The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1356: Evil Lord

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Time seemed to be extremely fast, and the first layer of defensive shields had shattered, and the four ancestors were desperately bombarding the last layer of defensive shields.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Every bombardment seems to be bombarded in the heart of Xu Ziyan, making Xu Ziyan nervous. Seeing that this last layer of defensive shield is about to break.

Suddenly, Guanghua was released behind her, and Huoran turned back and looked at her eyes. The figure of Yanshan soul has become vague in Guanghua.

The four ancestors outside changed their faces, suddenly speeding up the bombardment and exploding all their potential.

Guanghua instantly dissipated, and Yanshan soul pulled Xu Ziyan with one hand and pushed the door to the door. The door showed a seam, and the figure of the two men swept in. The Yanshan soul returned and closed the door.


Two people heard a violent bombardment blasting over the gate, knowing that the defensive shield outside the gate had broken and the other party had begun to bombard the gate. Xu Ziyan looked worriedly at the Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul smiled gently:

"They can't open it!"

Stretching the hand of Xu Ziyan, said softly: "Let's go!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently, Ren Yanshan soul pulled his hand. Go inside the palace.

Xu Ziyan has been coming to the front door with Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul stretched out his hand and the two men walked in. Xu Ziyan looked up. Seeing inside is a row of shelves, Yanshan soul reached out and a hand, the two jade bottles on the shelf flew into his hands, handed a bottle of Xu Ziyan:

"We will recover the injury first!"

The words fall. Duan Tianya sat cross-legged, took out a medicinal medicine and swallowed it in, and closed his eyes.

Xu Ziyan also sat cross-legged, opened the bottle, and saw that there were ten nine-category chaos. In my heart, I was shocked. I looked at the soul of Yanshan. I remembered that this was the palace of the original evil. How could there be no higher things. Swallowed a medicinal herb. Then I picked up Qiankun.

Outside the gate, after the four ancestors bombarded for half an hour, they stopped unwillingly. At this time, they knew in their hearts that they could not open the door at all. The four ancestors suddenly looked bright, and they saw a palace on each of the four surrounding peaks. It is only a little smaller than the palace on the main peak.

The four men looked at each other and teleported toward a mountain. Then there was a violent bombardment. After half an hour, the four ancestors gathered together in a deflated manner, that is, the palaces on the four peaks, and they did not have the slightest way.

Jiu Pin Xian Dan is not a nine-character immortal, just an hour of time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul both opened their eyes, Xu Ziyan heart rejoicing infinite, she found that this is only a nine-pronged immortal, has already pushed her cultivation to a half step Nine days of Xuan Xian. Look from the outside. She is still the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. However, in fact, she has already broken the barrier of half a day and nine centuries. As long as she accumulates a little time, or takes another nine-character fairy, she will immediately break through the nine-day Xuan Xian.

but. Seeing that Yanshan soul stood up from the ground, she still restrained her desires. Also stood up from the ground.

"Ziyan, let's go, I want the four immortals to die here."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse, and the heart said: “Is it true that the Yanshan soul has broken through to the fairy king?”

However, when she opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and saw that the soul of Yanshan was still the peak of the late Xianjun, she curiously followed the Yanshan soul out of the room and walked toward a room in the middle.

Yanshan soul reached out and pushed the door open. A stone-like stone with a head full of size was hovering in the air.

This is the town hall stone monument!

Yanshan soul hands constantly in the air with a fairy, a fairy imprinted into the crystal, for a quarter of an hour, the original crystal that released the light became ordinary, no longer release the light, like a transparent The stone monument floats.

Yanshan soul waved, the stone tablet floated to the front of Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul several fingers into it, they saw the appearance of four ancestors in the stone monument.

The face of Yanshan soul suddenly showed anger. At this time, Xu Ziyan saw through the stone tablet that four ancestors were collecting herbs in a very large medicine garden.

Yanshan soul extended his right hand on the stone monument, only to see a loud bang in the air, four big lightnings rushed to the four ancestors. It was a surprise to see the purple smoke through the stone monument. This lightning is too familiar, and it turned out to be purple and thunder.

Do not!

It is even stronger than the power of the purple thunder!

The four ancestors responded in an instant, recruiting eight ornaments, and zoomed in on the moment, blocking their heads.


The four ancestors were directly blasted into the ground.


The four figures rushed out of the ground and fled to the evil Lord's house without stopping. The ancestors of the Xiang family passed through a static monk in the hall of the evil spirits. They moved in the heart and reached out and took a monk into the storage ring. The other three ancestors also looked at each other and received a static monk. Just thinking about collecting more, but not knowing that their actions completely angered Yanshan soul.

The massive lightning in the air rushed to the four ancestors.

Even if the four ancestors had the cover of eight ornaments, they were spurted in the air, and they dared not stop doing it. They were slanted and slanted, while spurting blood, while frantically The entrance to the passage rushes away.


Another four thunder and lightning hit the four ancestors.


The four old ancestors squirted blood, and their bodies fell into the channel in the air.


The sound of Yanshan snorted, and the four ancestors in the passage had just breathed a sigh of relief. I heard the screaming thunderous voice coming from inside the passage, and looked up and saw the dense shackles rushing toward them.

The four people smiled bitterly and struggled to rush out.

at this time. All the martyrdoms are in a mess. Originally, as long as they did not enter the scope of the sputum reaction, those cockroaches would not move. Even if the monk provokes a jealousy, only if you have the ability to withdraw from the scope of the reaction, then you will not catch up.

but. It is different now. I don't know if those cockroaches suddenly rioted, and they still chased those monks outside the scope. This time, the monks suffered heavy losses, and one call sign fled to the outside of the evil Lord.

From the various ramps, these shackles began to gather in all directions from the channels of the four ancestors, densely stacked.

The four ancestors killed one layer after another, almost exhausted and trapped in the embarrassment. It is not easy for them to kill the evil temple. It’s difficult to get tired even in the air. The four ancestors did not dare to stay in the slightest. In their current state, a nine-day Xuan Xian could have their life. And they have a lot of enemies in the middle galaxies. Therefore, they took advantage of the fact that no one had reacted yet, took out the fairy boat and left immediately.

The door of the House of Evil Lords suddenly closed, and the sound of "嗖" disappeared in front of everyone.

Inside the house of evil spirits. Yanshan soul gloomy face, the hand printed on the stone tablet received back, hate to say:

"It's cheaper for these four old dogs!"

"Mountain Soul, was the lightning that attacked the four ancestors just sent out by you? What lightning power is there, how is it similar to the purple thunder and lightning?"

The face of Yanshan soul gradually slowed down and said softly: "Those lightning is controlled by this stone. It is not a purple lightning, but a purple scorpion that is more powerful than the purple lightning. If it is not my repair, Low, can't completely control this evil main hall, the four old dogs can't escape today."

"This... or you... repaired as a low result..." Xu Ziyan was surprised and his eyes turned. Look around. Mind:

"Where is this evil temple going to be strong?"

When Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan’s thoughts, he smiled and said: “This evil main hall was made by the great energy of the original flower. Its power is beyond your imagination. However, my cultivation is still low. Use it a little bit of power. As my cultivation grows, it is more and more useful. For example..."

Yanshan soul reached out on the stone tablet. Inside are the monks who are still:

"These monks who were still at the beginning were squatting under the joint hands of the lord and the lord. When they knew that they could not escape, they used the time to rest, and all the monks here were still at that moment. The main hall has broken into the void. I have not broken the magical powers now, and I will be able to lift their imprisonment and let them use it for me after I have cultivated and upgraded.

Xu Ziyan is speechless. She found that if there is no Yanshan soul, it has always been envied by others to improve her cultivation, but as long as she is with Yanshan soul, the speed of Yanshan soul repair is running in front of her. This is the case, and here he is saying that his cultivation is low. Xu Ziyan pouted and said with a sullen mood:

"Are you showing off your repairs?"

Yanshan soul looked a glimpse, then cried and laughed, seeing Xu Ziyan glaring at him, hurriedly squinting, said seriously:

"Ziyan, my cultivation has improved faster, mainly because I have the complete inheritance of 琅琊, and as long as I keep refining my body, I can..."

Said here, Yanshan soul wrinkled and frowned: "When I completely refine the body of the cockroach, there is no advantage."

Xu Ziyan knew that the Yanshan soul said the truth, then turned to look at the monks in the ball: "Mountain Soul, what are these monks repairing?"

Yanshan soul's mouth fluttered a smugly: "Ziyan, you feel that you want to go through the outside passage, come here, what is the worst?"


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Introduction: Past lives in the hospital bed for a lifetime, after reborn, Chu Ning is determined to

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PS: Chu Ning wanted to learn the flow of benevolence, and suddenly found that he was really not the piece of material, suddenly awakened, Xiu Xian also had to go black!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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