The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1363: Night travel

Xu Ziyan was silent. She knew that her ancestors were completely correct. Even if Xu Jiaxuan does not greet her secrets, it is difficult to ensure that other families will not be greedy. Once you have the alchemy system, the inheritance of the refinery array will be revealed, and you will be in the center of the storm.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Ziyan was finally prepared to leave a legacy for Xu. The reason why I am now in danger is because the Xu family is not strong enough. If the Xu family is strong enough, even if you get the chance of Tianda, who would dare to question? Who dares to play the idea of ​​Xu Jia?

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and said with a sigh: "The ancestor, Xu family is only strong, and there will be no disciples like me in the future. Even if you get the chance, there are still many concerns. Even for the future of Xu. We have to fight once."

The eyes of the ancestors were wet, and the voice trembled and said: "Ziyan, thank you! Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Old ancestors, you count the disciples, I will take them away from Xu, I know a few masters, I will introduce family disciples under their doors."

The ancestors only looked at Xu Ziyan calmly, no longer asked Xu Ziyan any questions about inheritance, and did not ask her to know the masters. Just solemnly nodded:

"The disciples of the family like the alchemy, the refinery, I know. Waiting for me to ask them again tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and chatted with his ancestors a few words, then left. Returning to his room, Xu Ziyan sat on the bed with his knees, sweeping toward his storage ring, and finally the gods locked a slap-sized fairy. It was a nine-piece fairy, and it was a space fairy, which was given to her by the Yanshan soul.

This space fairy is much higher than He Boxian, and the **** of Xu Ziyan took this space fairy into the purple smoke space. Came to the purple smoke planet. Throw that space fairy into the air. The space fairy is instantly enlarged, which is a palace, very huge.

Xu Ziyan let the peaches and other demon, opened a few medicinal gardens in the garden behind the palace. And transplant some herbs into them, and fill those pharmacies. Later, four rooms were selected within the palace, and some materials for the alchemy and the refinery were placed.

Finally, I will tell them one by one, Dan Yi, Fu Yi and Yu Yi. I will tell them their own thoughts. Xu Ziyan kept them mysterious. In an undisclosed identity, one hour is taken each day to teach the Xujia disciples the alchemy. In the future, after Xu’s disciples were learned, Xu Ziyan sent them back to Xu’s family. They would not know any secrets of Xu Ziyan. They only knew that Xu Ziyan introduced them to the doors of several masters.

After everything was arranged, Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen left the purple smoke space with a space fairy. Xu Ziyan put the space fairy into the body and placed it outside the purple smoke space. Refining began within Dantian. Xu Ziyan knows that it is not easy to refine a nine-piece fairy, but she is not in a hurry. Anyway, there is still a period of time beyond the end of a hundred years.

On the second day, the Tianxian period was still continuing. The disciples of all the branches of the Tianxian period paid attention to the mainland of the Cangwu continent at this time, but the fairy tales of the early peaks of these five products were like a mountain in front of them. It is difficult for them to climb. And everyone is the peak of the late Tianxian period, one side has five defenses and aggressive **** devices, one side is only the peak of the four products in the late stage, the situation is completely face to face. After ten days of the Tianxian period. The top ten were all captured by the pulse of the mainland.

No one thought of this result. Even the patriarch Xu Tiantian did not think of it. But what he didn't even think about was that the ten celestial continents only accepted the top ten material rewards, but they refused to join the shackles in the same way, preferring to stay in the mainland.

Xu Ziyan is very pleased. The ancestors were very pleased, and all the Xu disciples were very happy. but. The disciples of the shackles are very unhappy, and the rejection of the disciples of the mainland has made their faces very radiant. In the past, those branch disciples were proud to join the shackles, and things that were rejected like this have never happened. Sitting in the high position of the cloud, Xu Haotian was sullen and looked at the ten Tianxian disciples standing in front of him. He said:

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! We are sure!" Ten Tianxian disciples answered firmly.

Xu Haotian felt a sullen sigh in his heart, and snorted, faintly said: "Go on."

"Xie chief!"

Ten disciples of the Tianxian period retreated and then flew away toward Xu Ziyan.

"Aunt, we won!"

"Well, my aunt will reward you!" Xu Ziyan smiled.

"Thank you aunt!" Ten disciples looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of admiration. Once upon a time, joining the shackles was their dream, but the arrival of Xu Ziyan brought them a different world.

Xiandan, equipment, all of which made them lose their yearning for the shackles. They only felt that as long as they followed Xu Ziyan, their future would not be worse than the shackles, and they might be better than them. This is just an intuition, but once this intuition takes root in the heart, it grows up lush.

The reputation of the mainland of Cangwu was first raised, and the disciples of other branches of Xu family looked differently at the eyes of the mainland. Shocked, confused, and disdainful...

This is just a big comparison of the Tianxian period. It is rare for the Cangwu mainland to have a chance to have a disciple enter the shackles and even give up. Is this silly continent a silly one? Really thought that they are flying into the sky? When the big ratio of Luo Tianshang Xianyue, they know that the overall strength, the mainland is still a slag.

The next day.

Luo Tianshang began to compare with the fairy, but Xu Ziyan did not participate. I thought that the purple dress suddenly received the family message and let her return to the family immediately. Xu Ziyan practiced a purple dress in a restaurant in Yueji City. After returning to the family, it has ended two rounds. In addition to the gift of Xu Ziyan, the five-phase mid-level peak fairy, the disciples of the Cangwu mainland were eliminated in addition to the early days of Luo Tianshangxian, and the remaining disciples had passed the first two rounds.

The strength of the Cangwu mainland has finally attracted the attention of the family. At the time of the Tianxian period, they found that the Cangwu continent is equipped with the five peaks of the early stage, and it is a defense and an attack. When they saw the Tiantian of the Cangwu mainland, the disciples of the Tianshen period were equipped with the peaks of the five products, and the eyes of each one became different. It wouldn't be uncommon for one or a few disciples to have such equipment in the Cangwu continent. Who hasn't had an adventure? However, almost everyone in the mainland of the Cangwu is like this, and this cannot be ignored.

And this is only the Tianxian period and the Luotian Shangxian period. What about the Da Luo Jin Xian period and the nine days Xuan Xian period? When I think about it, my heart will not shake. In particular, the branches of the Southern District are even more uneasy. The Da Luo Jin Xian period and the Jiu Tian Xuan Xian period, which are afraid of the mainland, are also so equipped. Wouldn’t it be necessary to take their cultivation peaks?

Where did they know that the mainland of China did not see the Southern District, and even the Western and Eastern Districts were not in their eyes. Their eyes were directly on the central area.

In the days of Luo Tianshang's immortality, after five days, the middle-class disciple of Luo Tianshang in the Cangwu mainland was also eliminated. After another three days, the disciples of Luo Tianshang’s late stage were also eliminated, leaving only eight Luo Tianshang’s late peaks.

When Luo Tianshang’s immortality was attended by the disciples, the quality improved a lot. The connotation of the disciples of the Cangwu mainland is still worse, especially in the shortcomings of the exercises. In the final ten places, only two people entered the mainland, one ranked eighth and one ranked tenth.

Xu Ziyan has already had a plan in mind. After planning the ratio, he will build the valley well. After that, he will build a library, give the practice of Yanshan soul to her, copy a batch, put it in the library, and let all the family disciples Practice.

For only two Luo Tianshen disciples who were in the top ten, Xu Ziyan had regrets in his heart. He watched the two Luo Tianshen disciples on stage to receive prizes happily, and the expression of Xu Ziyan’s joyful voice. stand up.


Just a hundred years!

Waiting until the next time the Xu family is 100 years old, the Cangwu mainland will surely stand out from the crowd. Xu Ziyan clenches his fists and makes his eyes shine. The ancestors sitting in the clouds have already had a happy eye.

Within the courtyard of the old ancestors, Xu Ziyan and his ancestors studied the side of the Da Luo Jin Xian period in the future. Xu Ziyan only slightly moved, stretched his waist and slowly walked out of the courtyard of his ancestors.

A round of lonely moons, some cold at night. Xu Ziyan was so tired that he walked out of the valley and walked aimlessly in the Xu family. The two sides of the tree are dense, the mountain wind is blowing slowly, the crisp spring water is flowing from the ear, the stars are twinkling, the moonlight is pouring, and the land is shining.

Unconsciously, Xu Ziyan went to the central area and stood on the bank of a long river. He felt the rich Xianyuan power here, and his heart was full of enthusiasm:

"Since I am able to re-establish the Xu family that has fallen apart from the mainland, and bring the Xu family to the peak of the mainland. Since I can build a home in the lower galaxies from scratch, then I will It is able to bring the Xu family of the Zhongyuan galaxies to the peak of the Zhongyuan galaxies. The Xu family in the mainland of the celestial continent falls apart, and the lower galaxies do not have the Xu family. However, the Zhongyuan galaxies have the family of Xu family, and it is still a second-rate. The family, the starting point is stronger than the vast mainland and the lower galaxies. I have any reason not to bring the Xu family to the peak?"

A breeze swept through, and the sound of the cymbal sounded in the wind, corresponding to the flow of river water in front of him, was intoxicating. Xu Ziyan only felt the spirit, and he went to find the sound of the piano. The sound of the piano gradually became clear, as if Fengming was nine, and it was like a river.


I am sick, very heavy, cold and painful!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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