The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1366: Fighting

Thanks to the care of the comrades, the condition has begun to improve!


Xu Haotian sat in the main position of the cloud, and his eyes were always on the body of Xu Ziyan. He already knows the conversation between Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. He is very appreciative of Xu Ziyan's philosophy and has been paying attention to Xu Ziyan's game. However, the performance of Xu Ziyan has always disappointed him.

On the ground, Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze and expressed disappointment. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan's talk gave him a feeling of bright eyes, but after a game, the disappointment in his heart was getting bigger and bigger.

Xu Ziyan's eyes have been paying attention to the other four pairs of games. She knows that there are protections for the early peaks of the six products. They will not be injured, but the scene is cold. It is not necessarily a good thing to let them suffer more pressure. Only under pressure can they grow fast. However, Xu Ziyan could not accept such an extremely ugly draw. The fairy in her hand was collected, and her move made the other party sigh, and said:

"Do she want to admit defeat?"

This thought just floated up, and I saw Xu Ziyan’s hands turning over, the ten fingers moving together, and the swaying fingers, just an instant, the sky was silver.


Thousands of moons, like a crescent moon, hovering, sharp, swarming toward him and another monk.

Layers are stacked to show off the dazzling silver light. Xu Ziyan controls the power of the Yuejin Wheel at the peak of the late Luojinxian, surrounded by two star-peak monks. Let the monks on your side be idle. The free monk immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, his body swept in the air and rushed to another Star Peak monk. Two people began to pinch each other.

The two monks in the moon fine wheel changed greatly, waving the fairy to the left and right, and wanted to rush out of the moon's fine wheel, but they were blocked by layers of lunar wheels. Thousands of months of fine wheels give them too much pressure, just a few breaths of time, they have only the power of parry, even the footsteps have no chance to move.

The whole world is a quiet. The noisy voice suddenly disappeared. Xu Ziyan, the ancestor of the ancestor, looked at Xu Zishan, the ancestor of the cloud. The ancestors Xu Zhenshan was also flashing in the eyes. Xu Xiaotian slightly straightened his spine. Xu Qinyang looked strange and whispered in his mouth:

“Is this her true strength?”

In less than a quarter of an hour, the star-shaped monk was stunned on the spot under the attack of Xu Ziyan. The two men immediately rushed to a monk, so that four people fought two people. It is another scene of a pinch.

Around a quarter of an hour, the two stars of the monk were defeated. Xu Ziyan looked at the two star-studded monks surrounded by layers in the moon wheel. The corner of his mouth contained a smile. The two monks looked helplessly and said to Xu Ziyan:

"We admit defeat!"

Xu Ziyan's hands are shining, and the layered moonlight wheels are scattered, turning into a little bit of water. Just like sprinkling a curtain of water, it reflects the colorful light and the extreme.


There was a round of applause, and everyone looked for it. I saw Xu Qinyang applauding and looking at Xu Ziyan in the enchantment. His eyes were full of appreciation.


The applause sounded from all sides, although this fight was still suspected by the power of the fairy, but the strength of Xu Ziyan undoubtedly won the admiration of the family monk.

"Xu Ziyan, if not you have a fairy. Even if you can be one to two. Win is also us."

The two confessed Star Peak monks were dissatisfied, and the outsiders heard their words, and their faces were also recognized. If there is no six-piece fairy on the side of Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that it will be shortly after the war. The four monks will be defeated, so only Xu Ziyan is left. Can she still beat five?

I want to understand this, and the applause will be pulled up at a time.

Xu Ziyan just smiled, her gesture also won the respect of the two confessed Star Peak monks, and after the ceremony, they withdrew from the enchantment.

Returning to the side of the mainland, suddenly a cheer was heard. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and gave each of the four monks a recovery Yuan Dan, allowing them to adjust their interest immediately. They also took an elixir and restored their power.

Time passed quickly and the next round began. Xu Ziyan they are on the eighth ranking of the water blue continent. The other party's equipment is stronger than the Xingfeng mainland, and the five people are equipped with the fairy tales of the late five products.

At the beginning of the battle, the mainland of the sky quickly fell into the wind. Xu Ziyan had to release thousands of fine wheels, trapping two monks in layers. The two monks made every effort to solve the number, the fairy or the spell, that is, they could not get out of this layer of the moon.

There is no way to do this. The strength of Xu Ziyan is much higher than that of them. Although the appearance looks like the same realm, the combat power has already pulled them too far.

The final game is still the victory of the mainland, but this applause is sparse. All the people have already recognized it, and the pulse of the mainland is relying on Xu Ziyan alone. However, Xu Ziyan can only be one-on-two if he is more powerful. It is harder to fight in a future game than to win. It is not so easy to win.

The reason why the veins in the central area can occupy the central area is that their combat power is higher than other veins, and it is not a little higher. I am afraid that it is impossible for Xu Ziyan to want one or two.

Sure enough, Xu Ziyan went all the way to the fourth day of the mainland tour, and encountered trouble. The other five people actually have a fairy costume equipped with six products, and the other four are the late peaks of the five products. More importantly, the five people's combat power is very amazing, but in an instant they will be able to beat the four people around Xu Ziyan. The monk who took the first six instruments in the early stage was brave. His fairy was a guqin, but the strings were plucked, and a monk on the side of Xu Ziyan was thrown up to vomit blood.

Xu Ziyan's hands flew for thousands of months, and the fine wheels layered up and down. At once, the other three monks were trapped inside, leaving only two water blue and one veins outside. Such a purple smoke is convenient for one.

The monks watching on and around the clouds were shocked, and one heart was also secretly saying: "Is this purple smoke power able to be one-on-three?"


On a day trip, a monk sits cross-legged, placing six guqin on his lap, while the other two monks put their hands on his vest. Deliver the repairs to the person who plays the piano. It was just that chorus, and the layers of the moon-shaped wheel around them were smashed, and the power of the three peaks of the late Luo Jinxian made Xu Ziyan feel a little scared. It seems that the day before the mainland in the mainland, it was really a serious preparation.

The look of Xu Zhenshan, the ancestor of the cloud, is a dark one. The disciples of the Cangwu mainland are also anxious, silent for a moment. On the contrary, the disciples who traveled to the mainland on the same day rang a cheer. Xu Qinyang’s gaze reveals a little interest. He wants to see how Xu Ziyan will deal with it, and Xu Haotian is deeply stunned, because he sees that Xu Ziyan does not seem to make full efforts, which can’t help but make him feel like a purple smoke. To what extent is her bottom?

That is, Xu Haotian has this vision. The remaining monks almost all showed the end of the battle. The third line of the mainland heard a sigh of relief. If this battle, the purple smoke side wins again, then it is their turn to hear the impact of the mainland on the face of Xu Ziyan.

However, on the occasion of the different minds of all parties, Xu Ziyan pointed to the linkage and turned his hands:


A dragon dragonfly, Xu Ziyan made a water dragon. A thousand long water dragons roared out and hovered in the air. It was only in an instant that the three monks who traveled around the mainland were trapped in the middle. Exploring a faucet, a dragon's mouth, a dragon smashed, it shook the sound.


The strings broke, and along with the dragons, a dense ice gun was ejected from the dragon's mouth, screaming and yelling toward the other three.


The three figures flew out and slammed into the water dragon that trapped them in the middle. They bounced back and fainted.


Another is a dragon. The water dragon lingered in the air. A faucet is aimed at the disciples who have left two days in the mainland. The two disciples had already lost their fighting spirit at this time and immediately called out:

"I surrender!"

Xu Ziyan and others walked out of the enchantment and immediately began to adjust the interest rate, waiting for the next big one to come.

The ancestors of each pulse on the cloud face each other. I did not expect that the purple smoke had reached a desperate situation, and she even made a water dragon. The face of the ancestors who heard more about the mainland is even more ugly. He felt the strength of Xu Ziyan. Will your own preparations keep the water dragons of Xu Ziyan?

Dabi started again!

The five people of Xu Ziyan once again entered the enchantment. At this time, among the five monks who stood across from her, there were actually two equipped with six ornaments, one holding a Tianluo umbrella, one in the hand. Holding a gourd.

For the function of these two pieces of fairy, Xu Ziyan did not know, and the heart could not help but mention a warning, the bell rang, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate, immediately ten fingers, hands turned, a water dragon roared out.


Thousands of feet of water dragons hovered in the air, oscillating space, and instantly surrounded the two monks with six ornaments and a monk.

A dragon screamed with the ice guns in the sky. The monk who did not have the early six elements of the instrument put a hand on the back of the umbrella-bearing monk, and sent his celestial force far and constant, and the umbrella-bearing monk put the umbrella Opened and sacrificed to the air.

Tian Luo Umbrella quickly zoomed in and out of space, releasing a burst of Baoguang, and even blocked the dragon and the ice gun. At this time, another monk holding a gourd also sacrificed the gourd to the air, and a hot flame sprayed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was shocked. He did not expect to hear more about the pulse. He even lent one of the six early products to the disciples, and the power of the early six instruments was indeed huge.


I am very grateful to my classmates, Lin Chun, classmates 120927170647085, butterfly dance rhyme classmates, cheeze classmates, Xie Guanke classmates, zm2003 classmates, baobao040408 classmates, Pujiang recall classmates, 丫丫21 classmates, *^*0 classmates, 丫I love sleeping classmates, big-ear cat classmates, classmates who want to eat cats, espflykite classmates, Miao Lingqing Zhang classmates, summer aroma RR classmates, book friends 100120210846645 classmates, pig head to Zunbao classmates, Kdnio classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates , Sparks classmates, treasure egg mother ~ classmates, **** girl した した classmates, Zheng Huifen classmates, parasitic world classmates, 13001916022 classmates, condensed classmates, cartoon 伶 classmates, Kiki 201104 classmates, night pear classmates, joyzhang2012 classmates, mink shore婲 classmates, hknt16104 classmates, *^*0 classmates, Betsys classmates, want to fly love crying fish classmates, Wen Binger classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, vivizhou classmates, 2341235 classmates, An ^_^ Jing classmates, ktiantian classmates, books Friends 090808154340312 classmates, yanz0530 classmates, linjiawawa classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, purgatory Fengwang classmates, demon cats 1992 classmates Xinghai cloud classmates, students ------- Lv, road pink ticket Xihua students!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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