The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1362: Big than the beginning

"Go, of course, go!" Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, then asked: "What about the second thing?"

"The second thing I heard was in the Sun family." The look of the purple dress is a little dignified: "Our purple family is one of the eight first-class families of the Zhongyuan Galaxy. This time, going to the Sun family is to form an alliance with the Sun family. We There are common enemies, Xuejia and Qinjia, who are the first-class family of Zhongyuan Galaxy. In these decades, Sunjia and Zijia have been constantly rubbing with Xuejia and Qinjia. Ten years ago, Xuejia and Qinjia formed an alliance. Fighting against the Zi family and the Sun family. This fairy war has continued for ten years. The Zi family and the Sun family are at a disadvantage and have lost a lot. So we have our two alliances.

However, in this decade, both Zijia and Sunjia have a lot of affiliated families almost destroyed. I happened to hear from Sun’s family, a cousin family of Sun’s family, a dragon family ranked first among second-rate families, because The family's residence is on the front line of the fairy war. The loss has been serious in the past ten years, and the planet where they lived was occupied by the Xue family one year ago, and lost the ethnic land. The grandson is ready to arrange them to Tianguixing. However, the Tiangui City of Tianguixing is controlled by a side branch of the Sun family. Naturally, the Dragon House will not be arranged to Tiangui City. It is said that they will be arranged to Yueji City. ”

Speaking of this, Ziyi looked at Xu Ziyan with some worries: "The dragon family is in the middle of the second-rate family. Although it is now because of the fairy war with the Xue family, the strength has declined, but it is still not negligible, and the dragon family is very overbearing. You must be careful with your family."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and she was not afraid of a dragon family. She was afraid of the Sun family behind the dragon family. After all, the Sun family is a first-class family. Its heritage is not comparable to that of Xu. Today, Xu Ziyan came to the Zhongyuan galaxy for a short time, and the position of the Cangwu mainland in the Xu family is very low. Many Zixing galaxies do not understand the situation. For example, the strength of the first-class family Sun family is not known. I sincerely ask for advice from Ziyi:

"The purple coat. How is the strength of the Sun family?"

The eyebrows of the purple coat were picked, and she did not allow the meaning of the purple smoke. Although she did not get along with Xu Ziyan, she also knew Xu Ziyan very well. Xu Ziyan belongs to the kind of person who is easy to get along with if you don't provoke me. But once she got rid of her. Her rebound is absolutely strong.

Is it purple smoke... still want to resist the Sun family?

Shaking his head slightly, the purple clothes opened this unrealistic idea, but still explained like Xu Ziyan:

"The grandson of Sun's family is the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian. It is said that his cultivation has exceeded the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, and is infinitely close to the critical point of breaking through Xianjun. It has been closed for centuries. If he really broke through Xianjun, Zhongyuan There will be a super family in the galaxy. It is said that in addition to the ancestors of the Sun family, there are more than 30 nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, not to mention the number of people in the late nine days of Xuanxian."

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile. With the strength of the current Xu family, even if he added himself, he is not the opponent of Sun’s family. If it really collides, maybe Xu will really be destroyed.

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan thanked him sincerely.

The purple clothes hesitated, and finally reminded: "Ziyan, you don't want to be impulsive. Xu family is not a first-class family, you don't understand the strength of the first-class family, Xu family is not a Sun family opponent. If the dragon family really came to Yueji City, can Forbearance will endure some."

Xu Ziyan nodded, staggered the topic, and chatted with the purple dress after the two sides came to the Zhongyuan galaxies. In the next few days, Xu Ziyan served as the host, and visited the Xu family with purple clothes, while the ancestor Xu Zhenshan was working for a hundred years.

this day.

The big family in the Xu family has finally begun.

The ratio of the first stage is the ratio between the Tianxian period, and the location of the big ratio is located in the central area. It is the peak of the 撼 system. In the sky is divided into hundreds of independent spaces. In this way, you can enjoy the test in the space, there will be no sinister leaks, and the outside audience can clearly watch the battle inside.

The veins of the Cangwu continent originally had forty-nine Tianxian monks, and among these forty-nine Tianxian disciples, there were nineteen peaks of the late Tianxian. However, after taking the six-character chaos of Xu Ziyan, these 19 disciples broke through the Luo Tianshang period. So there are only thirty disciples in the Tianxian period. And these thirty out of eight are the cultivation of the late Tianxian period, and the remaining twenty-two are the realm of the peak of the late Tianxian period.

At this time, the twenty-two Tianxian disciples appeared in the space of Dabi. Each of them had two pieces of fairy, one defense, one attack, and they were all the peaks of the five products. This is already very prominent at the level of the Tianxian period. Even if it is a lineage, if it is not a disciple who is mainly trained, it is impossible to equip the early stage of the five-character peaks in the Tianxian period. What is prepared is that the four-product late stage is also remarkable.

And the ratio of the fairy season, the prize is the second, not expensive. For the disciples of Xu family, it is valuable that the top ten can become Xujiayi disciples, so that they have the welfare of the disciples, and they can cultivate in the central area, which is the greatest attraction for them.

Xu Ziyan stood by and looked up at the fight in the independent space. He stood next to Xu Xiangling and other disciples. The old ancestor Xu Zhenshan was sitting on the high platform. One hundred and twenty-eight of the Xu family, one is the patriarch, and the other one hundred and twenty-seven are the elders. At this time, Xu Zhenshan sat in the last seat, but the look was no longer the gloom of the past, but the eyes staring at the competition within the independent space.

The 22-member disciple of the Cangwu mainland participated in the first round of the contest. It is necessary to know that the disciples will not participate in this level of comparison, and the equipment of these branch disciples will not be enough in front of the twenty-two disciples of Xu Ziyan.

The ratio of Dabi is three rounds per day. When the third round is over, the result is that the Xu family is stunned. It has always been a branch of the vast continent that will be completely eliminated in the first three rounds of the first day. Twenty-two of the entries actually passed the third round.

There was a lot of cheers in the valley, and the ancestors were so angry that they opened a bonfire party in the valley. First, I praised the disciples of the 22nd Tianxian period, and then waved them and opened them.

Xu Ziyan and his ancestors also had the nine nine-day Xuan Xian monks, plus a purple coat sitting around the campfire, leaning against a beast on the campfire, oily, full of aroma.

During the laughter and laughter, a disciple of the late Tianxian period came to the front of Xu Ziyan. There seemed to be something to say, but he was very cautious. Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at him without saying anything, but his eyes were full of encouragement. The people around him looked at him with great interest, and finally he had the courage to say, Ai Ai said:

"Aunt, is the fairy you gave us your own refining?"

“Oh?” Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows picked up slightly and still smiled and said, “What do you think?”

"I want to learn a refiner?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and couldn't help thinking. He would have to leave the Zhongyuan galaxies one day. If he could leave some inheritance to the Xu family of the Zhongyuan galaxies like the lower galaxies, it would make the Xu family stronger. Slightly nodded:

"This thing is waiting for me to discuss with my ancestors, and I must satisfy your idea of ​​learning the refiner."

The disciple was overjoyed and his face showed a cheerful look. He bowed to Xu Ziyan and turned and ran back. Xu Ziyan looked at the cheerful back, and decided in the heart.

For Xu Jia, Xu Ziyan is grateful. It’s not just the family, the five-line conversion that the ancestors gave her. The help for Xu Ziyan was too great. It made her seem to open a window she had never seen before and saw a new world. If Xu Ziyan can combine the five elements of transformation and the creation of a new fairy, the transformation of the five elements will play a vital role. It can be said that if Xu Ziyan can stand in the middle of the fairy world in the future, this transformation of the five elements is a decisive part of laying the foundation for her. No matter how Xu Ziyan returns Xu, it is not excessive.

The moon rises to heaven.

The man gradually dispersed, and Xu Ziyan came to the ancestral courtyard with his ancestors, and the two men sat opposite each other. Xu Ziyan said softly:

"Old ancestors, I want to establish an alchemy hall, a sacred hall, a refining hall and a fairy tales in our branch."

The ancestors looked at the half-sound, and they reacted from the incredible. They asked in disbelief: "Ziyan, we have no inheritance of alchemy, and the inheritance of refiners. Xu has always had disciples, but no Inheritance, how can we achieve something. In fact, this is not just our Xu family, many families have also spent a lot of resources, want to train a few talents in this area, but they have failed.

Therefore, nowadays, our Xu family are spending huge sums of money to recruit some alchemy, the masters of the refiner, but they can’t recruit any masters. The masters of this aspect that we have recruited are the only ones. The early masters, many high-grade Xiandan, Xianfu, Xianju and Xianzhen all have to spend Xianjing to buy. Purple smoke, now you have to open four in our branch, but you have a heritage? ”

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "My ancestors, these days, you will count the disciples who are willing to learn these four aspects, and the following things will be handled by me."

The old ancestors looked at Xu Ziyan with deep thoughts. For a long time, they sighed and whispered: "Ziyan, we have you as our blessing. I know that you have a lot of secrets, I will not ask. However, Not only is our pulse, but the Xu family is also very weak. The Zhongyuan Galaxy is only in the middle of the second-rate family. If you reveal too many secrets, it will put you at risk."


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