger classmates, book friends 120927170647085 classmates, the pink ticket of the mullet demon classmates!


Xu Ziyan looked at the giant sword and swallowed the purple scorpion together.



The ninth!

After the ninth purple scorpion was lowered in the sky, the roaring sound began to disappear, and the robbery clouds in the sky began to slowly dissipate.


The great sword entered the body of Xu Ziyan and disappeared. Xu Ziyan took out a dress and put it on. The sky sounded like a fairy voice, and the colorful light descended from the air, like a rainbow covering the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan feels keenly that this colorful light is not only the essence of the immortal force, but also has a very thin force of Xuanhuang. It is this extremely thin and powerful force that transforms the body of Xu Ziyan again. .

Since Xu Ziyan recognized that this is the spirit of Xuan Huang, how can I let this opportunity pass?

Immediately turned over and sat up, sitting cross-legged, transporting Qiankun, and actively led to the colorful light to completely transform his body.

After seven days and seven nights, Xu Ziyan not only completely transformed his body, but also completely restored Xian Yuanli. The most important thing is that she feels that her cultivation has reached the critical point of breaking through the nine-day Xuan Xian, but only the last point of accumulation. Although it is the last accumulation, Xu Ziyan knows that it is very difficult for himself.

Now her space is getting bigger and bigger and more stable. It is the three hundred and sixty-five points of her body that are constantly expanding, and the meridians are constantly widening. I want to accumulate this last point. It is ten times more difficult than ordinary monks. However, Xu Ziyan is not very worried, as long as she can refine the nine-day Xuan Dan, breaking through the nine-day Xuan Xian will not be a problem. And the nine-flavored main medicine that Xuantian needs for nine days has already got the two flavors of Xuantian and Wannianqing. Only the last taste is mainly red grass.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and flew out of the ground. He stood in the air and looked around.

Seeing the densely packed surroundings, the monks who were besieging in the distance saw Xu Ziyan flying out from the ground. There was a burst of applause. Every monk admired Xu Ziyan from the bottom of his heart. A monk who could survive such a robbery would not be able to admire it.

The guardian who stood in front of the monks looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze. He instantly saw that Xu Ziyan is now the master of the late Luo Jinxian's peak, not the ordinary monk, just the beginning of Da Luo Jinxian.

In fact, before Xu Ziyan was robbed, he discovered the repair of Xu Ziyan. It’s just that he still doesn’t believe it. Now, after seeing Xu Ziyan’s catastrophe, the breath is more stable. There is no doubt anymore.

However, in this way, his heart is also a little depressed. Xu Ziyan's repair is equivalent to him, although he can rely on his old-fashioned cultivation and deep fairy to suppress Xu Ziyan, but it takes a lot of effort. He does not think that Xu Ziyan can escape from his hands, a monk who just broke through, even if it is a direct breakthrough to the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. The level of familiarity with this realm is also too far from him. In his heart, he has determined that he has already eaten Xu Ziyan.

However, for the abnormal breakthrough of Xu Ziyan, he still has scruples and decided to go back and make some preparations. Anyway, Xu Ziyan left the next galaxies for another month. In this month's time, it is just ready to conquer Xu Ziyan.


The guardian's figure flew forward and stood in front of Xu Ziyan. Smiling and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Daoyou, we met again!"

"I have seen a friend!" Xu Ziyan politely shook his way.

"Daoyou, I don't say anything extra, the last time I broke through the star. I said it when you said it. This is the map. Remember to go there after a month, I will send you to Zhongyuan. galaxy."

"Yes, thank you seniors!"

Xu Ziyan took over the jade Jane in a respectful manner, and the guardian's figure disappeared instantly in the space. There is no trace.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked around, and he was blind and divine. The figure disappeared in the air. When they reappeared, they stood in front of them and said to the three of them:

"I will go back to Lingxiao Temple first!"

Once again, the body shape disappeared again, and the solitary smoke of Ximen and Di Yidiao immediately turned and flew toward Yuanyuan City.

For a few moments, Xu Ziyan appeared in front of the Broken Dragon Stone. The time has passed three days, and the Broken Dragon Stone has been opened. Peach Blossom and Spring Thirties are standing at the door of the Chamber of Secrets. They are placed on the top of the organ and ready to put down the Broken Dragon Stone. And just as they both looked at the outside with their gaze, they heard the sound of Xu Ziyan behind them:

"Put down the dragon stone!"

The two devils turned back and saw Xu Ziyan not knowing when he had entered the Chamber of Secrets. The eyes of the two demons are bright, and the master's cultivation is getting higher and higher.

Without saying anything, he immediately put down the Broken Dragon Stone and then stood behind Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen floated out of his eyebrows, then rushed into the eyebrows of Duan Tianya and entered his knowledge of the sea. Now the intensity of the knowledge of Xu Ziyan has reached the beginning of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and it is also the six-character charm teacher. It is easy to break the enchantment set by the dragon god.

At the time of waving, the palm of the hand has a void character, and the layer of enchantment is scattered. There is a **** of the end of the world.

The **** of Duan Tianya looked at the **** of Xu Ziyan and could not help but squat. No way, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen gave him too much pressure. Xu Ziyan also knew this situation and whispered:

"I will go out immediately and treat you for it."

After that, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen rushed out of the horizon and returned to his own body. Opened his eyes and came to the front of the end of the world, looking to the end of the world.

Duan Tianya did not wake up, Xu Ziyan knew that this was because the end of the world was almost severed. She has not thoroughly checked the body of Duan Tianya. If his body is really broken, Duan Tianya will only have a way to win.

Transmission of the gods into the body of the end of the world, Xu Ziyan's brow can not help but wrinkle up, completely unable to find any vitality in his body. However, Xu Ziyan did not give up and went to the Dantian inside Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya's Dantian is turbid, and Xu Ziyan patiently looks for vitality in the Dantian of Duan Tianya, even if it is only a little bit, as long as there is a vital seed, Xu Ziyan will be able to save the Tianya.

With the knowledge of the late peaks of Xu Ziyan’s Luo Jinxian, it took two quarters of time to finally find out the fire of his life in the Tiantian’s Dantian. The fire of life has been crumbling and can be extinguished at any time. Look like.

Xu Ziyan immediately printed a hand on the Tiantian's Dantian. The vigorous life gas was transmitted from her hand and entered the Dantian of the Tianya, all the way to the fire of life.

Xu Ziyan controls the gas of life, and dare not let the momentum of life be too loud. Fear of the end of the world is not to be filled, by the vastness of life, the fire of his life is directly extinguished.

The gas of life spread to the fire of life, and Xu Ziyan once again controlled the gas of life and approached the fire of life little by little.

The gas of life nourishes the fire of life little by little, and the fire of life slowly recovers. As the fire of life slowly recovers, Xu Ziyan gradually increases the input of life.

This is a slow process and it took three days and three nights.


The blood in Duan Tianya began to flow, and the body began to release the birth machine.


The fairy power in Duan Tianya began to work, and he opened his eyes.

Xu Ziyan looked at the end of the world, slightly frowned, let the end of the horizon to recover, still do not know how long to wait, and now the Yuanyuan Xianguo is not stable, have their own, with their own prestige to break through the Da Luo Jinxian, No one dares to change. But, after a month, I left the lower galaxies?

The end of the world must be completely restored within a month.

Xu Ziyan took a vat from the storage ring and threw it into a water charm to make a bucket of water. Then I took out a jade bottle and poured the inside of the fairy liquid into it. Then I took out a bottle of five-character Xiandan and handed it to the segment Tianya who had already stood up and said:

"End of the World, you will put down the dragon stone after we leave, and then enter the barrel to practice. So in about twenty days, you can completely restore your cultivation."

"Thank you sister!" Duan Tianya tiger eyes tears, true feelings revealed.

Xu Ziyan also sighed and patted the shoulders of the end of the world. From the jade slips left by Duan Tianya, she knew that Duan Tianya finally chose friendship between her rights and friendship, which made Xu Ziyan very happy. However, she has a lot of things today and can't stay here for a long time.

Opened the Broken Dragon Stone, and took the peach blossom and the spring thirty-mother out of the secret room.

Outside the secret room, the solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi and Duan Xiangxiang, Tang Linger are waiting outside. Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger saw the end of the chamber at the entrance of the secret room, and immediately burst into tears. Duan Tianya is also very excited, but he is eager to resist the excitement, he knows that the most important thing now is to restore the repair, then whispered to the paragraph fragrance:

"Sister, Linger, I need to retreat. After twenty days, I will completely rehabilitate. These days, the Yuanyuan Xianguo will trouble you. If there is something that can't be dealt with, go to the Ziyan sister."

"Yes, we will!" Duan Xiangxiang and Tang Linger glanced at Xu Ziyan with gratitude.

Duan Tianya’s right hand moved, and the broken dragon stone slowly fell. Block the figure of the end of the world.

"Ziyan, thank you!" Duan Fangxiang and Tang Linger will kneel down towards Xu Ziyan. On the one hand, Xu Ziyan’s kindness to Duan’s family is too great. On the other hand, Xu Ziyan has now broken through the Da Luo Jin Xian, and kneels down to a big Luo Jinxian, and does not lose face.

Xu Ziyan did not let the paragraph scented and squatted, stepping forward and stepping with the hands of the fragrance and Tang Linger. Whispered to the paragraph fragrance:

"You are the sister of the world, me too!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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