The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1364: First encounter with Xu Qinyang

Xu Ziyan was so excited that he took out the jade flute across his lips. He should play with the sound of the piano, and the time flute and sound. In the space, the fish in the river jumped out of the water cheerfully, and the waves were spectacular.

The other party also felt that Xu Ziyan was a master of temperament, and joy was heard in the piano sound, and the flute of Xu Ziyan was also joyous and infinite. Between the melody and the flute, the temperament entangled and collided with a vision. In the sky, it seems as if there are colorful flowers in the sky, a fairy crane is passing by, the stream is jumping in the mountains, and the water drops are splashing...

The sound of the xylophone came to an abrupt end, only the afterglow was coiled in the air, and the vision in the air gradually dissipated. Then a young girl walked among the green trees and flowers, came to the front of Xu Ziyan, bowed his knees and whispered:

"There are few patriarchs please!"

"Little patriarch?"

Xu Ziyan looked around and couldn't help but laugh, and he even came to Yu Tianfeng unconsciously. Slightly hesitant, the girl went to the inside.

Turning over a tree, I saw a water pavilion on the river, and the sound of the piano rose again.

"Dragon Cloud?"

Xu Ziyan could not help but slow down, and there seemed to be a dragon in the cloud, and Shenlong saw no end. Slightly narrowed his eyes, the gauze was hung above the water pavilion, and the wind blew the gauze, revealing a young man in white, sitting cross-legged, in front of a case, a few Guqin.

The river is filled with fairy fog, and everything looks awkward. The young man in white draped his eyes, and his hands twitched, and it sounded crisp and exquisite.

A long hair flutters freely, like a river of ink rushing down. The face is fortitude, and the doubles are like stars. A white shirt. Against him, he is more free and easy.

The body naturally transmits a noble temperament, which is the nobleness that can be edified in the family since childhood, but the fingertips are gently moved, which makes people feel close.

Xu Ziyan walked onto the water pavilion. Quietly standing aside, waiting for the young patriarch to pay a sigh of relief, only looked up at Xu Ziyan, said with a gentle smile:

"Please sit down."

Xu Ziyan gently sat on a grass futon opposite him. The young patriarch stared at her for a moment with the starry eyes, and once again showed her face:

"Xu Ziyan?"

Xu Ziyan smiled slightly and leaned over: "Ziyan has seen a few patriarchs."

The young patriarchs waved handily: "We are the same sect, why should we call the minority patriarch? My name is Xu Qinyang. It is better for us to be commensurate with the brothers and sisters... Oh... yes, purple smoke, now you are ageing? I am now 3 thousand and 100 years old. ""


Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look at Xu Qinyang. Seeing that the other side is now the cultivation of the early days of Xuantian, remembering that the Dalu Jinxian monk of the Baili family once said that in the middle of the galaxies, the 5,000-year-old breakthrough to the nine-day Xuanxian is common. Qualification, and Xu Qinyang is only 3,100 years old. It seems that the qualification is good. Seeing that Xu Qinyang’s look is mild and arrogant, Xu Ziyan’s heart can’t help but smile, but he can’t lie and tell, honestly:

"Little girl is fifty-eight years old!"

Xu Qinyang clearly stunned, and gradually the arrogance between the eyebrows became bitter, and he said:

"That seems I am a brother!"

"Little sister has seen my brother!" Xu Ziyan hurriedly leaned down and bowed.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Qinyang suddenly burst into laughter, and the bitterness between the eyebrows disappeared instantly. It became a warm and jade-like color, and looked at Xu Ziyan with appreciation:

"I didn't think that I had a real genius! I hope that Xu can be carried forward on your body!"

Xu Ziyan just smiles and does not speak. Xu Qinyang’s look gradually calmed down and said:

"Ziyan, although Xu family is divided into branches and branches, but it is a family. The unity of a family is crucial to the survival of the Zhongyuan galaxies. The recent changes in the history of the mainland are related to you. So take the liberty to talk to you, don't be nervous. Just when you, my brother and sister talk privately. Ok?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was alert and looked up to see Xu Qinyang’s eyes as sincere, and nodded lightly:

"Please Qinyang brother express!"

Xu Qinyang took a soft breath and said with a sigh: "The mainland has always been weak. Now it suddenly becomes strong. The previous days have been broken, and the equipment of every disciple is shocking. These are good things. As long as the family's strength can be enhanced, the family is only happy and will not ask. But..."

Xu Qinyang’s star shimmered and continued: “But why did the ten disciples of the mainland’s mainland refuse to join the shackles? Ziyan’s sister is only 58 years old, but she has reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian’s late stage. Genius. If you don't think how long it will take, you will break through the nine-day Xuanxian. You will shine in the future, and the family will increase in strength because of you. However, your department refused the recruitment of the system, is it... ...other ideas?"

Xu Ziyan actually had a plan in the heart for the development direction of the mainland. She knows the meaning of Xu Qinyang’s words. It is nothing more than two meanings. One is to ask Xu Ziyan, the mainland of the sky wants to leave Xu’s independence. Going out? The other is that Xu is trying to capture the position of the patriarch?

In fact, Xu Ziyan has no interest in the position of the patriarch. After experiencing the mainland and the lower galaxies, she really didn't want to work harder. She wanted to establish the unique history of the mainland. Similar to a cultivation of holy places, Xu Jiaxiu will be the strongest master in the future, and he will also gather the alchemy and the refiner. That is to say, the Xu family is still controlled by the shackles, but the Cangwu mainland is the cultivation of the holy land.

In the Xu family has a pivotal position, it can also be seen as a system independent of the shackles, usually ignore the family, and only seeks immortality. The Xu family's shackles and branch disciples can also enter the Cangwu mainland to practice, but after passing the assessment, the mainland of the Cangwu continent will be the elite gathering place of the Xu family from now on.

In fact, the reason why Xu Ziyan has this idea is inseparable from her personality. She has never been a strong-powered person, but she is weak. Her ideal is to seek heaven and be a free-spirited immortal. Therefore, she also wants to establish a place where the disciples are based on the idea of ​​seeking heaven, but only when the family needs it.

But will this idea of ​​your own be accepted by the family? Xu Ziyan was hesitant. Xu Qinyang saw the hesitation of Xu Ziyan, and gradually revealed the color of disappointment in his eyes. His look was a bit stunned:

"But it, only when my brother did not ask, but the purple smoke sister can focus on the family in the future."

Xu Ziyan heard a dissatisfaction from Xu Qinyang's look and tone, but it also had a helplessness, a kind of helplessness to Xu Ziyan because of family. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel a heat. From the capital city of the world to the Xiuxian, and then to the lower galaxies, the cohesiveness of this family was felt for the first time.

This kind of helplessness is because the care of the family, although dissatisfied with the practice of the mainland, but still do not want to crack in the family. The strength of the Xu family is not high in the Zhongyuan galaxies, but it can occupy the position of the middle reaches, which is inseparable from the cohesiveness of this family.

A slight trade-off, think of the pulse of the mainland, if you want to follow your own ideas, these things will soon let the family know, they whispered their own ideas. After listening to Xu Qinyang, the stars have become radiant. Long time:

"You... can you do that?"

He understood the concept of Xu Ziyan, but the ideal of Xu Ziyan is too great. If you want to achieve the ideal of Xu Ziyan, not just the problem of resources, this problem family can help solve. The most important thing is the issue of inheritance, not to mention the alchemy system, the refining of the array of these Xu family does not have the inheritance of things, that is, the Xu family is not rich in this aspect.

The homework of Xu Jia is mainly sound work. They have also thought about enriching the practice of Xu family, because not all people are suitable for practicing sound work, which requires a disciple who has talent for music theory. But where is the work done so easily? Xu family has experienced countless generations and has not filled this short board. Therefore, in Xu Qinyang's view, Xu Ziyan's idea is good, but it is difficult.

"Do your best, the family needs to develop, you must have such a holy place. A few days ago, a friend of the Purple family came to see me. We exchanged a lot. In her speech, I learned that the four super There are such holy places in the family and the eight first-class families. My friend is a disciple of the Purple House."

Xu Qinyang sighed softly, the breeze swept over, the white body fretting, said melancholy:

"I know that not only the four super families and the eight first-class families, but also the top families in the second-rate family are also the same. We don't want to do it, but... there is no way..."

Xu Ziyan also sighed in the heart, if not the Yanshan soul gave him a lot of exercises, he can only hope to sigh. If it is not the body space, there is no one, let yourself personally teach the Xu family disciples to make the alchemy, and the refiner is not in that time. Looking at Xu Qinyang, his eyes firmly said:

"Take this thing to me!"

Xu Qinyang’s eyes became serious and he said with a sigh: “Are you really sure?”

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Don't try to know?"

"Good!" Xu Qinyang made a few shots: "I will ask my father to draw a place in the central area to give you a pulse of the mainland, and what requirements do you have, though I will try to satisfy you."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "In the central region, we must occupy a place in the mainland, but we must fight for ourselves. As for resources, if my concept is successful, the resources needed for the future holy land must be provided by the family. This requires the family to come up with A charter. However, it is still a trial stage. If the family invests in too many resources in the mainland, it will certainly cause dissatisfaction with other branches. Only when all the family disciples see the success of the Holy Land, they are willing to invest. It’s still carried out by our own mainland China!”


I am seriously ill...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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