The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1355: Three heads and six arms

Very early on, I promised to add more to the lord, because the work is busy, and there has been no addition. I am very sorry, today’s plus, for the 100,000 rewards of the lord.


The evil spirits suddenly widened, and the neck of Yanshan soul extended two more heads, and the body grew four arms, which turned out to be three heads and six arms.


A burst of noise, five people fought together.

The Xu Ziyan in the forest had a footstep and his face was discolored. The roar from the distance made Xu Ziyan feel shocked. The loud noise and the vibration caused by the space made Xu Ziyan understand that the people who fought in front of the battle at this time definitely exceeded their own strength.

"Is it the four ancestors of Jiang, Xiang, Chu, and Yun?"

Xu Ziyan suddenly stunned: "Or is the Yanshan soul playing with the four ancestors?"

Xu Ziyan is not calm, and he will not be careful to move forward. The figure flutters and moves away toward the front.

As soon as he flew out of the forest, Xu Ziyan's body shape once again stopped in the air, the scene in front of him was too shocking, beyond the imagination of Xu Ziyan.

In her vision, there are five big mountains, one from east to west, and one in the middle of the four mountains. At this time, at the peak, there are five people fighting fiercely. However, this is not a shock to Xu Ziyan. What shocked her is that there are many monks in her field of vision. These monks are either picking herbs, walking, or flying, and their postures are different, but only The same thing is that they are still at this time.

Like a statue, but they are not statues. It is a monk. There are three monks in the air, but they are still in the air. There are two people playing chess under the tree, and one person is holding a chess piece, but it has not yet fallen. The other person is holding a teapot. This is pouring tea. The tea has flowed out of the spout, but it is still in the air.

what on earth is it?

What is happening here?


There was another loud noise in the sky, and Xu Ziyan was awakened from the shock. Looking up. Five people who saw the sky above the mountain became a group. Xu Ziyan flew up and flew toward the mountain peak. When the distance was slightly closer, she recognized the three-armed and six-armed Yanshan soul at a glance. At the same time, I also recognized the ancestors of the family. The other three people did not think about it, and they knew that they were the three ancestors of Jiang, Chu and Yun.

Xu Ziyan looked sharply, because she had already seen the Yanshan Soul at this time, although she had three heads and six arms. Still completely falling behind the wind. The corner of the mouth has already flowed out of blood, and Xu Ziyan understands that if the body strength of Yanshan Soul is not weaker than himself, I am afraid that it is already dead.

The other four are the peaks of Xianjun's later period. Xu Ziyan knows that his own cultivation is not their opponent at all. The only thing that can compete with each other is his own body. Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate. In an instant, he rushed to the ancestors of the family, and the new hatred broke out on a fist.

The ancestors of Xiangjia naturally saw Xu Ziyan, but it was still a surprise. He was worried that he was a fairy like Yanshan. But when he saw it, he found that Xu Ziyan was only the peak of the late Luo Jinxian's late stage. His eyes were disdainful, and he arbitrarily punched his fist toward Xu Ziyan's fist.


The body of the ancestors of the family was blasted out, and everyone present was a glimpse. This result was completely unexpected. It is the Yanshan soul who is also looking at Xu Ziyan with a shocked face, but because Xu Ziyan changed his appearance. He did not recognize it. There was still a worry in my heart, I don’t know if Xu Ziyan was an enemy or a friend.

"Mountain spirit, I am purple smoke."

Xu Ziyan passed the sound of Yanshan soul, and the look of Yanshan soul was a surprise. He did not expect that Xu Ziyan had already arrived at the Zhongyuan Galaxy. At the same time, my heart is also very worried. Today, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is not the opponent of the four old ancestors.

Just in this moment. The ancestors of the family were angry, and they were shot by a peak of the late Luo Jinxian, and they were flying in front of the other three ancestors. Where is this face still?

The figure is like a meteor and rushes to Xu Ziyan. It is only in an instant that it is in front of Xu Ziyan, and the eight-piece fairy in his hand screams at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was in a wrong shape, flashing the attack of the other side and banging to the other side. The ancestors of the family retracted the fairy, and they crossed the chest.

"When ~~"

Xu Ziyan hit a sword on the ridge of the ancestors of the Xiang family. The body shape of the ancestors of the ancestors shook, and the shape of Xu Ziyan flew out. Although she relied on her own body, she was too much worse than her family.

The ancestors of the family had a slight brow, and he felt that the woman’s cultivation in front of her was actually not high, and it seemed that the body was very powerful. However, he still does not believe that the body of Xu Ziyan will be strong enough to compete with the strength of his immortal spirit. His body shape flashes and chases away from the shape of Xu Ziyan. The sword in his hand has a sword.

The shape of Xu Ziyan flashed in the flight, and escaped the swordsman of the ancestors of the family. He was strong in the shape of the air and rushed toward the ancestors of the family.


The two men collided again in the air, and the shape of Xu Ziyan fell, falling to the main hall of the mountain, and the back slammed against the gate. The inner government was shocked and a trace of blood leaked from the corners of the mouth.

And the ancestors of the Xiang family once again stunned the Xianjunwei to the Xu Ziyan. The Yanshan soul in the air suddenly screamed, and the figure was like a meteor who gave up the three ancestors who fought against him and ran into the ancestors of the family.

It is also the peak of the late Xianjun, but also has a difference. The four ancestors of Jiang, Xiang, Chu and Yun are only the peaks of Xianjun in the late period, while the Yanshan soul is the critical point of infinite proximity to the fairy king, which is higher than the four ancestors. Just above this line, let the speed of Yanshan soul definitely exceed the other side.

It can be said that if the Yanshan soul wants to run, these four ancestors can't stop him. It is the Yanshan spirit that does not run, with the inheritance of the shackles, and the powerful body, it is only falling in the wind, and is not in a desperate situation.

However, at this time, he saw the situation of Xu Ziyan, and no longer took care of the three people in front of him, colliding with the ancestors of the Xiang family.


Jiang family. The Chu family and the ancestors of the Yun family each issued a sacred technique to bombard the back of the Yanshan soul through space.


Yanshan soul mouth spurted blood, but the body shape was more rapid by bombardment, but in an instant, it caught up with the ancestors in the air. A big foot squatted on his face.


This foot will fly the ancestors of the family, and the whole body crashed into the mountain. There was a dark and deep hole in the mountain.

The shape of the Yanshan soul fell in front of Xu Ziyan, and the body shape of Xu Ziyan was sliding down the gate. The soul of Yanshan has just fallen to the front of Xu Ziyan, and the two heads above the shoulders will be pleasing. Four arms pulled out the afterimage, a huge fairy appeared in the air, and a mouth spurted a blood on the fairy. The fairy sang brightly, and a huge black hole appeared in the air to the three ancestors in the air. The three ancestors in the air are not stable, as if they were dragged by something and moved toward the black hole.


The mountain gravel flies. The ancestors of Xiangjia rushed out of the cave and saw the huge black hole from afar. They could not help but stunned.

Jiang family, Chu family and Yun family ancestors, constantly bear the fairy tales, and formed a layer of enchantment in front of their body, struggling to break free.

The shape of the Yanshan soul is awkward. The two heads above the shoulders disappeared, the four arms were gone, and the original look was restored, and the look became disappointing.

Xu Ziyan was in a hurry and looked up. The power of the black hole in the air was weakening. In the heart, the hands kept flying, and a piece of seven-character charms came out of the body. Layers were stacked in front of the gate, and a layer of defensive shield covered her and Yanshan.

Yanshan soul looked up. I saw that layer of shields covering both of them with the door. In my heart, I turned to Xu Ziyan and said:

"Ziyan, how powerful is this shield?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This defensive shield is made of seven kinds of fairy charms, although it is equivalent to the power of Xianjun. But the other side has four immortals, I am afraid that it will not last long."

“How long can I support?”

"About half an hour."


The face of Yanshan soul is showing joy. Turning around standing in front of the gate, he stretched out his fingers and made a sigh of relief from his fingers. The fingers quickly pulled up the blurred afterimages and portrayed them on the gate.

Xu Ziyan looked at the movement of Yanshan soul, and immediately realized that this is the opening of the door of Yanshan Spirit. This evil pattern should be like a key. Turning his head nervously looking at the four ancestors outside the shield.

At this time, the power of the black hole was rapidly falling, and the four ancestors joined forces and slammed away. Four people looked at the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan inside the shield, and their eyes flashed.

At this time, they also understand that Yanshan soul seems to be opening the door with a pattern, why Yanshan soul knows how to open the door, they do not know, but they did not think that Yanshan soul is the reincarnation of the evil. What they are thinking about is, if Yanshan soul opens the door and then closes the door, isn't this shutting himself out?

In the moment, I made up my mind. In any case, I must seize the Yanshan soul. After that, let Yanshan soul open the door, the initiative must be in your own hands.

Four people exchanged a look, and invariably bombarded the past with a defensive shield set by Xu Ziyan. The four people hold the eight-piece fairy, which makes Xu Ziyan feel shocked. Because of the strength of Xianjun and the increase of eight-piece fairy, the defensive shield set by Xu Ziyan is in jeopardy. In Xu Ziyan’s view, This shield will support less than two quarters of an hour.

Xu Ziyan immediately flew with his hands, and another piece of Zhang Xianfu appeared, and a layer of defensive shield was placed on top of each other. This is already all seven of her charms. If this still lasts less than half an hour, with the current state of Yanshan, there will be no chance for them to escape.


I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates, I am not Angel classmate, nikannikan classmate, rainjin classmate, 啃书皮的猫同学, 伊0722 classmate, ten meters deep white classmate, eryanu classmate, little song son classmate, Yu Xiaokai classmate, lida666 classmate, lida666 classmate, zhaojade Classmates, Miao Ling Qing Zhang classmates, daytime students, jg1959 classmates, snow marks 1225 classmates, summer aroma RR classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, mingliu2056 classmates, Taoist sparkling classmates, frogs in the middle of the frog classmates, big active pill classmates , write Xin Bao classmates, lhq5878 classmates, KELLY classmates who love dogs, classmates 090808154340312 classmates, flat and de bear tails classmates, snow night pistachio classmates, pig heads to Zunbao classmates, world students in your eyes, ancient spirits Phoenix classmates, 丶All students, Barcelona 410 students, crystal_416 classmates pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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