The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1345: Enchantment

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Gong screen paused for a while, drank a drink and continued to whisper:

"In the end, the holy fruit, the holy fruit is useless for the monks of the Xianjun period. It is only useful for the nine-day Xuanxian or the following monks. The most important thing is that the holy fruit is not grown in the land, but is strangely grown in The head of a fairy beast. This kind of fairy beast is called the earthly bear. It is called the earthly bear because it is a variation of the bear of the earth.

I don't know why, a tree grows on its head, and not all the earth bears grow on the head of the holy fruit tree, which makes it difficult to find the fruit. Because the earth bear is a fairy, it is running around, it is difficult to meet.

Therefore, it has lost its appeal. How many times the opening of the Peng-Peng world has not occurred, and the holy fruit has become a legend. Therefore, each family eventually focused on the cultivation and picking of herbs by family disciples. This does not need to send a high-ranking monk. If it is not the repair of Gong Yuan, it will be stuck in the late peak of Da Luo Jinxian. If you want to enter the Peng Peng world and try to find a breakthrough, I will not let him in, but will send a repair. The lower disciple travels. ”

Xu Ziyan was in a state of sorrow. After the banquet, Xu Ziyan politely and Gong Gong explained that he had prepared to retreat in the deer park for ten days. Gong Mu told me very well that he would not come to bother.

Returning to the deer's own room, Xu Ziyan informed Tu Xingmang through the control of the soul. The tone of Texan Mang is full of disappointment. Wait until Xu Ziyan and she said that she would try her best to find a fruit for her. The tone of Texan Mang reveals hope.

In the next ten days, Xu Ziyan began to make six-character fairy. After all, many of the cards of Xu Ziyan are now wounded when they are robbed, and they can no longer be used. And the giant sword has become more ethereal since it swallowed the purple scorpion. Xu Ziyan is really not sure that he can be moved at the crisis. There is only one fire spirit left. I always feel that I am not very reliable. I only have to make some six-character charms to defend myself.

In the tense and busy schedule of Xu Ziyan, a dozen days passed by, and the days of the opening of the Peng Pengjie arrived. Xu Ziyan was invited by Gong Gong to the deer park. I asked Gong Gong and knew that the owner of the Gong family was still in retreat.

Gong Mu introduced his son Gong Yuan to Xu Ziyan, and Gong Yuan saw that Xu Ziyan was also the peak of Da Luo Jinxian's late stage, and there was a bit of respect in his eyes.

Gong curtain released the fairy boat and carried two people to the Tianzhu Mountain.

When I came to Tianzhu Mountain, I saw that many monks had arrived, and went, and there was a constant stream of celestial boats flying in the sky. Xu Ziyan came to the front with the father and son of Gong, and the father and son of Gong went to the monks of all parties. Xu Ziyan was standing there with a slight drop of his eyes.

Now she changes her appearance and does not want to interact with other monks. And those monks also know that Xu Ziyan is the person who took out the six-pronged immortal to treat the family of Gong, and they have some activities in mind, and they want to come up and make some friends. However, when Xu Ziyan refused to look like a thousand miles away, he suddenly stopped. One by one, waiting to enter the Peng Peng world. In the opportunity to let the disciples of their family get to know Xu Ziyan.

After Gong Muhan smashed it, he returned to Xu Ziyan with Gong Yuan. Smiling and said:

"Master Han, waiting to enter the Peng Peng world, let the dogs follow you, and take care of each other."

Xu Ziyan raised his eyes and shook his head slightly: "I will not delay the chance of Gong Yuan, I am used to one person."

Gong Mu’s face was awkward, but Gong Yuan’s face showed a happy color. He entered the Peng Peng world just to find a chance to break through, and he was not willing to follow Xu Ziyan.

Gong Gong saw that Xu Ziyan refused, and he stopped talking. Just a sigh in my heart. It seems that there are not many opportunities to meet the masters of the cold.

After two hours. The Peng Peng border opened.

A sudden opening of the mouth in the sky, from the mouth, can see the rolling hills and lush trees inside.

Xu Ziyan followed the famous monks who flew toward the Peng Peng area and entered the Peng Peng world. Xu Ziyan could not help but secretly nod.

This is a small world similar to the dragon's world, but it feels much bigger than the dragon's world. The rich fairy power came to the surface. Xu Ziyan first ignored the direction. In a moment, a big move was made and disappeared at the entrance of the Peng Peng border. Leave all the people behind.

The figure stopped in the air, and at this time she has become a single person. She knows that it is a matter of chance to find the holy fruit, and she can't deliberately do it. The gods spread and began to pick a variety of herbs. As long as it is a vintage of the year, Xu Ziyan has all collected the purple smoke space and threw it to the peach blossom.

The purple smoke space has passed through the mainland of the Cangwu, and the herbal medicines that have been collected by the lower galaxies have now been opened up by the peach blossoms in eighty-nine medicinal gardens. The medicinal gardens have a wide variety and the age of the herbs is also very long. Because the herbs here are almost all transplanted from the outside, it has a long year. There are many rare herbs.

Of course, there are also more than twenty herbs planted in the short-lived herbs, which are all terminated from the seeds picked by those years of herbs. Nowadays, Xu Ziyan has been throwing in a lot of herbs, and Peach Blossom and Chun Sanniang have begun to lead the demons to start a new drug garden.

Xiaobai didn't know when he flew to the purple smoke star. When he saw Xu Ziyan and constantly threw a lot of herbs into it, he knew that the owner didn't know what interesting place he had. I called Xu Ziyan in the space and wanted to come out.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and Xiaobai was also good as a mount. He released Xiaobai, and Xiaobai was released. Without the imagination of Ziyan, he stood there. Xu Ziyan stopped collecting herbs and looked at Xiao Baidao strangely:

"White, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaobai shook his head, his eyes became clear and clear: "Master, I heard a call, it has been calling me to a place."

Xu Ziyan erected his ears and listened carefully. He frowned and said, "I didn't hear it!"

"Really!" Xiaobai said firmly: "It has been calling me, and is still calling."

Xu Ziyan thinks a little, and his heart is a jump: "This small world is called the Peng Peng world. Is it that this small world is a post-mortem of Zhai Peng? So, as Xiao Peng, who is a Kun Peng, entered here, it caused resonation and it was justified. ""

Xu Ziyan’s heart beats violently. This may be a chance, and it belongs to Xiaobai’s chance. Xu Ziyan’s heart made a decision in an instant:

"Go, let's go along."

"Well! Thank you, master!"

Xiaobai’s body turned to a vertical and turned into a Peng Peng. Xu Ziyan took a step in the air and flew on the back of Xiaobai. Xiaobai carried Xu Ziyan and flew quickly in the direction of calling.

At the speed of Xiaobai, such as the peak of today's fairy, he also flew for three days and three nights, and then hovered around a plain, showing how big this Peng Peng world is.

Xu Ziyan was puzzled by sitting on the back of Xiaobai, why Xiaobai was hovering here. Then I asked:

"White, how have you been hovering here?"

"Master, the call is from here, but I can't find it."

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows jumped slightly, and the knowledge spread spread out over the entire grassland. After an hour, Xu Ziyan has scanned the top and bottom here three times, but still has not found it. In my heart, I thought to myself:

“Is there an enchantment here?”

With the direction in mind, Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of Kun Peng and looked around. Sure enough, in her eyes, she found an enchantment.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, laughing toward Xiaobai: “Xiaobai, there is an enchantment there, how can you not see it as a 鲲鹏?”

Xiaobai stunned and then depressed and said: "We are able to see through all the enchantments, but that is our life-threatening power. When we don't use it, we can't see the enchantment. When I was in a hurry, I forgot. ”

Xiao Bai immediately mobilized his life, and that layer of enchantment appeared in her vision. A pair of wings rushed toward the enchantment.


Xiaobai did not hinder the enchantment.


Xu Ziyan was bounced back by the layer of enchantment, that is, the body of Xu Ziyan was strong enough, otherwise the fly was rebounded and injured and vomiting blood.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and stabilized his figure in the air, and his eyes were blue.


Breaking through the magical powers, two blue lights blasted toward the enchantment.


Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, and the two lines of tears flowed down. That layer of enchantment could not be broken, and it hurt the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, a large head that saw Xiaobai stretched out from the enchantment and shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"Master, you come to my mouth, I will bring you in."

Xu Ziyan had to fly to Xiaobai's mouth in a depressed mood, then smacked his head into the enchantment, and then spit out Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan came out of Xiaobai’s mouth, he felt his injured eyes recover quickly. Open your eyes and see that this is a enchantment with a radius of 100 meters. The blue gas is floating in the enchantment, but this blue gas is healing the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately stood there and did not move, absorbing these blue gases. Xiaobai has already changed back to the human form and leaped and ran inside the enchantment.

Xu Ziyan stood in the enchantment for three days and three nights. Not only was the injury to both eyes completely cured, but there was no small improvement. However, she also felt that the blue gas in the enchantment had lost its effect on her eyes.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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