The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1337: Zhongyuan Galaxy

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At this time, Lan Ruoyun seems to be impatient with Xu Ziyan and his constant bargaining, and he has a cold drink:

"Xu Daoyou, don't bargain with me any more. As long as you hand over two pieces of fairy, I promise you all the requirements!"

The voice just fell, and the shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly disappeared in his vision. A look of a glimpse, but suddenly found Xu Ziyan's figure appeared in front of him. One hand has been pressed against the top of his head. He does not dare to move, because he feels that the power of Xu Ziyan is not so simple as the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. He feels stronger than the beginning of the nine days of Xuanxian. He has no doubt that as long as he has the idea of ​​moving, Xu Ziyan will let him die in an instant.

Just when Xu Ziyan’s right hand pressed on the head of Lan Ruoyun, his left hand was not idle. He crossed an arc in the air and took it to Lan Ruoyun’s Dantian. In her palm, a void painting is rushing. Generated.


Xu Ziyan took a palm on the blue field of Lan Ruoyun. A mysterious pattern was hidden in his body. His Dantian was completely sealed by Xu Ziyan, and he could not mobilize a little fairy power.

Xu Ziyan released his hand and looked at himself in front of himself with a look of fear.

In fact, Xu Ziyan is able to subdue Lan Ruoyun. But definitely not how easy. That is because Lan Ruoyun is too careless, and does not think that Xu Ziyan can find his place in the Wupinxian array, so he has no preparation at all, and it is completely relaxed. Moreover, he has always been thinking about swindling Xu Ziyan to hand over the fairy. This gave Xu Ziyan the opportunity to easily hold him.

However, Lan Ruoyun is also an old monk, but after a moment of fear, he calmed down. The tone threatens:

"Xu Ziyan, what do you want to do? Hurry and let me go. If anything happens to me, my family will know immediately, and I will never let you go, it will make you difficult in the middle galaxies."

Xu Ziyan simply did not take care of him. He took out a character that controlled the soul from the storage ring, and then took out the fairy to cut his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the soul of the soul. Take a shot. Then I will control the soul of the soul into the blue sea. In addition, he slammed the fingerprint of the seal of Lan Ruoyun Dantian. The blue Ruoyun sighed and screamed in front of Xu Ziyan:

"See the host!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "Get up!"

Lan Ruoyun stood up respectfully, Xu Ziyan looked at the blue Ruoyun in front of him, and thought about it faintly:

"Do you have Luo Hongcao on your body?"

"No!" Lan Ruoyun shook his head.

"Then you know where you can find the Zhongyuan galaxies?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly.

Lan Ruoyun frowned and thought: "It is said that it can be found in the swamp flower sea, but occasionally it will be auctioned!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Do you know the Zhongyuan Galaxy Xu family?"

Lan Ruoyun nodded: "That is a second-rate family. The strength is not strong or weak. I don't understand the specifics."

"Do you have a map of the meta-galaxies?"


"Mark the address of the Xu family."

Lan Ruoyun immediately took out a jade slip and transmitted the gods into it. Marked Xu’s address and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked at it roughly, and he closed the jade. I thought about it again. Besides, I don’t think there are 80 million best crystals and 500 million lower grades. I don’t have Chinese and top grades, so I said to Lan Ruoyun:

"Give me half of your favorite crystals and top grades."


Lan Ruoyun sorted it out and handed two storage rings to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan swept in the inside and saw that there were only one million top grades and ten million yuan of fine crystals, and they licked their mouths:

"Not rich! It is far worse than my master!"

After thinking about it, I feel that there is nothing more needed. Seriously said to Lan Ruoyun:

"You also know my origins. Later in the next meta-galaxies to take care of the Xu family, do you understand?"

"Understood, the old slave understands!" Lan Ruoyun tried hard to nod.

"Okay, send me away!"

"is that……"

Xu Ziyan saw that Blue Ruoyun seemed to have something to say. She knows that Lan Ruoyun at this time is already the slave of her own soul, and his thoughts and thoughts are all for himself. Then whispered:

"What do you have to say?"

"That... Master, you'd better use something like a fairy or a fairy to cover up your repairs. If you go to the Zhongyuan Galaxy with the repair of the late Luo Jinxian's peak, it will cause some trouble. ”

Xu Ziyan heard it immediately and understood that there is also a monk handle on the other side of the transmission array. If you transmit it in the past, it will cause doubt and unnecessary trouble. Xu Ziyan immediately took out the pen, the blood and skin of the fairy, made a collection of charms, and then opened it on the body, and adjusted his cultivation to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

Lan Ruoyun honestly took Xu Ziyan to leave the fairy tales and walked toward a cave. Entering into an ice cave, Xu Ziyan saw a huge transmission array. Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly became excited. Stepping into the transmission array, he shouted:

"Zhongyuan Galaxy, Xu Jia, I am coming!

Xu Ziyan felt into a black hole, and the gods were a little dizzy. And this time of vertigo is longer than the transmission between the planets of the lower galaxies. There is a time of nearly twenty interest, feeling bright in front of me, my body appears in a wide hall.

"come out!"

I heard a voice of indifference, Xu Ziyan saw that he was standing in a transmission array, but also had time to look around, first stepped out of the transmission array. Look in the direction of the sound. I saw a monk reaching out and pointing to the side:

"Go there and wait!"

Xu Ziyan looked down at his finger and saw that there were already forty monks standing there in the direction of his fingers. Xu Ziyan walked there and looked at the forty monks, and saw that it was Da Luojinxian. In the early days, we know that these forty monks have just been transferred from the lower galaxies like themselves.

In this way, Xu Ziyan will understand that there is more than one transmission array in the lower yuan, and there is more than one guardian. It should be that the Da Luo Jinxian of the lower galaxies is transferred to the center through different transmission arrays. Well, maybe the Central Galaxy is not only a concentrated place here, but here is just one of them.

I walked to the side of the main hall, and I looked around the main hall. The entire hall is very large, giving a sense of simplicity. In the center of the main hall, there is a nine-day monk in the early days of Xuanxian sitting on a chair with closed eyes and a leisurely appearance.

Around the transmission array, there were eight monks of the late Luo Jinxian late peaks, and they took their eyes back. They saw four giant Luo Jinxian’s late peak monks standing there in front of themselves and others, standing in a low voice, occasionally looking Xu Ziyan, the monks who just came here, flashed their disdain and contempt in their eyes, and they all looked like a tall one.

Xu Ziyan secretly shook his head and ignored it. I know that there is nothing to sigh. These people will inevitably have a feeling of pride in front of the monks who have just come to the Chinese galaxies, and their cultivation is indeed higher than the monks who have just come to the Chinese galaxies. Have proud capital.

Looking at the forty monks around and looking at them one by one, I couldn’t help but laugh. These monks must also be the big men in the lower galaxies, and many of them should be a jade emperor. Now it has been thrown coldly here, maybe just because of dissatisfaction and being scolded. However, the situation is stronger than people, and they only have patience. Only the look on the face is faintly angry.

After Xu Ziyan saw everything around him, he stood there quietly. The look was very calm, and the eyes looked curiously at the transmission array in the center of the main hall.

After a long time, I saw that the transmission array in the center of the hall was lit up, and then a figure appeared in the transmission array. Another monk was sent over. The procedure was the same, and the monk was also rushed to Xu Ziyan.

Originally, Xu Ziyan thought that it would be waiting for a day here. I didn’t think that this was seven days. The number of people who have been transferred has reached 92. Xu Ziyan and others are waiting impatiently, but they only have to be patient. Because three days ago, a monk said a few words of impatientness, he was dragged out of the crowd by the peaks of the late Luo Jinxian, and sealed Dan Tian. He snorted and slammed.

In fact, it was not a big injury to the monk, and he later untied his seal and let him return to the crowd. However, those who seem to be receiving the transmitted monks day after day in this hall have become bored. It’s fun to take the **** completely, and it’s so happy that the shackled monk is ashamed to die. Under such an example, who else dares to speak again, as long as they can only swallow their voices and shut up. Xu Ziyan simply closed his eyes and realized the seven-character charm.

After another day, no more monks were sent. The one who sat in the center kept his eyes closed for nine days. Xuan Xian raised his hand and gently knocked on the table.

A monk in the late Luo Jinxian’s late stage went to the front of Xu Ziyan and others, faintly said:

"You have now broken through the Da Luo Jin Xian, and came to the Zhongyuan Galaxy from the Lower Yuan Galaxy. However, the establishment of this transmission array has cost a lot of precious resources, and the annual maintenance is also costly. It is not free for you to use. So, you have two roads now, one is to hand over one million of the next, and the other is to mine for three years."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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