The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1346: Earthly bear

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Rubbing my eyes, I saw the shape of the little white bounce in her vision. When I saw Xu Ziyan woke up, Xiao Bai slammed into the front of Xu Ziyan, pulling Xu Ziyan to a head. The size of the ball is in front of you, pointing to the ball:

"Master, this enchantment turned out to be a legacy of the fallen 鲲Peng ancestors. She still retains this faint fascination, just talked to me, she told me many ancient secrets."

“Hmmm?” Xu Ziyan was immediately attracted by Xiao Bai’s words, and immediately asked: “What is the secret of the ancients, let me listen.”

“Yeah!” Xiaobai said, nodding his head: “It is said that in the ancient times, there was an evil master called 琅琊. He offended the lord and the lord, and the lord and the lord joined forces to fight the evil. Although the last The evil master was defeated, and the seal was in a secret place that the predecessor of the Peng Peng did not know. However, the lord and the lord also received the wound. At this time, the master of the ancestors of the 鲲peng thought that he was the time to dominate the fairy world. When I arrived, I began to fight against the Lord and the Lord. The entire fairy world was chaotic.

But the more serious consequence is that I don’t know where to come from, but the Kuitian’s repair is not weaker than the demon Lord, and his actions are even worse than the original evil Lord. Finally, the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kuitian inevitably went to a place. It was a chaos, and the lord and the lord joined forces again. But the demon Lord and Kui Tian did not join forces.

This war lasted for several years, directly hitting the fairy world and crashing, killing and killing countless immortals. Finally, the Lord, the Lord. The demon Lord and the Quebec disappeared, and they did not know that it was a serious injury. However, the entire fairy world has been transformed into the upper galaxies, the middle galaxies and the lower galaxies.

The seniors of Kunpeng are willing to pass on this Peng Peng world to me, but they require me to avenge the demon in the future. If the lord, the devil and the prince are not dead, and finally re-born. Let me kill them as much as I can. ”

Xu Ziyan thought a little and asked: "What about the gods of the seniors?"

"Dissipated!" Xiaobai said sadly.

"Have you promised the Peng Peng predecessor?" Xu Ziyan asked solemnly.

"Responsible!" Peng Peng's predecessors said that she has been reluctant to dissipate that sorrowful consciousness, just to wait for a singer to come. If I refuse her, her strength of consciousness will not last long, and she will detonate the entire Peng Peng world. Therefore, I vowed to agree. Anyway, when I am able to reach the lord, the devil, the squadron, and the revenge.

"That..." Xu Ziyan's look asked a little dignifiedly: "If the demon Lord is not dead, re-born, are you going to help him? Or I will be opposed to the demon in the future, how are you going?"

The little white eyeballs turned around in the eyelids and smirked and said: "Master, I just vowed to avenge the demon when I have the ability in the future, to kill the lord, the devil and the Kuitian. But did not swear To join the demon's camp, assist the demon Lord. So if the master and the demon collide, I naturally help the owner."

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but still said softly:

"White, if I want to find the lord in the future, the devil and the vengeance. I will help you. If I have a conflict with the demon in the future, I will not help you. You just need to stay in the purple smoke space. It is."

The white eyes are grateful, and the lips are groaning and don't know what to say. Xu Ziyan reached out and touched Xiaobai’s head and said with a smile:

"Go, Xiaobai, go to refining this Peng Pengzhu."

"Master, there is one more thing, I have slightly refining a little Peng Peng, you see!"

When the words fell, Xiaobai extended a finger on the 鲲鹏珠, and there was a picture on the 鲲鹏珠, but it was the map of the whole 鲲鹏界.

"Master, you give me a jade, I will send you the map inside the Peng Peng. The herbs in the Peng Peng area are taken away, and I will not take alchemy anyway. It is a waste to stay with me. You take it, and then they will grow. Also, the master, no matter what you look at, it is useless to leave it, even if I move it. Once I refine this 鲲鹏珠, it will slowly Refining the entire Kunpeng border, by that time, this Peng Peng world will disappear, and a new Peng Peng world will be merged with my own Peng Peng."

Xu Ziyan heard the words in his heart, which indicates that once Xiao Bai completely refines the Peng Peng world, it will enhance the realm. And since in the future will form the heart of the Peng Peng world, the natural things in the old Peng Peng can freely relocate themselves, and have no effect on Xiao Bai.

Xu Ziyan immediately took out a jade slip and handed it to Xiaobai. After Xiaobai sent the map inside the Pengpeng boundary to Yujian, he sent Xu Ziyan out of the enchantment and immediately began refining the Peng Pengzhu. Xu Ziyan is outside the enchantment. He knows that Xiaobai refining the 鲲Pengzhu will be very fast, but it takes time to completely refine the 鲲鹏界.

Shake his head and stop worrying about Xiao Bai. Transmitting the knowledge into the jade, carefully observing the terrain inside the entire Peng Peng boundary. Suddenly, she jumped into the heart and saw a group of terrestrial bears in the map. There are hundreds of big bears in the earth. At first glance, you know that this is the nest of the earth.

Xu Ziyan immediately summoned the cloud baby, and took the baby to fly to the old nest of the earth. The earth's nest is in an extremely lush virgin forest in the deepest part of the Pengpeng border. There are all kinds of fairy boats in the forest, and they are cultivated as low people, and they are also high in the immortal period. No wonder it is hard to find.

Xu Ziyan turned the cloud baby into a cloud and flew toward the center of the forest in the sky, without disturbing any fairy beast around. Until she stayed in the sky above the bear of the old Cao.

Xu Ziyan looked down and saw hundreds of big bears in the forest. Xu Ziyan carefully looked down and found a secret. It is these land-based bears that have their own range of activities. They all operate within a radius of a kilometer and are willing to concentrate on a stone platform that is less than three meters high on the ground.

At this time, there is a big land bear lying on the stone platform. Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and the heart was a jump. The land-like bear lying on the stone platform at this time turned out to be a nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term. On the head of it is a fruit, and it looks mature.

Looking at other bears in the earth, I saw that not all the earth bears have stupa trees growing on their heads, but also bare and non-growth, accounting for one-third of the earth's different bears.

And the remaining two-thirds of the holy fruit on the head of the bear is not mature. Xu Ziyan carefully observed that the maturity of the fruit is not related to the repair of the earth bear, and some are high, but the head There are no signs of fruit on the fruit trees, and some are low, but the fruit trees on the head are already fruitful, but they are not yet mature. Hundreds of earthly bears, only the fruit on the head of the earth bear lying on the stone platform is ripe.

Xu Ziyan looked at the earthly bears below, and his thoughts fluttered. It is no wonder that the fruit has become a legend. It has not been for a long time that no monks have received the Holy Fruit in the Peng Peng world. These big bears are hiding here and will not be discovered. The reason why it was discovered a long time ago was that at the time of the fall of Lao Pengpeng, the turmoil in the Pengpeng world had some accidents, and some of the land bears were sent to other places in the Pengpeng world. After waiting for the big bears to be killed, naturally no one can find the land.

However, today's Xu Ziyan is very helpless. There are so many different land bears below, and there are still many repairs that are higher than her. She really doesn't know how to get the fruit. The most important thing is that the mature fruit is still on the head of the nine-day Xuanxian, running on the head of the bear of the earth to pull the fruit, and it is incredible to think about it.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and eventually wanted to take a risk. I have released a convergence symbol and a hidden character on my own body. Not only completely hides the breath of oneself, but also completely hides his whereabouts. Come out from the cloud baby and slowly fall to the ground.

The place where she fell was far away from the nest of the big bear, and she kept enough caution, and she was afraid that her own emptiness had to use the fairy power to alarm the earth bear. After that, it was like a mortal person who stepped closer to the nest of the earthly bear.

After walking for a day and a night, Xu Ziyan was close to the kilometer of the land bear. It is officially entered into the nest of the land of the bear.

As soon as he entered the nest of the earthly bear, Xu Ziyan was shocked. She found that the gravity within a kilometer was much higher than the gravity outside the kilometer. And the more you go inside, the greater the gravity, making the pace of Xu Ziyan gradually heavy.

In the distance, there was a figure in the distance, but it was a big bear, and ran towards him. Its speed shocked Xu Ziyan, and it was not affected by the slightest gravity. What does this mean? This shows that these land bears are not affected by gravity at all. Xu Ziyan’s heart is stunned. It’s no wonder that there are so many fairy beasts around here, even the fairy beasts of the immortal period, but they have not invaded the nest of the bears in the earth, because there is influence on gravity, but they are also opposite to these earth bears. There is no slight influence.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. These earthly bears belong to earthy beasts. Maybe these gravityes have no effect on them, but they are of great help to them.

At this time, the earthly bear has already ran to an ancient tree 20 meters away from Xu Ziyan. There is a hive on the old tree. The fairy land of the fairy is stealing honey from the hive. .


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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