The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1336: Volatility

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), Tu Yishui classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), the pink ticket of the mullet demon classmate (100)!


Duan Xiangxiang was crying. She knew that the friendship between Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya had stood the test. I was moved, and I heard Xu Ziyan said:

"The matter of the Yuanyuan Xianguo is given to my sister. I am going to see the king of Duobao. I will be able to safely leave the lower galaxies."

"I will go with you." Duan Xiangxiang Tang Linger wiped his tears and said.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and everyone flew to Duobao Tianwangfu.

Standing in front of the Duobao Tianwangfu, I checked the body of Duobao Tianwang, and Xu Ziyan counted it. As long as a Zengshou Dan can completely treat Duobao Tianwang, he smiled and said to Duobao Tianwang:

"Duobao Tianwang, do you remember that I said that I want to give you a remedy?"

The eyes of Duobao Tianwang are bright, and he immediately remembered that Xu Ziyan once said that he would send him a thousand years of life. Originally thought that he was going to die, suddenly hoped that he would appear in front of him, let his excited lips linger, but could not speak. Xu Ziyan knew his mood at this time and whispered:

"Duobao Tianwang, do you have a secret room here? I need alchemy."

"Yes!" Although the voice of Duobao Tianwang was hoarse, it revealed excitement.

"Light up. Take Lingbo Tianwang to be the father's secret room."

At this time, Zong Liang felt how mentally ill he was at the beginning and how wise his father was. Making a decision on Xu Ziyan was a wise decision for his father, and he had to sigh his father's eyes. Respectfully took Xu Ziyan to his father's secret room, and then personally stood at the door of the secret room to serve as a guard.

Five days later. Xu Ziyan refines three Zengdan. Put three Zengshoudan in the jade bottle, and Xu Ziyan sat there remembering the parents who are still on the mainland. Xu Ziyan calculated that the life expectancy of parents should be more than one hundred years, but now they have increased their life. But can not give to their parents, his face can not help but stunned. I remembered the grandfather on the earth, I am afraid I have passed away! The face can't help but be more sad.

For a long time, a sigh, Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground, opened the door of the secret room, and went out. Seeing the look of Zong Liang, Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"Go. Go to your father!"

Zong Liang’s face was excited and hurriedly led the way. Soon, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the bed of Duobao Tianwang and handed him a jade bottle.

Duobao Tianwang excitedly shook his hands and took the jade bottle, opened the lid, and poured Zengshou Dan into the entrance. Xu Ziyan saw that Duobao Tianwang had entered the cultivation, and the breath that came out of his body indicated that he was recovering. He whispered to Zong Liang. Zong Liang personally sent Xu Ziyan and others to the gate, thankful, and waited until the disappearance of Xu Ziyan, and hurriedly flew toward his father.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Xiangxiang talked about it once and immediately left the Yuanyuan City and returned to the Flying Star.

She didn't have much time left, sitting in her own courtyard and thinking about what should be left for Xu. From the device one, the second, Dan one. Dan II. Array one, Fuyi there, all the five products that they refine in the past few days, Xiandan. The flag and the fairy were taken out and handed over to Xu Tianlang. Then I took out the alchemy. The jade, the refinery, and the jade of the array were handed to Xu Tianwo:

"Sirius brother, this is the biggest reliance of Xu family, which is the inheritance of the alchemy system and the refinement of the array. It is the most important thing, it must be preserved, and in the future, after the Xujia disciples continue to fly up, I will pass these on to Xu’s disciples."

"Yes!" Xu Tianwo immediately took the four jade slips and solemnly agreed.

Xu Ziyan originally had the idea of ​​the first one, Dan Yi, Fu Yi and Yan Yi left, only with the second and Dan two left the lower galaxies. However, thinking of this is related to my own secrets, it is still too dangerous, and finally dispelled this idea.

In the following days, Xu Ziyan began to make the six-character fairy with all the time. She wanted to leave some cards for Xu. At a time when Xu Ziyan left, the Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang came to the Flying Star King. Xu Ziyan also felt that he had produced a lot of six-character charms. In addition to leaving five for himself, he handed over the remaining 82 pieces to Xu Tianwo.

After a few days of entertaining Duan Tianya and Duobao Tianwang, I was happy with the Xu family for a few days. At the same time, I also met with the stars in the territory. Xu Ziyan finally left under the eyes of the public.

Duan Tianya holds the hand of Xu Ziyan. For a long time, he couldn’t say a word. In the end, he only said two words:

" Take care!"

According to the map given by the guardian, Xu Ziyan came to an ice sheet. At the end of the ice sheet is a towering snow-capped mountain. The shape of Xu Ziyan flew toward the top of the snow-capped mountains. The more you fly, the more pressure you feel. Xu Ziyan understands that if it is not Da Luo Jinxian, there is no possibility of flying to the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Xu Ziyan opened the cloud and saw the guardian standing above the foothills. Seeing that Xu Ziyan’s figure flew up, the guardian laughed and said:

"Xu Daoyou, you are finally here!"

Xu Ziyan knows that the guardian wants to know his identity very easily. When the body shape falls in front of the guardian, he will hand over the ceremony:

"I haven't asked the Taoist friend how to call it?"

The guardian said with a warm smile: "My name is Lan Ruoyun. Let's go, let's walk and say."

"Xie Landaoyou!"

Xu Ziyan also smiled and walked side by side with Lan Ruoyun. Less than a hundred meters before the trip, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly without notice. Because she saw that Lan Ruoyun was taking her to a five-piece fairy. With the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Liu Pinxian, how could you not see that there is a five-pronged array in front of you?

However, she only frowned slightly and stretched out. She is a six-character singer, and she has a singer-eyed eye that can see through the tactics, and even more smashed the magical powers. And Xu Ziyan also thinks that it is very likely that the transmission array to the Zhongyuan galaxies is in this fairy tales.

When Lan Ruoyun saw Xu Ziyan’s completely ignorant appearance, his heart was more relaxed.


In the lower meta-galaxies, will there be a monk who can see the five-character fairy tales? Will someone be able to break the five-character array?

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

The five-character sect is also a very powerful fairy tales in the Zhongyuan galaxies. If it wasn’t for him, he would be a singer, and how could he be sent here to defend one side, as he The guardian of the Yuan Galaxy? You know, in the lower galaxies, his cultivation is the highest. Want to collect resources, no one is his opponent.

When I stepped into the five-pronged array, the heart of Lan Ruoyun completely relaxed. As long as you enter this five-character array, don't say that Xu Ziyan is only the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, that is, the nine-day Xuanxian is only abused. Lan Ruoyun’s figure suddenly disappeared. In fact, he thought that his figure had disappeared in front of Xu Ziyan’s eyes. However, Xu Ziyan only saw a blue flash in his eyes, and he accurately found the position of Lan Ruoyun. However, Xu Ziyan pretended not to know where he was. At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew that this fairy squad was a ghost of Lan Ruoyun, but she did not know why Lan Ruoyun wanted to do so. Therefore, she pretended to panic and shouted:

"Blue Daoyou, where are you?"

"Hehehe... don't panic..." Lan Ruoyun said with a chuckle: "Xu Daoyou, tell you the truth. This fairy squad is a five-character squad. You want to kill you. This big Luo Jinxian is easy. I want you to cultivate to such a realm." It’s not easy, if it’s just fallen, it’s really sighing. Now I’m not embarrassing you, as long as you give me the two pieces of eight-pieces that you took out when you were in the robbery, I will let you out. Send you to the Zhongyuan Galaxy."

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan's Yan Peng, she saw the sorrow of Lan Ruoyun. I understand very well that I have handed over the eight-character ware, and Lan Ruoyun has also made up my mind to kill myself. The reason why he first handed over the eight-piece fairy, he was afraid to attack him with the eight-piece fairy.

Xu Ziyan thought well, and Lan Ruoyun thought that he would first collect the two pieces of the eight-piece fairy of Xu Ziyan, and then kill Xu Ziyan. Although he laid out a five-character array, Xu Ziyan has two pieces of eight-piece fairy. Who knows if this fairy squad can withstand the bombardment of the eight-piece fairy? After all, he has not seen the power of the eight-piece fairy.

Xu Ziyan must die, and she grabbed her two pieces of eight ornaments. Even if she doesn't turn her face right away. When she grows up, she will definitely find her own revenge. He Lan Ruoyun can give Xu Ziyan this opportunity?

Xu Ziyan understood that it was two celestial devices that were greedy. Xu Ziyan’s mind quickly thought about it. There are two things in the world that can't be passed to the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Now, there are only two things that are known as Lan Ruoyun, and those who watched their own robbers may not have that vision. recognize. In order to get these two pieces of fairyware alone, Lan Ruoyun must not tell others. Just kill him by yourself.

However, if he kills him, it will inevitably lead to doubts about the galaxy. Why did Lan Ruoyun die when he went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy?

Xu Ziyan’s look was hesitant. Her hesitation was seen by Lan Ruoyun in her eyes. She thought that Xu Ziyan was hesitating to give him the fairy, and further said:

"Xu Daoyou, I don't want your fairy, you pay a price, I can pay you Xianjing!"

Xu Ziyan’s mind was in the air, and he suddenly remembered the soul of the soul. I immediately got an idea in my heart. The face is hesitant again:

"How many fairy crystals can you give me?"

Xu Ziyan chats with Lan Ruoyun, and will merge the eyes of Peng Peng with the gods to explore this fairy tales. It takes a lot of time and means for Xu Ziyan to completely break this fairy tales. But it is not difficult to just come and go in this fairy tales. It’s just a matter of time, I will understand this fairy tales.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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